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1 Directory of State of Utah statistics 19711971-09The Directory of State of Utah Statistics has been developed in response to the need for a fairly comprehensive guide to statistical information published by the State. The Directory is intended to fulfill two objectives. The first and major objective is to make available to policy makers, planners ...
2 Integrated information technology strategic plan2005-10-10Technology, Documentation; Technology, Information servicesThe Integrated Information Technology Strategic Plan is the result of ongoing agreement and consensus of representative faculty, students, and professional information technology staff to serve client needs within the scope and mission of the University of Utah. The University's Information Technolo...
3 Utah economic and demographic profiles1988-08Data users in the public and private sectors frequently are in need of economic and demographic information about the State of Utah. More often than not, however, the needed data is found in numerous government reports, located at several different places, for variousy ears. This report, Utah Econom...
4 UPED index to parameters and exogenous variables data sources and calibration procedures
5 Ending the energy stalemate: A bipartisan strategy to meet America's energy challenges2004-12Energy; Greenhouse gas emissions; Energy supplies; Energy security; Global climate change; National energy policy; Future U.S. energy policy; Bipartisan; Oil security; Vehicle fuel economy standards; Energy efficiency; Sustainable energy; Hybrid vehicles; Natural gas; Refrigerator; Alaska natural ga...This report recommends a revenue-neutral package of measures designed to ensure affordable and reliable supplies of energy for the twenty-first century while responding to growing concern about energy security and the risks of global climate change driven by energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. ...
6 Unconventional fuel development in the western United States: Integrated assessment of water resources, carbon, and energy impacts and management strategies2009unconventional fuels; water resources; carbon; energy impacts; fossil fuels; oil shale; CO2 imprint; CO2 capture and sequestration.The Western United States contains rich fossil resources including abundant supplies of oil shale that could be used to develop substantial quantities of transportation fuel, enhancing energy security in the United States. Development of these resources poses significant questions regarding water re...
7 America's oil shale: A roadmap for federal decision making2004-12Oil shale resources; Oil supply; U.S. economy; Domestic oil shale; Oil production; Multi-agency Federal oil shale plan; Energy; Interior; Defense; Treasury; America; Import dependence; Natural gas by-products; Oil price; Oil supply and demandThe President and the Department of Energy have determined that increasing liquid fuels supply from domestic sources is an important national objective. America's rich and concentrated oil shale resources, containing as much as 2 trillion barrels of potential oil supply could make a major contributi...
8 America's strategic unconventional fuels: Oil shale, tar sands, coal derived liquids, heavy oil, CO2 enhanced recovery and storage2007-09Colorado; Wyoming; Oil shale development; In-situ; Environmental impacts; Water supply issues; Economics; Socio-ecomonic impacts; Infrastructure; Market challenges; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; RD&D; BLM; Leasing program; Federal lands; Oil Shale Program Plan; Energy Policy ActThe Task Force members from Colorado and Wyoming have expressed legitimate concerns about the timing and sequence of Federal efforts to promulgate commercial leasing regulations for oil shale development and initiate leasing activity. They are concerned that the current state of development of surfa...
9 Strategic significance of America's oil shale resource: Volume 1--assessment of strategic issues2004-03oil shale; oil shale resource; petrolium production; tar sand; oil shale development.It is generally agreed that worldwide petroleum supply will eventually reach its productive limit, peak, and begin a long-term decline. What should the United States do to prepare for this event? An objective look at the alternatives points to the Nation's untapped oil shale as a strategically locat...
10 University Research Cyberinfrastructure Committee Interim Report2006-08-31Cyberinfrastructure; Computing; Information Technology; Strategic Plan"Campus cyberinfrastructure is not just about technology." Beyond access to technology, Cyberinfrastructure (CI) defines a new information technology paradigm that includes people and their expertise, enabling technologies, software and tools, and provides a foundation for an integrated approach t...
11 Oil shale: History, incentives, and policy2006-04-13oil shale; retorted oil shale yeilds; liquid hydrocarbonsOil shale is prevalent in the western states of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. The resource potential of these shales is estimated to be the equivalent of 1.8 trillion barrels of oil in place. Retorted oil shale yields liquid hydrocarbons in the range of middle-distillate fuels, such as jet and diesel...
12 UUSAC budget 1993-19941994UUSAC budgetReceipts and budget information for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) for 1993-1994.
