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1 UUSAC AdPAC 1993-19941994MinutesAgendas and minutes for meetings of the Administrative Policies Advisory Committee
2 UUSAC UHESA 1997-19981998Bylaws; PoliciesMemos, bylaws, and policies of the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA)
3 UUSAC project 1997-19981998Funding; University of Utah campus projectsUniversity of Utah campus projects sponsored by UUSAC
4 UUSAC publications 1997-19981998University of Utah newsletter; publicationsUniversity of Utah newsletters including UUSAC News, Community Forum and FYI
5 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19971997University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
6 UUSAC UHESA 1993-19941994Bylaws; Univerity of Utah staff; MinutesUtah Higher Education Staff Association directory, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws for 1993-1994.
7 UUSAC human resource concerns Fred Petersen 1993-19941994Policies; Conflict of interestMemos, articles and documents on the University of Utah conflict of interest policy.
8 UUSAC miscellaneous 1993-19941994Policies; University of Utah employeesMiscellaneous documents including policys, procedures and projects of the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC).
9 UUSAC correspondence 1993-19941994LettersLetters and memos written by and to Bonnie McMorris concerning UUSAC business.
10 UUSAC salary, wage and benefits 1993-19941994Salary; University of Utah employeesUniversity of Utah salary and wages information for campus employees for 1993-1994.
11 UUSAC correspondance 1997-19981998Letters, Memos, CorrespondenceLetters and memos to and from UUSAC members to members of the campus community, to each other and to others.
12 UUSAC staff award report and recommendations 19961996Awards; University of Utah staffRecommendations of the Presidential Staff Award Selection Committee for the award winners of 1996 at the University of Utah.
13 UUSAC SWAB 1997-19981998Staff salaries; University of Utah benefitsLetters, memos, agendas and membership information for the Salaries, Wages and Benefits Subcommittee.
14 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1996-19971997Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
15 UUSAC Committees 1997-19981998CommitteesVariety of Universtity of Utah campus committes including membership and some minutes
16 Spring 2012 applications (UUSAC)2012University scholarshipsApplications for a scholarship
17 UUSAC salary equity 1997-1998Salary equity; University of Utah staffLetters and memos concerning University of Utah staff salary equity.
18 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19951995University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
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