Title | Date | Type |
1 |
A Stage-Normalized Function for the Synthesis of Stage-Discharge Relations for the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona | 2003 | Text |
2 |
Accounting system for water use by vegetation in the lower Colorado River Valley | 1992 | Text |
3 |
Age of ground water in basalt aquifers near Spring Creek National Fish Hatchery, Skamania County, Washington | 1995 | Text |
4 |
Algal Data from Selected Sites in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Colorado, Water Years 1996-97 | 2001 | Text |
5 |
Analysis of ground-water-quality data of the Upper Colorado River basin, water years 1972-92 | 1998 | Text |
6 |
Analytical data from phases I and II of the Willamette River Basin water quality study, Oregon, 1992-94 | 1995 | Text |
7 |
Are streams in agricultural and urban areas contaminated by pesticides? | 1995 | Text |
8 |
Arsenic in Ground Water of the Willamette Basin, Oregon | 1999 | Text |
9 |
Assessing sandhill crane roosting habitat along the Platte River, Nebraska | 2005 | Text |
10 |
Assessment of selected inorganic constituents in streams in the Central Arizona Basins Study Area, Arizona and northern Mexico, through 1998 | 2003 | Text |
11 |
Assessment of water quality, nutrients, algal productivity, and management alternatives for low-flow conditions, South Umpqua river basin, Oregon, 1990-92 | 1996 | Text |
12 |
Biological and contaminant investigations, Upper Colorado River Basin : what's been done and how can the information be used? | 1997 | Text |
13 |
Biological Opinion for the proposed Coyote Springs Investment Development in Clark County, Nevada (Army Corps of Engineers Permit Application No. 200125042) | 2006-03-02 | Text |
14 |
Biological Opinion for the proprosed Coyote Springs Investment Development in Clark County, Nevada (Army Corps of Engineers Permit Application No. 200125042) | 2006-03-02 | Text |
15 |
Biology of the Rio Grande Border Region: A Bibliography | 1997 | Text |
16 |
Calculated Hydrographs for the Colorado River Downstream from Glen Canyon Dam during the Experimental Release, March 22-April 8, 1996 | 1996 | Text |
17 |
Changes in nutrient and pesticide concentrations in urban and agricultural areas of the South Platte River Basin, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, 1994-2000 | 2003 | Text |
18 |
Characterization of instream hydraulic and riparian habitat conditions and stream temperatures of the Upper White River Basin, Washington, using multispectral imaging systems | 2003 | Text |
19 |
Characterization of selected biological, chemical, and physical conditions at fixed sites in the Upper Colorado River basin, Colorado, 1995-98 | 1999 | Text |
20 |
Chemistry and age of ground water in the southwestern Hueco Bolson, New Mexico and Texas | 2003 | Text |
21 |
Classification of hydrogeologic areas and hydrogeologic flow systems in the basin and range physiographic province, southwestern United States | 2002 | Text |
22 |
Climatic fluctuations, drought, and flow of the Colorado River | 2004 | Text |
23 |
The Colorado River in Grand Canyon; how fast does it flow? | 1997 | Text |
24 |
Comparison of passive diffusion bag samplers and submersible pump sampling methods for monitoring volatile organic compounds in ground water at Area 6, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington | 2002 | Text |
25 |
Computation and analysis of the instantaneous-discharge record for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona : May 8, 1921, through September 30, 2000 | 2003 | Text |
26 |
Computational technique and performance of transient inundation model for rivers 142 dimensional (TRIM2RD): a depth-averaged two-dimensional flow model | 2003 | Text |
27 |
Concentrations and loads of suspended sediment and nutrients in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000 - with an analysis of trends in concentrations | 2003 | Text |
28 |
Concentrations of selected trace elements in fish tissue and streambed sediment in the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Spokane River Basins, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 1998 | 2000 | Text |
29 |
Concepts for monitoring water quality in the Spokane River Basin, Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington | 1998 | Text |
30 |
Controlled Flooding of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon: the Rationale and Data-Collection Planned | 1996 | Text |
31 |
Daily and seasonal variability of pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and specific conductance in the Colorado River between the forebay of Glen Canyon, Dam and Lees Ferry, northeastern Arizona, 1998-99, | 2001 | Text |
32 |
Data-collection methods, quality-assurance data, and site considerations for total dissolved gas monitoring, lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2000 | 2001 | Text |
