1601 - 1800 of 4,065
Number of results to display per page
1601 Functional and genetic studies in the macular degeneration genes ELOVL4 and HTRA1.2007-08Textir_etd
1602 Functional and structural studies of chromatin remodeling2001-12Textir_etd
1603 Functional aspects of Adenomatous polyposis coli protein dimerization and posttranslational regulation1999-05Textir_etd
1604 Functional assessment of the kidneys with magnetic resonance imaging and tracer-kinetic modeling2019Textir_etd
1605 Functional dissection of estrogen-responsive enhancers2018Textir_etd
1606 Functional group contributions to peptide permeability in lipid bilayer membranes : the role of peptide conformation and length2001-12Textir_etd
1607 Functional morphology in nahuatl language revitalization2017Textir_etd
1608 Functional nanoporous membranes from self-assembly of polmer-brush silica nanoparticles2019Textir_etd
1609 Functional specialization for aggression and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in vertebrates2017Textir_etd
1610 Functional studies of the E74A protein during Drosophila metamorphosis.1995-06Textir_etd
1611 Functionalization of terminal olefins using cationic palladium catalysts2011-12Textir_etd
1612 Functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube chemiresistive sensors for vapor detection of explosives and drugs2017Textir_etd
1613 Functionalized titania nanotube arrays-based sensors for electrochemical detection of volatile organic biomarkers2016Textir_etd
1614 Functionalizing the mitochondrial proteome-mitochondrial metabolism, protein quality control and beyond2015-08Textir_etd
1615 Functions of double-stranded RNA and ADAR RNA editing enzymes in caenorhabditis elegans2018Textir_etd
1616 Functions of early B cell factor in xenopus neuronal and muscle development2010-08Textir_etd
1617 Functions of the pointed domain within the ETS gene family2001-12Textir_etd
1618 Functors for genuine representations of the metaplectic group and graded affine hecke algebras2011-05Textir_etd
1619 Fundamental aspects of chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling using copper oxide-based oxygen carriers2016Textir_etd
1620 Fundamental investigation of high temperature operation of field effect transistor devices2011-12Textir_etd
1621 Fundamental studies of catalytic dehydrogenation on alumina-supported size-selected platinum cluster model catalysts2018Textir_etd
1622 Fundamental studies of engineered electron interactions in micro/nanoscale optical and thermionic devices2019Textir_etd
1623 Fundamental studies of palladium and platinum size-selected model catalysts2014-05Textir_etd
1624 Fundamentals and applications of solid state and biological nanopores2016-05Textir_etd
1625 Further defining the functional properties of the dentate gyrus: contributions to spatial representations2011-08Textir_etd
1626 Further studies on the use of mouse epidermal cells for the in vitro induction and detection of cell-mediated cytotoxicity1978-08Textir_etd
1627 Gain Modulation of Cholinergic neurons in the medial septumdiagonal band of broca and the mechanism of cholinergic suppression of hippocampal ripples2017Textir_etd
1628 Galaxy color-luminosity-halo mass relation from galaxy clustering2018Textir_etd
1629 Gallium core-shell microstructure for thermal responsive implantable neural electrode2021Textir_etd
1630 Gas viscosity as a sensing element: microbubble chromatography2020Textir_etd
1631 Gas-phase mercury oxidation: effects on bromine, chlorine and SO2 under air firing and oxy-fuel conditions, experimental and modeling study2011-08Textir_etd
1632 Gas-Phase thermodynamics of hydrazine containing compounds and iron cluster cations: guided ion beam and theoretical investigations2017Textir_etd
1633 Gas-solid based chlorination to support separation of actinides and transition metals from rare earths2020Textir_etd
1634 Gastrointestinal mechanisms for avoiding toxicity in mammalian herbivores2014-05Textir_etd
1635 Gauge and gravity scattering amplitudes from chy formalism2017Textir_etd
1636 Gaze, posture, balance, and training effects in persons with multiple sclerosis2015Textir_etd
1637 Gender and health in abusive relationships2011-05Textir_etd
1638 Gender disparity in engineering fields: an analysis of historic data, and school counselors' knowledge, values and attitudes2013-08Textir_etd
