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1 Use of a submersible viscometer in the primary separation step of the hot water process for recovery of bitumen from tar sand1987-01-20
2 Multiple drain method for recovering oil from tar sand2001-07-24Patent; Thermal method; Immobile hydrocarbon oil; Subsurface tar sand deposit; Bore holesA thermal method is described for recovering normally immobile hydrocarbon oil from a subsurface tar sand deposit. The procedure comprises: (a) establishing at least one substantially vertical production bore hole extending from the surface of the earth to at least the bottom of said subsurface form...
3 Monitoring surfactant content to control hot water process for tar sand1991-04-23Patent; Hot water process; Tar sand; Extraction; SurfactantsThe present invention is based on the following: (1) that when tar sand is conditioned and diluted in the hot water extraction process, there are two classes of anionic surfactants (originating from carboxylate and sulfonate groups) present in the process water; (2) that each of these surfactants ha...
4 Methods of tar sand bitumen recovery1992-09-01Bitumen recovery; Tar sand; Water displacement extraction; PatentMethods for the recovery of bitumen from tar sands comprising the steps of mixing tar sand, solvent and a displacing amount of aqueous medium to form a mixture, followed by separating a bitumen-rich solvent phase from the mixture and recovering bitumen from the bitumen-rich solvent phase are disclos...
5 Method of reducing moisture and solid content of bitumen extracted from tar sand minerals2000-02-01Tar sand; Alkoxyalkylphenol alkoxylate surfactant; Recoverable hydrocarbon; Anionic and cationic flocculant; Bitumen; Moisture reductionTar sand is upgraded to produce a hydrocarbon having a low concentration of water and solids by contacting a bitumen/diluent mix with an alkoxyalkylphenol alkoxylate surfactant prior to separation of a recoverable hydrocarbon phase. The separation of the bitumen/diluent mix into a recoverable hydroc...
6 Method of removing bitumen from tar sand utilizing ultrasonic energy and stirring1977-10-18Bitumen removal; Tar sand; Ultrasonic energy; stirring; Bitumen recoveryA method of removing bitumen from tar sand for subsequent recovery of the bitumen. The method comprises contacting tar sand with an excess of solvent in which the bitumen is soluble, said contacting being performed within a vessel wherein simultaneously the solvent is being stirred and ultrasonic en...
7 Method of separating bitumen from tar sand with cold solvent1976-11-23Bitumen; Tar sand; Separation; Solvent extraction; Cold solventA method for separating bitumen from tar sand by solvent extraction with efficient separation of water from the recovered bitumen is disclosed. Tar sand may often be recovered by surface mining techniques. The tar sand is comprised of bitumen, water and sand including clays. The tar sand is contacte...
8 Method of removing bitumen from tar sand for subsequent recovery of the bitumen1977-10-18Bitumen removal; Tar sand; Bitumen recovery; Sonicating; Sand granulesA method of removing bitumen from tar sand for subsequent recovery of the bitumen. The method comprises submerging tar sand in a sufficient amount of a circulating solvent in which the bitumen is soluble, and, while the tar sand is so submerged, sonicating within the solvent with a sufficient amount...
9 Method of recovering viscous petroleum from tar sand1976-11-30Patent; Viscous petroleum recovery; Tar sandsRecovery of viscous petroleum such as from tar sands is assisted using a substantially vertical passage from the earth's surface which penetrates the tar sand and has extending therefrom a lateral hole containing a flow path isolated from the tar sand for circulating a hot fluid to and from the vert...
10 Method of recovering viscous petroleum from thick tar sand1977-02-22Patent; Viscous petroleum recovery; Thick tar sandRecovery of viscous petroleum such as from thick tar sands is assisted using a closed-loop flow path formed in a well by concentric casing and tubular members extending from the earth's surface through a substantial portion of the formation for conducting hot fluid to reduce the viscosity of the pet...
11 Method of recovery of bitumen from tar sand formations1977-01-18Patent; Bitumen recovery; Tar sand formationA competent permeable communication zone connecting injection and production wells completed in a tar sand which communication zone will be rigid and will not tend to slump or heal may be developed by injecting a fluid in the injection well under such pressure so as to fracture the tar sand formatio...
12 Method for filtering solvent and tar sand mixtures1985-09-03filtering solvent; filtering tar sand mixtures; tar sand; patenA method for filtering spent tar sands from a bitumen and organic solvent solution comprises separating the solution into two streams wherein the bulk of the coarser spent tar sand is in a first stream and has an average particle size of about 10 to about 100 mesh and the bulk of the finer spent tar...
13 Method and apparatus for recovering viscous petroleum from thick tar sand1978-10-17viscous petroleum recovery; thick tar sand; closed-loop flow tath; production well; patentRecovery of viscous petroleum such as from a thick tar sand formation is assisted using a closed-loop flow path formed in a production well extending from the earth's surface through a substantial portion of the formation for conducting hot fluid to reduce the viscosity of the petroleum in the forma...