33 |
Denver's urban ground-water quality : nutrients, pesticides, and volatile organic compounds | 1995 | Text |
34 |
Determination of Upstream Boundary Points on Southeastern Washington Streams and Rivers Under the Requirements of the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 | 2003 | Text |
35 |
Determining the source of water pumped from wells along the lower Colorado River | 1993 | Text |
36 |
Dioxins and furans in bed sediment and fish tissue of the Willamette Basin, Oregon, 1992-1995 | 1998 | Text |
37 |
Distribution and concentrations of selected organochlorine pesticides and PCB's in streambed sediment and whole-body fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1995-96 | 1998 | Text |
38 |
Distribution and concentrations of selected organochlorine pesticides and PCB's in streambed sediment and whole-body fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1995-96 | 1998 | Text |
39 |
Distribution and mass of nitrate in the unconfined aquifer beneath the intensively cultivated area north of the Rio Grande, San Luis Valley, Colorado, 1997 through 2001 | 2005 | Text |
40 |
Distribution of dissolved pesticides and other water quality constituents in small streams, and their relation to land use, in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1996 | 1997 | Text |
41 |
Ecological Effects on Streams from Forest Fertilization-Literature Review and Conceptual Framework for Future Study in the Western Cascades | 2002 | Text |
42 |
Ecological indicators of water quality in the Spokane River, Idaho and Washington, 1998 and 1999 | 2003-07 | Text |
43 |
The effect of calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) deicing material on the water quality of Bear Creek, Clackamas County, Oregon, 1999 | 2000 | Text |
44 |
The effect of chamber mixing velocity on bias in measurement of sediment oxygen demand rates in the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon | 2003 | Text |
45 |
Effect of water-column ph on sediment-phosphorus release rates in Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, 2001 | 2004 | Text |
46 |
Effects of hypothetical management scenarios on simulated water temperatures in the Tualatin River, Oregon | 2000 | Text |
47 |
Effects of reservoir installation, San Juan-Chama Project water, and reservoir operations on streamflow and water quality in the Rio Chama and Rio Grande, northern and central New Mexico, 1938-2000 | 2004 | Text |
48 |
Effects of water quality and habitat on composition of fish communities in the Upper Colorado River Basin | 1997 | Text |
49 |
Environmental Contaminants and their effects on fish in the Colorado River Basin | 2004 | Text |
50 |
Environmental setting of the Willamette Basin, Oregon | 1997 | Text |
51 |
Estimated domestic, irrigation, and industrial water use in Washington, 2000 | 2004 | Text |
52 |
Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1995 | 1998 | Text |
53 |
Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1995 | 1998 | Text |
54 |
Estimated use of water in the United States in 2000 | 2004 | Text |
55 |
Estimates of ground-water recharge, base flow, and stream reach gains and losses in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon | 2002 | Text |
56 |
Estimating the probability of elevated nitrate (NO2+NO3-N) concentrations in ground water in the Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area, Washington | 2000 | Text |
57 |
Estimating water temperatures in small streams in western Oregon using neural network models | 2003 | Text |
58 |
Fish communities in the plains region of the South Platte River, August 1993 and 1994 | 1994 | Text |
59 |
Fraser River watershed, Colorado : assessment of available water-quantity and water-quality data through water year 1997 | 1999 | Text |
60 |
Generalized hydrogeology and ground-water budget for the C Aquifer, Little Colorado River basin and parts of the Verde and Salt River basins, Arizona and New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
61 |
Geochemical Characterization of Ground-water Flow in the Santa Fe Group Aquifer System, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico | 2004 | Text |
62 |
Geologic framework of the regional ground-water flow system in the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon | 2002 | Text |
63 |
Geologic studies of the Platte River, south-central Nebraska and adjacent areas--geologic maps, subsurface study, and geologic history | 2005 | Text |
64 |
Ground - water hydrology of the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon | 2001 | Text |
65 |
Ground displacements caused by aquifer-system water-level variations observed using interferometric synthetic aperture radar near Albuquerque, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
66 |
Ground Water and Surface Water A Single Resource | 1998 | Text |
