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1 Sixth nerve palsy or not? (Video)Vivian Paraskevi Douglas; Konstantinos Douglas; Nurhan TorunHere in we present a case of a 72-yearold Caucasian female with remote history of breast cancer who presented with diplopia in the right gaze over the past several months. There had been no improvement after a 5-day course of steroids by an outside ophthalmologist. On neuro-ophthalmic examination, t...Abduction deficit; Diplopia; Orbital imaging
2 Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic StrokeAaron W. Grossman, MD, PhDA video overview of thrombectomy of acute ischemic stroke. Covers anatomy, history of treatment, and current practice.Thrombectomy; Acute Ischemic Stroke
3 NANOS Illustrated Curriculum Section H IntroductionSean Gratton, MD; Zoë R. Williams, MDIntroduction video to the resources available in Section H of the NANOS Illustrated Curriculum.History, Neuro-ophthalmology; Principles of Practice, Neuro-Ophthalmology; Systems of Healthcare; Research, Neuro-ophthalmology
4 Overview of Medical Malpractice, Torts, and Tort ReformSarah Jacober; Sean GrattonThis is a brief narrated powerpoint, which serves as an introduction to the basics of medical malpractice. The definition and history of medical malpractice are explored. The relationship between medical malpractice and tort law are explained, and tort reform is introduced.Lawsuit; Malpractice; Medical Malpractice; Medicolegal; Tort Reform; Torts
5 Square Wave Jerks with ContrapulsionRaed Behbehani, MDA patient with history of brain stem stroke 2 months ago (right hemifacial anesthesia , left sided weakness and bulbar symptoms dysphagia) comes complaining of oscillipsia , binocular vertical diplopia). On exam he had a vertical tropia of 3-4 PD (Skew deviation), dissociated nystagmus , and saccadi...Square Wave Jerks; Contrapulsion
6 Bilateral Acquired Brown's SyndromeRyan D. Walsh, MD; Collin McClelland, MDA 27 year old female with a history of Sjogren's syndrome reported a 2 year history of a vertical binocular diplopia with looking up-and-to-the right. She has also noticed an audible "click" when positioning her eyes in this direction. As depicted in the video, when attempting to look up-and-to-the...Brown's syndrome; Brown syndrome; hypertropia; diplopia; disorder of ocular motility; Sjogren's syndrome
7 Ocular Neuromyotonia VideoBashaer Aldhahwani, MD; Joshua Pasol, MDA video demonstrates ocular neuromyotonia in the left eye of a patient with a history of cranial radiation of parasellar mass. Ocular neuromyotonia (ONM) is a rare ocular motor disorder characterized by intermittent, tonic spasms of one or more of the extraocular muscles, resulting in strabismus and...Ocular Neuromyotonia
8 Ocular NeuromyotoniaRaed Behbehani, MDOcular Neuromytonia is a characterised by by paroxysmal tonic contraction of the extraocular muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve. It is has been reported after cranial radiation therapy, especially to the sellar-parasellar region and from compressive lesions such tumours or aneurysms. The patho...Ocular Neuromyotania
9 Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus in Dorsal-Midbrain SyndromePaul Freund, MD, FRCSC; Edward Margolin, MD, FRCSCA man in his early twenties was referred by optometrist for abnormal eye motility findings. He had a remote history of an excised pinealoma. On exam he had almost complete upgaze palsy, convergence-retraction nystagmus on attempted upgaze, and light-near dissociation of pupillary reaction, the class...Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome; Parinaud Syndrome; Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus; Light-Near Dissociation
10 Cogan Lid TwitchHari Anandarajah, BAA 50-year-old woman presented with ptosis of her left eyelid for 6 months. Several exam findings including variable and fatigable ptosis, and Cogan lid twitch, raised suspicion for Myasthenia Gravis. Acetylcholine receptor binding, blocking, and modulating antibodies were negative, and single fiber ...Lid Twitch; Myasthenia Gravis
11 Methanol ToxicityDaniel Lovasz; James Brian Davis; Amanda Dean Henderson, MDMethanol toxicity can be very dangerous with high morbidity and mortality rates, and outcomes typically worsen with increasing acidemia, hyperglycemia, or acute kidney injury. Delayed treatment can result in irreversible injury, such as vision loss, or even death. The harmful effects of methanol com...Acidosis; Fomepizole; Formic Acid; Methanol Toxicity; Toxic Optic Neuropathy
12 Normal Light Reflex and Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD)Marshall Huang, 4th Year Medical StudentA Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect is an examination finding in patients who have an asymmetric pupillary reaction to light when it is shined back and forth between the two eyes. It is most commonly a sign of asymmetric optic nerve disease or damage but can also present in widespread asymmetric r...Light Reflex; RAPD
13 Pupillary BlockSujata Dalal; James Brian Davis; Amanda Dean HendersonPupillary block occurs when the pupillary margin of the iris contacts the anterior surface of the lens. This creates a barrier for the outflow of aqueous humor from the posterior chamber to the anterior chamber and resultant increased pressure in the posterior chamber. This pressure can cause the ir...Angle-Closure Glaucoma; Iris Bombe; Narrow Angle; Pupillary Block
14 Age Related Macular DegenerationRiya H. Patel; James Brian Davis; Amanda Dean HendersonAge-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative disease of the retina that causes central vision loss, and it is the leading cause of blindness in the developed world. Age is a strong nonmodifiable risk factor for AMD. Patients may have genetic susceptibility to AMD from mutations in genes ...AMD; AREDS2; Exudative; Geographic Atrophy; Macular Degeneration; Nonexudative
15 Treatment Outcomes of Ocular Manifestations in Wernicke's Encephalopathy: VideoWhitney Stuard Sambhariya, PhD, Medical Student; Melanie Truong-Le, DO, ODThe case of a 28- year-old woman with a past medical history of gastric sleeve who was reported to have blurry vision and presented to neuro-ophthalmology with double vision. On examination the patient had bilateral abducens palsy, alternating upbeat and downbeat nystagmus with a torsional component...Wernicke's Encephalopathy; Ocular Manifestations; Neuro-ophthalmology; Sbducens Palsy; Nystagmus; Double Vision; Blurry Vision
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