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1 Heavy oil production operations in Potiguar Basin, Brazil1987heavy oil production operations; heavy oil; Portiguar Basin; oil fields; oilThe Potiguar basin is located on the northeastern Brazilian coast and comprises an onshore portion with 21,500 km2 (8300 mi2) and its offshore extension (Fig. 1). In the last 4 years, many oil fields have been discovered in the onshore portion, where today's production reaches 20,000 bbl/d. The oil ...
2 The bitumen-bearing Paleozoic carbonate trend of northern Alberta1987Paleozoic carbonate trend; northern Alberta; bitumen; Cretaceous oil sands; Canada; crude oil; nonconventional oil resourcesHuge quantities of bitumen are contained within the Devonian and Mississippian carbonate horizons that subcrop beneath the Cretaceous oil sands of northern Alberta. To date, however, a detailed evaluation of the economic potential of this resource has been confined primarily to the Upper Devonian Gr...
3 Geological assessment of heavy-oil reservoirs in the Lloydminster area, using a computerized data base1987heavy-oil reservoirs; geological assessment; heavy-oil reservoirs; wellsHeavy-oil reservoirs of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group in the Lloydminster area (Western Canada) occur in a sequence of complexly arranged sandstones, siltstones, shales, and coals. Trapping mechanisms vary, and the precise geological controls governing hydrocarbon accumulations are not well u...
4 Influence of the geological and geochemical characteristics of heavy oils on their recovery1987oil buoyancy; heavy oils; Likouala oil field; Emeraude oil field; water washing; oil saturation; biodegradationThe migration of an oil into a trap is governed by its buoyancy, the capillary pressure, and the hydrodynamic forces. For heavy oils the buoyancy is low; therefore, they can only saturate high-permeability zones, which are also preferentially swept by steam in a steam-drive recovery operation. Howev...
5 The Whiterocks tar sand deposit1985Whiterocks tar sand deposit; tar sand; bitumen; tar-bearing Navajo SandstoneThe Whiterocks tar sand deposit is located near the mouth of Whiterocks Canyon, an important south drainage of the Uinta Mountains. This deposit is probably the least known and most unique of the major bitumen accumulations in the Uinta Basin. Historically, it is near the purported oldest white sett...
6 U.S. tar sand oil recovery projects--19851985-07-31U. S. tar sand; oil recovery projects; tar sand resource; in situ processesSince crude oil prices declined in the early 1980's, U.S. tar sand activities have declined to a level approximating that of the early 1970's. Twenty of the 43 reported projects are in California reservoirs containing bitumen with relatively low viscosities. Only four current or planned projects are...
7 Geology of heavy crude oil and natural bitumen in the USSR, Mongolia, and China1987geology; heavy crude oil; natural bitumen; USSR, Mongolia, China; heavy oil resources; natural bitumen resourcesThe USSR, Mongolia, and China occupy an area of 33,385,390 km2, or a quarter of the earth's land area. Large reserves and resources of heavy crude oil and natural bitumen are present, especially on the Eastern European (Russian) and Siberian platforms, where at least 700 billion bbl is present (out ...
8 The oil resources in tar sand deposits in the United States1982oil resources; tar sand deposits; tar sand oil recovery processesThis report summarizes the data available at the Laramie Energy Technology Center. An effort was made to catalogue U.S. tar sand resources, identify U.S. and state maps showing tar sand deposits, and attempt to compare tar sand oil recovery processes. A review of the available data indicated there w...
9 The economic potential of domestic tar sands1982economical potential; domestic tar sands; Utah tar sand deposits; technical recovery potential; recovery estimates; net energy analysisThis report summarizes the analysis of the Utah tar sand deposits (see Exhibit 1) prepared for ERDA/Fossil Energy and the Laramie Energy Research Center. Background Like many oil producing countries, the United States contains considerable deposits of tar sands heavy petroleum (bitumen) that will no...
10 Prudhoe Bay--a 10 year perspective1980Prudhoe Bay field; U. S. oil field; geology summary; reservoir potential; petroleum explorationThe Prudhoe Bay field is recognized as the largest oil field in the United States. The Permian-Triassic reservoirs, estimated to contain reserves of 9.6 billion bbl of oil and 26 Tcf of gas, have overshadowed other known substantial accumulations of hydrocarbons in formations ranging in age from Mis...
