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1 UUSAC parking request 1993-19941994CommitteesNotes, letters and memos of the University of Utah Parking, Transportation, Traffic Modeling Project Settering Committee.
2 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) 1996-19971997Year end report; University of Utah staff; University of Utah employeesYear end report of UUSAC activities, membership and other committee work.
3 UUSAC policy reviews 1997-19981998PoliciesReports on University of Utah policies and their review by UUSAC
4 Komas (UUSAC)University of Utah campus buildingsAerial photograph of Komas including parking and entrance. It is shown in relation to the Ortho Hospital and Marriott Library.
5 Luncheon invitation (UUSAC)2013-09-18Luncheon; Staff CouncilAn invitation from President David W. Pershing and Dr. Sandi J. Pershing to the University of Utah Staff council to attend a luncheon at Eccles House. Included it a map and instructions for parking.
6 UUSAC newsletter and survey 1993-19941994Newsletter; University of Utah employeesThe faculty and staff newsletter FYI, as well as discussion of the staff survey and its results.
7 UUSAC publications 1997-19981998University of Utah newsletter; publicationsUniversity of Utah newsletters including UUSAC News, Community Forum and FYI
8 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19961996University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
9 LEED 2009 for healthcare: new construction and major renovations (UUSAC)2009Healthcare; University of Utah staffProject checklist categories including: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, innovation in design, and regional priority credits.
10 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19951995University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
11 UUSAC Committees 1997-19981998CommitteesVariety of Universtity of Utah campus committes including membership and some minutes
12 UUSAC correspondence 1993-19941994LettersLetters and memos written by and to Bonnie McMorris concerning UUSAC business.
13 UUSAC UHESA 1993-19941994Bylaws; Univerity of Utah staff; MinutesUtah Higher Education Staff Association directory, meeting minutes, constitution and bylaws for 1993-1994.
14 UUSAC new member orientation 1993-19941994Policies; Newsletter; University of Utah EmployeesPolicies; procedures; membership lists and the UUSAC newsletter for new members of the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC).
15 UUSAC miscellaneous 1993-19941994Policies; University of Utah employeesMiscellaneous documents including policys, procedures and projects of the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC).
16 UUSAC correspondance 1997-19981998Letters, Memos, CorrespondenceLetters and memos to and from UUSAC members to members of the campus community, to each other and to others.
17 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) By-laws Revision, 19961996-05-22By-laws; University of Utah employees; University of Utah staffRevision of the UUSAC By-laws
18 UUSAC president's staff awards 1993-19941994University of Utah staff awardsNotes, articles and memos on University of Utah presidential staff awards.
19 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) minutes 19971997University of Utah employeesMinutes for the University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee.
20 University of Utah Staff Advisory Committee (UUSAC) presidential staff awards, 19961996University of Utah awards; Staff guidelines; University of Utah employees; Presidential awardsThis is the "bible" for the Presidential Staff Awards. Everything you need to know about the process is contained in this binder. Annually the chair of the nominating and selection committees should each file a report, noting problems, recommendations, ideas. Then, this binder should be passed to ne...
21 UUSAC staff award report and recommendations 19961996Awards; University of Utah staffRecommendations of the Presidential Staff Award Selection Committee for the award winners of 1996 at the University of Utah.
22 UUSAC SWAB 1997-19981998Staff salaries; University of Utah benefitsLetters, memos, agendas and membership information for the Salaries, Wages and Benefits Subcommittee.
23 UUSAC UHESA 1997-19981998Bylaws; PoliciesMemos, bylaws, and policies of the Utah Higher Education Staff Association (UHESA)
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