1639 Gender trait differences and nurse caring1996-08Textir_etd
1640 Gendered poverty in peasant households: a case study of northern Mozambique2016Textir_etd
1641 Gene expression dysregulation in medication refractory depression2013Textir_etd
1642 Gene regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae1998-03Textir_etd
1643 Generalized diffraction-stack migration2012-12Textir_etd
1644 Generalized inverse problem in electrocardiography: theoretical, computational and experimental results1990-03Textir_etd
1645 Generalized pairs in birational geometry2019Textir_etd
1646 Generation of independent complement receptor 1 and complement receptor 2 knockout mice and defining the role of complement receptor 1 in humoral immunity2013-12Textir_etd
1647 Generic vanishing and the geometry of irregular varieties in positive characteristic2016Textir_etd
1648 Generic vanishing, pluri-canonical maps and volume of isolated sigularity2014-05Textir_etd
1649 Genes involved in the stabilization of the mature nervous system2019Textir_etd
1650 Genes that overcome drug-induced cholesterol auxotrophy1999-12Textir_etd
1651 Genetic adaptation to high altitude in tibetans2011-12Textir_etd
1652 Genetic analysis of cytosolic iron toxicity in yeast2010-02-22Textir_etd
1653 Genetic analysis of Drosophila steroid-triggered cell death2005-08Textir_etd
1654 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Utah CEPH pedigrees2003-12Textir_etd
1655 Genetic analysis of spontaneous preterm birth2013-12Textir_etd
1656 Genetic analysis of subcellular branching in drosophila tracheal terminal cells2013-12Textir_etd
1657 Genetic analysis of the adenovirus DNA binding protein1985-08Textir_etd
1658 Genetic analysis of the ALP/Enigma family of cytoskeletal PDZ-LIM proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans2007Textir_etd
1659 Genetic and biochemical basis of familial advanced sleep phase syndrome in a Utah kindre2002-05Textir_etd
1660 Genetic and mechanistic analyses of type I interferon-driven lyme arthritis2017-08Textir_etd
1661 Genetic and molecular analysis of a variant form of adenomatous polyposis coli1995-12Textir_etd
1662 Genetic and molecular analysis of gene trap cell lines in the mouse2000-08Textir_etd
1663 The genetic architecture of morphological changes in the Ninespine Stickleback (Pungitius Pungitius) and the domesticated pigeon (Columba Livia): Insights from population analysis, quantitative trait mapping and whole-genome resequencing2014-08Textir_etd
1664 The genetic architecture of phenotypic variation: from resistance mechanisms to molecular phenotypes2014Textir_etd
1665 Genetic basis of distal arthrogryposes2006-12Textir_etd
1666 Genetic control of exfoliative toxin production by phage II staphylococcus aureus1974-12Textir_etd
1667 Genetic dissection of nonsense-mediated MRNA decay in drosophila2016-08Textir_etd
1668 Genetic epidemiologic methods for common, complex diseases: application to cardiovascular disease2005-08Textir_etd
1669 Genetic mapping and molecular characterization of genes involved in birth defects of the limbs1999Textir_etd
1670 Genetic screen and functional analysis of steroid-triggered cell death in Drosophila2010-02-22Textir_etd
1671 Genetic tools for imaging intracellular calcium dynamics in astrocytes2016Textir_etd
1672 Genetic variation and the regulatory landscape governing the transcriptional response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress2021Textir_etd
1673 Genetic variation in toll-like receptor 7 and toll-like receptor 8 in humans and howler monkeys and potential implications for susceptibility to yellow fever virus2019Textir_etd
1674 Genetic variations in apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A-I associated with risk of coronary artery disease1997-12Textir_etd
1675 Genetics of human methylation1989-12Textir_etd
1676 Genome annotation and genotype-phenotype association in two non-model parasites2016-12Textir_etd
1677 Genome sequences: experimental determination and evolutionary interpretation1999-08Textir_etd
1678 Genomewide dynamics of SAPHIRE: a novel histone demethylase comples2006-12Textir_etd
1679 Genomic approach to the study of chromatin and transcription2004-12Textir_etd
1680 Genomics-guided personalized medicine in the treatment of complex cancer phenotypes2014-12Textir_etd
1681 Genotype-Phenotype association using High Throughput Sequencing data2015-08Textir_etd
