226 - 250 of 377
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226 Rees, Don M.The Mosquitoes of UtahIn the preparation of this bulletin, an effort has been made to bring together what is known about the mosquito fauna of Utah. Prior to the initiation of the present investigation, very little work had been done in the state in connection with this important problem. The available information on the...1943-03-04
227 Lawton, Kristy J.Motor neurons tune premotor activity in a vertebrate central pattern generatorCentral patterns generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that drive rhythmic motor output without sensory feedback. Vertebrate CPGs are generally believed to operate in a top-down manner in which premotor interneurons activate motor neurons that in turn drive muscles. In contrast, the frog (Xenopus la...CPG; feed back; synchrony; vocal; vocalization; Xenopus2017
228 Gerig, GuidoNetwork inefficiencies in autism spectrum disorder at 24 monthsAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder defined by behavioral symptoms that emerge during the first years of life. Associated with these symptoms are differences in the structure of a wide array of brain regions, and in the connectivity between these regions. However, the use of c...2014-01-01
229 Gerig, GuidoNeuroimaging of structural pathology and connectomics in traumatic brain injury: toward personalized outcome predictionRecent contributions to the body of knowledge on traumatic brain injury (TBI) favor the view that multimodal neuroimaging using structural and functionalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI, respectively) as well as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has excellent potential to identify novel biomark...Trauma; Neuroimaging; MRI/fMRI; Diffusion tensor; Outcome measures2012-01-01
230 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New American MillipedsHaving the proportions and general structure of Ischnocybc. It differs from this genus in having the first tergite strongly keeled and hiberculate. Other tergites with sharply elevated tubercles in two transverse series, some tubercles present 011 basal part of keels. Pores not stipitate, opening on...1941-04-23
231 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New American Tarantulas of the family aviculariidaeWhile accumulating material for a long needed review of nearctic mvgalomorph spiders, a considerable number of species in the family Aviculariidae have been noted which it seems desirable to diagnose and name at this time. It is the purpose of the present paper to do this. It has been found convenie...1940-05-06
232 Cottam, Walter P.New and extended ranges for Utah PlantsThe following Utah plan ts are not included in Tidestrom's " Flora of Utah and Nevada," nor are any listed specifically for Utah in Rvdberg's " Flora of the Rocky Mountains and A djacent Plains." Specific localities are given for each species, followed by the herbaria where it may be found. The Univ...1940-06-29
233 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New genera and species of American Lithobiid CentipedsThe lithobiomorphous chilopods herein described are represented in lots from various sources recently acquired by the author, in whose collection the material is at present retained at the University of Utah. With the exception of two species from Mexico, all are from the United States, the majority...1941-06-20
234 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryNew genera and species of North American linyphiid spidersThis paper is based upon a portion of the new Linyphiid spiders in the University of Utah Collection with the exception of two species from the American Museum Collection included through the courtesy of Dr. Willis J. Gertsch. Twenty-six species and two subspecies are here described for the first ti...1943-05-28
235 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Genera and species of North American ParaiulidaeThis paper presents briefly some results of a preliminary taxonomic study of North American millipeds of the family Paraiulidae in the author's collection. It is based primarily upon a study of the nude copulatory organs which offer the most convenient and dependable characters for the definitions b...1940-03-12
236 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Millipeds from Peru and adjacent partsThe millipeds described in the present paper form part of the new forms found in the course o f a study of four important collections from Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia which have come into my hands fo r study. One of these lots embraces material in the American Museum of Natural History collected in 19...1955-06-10
237 Mulaik, StanleyNew mites in the family caeculidaeIn a collection of arachnids from the southwestern part of the United States made by the author and his wife, Dorothea, was a series of the little known mites of the family Caeculidae. These are fairly large mites measuring up to 1.6 mm. The common name of rake-legged mites is derived from the chara...1945-03-15
