26 - 50 of 377
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26 Moffett, James W.A quantitative study of the bottom fauna in some Utah Streams Variously Affected by ErosionFloods and cloudbursts in the Intermountain region of western United States cause considerable damage to watersheds and streams. Because of steep gradients these torrential waters remove vast quantities of debris, stones, gravel and soil from the stream beds. It follows that, with the removal of mat...1936-06
27 Hawkes, KristenA reappraisal of grandmothering and natural selectionKachel et al. [1] conclude from simulations of their agent-based model that fitness benefits from helpful grandmothers do not select for increased longevity. We studied their assumptions and model, ran further simulations and found flaws that are fatal to their test. Here, we explain four problems a...2011-01-01
28 Warner, Homer R.A Sequential Bayesean Approach to History Taking and DiagnosisBiomedical Informatics1972
29 Warner, Homer R.A Steady-State Transfer Function Analysis of Portions of the Circulatory System Using Indicator Dilution TechniquesBiomedical Informatics1967
30 Warner, Homer R.A Study of Dispersion of an Indicator in the CirculationBiomedical Informatics1964
31 Jones, David T.A study of the Great Basin Land Snail oreohelix strigosa depressa (Cockerell)A survey of the previous mention of this snail provides a practical background for this essentially morphological study. The literature applicable to Oreolxdix strigosa depressa (Cockerell) in Utah may be summarized by reference to the following articles in the bibliography: directions for preparing...1940-10-15
32 Warner, Homer R.A Study of the Mechanism of Pressure Wave Distortion by Arterial Walls Using an Electrical AnalogBiomedical Informatics1957
33 Rockwell, Kenneth W.; Morrow, AnneA summary of geospatial initiatives in the University of Utah's Marriott LibraryAbstract: The Marriott Library's Geospatial Initiatives Committee consists of librarians and staff involved in projects designed to provide access to different library resources through geospatial interfaces. We are creating maps that link to resources in our digital collections, including the Weste...2013-03
34 Chamberlin, Ralph V.A summary of the known North American AmaurobiidaeA recent survey o f the spiders o f the family Amaurobiidae, sens, str., in the collection o f the University o f Utah made it evident that a number o f species and also generic groups occurring more especially in the western states had heretofore escaped detection and naming. It also seemed evident...1947-10-12
35 Warner, Homer R.A Technique for the Detection of Asynergistic Motion in the Left VentricleBiomedical Informatics1974
36 Warner, Homer R.A Technique for the Quantitative Study of Carotid Sinus BehaviorBiomedical Informatics1967
37 Warner, Homer R.A Transfer Function Analysis of Coronary and Renal Circulation Calculated from Upstream and Downstream Indicator-Dilution CurvesBiomedical Informatics1966
38 Warner, Homer R.A View of Medical Informatics as an Academic Disipline (Editorial)Biomedical Informatics1993
39 Gerig, GuidoAbnormal brain synchrony in down syndromeDown Syndrome is the most common genetic cause for intellectual disability, yet the pathophysiology of cognitive impairment in Down Syndrome is unknown. We compared fMRI scans of 15 individuals with Down Syndrome to 14 typically developing control subjects while they viewed 50 min of cartoon video c...2013-01-01
40 Gardner, Reed M.Accuracy and Reliability of Disposable Pressure Transducers Coupled With Modern Pressure MonitorsBiomedical Informatics1996
41 Gardner, Reed M.Accuracy of Pulmonary Artery and Wedge Pressure Measurements (Letter)Biomedical Informatics1984
42 Rogachev, AndreyAdmittance spectroscopy study of polymer diodes in small magnetic fieldsWe performed a systematic study of bipolar and unipolar organic diodes based on the p-conjugated polymer, 2-methoxy-5-(20-ethylhexyloxy) (MEH-PPV), using electronic and magneto-transport measurements with magnetic field in the range 0-180mT and admittance spectroscopy in the frequency range 1 Hz<f<1...2012-01-01
43 Hawkes, KristenAffluent hunters? Some comments in light of the Alyawara caseOur recent analysis (O'Connell and Hawkes in press) of plant food collecting among the Alyawara, a central Australian hunting group, shows that the cost of subsistence is sometimes quite high, far higher than the current conven. tional wisdom regarding hunters would suggest. We infer from available ...1981-01-01
44 Hawkes, KristenAge-related decline in ovarian follicle stocks differ between chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and humansSimilarity in oldest parturitions in humans and great apes suggests that we maintain ancestral rates of ovarian aging. Consistent with that hypothesis, previous counts of primordial follicles in postmortem ovarian sections from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) showed follicle stock decline at the same ...2015-01-01
45 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryAgelenid spiders of the Genus CicurinaThe genus Cicurina was erected by Menge in 18(59 for the species jlranea cicurea Fabricius (1793). Since then, various species from North America have been added to this genus. Petrunkevitch, in his catalog of 1911, listed 11 species from this continent. Exline, in a review of the Cicurinas in 1936,...1940-06-29
46 Warner, Homer R.An Analysis of Granulocyte Kinetics in Blood and Bone MarrowBiomedical Informatics1964
47 Warner, Homer R.An Analysis of Leukocyte Radioactivity Curves Obtained with Radioactive Disssopropylflourophosphate (DFP)Biomedical Informatics1959
48 Edmunds, George F. Jr.An annotated key to the nymphs of the families and subfamilies of mayfliesAttempts to provide keys to the families and subfamilies of Ephemeroptera nymphs in general entomology textbooks (i.e. Essig (1942), Chu (1949), and Brues, Melander and Carpenter (1954)) have been far from satisfactory. This difficulty exists largely because of the failure of specialists of the Ephe...1963-06
49 Warner, Homer R.An Evaluation of Radiosulfate as a Granulocyte Label in the DogBiomedical Informatics1966
50 Nielsen, Lewis T.An identeification guide to the Mosquitoes of UtahThe first detailed report on the mosquito fauna of Utah was published by pees (1943). In this bulletin Rees reported the occurrence in the state of 31 species, representing 4 genera, and discussed their biology, distribution, life history and importance. Subsequent publications by Rees (1944), Rees ...1961-06
26 - 50 of 377