1682 Gentamicin and furosemide ototoxicity in newborns: evaluation of hearing loss by auditory brainstem response audiometry1984-03Textir_etd
1683 Geographic information system spatial analysis of urban and regional development in China: a case study of Guangdong Province2014-08Textir_etd
1684 Geographic information system spatial-temporal evolution of multiscalar patterns and determinants of foreign direct investment in China2014-08Textir_etd
1685 Geographies of grassroots sustainabilities: mapping the places and spaces of transition2019Textir_etd
1686 Geological and geophysical studies of the Gilson Mountains and vicinity, Juab County, Utah1970-06Textir_etd
1687 Geology of the omo-turkana basin of eastern africa: tectonics and climate in the evolution of a pliocene and pleistocene sequence2017Textir_etd
1688 The geometry and biomechanics of normal and parthimorpologic human hips2013-08Textir_etd
1689 Geometry of Out(Fn) through completely split train tracks2018Textir_etd
1690 Geomorphic and stratigraphic development of Lake Bonneville's intermediate paleoshorelines during the late pleistocene2012-12Textir_etd
1691 Geophysical signatures of volcano-hosted geothermal systems2012-05Textir_etd
1692 Geopoetry: Geology, Materiality, Ecopoetics2019Textir_etd
1693 Getting it, together : how the nurse/patient relationship influences treatment compliance for patients with schizophrenia2003-08Textir_etd
1694 Getting more out of data in Public Transit2017Textir_etd
1695 GFI1B regulation and transcriptional repression depend on its interacting partners2019Textir_etd
1696 Glaciation of the High Uintas Primitive Area, Utah with emphasis on the Northern slope1974Textir_etd
1697 Gliogenesis in the developing spinal cord.2002-12Textir_etd
1698 Global Justice: An defense of institutional cosmopolitanism2019Textir_etd
1699 Globalization and obesity: a logitudinal, cross-national examination of a global epidemic2014-05Textir_etd
1700 Glucagon-like peptide-1 delivery for treatment of type 2 diabetes2005-05Textir_etd
1701 Glucose metabolism is essential for platelet function2016-12Textir_etd
1702 Glucose-dependent transcriptional activity of the mondoa:MLX heterodimer2010-03-26Textir_etd
1703 Glutamate receptors in the developing auditory system of chick1999-05Textir_etd
1704 Glutamate, characterization of its role in methamphetamine neurotoxicity and its interaction with dopamine in the rat striatum1994-12Textir_etd
1705 Glycosaminoglycans and their binding proteins: biochemical studies and development of potential wound healing biomaterials2005-12Textir_etd
1706 Good people make good friends: critical friendship and ethos in college composition2014-08Textir_etd
1707 Goodness and Greatness: Abraham Lincoln as a "Beau Ideal" for public managers of conservatorship and aristotelian phronesis2019Textir_etd
1708 Government accountability and financial reporting: are two reporting models better than one?2019Textir_etd
1709 Government accountability reports and public education policy: studying political actors' decision-making2013-08Textir_etd
1710 Gpu-enabled surface visualization2016Textir_etd
1711 Graceful and robust proprioceptive steering and parameter estimation of automated ground vehicles2018Textir_etd
1712 Gradually escalated professional development in reading instruction at a title I school2019Textir_etd
1713 Grafting real complex projective structures2010-08Textir_etd
1714 Graphic environments: performing ecocriticism at the confluence of image and text2014-05Textir_etd
1715 Graphical cardiovascular display for hemodynamic monitoring2006-12Textir_etd
1716 Gromov-witten theory of projective bundles2017Textir_etd
1717 Ground temperature and climate change2013-08Textir_etd
1718 Grounded theory approach to the process of young caregiving from the perspectives of former young caregivers, current young caregivers, and their chronically ill parents2005-12Textir_etd
1719 Grounded theory of adult student persistenceTextir_etd
1720 Groundwater temperature and flow studies in the Great Basin2013-12Textir_etd
1721 Grouted transverse full-depth precast bridge deck joint integrity2014-05Textir_etd
1722 Growings1973Textir_etd
1723 Growth and distribution, technological progress, and economic policy2019Textir_etd
1724 Guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer and theoretical studies of third-row transition metal ions Hf+, Ta+, W+, and Os+2013-08Textir_etd