11 Geology and geochemistry of Santa Rosa tar sands1987-11-02Santa Rosa tar sands; tar sands; heavy oil deposits; Triassic Santa Rosa SandstoneHeavy oil deposits 11 km (7 mi) north of the town of Santa Rosa, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, in the Triassic Santa Rosa Sandstone, were mined during the 1930s. Renewed interest in this deposit in the late 1970s so far has not resulted in exploitation because of unfavorable economics and the encroa...
12 Surface tar-sand deposits in California1987surface tar-sand deposits; tar sand; surface tar sand; California; oil seeps; stratigraphy; tar sand deposit structureTar sand deposits and oil seeps have been known in California for more than a century and were used in the exploration for many of California's largest oil fields. Sixty deposits visited by this writer yielded 24 deposits totaling 5.27 billion barrels of oil in place and another 36 estimated at 1-2 ...
13 Review of the world's major oil sand deposits1974oil sand deposits; major oil sand deposits; oil reserves; non-conventional oil; oil sands; oil shale; coal; syncrude production; review; types of oil depositsThe solution of today's energy equation lies in crash programmes for the development of alternative fuels to supplement dwindling conventional oil reserves. Conse quently, sources of non-conventional oil such as oil sands, oil-shale and coal are being given greater consid eration. The production of ...
14 Upgrading of bitumen by hydropyrolysis -- A process for low coke and high syncrude yields1985-07bitumen; hydropyrolysis; low coke yeilds; high syncrude yeildsThe Department of Fuels Engineering at the University of Utah has been conducting research on the chemistry and engineering of hydropyrolysis for several years. It was previously observed (Ramakrishnan, 1978; Shabtai et al., 1979) that under certain reaction conditions hydrocarbon species undergo cr...
15 Oil-impregnated sandstone deposits Circle Cliffs Uplift, Utah1981-04oil-impregnated sandstone; Utah deposits; Circle Cliffs Uplift; Triassic Moenkopi Formation; oil-impregnated sandstone resourceOne of the major oil-impregnated sandstone deposits in the United States is present on the Circle Cliffs uplift in an unnamed sandstone unit in the middle portion of the Triassic Moenkopi Formation. The deposit occurs on the west and east flanks of the uplift and is separated by an irregular barren ...
16 Technology of the recovery of values from tar sands1982-08recovery of values; tar sand; bitumen recovery; in situ processes; thermal recovery methods; COFCAW; combination of forward combustion and water flood process; emulsion-steam drive process; nuclear stimulation; mining; processing mined tar sands; anhydrous solvent extraction process; cold water sepa...There are two basic approaches to recovering bitumen. The tar sand may be mined and transported to a process plant where the bitumen is extracted and the sand is discharged. Alternatively the separation of bitumen from sand may be accomplished without ever moving the sand, that is, in situ. In situ ...
17 The TARCO process: For the surface extraction of tar sands1983types of tar sand extractions; tar sand; extracting tar sand; TARCO process; extracting solvent; bitumenOf the various types of tar sand extraction processes under development, solvent extraction offers many significant advantages; e.g., the technology already exists, simplicity, less dependence on grade and source of ore, etc. The TARCO solvent extraction plant, located in Homer, Kentucky, is probabl...
18 Sources and deposition of organic matter in the Monterey Formation, South-Central Coastal basins of California1987-11-02organic matter; Monterey Formation; Californial ; marine algal debrisThe abundant organic matter in the Monterey Formation is commonly considered to be derived from marine algal debris rapidly deposited in anoxic bottom water during a period of high surface plankton productivity. However, many aspects of the distribution of organic matter in the Monterey of the south...
19 Bituminous sandstone and limestone deposits of Utah1963The significant bituminous sandstone and bituminous Limestone deposits of Utah are located within, or on the edges of, the Uinta Basin. They are all located within the boundaries of Carbon, Duchesne, and Uintah Counties. The Sunnyside deposits in Carbon County contain the greatest reserves of bitumi...
20 Thermal maturity of rocks and hydrocarbon deposits, Uinta Basin, Utah1992thermal maturity; hydrocarbon deposits; energy rich resources; energy resource depositsThe Uinta Basin in northeastern Utah contains abundant energy-rich resources including coal, natural gas, oil, oil shale, tar sands and solid bitumens (gilsonite). One of the problems associated with the identification of the source rocks from which some of these varied hydrocarbon deposits (oils, t...
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