1 - 25 of 13
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1 3-D Design of free-form B-Spline surfaces (CSTD-74-005)1974-09Textir_uspace
2 96-97 Final report: ALA/USIA library fellow to ethiopia1997-07-07Textir_uspace
3 A subdivision algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces (CSTD-74-006)1974-12Textir_uspace
4 Beyond databases: a creative approach in keeping up with our growing resources2005Textir_uspace
5 Computer generated animation of faces1972-06Textir_uspace
6 Computer-assisted visual communication (CSTD-73-004)1973-07Textir_uspace
7 Digital image deblurring by nonlinear homomorphic filtering (CSTD-74-004)1974-08Textir_uspace
8 GPO Public Access Assessment2012-05-22Textir_uspace
9 Illimunation of computer generated images (CSTD-73-005)1973-07Textir_uspace
10 Sabbatical report (July 2015 - December 2015)2015-12Textir_eua
11 Salt Lake PTRC Report, 20132013Textir_uspace
12 University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library: sustainability collection development policy report2012-10-31Textir_su
13 University of Utah Professors Emeriti Club: A brief history, 1965-19992000-06Textir_eua
1 - 25 of 13