1725 Gut endoderm is involved in the transfer of left-right asymmetry from the node to the lateral plate mesoderm in the mouse embryo2013-05Textir_etd
1726 H2(SL2 (Z[t,t-1]) ;Q) is infinite-dimensional2014-05Textir_etd
1727 Hair as a matrix for biomarkers of pesticide exposure2001-12Textir_etd
1728 Harmonic serialism with lexical selection: evidence from Jerriais allomorphy2016Textir_etd
1729 Harnessing GPU computing in system-level software2014-08Textir_etd
1730 He Does, She Does? the effects of sexism on nonverbal complementarity and mimicry of dominance and affiliation in mixed-gender dyadic interactions2017Textir_etd
1731 Head nurse fit with staff, administration, and situation : impact on unit performance and staff satisfaction1988-06Textir_etd
1732 The healing machine2014Textir_etd
1733 The healing processes of childhood sexual abuse survivors within the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: a qualitative analysis2019Textir_etd
1734 Health behaviors in intellectual class families from the People's Republic of China1994-06Textir_etd
1735 Health monitoring of precast bridge deck panels with glass fiber reinforced polymer bars2012-12Textir_etd
1736 Health outcomes of adults with atrial fibrillation and falls, frailty, and/or dementia treated for the prevention of thromboembolism2016-08Textir_etd
1737 Health, medicine, and power in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1869-19452012-12Textir_etd
1738 Healthcare cost and utilization differences among American Indian and Alaska Native Compared with non-hispanic white patients with lung cancer2017Textir_etd
1739 Healthy media literacy: bridging critical media literacy and health literacy to promote positive body image and health2013-12Textir_etd
1740 Heat transfer and pressure drop in coal-air suspensions flowing downward through a vertical tube1979-12Textir_etd
1741 Heat transfer to and from a reversible thermosiphon placed in porous media2012-05Textir_etd
1742 Helping physicians think: cognitive perspectives in the design of clinical decision support2018Textir_etd
1743 Heparan sulfate proteoglycans regulate signaling, cell polarity and ligand diffusion during zebrafish lateral line development2015Textir_etd
1744 Heparin effect on prostacyclin-inhibited platelet aggregation.1984-06Textir_etd
1745 Heparin interaction with polycation immobilized surfaces1991-12Textir_etd
1746 Heparin releasing thermosensitive hydrogels1994-12Textir_etd
1747 Heparinized segmented polyurethaneurea surfaces with hydrophilic spacer groups.1990-06Textir_etd
1748 Heperan sulfate proteogycans regulate signaling, cell polarity and ligand diffusion during zebrafish lateral line development2015-08Textir_etd
1749 Hercules or Medusa: heroes and villains and their impact on consumers' preference for vice and virtue products2012-08Textir_etd
1750 Heterogeneity in MIR21 content of MCF-7 exosomes and comparative study of their thermal stability2017Textir_etd
1751 Heterogenity of fiscal year-end choice: exploring influences and effects by examining fiscal year-end changes2010-12Textir_etd
1752 Hierarchical control and driving2013-08Textir_etd
1753 High energy gamma-ray astronomy observations of geminga with the veritas array2012-12Textir_etd
1754 High mass X-ray binaries at extreme energies with Veritas2017Textir_etd
1755 High performance multiscale image processing framework on multi-gpus (graphics processing units) with applications to unbiased diffeomorphic atlas construction2011-08Textir_etd
1756 High resolution ensemble error growth and dimensionality in tropical cyclone genesis environments2013-08Textir_etd
1757 High resolution separations of nanoparticles with improved electrical and magnetic field flow fractionation2013-05Textir_etd
1758 High school involvement and student engagement as protective factors for at-risk students2015Textir_etd
1759 High temperature NOx sensing enabled by indium oxide thin films2010-08Textir_etd
1760 High-pressure, high-temperature sintering of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride with improved thermostability and mechanical properties for high temperature applications2014-08Textir_etd
1761 High-Resolution rapid refresh model data analytics for wildland fire weather assessment2019Textir_etd