238 Woolstenhulme, Jack P.New records of molluscaRecent work on the molluscan collection of the University of Utah, involving the transferring of sets from the accession lots to the systematic series and the cataloging of the new accessions to the museum, has brought out several unpublished records and many gifts of recent date. Among the former a...1942-05-20
239 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Southern MillipedsThe twenty-six new species of diplopods heroin named and diagnosed were found chiefly in material from Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana and neighboring states collected in 1935 and 1936 by Mr. Leslie Hubricht of the Missouri Botanical Gardens and now through his courtesy included in the author's collec...1942-03-23
240 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew species and records of American Terrestrial IsopodsWhile collecting various arthropods during the past ten years, the authors accumulated a sizable series of Isopods. This paper is a report of a study of certain genera in which seven new species are designated as new and of some species whose ranges are considerably extended.1942-01-15
241 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New spiders from Mexico and PanamaIn the present paper are described eighty new species of spiders, among which are representatives of five new genera, found in two collections from Mexico and Panama respectively. The collection from Mexico was made in the state of Guerrero by Prof. Dr. Schultze Fena, of the University of Marburg, a...1936-11
242 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New tarantulas from the Southwestern StatesIn this paper are presented diagnoses of seven new species of mvgalomorph spiders, one of which, represents the new genus Hesperopholis. The other species are placed in Delopelma. We are indebted to Dr. W. P- Cottam for making the photographs reproduced 0 11 the first three plates. All of these are ...1939-06-28
243 Mulaik, Stanley & DorotheaNew Texas terrestrial isopods with notes on other speciesIn a previous paper (1 ) the authors reported new records and gave descriptions and figures o f new species of terrestrial Isopods. Further studies of their collections reveal additional material of considerable interest, and some of the findings are recorded here. I t is believed that careful colle...1943-08-12
244 Chamberlin, Ralph V.New Western MillipedsDiffering from Xannolcnc, which it much resembles in general appearance and structure, in having the gonopods of the male fully exposed, in having the coxal processes of the anterior pair contiguous at the middle line and decidedly surpassing the tclopodite, and in having the anterior sternite short...1941-06-16
245 Chamberlin, Ralph V.North American spiders of the genera cybaeus and cybaeinaThe frequency with which members of the Agelenid genus Cybaeus appeared in collections made by the authors in the mountainous and timbered sections of the Pacific coast region and the representations therein of various apparently undescribed species led to the preparation of this review of the known...1932-12
246 Gerig, GuidoObject models in multiscale intrinsic coordinates via m-repsObject descriptions used for 3D segmentation by deformable models and for statistical characterization of 3D object classes benefit from having intrinsic correspondences over deformation of the objects or multiple instances in the same object class. These correspondences apply over a variety of spat...2003-01-01
247 Reens, Don M.Observations on a Mosquito Flight in Salt Lake CityIn a survey of the mosquitoes of Salt Lake City carried on since 1929, a number of mosquito flights have been observed and recorded. These flights have occured principally in three species of mosquitoes common to region,- Aedes campestris Dyar and Knab Aedes vexans (Meigen) and Aedes dorsalis (Meige...1935-02
248 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On a collection of chilopods from the East IndiesThe present paper is a report upon' a collection of chilopods received for identification from the Buitenzorg Museum, Java, through the courtesy of Dr. Dammerman,1939-06-28
249 Chamberlin, Ralph V.On a diplopod collection from Barro Colorado Island, PanamaThe present paper presents the results of a taxonomic study of an important collection o f millipeds made bv Mr. Eliot C. Williams, Jr., of Northwestern University on Barro Colorado Island during July and August of 1938. Twenty-three species were secured, these representing •i very interesting and...1940-01-18
250 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryOn centipeds and millipeds from Mexican CavesThis paper is a report on centipeds and millipeds taken in the caves in the states of Vera Cruz, San Luis Potosi, Nuevo Leon and Guerrero by Drs. F. lionet and C. Bolivar and associates of the Escuela Xacional de Ciencias Naturales of Mexico. The material from these caves forms part of an extensive ...1942-11-20
226 - 250 of 377