13 Policy analysis of the Canadian oil sands experience-Topical Report2013-09Topical Report; Oil & Natural Gas Technology; October 1, 2009-September 30, 2014; Canadian Oil Sands; Policy; Subtask 6.2For those who support U.S. oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands industry is often identified as a model the U.S. might emulate, yielding financial and energy security benefits. For opponents of domestic oil sands development, the Canadian oil sands experience illustrates the risks that oppo...
14 Economic & demographic futures 1980-20001980-01Special acknowledgement is appropriate for the efforts of the Community Planning Policy Committee which provided continual guidance to the Water Quality staff over a six month period; in addition to Jean Watanbe, Office of the State Planning Coordinator, Brad Barber and Greg Selby formerly with the ...
15 PERF Project 2014-10 Results and Analysis of the VISR Method for Remote Flare Monitoring2019The Petroleum Environmental Research Forum (PERF) is a non-profit organization created to provide a stimulus to and a forum for the collection, exchange, and analysis of research information relating to the development of technology for health, environment and safety; waste reduction; and system sec...
16 Employment and population analysis and projections Salt Lake Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1962-09Thomas A. McLean and Mrs. Connie P. Faulkner, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered very valuable assistance in the preparation of this report. The Utah Department of Employment Security was most cooperative and helpful in making available the necessary basic data for this stud...
17 Carbon capture and sequestration: A regulatory gap assessment - Topical report2012-04carbon capture and sequestration; gap assessment; CCS; climate changeThough a potentially significant climate change mitigation strategy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) remains mired in demonstration and development rather than proceeding to full-scale commercialization. Prior studies have suggested numerous reasons for this stagnation. This Report seeks to e...
18 The Utah process alternative futures 1975-1990, volume 1: assumptions and projections1975-09Volumes I and II of The Utah Process Alternative Futures, 1975-1990, contain the set of Alternative Future projections of economic and demographic conditions produced by the Utah State Planning Coordinator's Office for the State of Utah and its Multi-County Planning Districts (MCD) in response to th...
19 CRS report for Congress: Developments in oil shale2008-11-17Green River; Oil shale formation; Colorado; Utah; Wyoming; Oil; Oil shale; Diesel; Jet fuel; Department of Energy; DOE; Synthetic fuels; Petroleum; Energy Policy Act of 2005; EPAct; BLM; Oil research, development, and demonstration; RD&D; Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement; PEIS; Oil shale ...The Green River oil shale formation in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming is estimated to hold the equivalent of 1.38 trillion barrels of oil equivalent in place. The shale is generally acknowledged as a rich potential resource; however, it has not generally proved to be economically recoverable. Thus, it ...
20 Water, Energy, and Carbon Management Issues and Assessment Models for Oil Shale Development in the Piceance Basin of the Western Energy Corridor2010-08-04fossil resources; oil shale; water management; energy management; carbon management; oil shale development; Piceance Basin; Western Energy CorridorThe Western United States contains rich fossil resources including abundant supplies of oil shale that could be used to develop substantial quantities of transportation fuel, enhancing energy security in the United States. Development of these resources poses significant questions regarding water re...
21 Employment and population analysis and projections Ogden Metropolitan Area, Utah and the United States1963-07Thomas A. McLean and M r s . Connie P„ F a u l k n e r , graduate s t u d e n t s , and David L . Sutton, a senior student, in the Department of Economics, r e n d e r e d very valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a t i o n of this r e p o r t. The Utah Department of Employment Se...
22 Employment, population, income and automobiles in Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo Metropolitan Area and State of Utah1966-12William C a r l i s l e and Michael A. Stoddard, graduate students in the Department of Economics, rendered v e r y valuable a s s i s t a n c e in the p r e p a r a tion of t h i s r e p o r t . Gregory M. Nielson, graduate student in Mathematics, a s s i s t e d in computer programming, and Iver...
23 Employment and population analysis and projections Provo metropolitan area, Utah and the United States1964-09This is the third and final report analyzing and projecting the employment profile and estimating the future population of Utah's three Metropolitan Areas Salt Lake, Ogden, and Provo--as part of a transportation study of each area by the Utah State Highway Department and local government agencies ...
24 A growth allocation model for the Boston region1965-05The model described in this article is based on extremely simple concepts and represents the first case of a complete model covering all aspects of urban location. Basically, the future growth of each of a number of activities in a number of subareas of the Boston Metropolitan Region is projected in...
25 CoursesCourses provided at the University of Utah
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