1762 High-speed high-precision piezoactuators with applications to scanning probe microscopy2003Textir_etd
1763 High-throughput identification of small molecule interactions identifies dicycolmine/fluconazole as a synergistic therapy for fungal infections2019Textir_etd
1764 The hijacking of higher education for women in postwelfare America: a study of underserved and invisible low-income mothers on campus2011-11Textir_etd
1765 Histone deacetylases as gatekeepers of genome stability2019Textir_etd
1766 Historic and holocene forest disturbance in South-Central Utah2011-08Textir_etd
1767 History of the efforts to coordinate higher education in Utah1974Textir_etd
1768 History of the Utah National Guard : 1894-19541973Textir_etd
1769 History of the Utah National Guard : 1894-19541973Textir_etd
1770 The History of Utah's Railroads 1869-18831970Textir_etd
1771 History, INC.- hubert howe bancroft's history company and the problem of selling the past2017Textir_etd
1772 HIV risk behaviors, HIV testing, and entry into Medical Care in Utah2012-05Textir_etd
1773 The Homeless Court in Salt Lake City, Utah: access to Justice and Mercy for a disenfranchised population2017Textir_etd
1774 Homeotic gene silencing in Drosophila.2007-12Textir_etd
1775 Homeotic genes and regional specification in Drosophila: characterization of the abdominalA gene and mechanisms of transcriptional control by homeotic proteins1993-06Textir_etd
1776 Homeplace: unearthing and tracing the oral traditions and subjugated knowledge of a multigenerational woman-centered African American family2014-05Textir_etd
1777 Hope as a discursive practice in cancer decision-making2011-08Textir_etd
1778 Hopeful adults with advanced stage cancer : nature, influences, focus, and patterns of hope over time1997-08Textir_etd
1779 Hospital acquired pressure ulcers in oncology units: Risk, prevalence, and nurse variables2015Textir_etd
1780 Hospital acquired pressure ulcers in oncology units: risk, prevalence, and nurse variables2015-05Textir_etd
1781 Hot Spot-Based design and synthesis of small molecule inhibitors for β-Catenin/T-cell factor 4 protein-protein interaction and hemiporphyrin-like N-ACYL 2-aminoimidazoles: chemistry, biology and zinc binding properties2019Textir_etd
1782 Household consumption, net worth, and the macroeconomics of asset price inflation2015Textir_etd
1783 Houseless versus homeless: an exploratory study of native Hawaiian beach dwellers on Oahu's west coast2014-12Textir_etd
1784 How do tropical cyclones intensify n a sheared environment? The role of vortex tilt and precipitation symmetry2019Textir_etd
1785 How does preservice teachers' learning about learning theories influence their beliefs about learning?2010-12Textir_etd
1786 How government officials with discretion make decisions: a case study of tax law2010Textir_etd
1787 How teen mothers participating in a teen mother and child program narrate their own identities as mothers and women2011-08Textir_etd
1788 How to have style: style discourse in a makeover show and fashion consumption2011-08Textir_etd
1789 How undergraduate students of color experience multicultural education2011-05Textir_etd
1790 Hoxb1 coordinates neural circuitry in the vertebrate brainstem2004-12Textir_etd
1791 HOXB8 Microglia: origin, development and functions2018Textir_etd
1792 The human anatomy teacher-scholar: meeting the expectations of educational outcomes research, course content innovation, and textbook innovation for educational scholarship2010-04-21Textir_etd
1793 Human and mycobacterial coevolution: the role of genetic recombination in reconstructing the evolutionary history of these important human pathogens2010Textir_etd
1794 Human distortions in the digital economy: three pieces of evidence2018Textir_etd
1795 Human life histories in an evolutionary and comparative context2011-08Textir_etd
1796 Human papillomavirus: trends in human papillomavirus rates, vaccine uptake, and factors driving intention to vaccinate2015-05Textir_etd
1797 The human right to democracy2013-12Textir_etd
1798 Human RNA Polymerase III transcriptomes and phosphatase regulation of yeast MAF12011-05Textir_etd
1799 Human stability and the likelihood of falling: a comparison of walking and skiing locomotion2013-12Textir_etd
1800 The human versus the supernatural: intervallic, motivic, and harmonic connections in stravinsky's the firebird2015-08Textir_etd
1601 - 1800 of 4,065