14 Method and appratus for extracting tar sand1983-11-22tar sand extraction; extraction method; patent; tar sand; extraction apparatusMethod and apparatus for separating coarse sand particles from fine sand particles in a slurry of sand and a solution such as results from the solvent extraction of tar sand, such method comprising causing flow of such slurry in a generally horizontal direction and then causing upward flow at a rate...
15 Method and apparatus for the solvent extraction of oil from bitumen containing tar sand1996-07-09solvent extraction of oil; tar sand bitumen; patentA method and apparatus for extracting bitumen whereby tar sand containing bitumen components is contacted with a heated thinning oil mixture to reduce the tar sand viscosity and dissolve bitumen to form a lower viscosity feed slurry. The feed slurry is contacted with a light oil in a separator where...
16 Method and apparatus for producing tar sand deposits containing conductive layers having little or no vertical communication1991-10-29producing tar sand deposits; conductive layers in tar sand deposits; tar sand; vertical communication; patentAn apparatus and method are disclosed for producing thick tar sand deposits by preheating of thin, relatively highly conductive layers which are a small fraction of the total thickness of a tar sand deposit, with horizontal electrodes and steam stimulation. The preheating is continued until the visc...
17 Method and apparatus for sampling a core of tar sand1983-02-08tar sand; core samples of tar sand; core sampling; patentThe invention provides a method and apparatus for sampling a frozen core of tar sand. The frozen core is first cut transversely along its length to form a pair of slabs of semi-circular cross-section. A longitudinal sample portion of substantially triangular cross-section is then cut from the centra...
18 Method for controlling flocculant addition to tar sand tailings1981-07-04flocculant addition to tar sand tailings; tar sand tailings; hot water extraction process; bitumen recovery; flocculation; vacuum filterationThe hot water extraction process for recovering bitumen from tar sand produces a large volume of solids-laden aqueous tailings as a waste product. The solids in the tailings stream may be flocculated by the addition of time and the components of the stream then separated into a water-free solids pha...
19 Method for controlling sand in thermal recovery of oil from tar sands1978-09-19controlling sand; thermal recovery of oil; tar sands oil recovery; tar sands; oil recovery; patent; oil productionA method is disclosed for producing oil from a subterranean reservoir of tar sands as unconsolidated oil bearing sands. The method comprises basically (1) setting a screen in an open hole, the screen being large enough to pass a majority of the formation sand and small enough to retain a packing mat...
20 Method and apparatus for on-line monitoring of bitumen content in tar sand1984-02-21on-line monitoring of bitumen content; tar sand bitumen; tar sand; birumen content; bituminous sands processing; patentAn improvement in the processing of bituminous sands is described, whereby the concentration of bitumen in tar sand feed is measured by infrared light reflected from the tar sand surface. Near infrared is shone onto the surface of the incoming tar sand and reflected light is collected and passed thr...
21 Method and apparatus for producing tar sand deposits containing conductive layers1991-08-27producing tar sand deposits; tar sand deposits; conductive layers in tar sand deposits; patent; method for producing tar sand deposits; apparatus for producing tar sand depositsAn apparatus and method are disclosed for producing thick tar sand deposits by preheating of thin, relatively conductive layers which are a small fraction of the total thickness of a tar sand deposit, with horizontal electrodes. The preheating is continued until the viscosity of the tar in a thin pr...
22 Method and apparatus for recovering viscous petroleum from tar sand1981-02-03patent; viscous petroleum recovery; tar sand; recovering viscous petroleum from tar sand; deviated steam injection well; pumping wells; fluidized petroleum recoveryA method of recovering viscous petroleum from tar sand formations utilizing a deviated steam injection well with pump-down (through the flow line) completion. The steam injection well may use side pocket mandrels with constant flow or orifice regulators to control steam injection rates into the surr...
23 Completion for tar sand substratePatent; Hydrocarbons; Subterranean formation; Well; Liner; Bitumen; Bitumen emulsion; Hydrocarbon recovery; Tar sand; Tar sand substrateMethod and apparatus for recovering hydrocarbons from a subterranean formation in which a well completion, including a well liner, lies in a generally horizontal disposition within the hydrocarbon productive substrate. The liner encloses conductor means for delivering a stream of a hot stimulating a...
24 Control of process aid used in hot water process for extraction of bitumen from tar sand1984-07-31Tar sand; Bitumen; Tar sand feed; Free surfactant content; Slurry; Bitumen froth recovery; Bitumen; Hot water process; Bitumen extraction; Extraction circuitThe hot water process is sensitive to the nature of the tar sand feed, which varies. An alkaline process aid, usually NaOH, is normally added to the conditioning step of the process and is needed to obtain good bitumen recovery from most tar sand feeds. The invention is based on the discovery that, ...
25 Combined surface and in situ tar sand bitumen production1985-02-19Patent; Combined surface and in situ tar sand bitumen product; In-situ combustion; Tar sand; Unminable tar sand formation; Hydrogen sulfide; H2S; Minable tar; Forward in-situ combustion; Reverse in-situ combustionIn-situ combustion of tar sand formations is improved by introducing into an unminable tar sand formation prior to initiation of in-situ combustion hydrogen sulfide produced from upgrading tar sands from a minable tar sand formation in an area proximate the area of the unminable formation. The strea...
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