67 |
Ground water atlas of the United States: Segment 2, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah | 1995 | Text |
68 |
Ground Water Atlas of the United States; Oklahoma, Texas | 1996 | Text |
69 |
Ground Water Atlas of the United States; Oklahoma, Texas | 1996 | Text |
70 |
Ground-water and water-chemistry data for the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon | 1997 | Text |
71 |
Ground-Water and Water-Chemistry Data for the Willamette Basin, Oregon | 2000 | Text |
72 |
Ground-water data for the Warm Springs Indian Reservation and contiguous areas, north-central Oregon | 1996 | Text |
73 |
Ground-water quality and levels, and surface-water, meteorological and other environmental data collected at two storm-water retention basins near DuPont, Washington, Water Years 1998-2000 | 2000 | Text |
74 |
Ground-water resources of the Middle Rio Grande Basin | 2002 | Text |
75 |
Ground-water resources of the middle Rio Grande basin, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
76 |
Heat as a tool for studying the movement of ground water near streams | 2003 | Text |
77 |
Herbicide use in the management of roadside vegetation, Western Oregon, 1999-2000: effects on the water quality of nearby streams | 2001 | Text |
78 |
Hydrogeologic setting and preliminary estimates of hydrologic components for Bull Run Lake and the Bull Run Lake drainage basin, Multnomah and Clackamas Counties, Oregon | 1996 | Text |
79 |
Hydrogeology of the unconsolidated sediments, water quality, and ground-water/surface-water exchanges in the Methow River Basin, Okanogan County, Washington | 2003 | Text |
80 |
Hydrogeology, water quality, and stormwater-sediment chemistry of the Grande Wash area, Fort McDowell Indian Reservation, Maricopa County, Arizona | 2000 | Text |
81 |
Hydrologic conditions in the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge and Planet Valley, Arizona, 2000 | 2002 | Text |
82 |
Identifying wells downstream from Laguna Dam that yield water that will be replaced by water from the Colorado River, Arizona and California | 2000 | Text |
83 |
Initial-phase investigation of multi-dimensional streamflow simulations in the Colorado River, Moab Valley, Grand County, Utah, 2004 | 2005 | Text |
84 |
Inorganic chemistry of water and bed sediment in selected tributaries of the South Umpqua River, Oregon, 1998 | 1999 | Text |
85 |
Interim results of quality-control sampling of surface water for the Upper Colorado River National Water-Quality Assessment Study Unit, water years 1995-96 | 1997 | Text |
86 |
The internal structure of sand bars on the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, as determined by ground-penetrating radar | 2001 | Text |
87 |
Intra-Service Programmatic Biological Opinion for the Proposed Muddy River Memorandum of Agreement Regarding the Groundwater Withdrawal of 16,100 Acre-Feet per Year from the Regional Carbonate Aquifer in Coyote Spring Valley and California Wash Basins, and Establish Conservation Measures for the Moapa Dace, Clark County, Nevada | 2006-01-11 | Text |
88 |
Investigation of the distribution of organochlorine and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds in the Lower Columbia River using semipermeable membrane devices | 1999 | Text |
89 |
Is Septic Waste Affecting Drinking Water From Shallow Domestic Wells Along the Platte River in Eastern Nebraska? | 2004 | Text |
90 |
Klamath River Basin hydrologic conditions prior to the September 2002 die-off of Salmon and Steelhead | 2003 | Text |
91 |
Land-Use Changes and the Physical Habitat of Streams-A Review with Emphasis on Studies within the U.S. Geological Survey Federal-State Cooperative Program | 2001 | Text |
92 |
Large floods in the United States: where they happen and why | 2003 | Text |
93 |
Las Vegas, Nevada: Gambling with water in the desert | 1999 | Text |
94 |
Less snow, less water: Climate disruption in the west | 2005 | Text |
95 |
Lost, a desert river and its native fishes: A historical perspective of the lower Colorado River | 2002 | Text |
96 |
Magnetotelluric data in the middle Rio Grande basin, Albuquerque volcanoes, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
97 |
Magnetotelluric data release across the Hubbell Springs fault area, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico | 2003 | Text |
98 |
Major-ion, nutrient, and trace-element concentrations in the Steamboat Creek Basin, Oregon, 1996 | 1998 | Text |
99 |
Mercury concentrations in edible muscle of Lake Whatcom Fish | 2001 | Text |
100 |
Merged digital aeromagnetic data for the middle Rio Grande and southern Espanola basins, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
101 |
Method to identify wells that yield water that will be replaced by water from the Colorado River downstream from Laguna Dam in Arizona and California | 2000 | Text |
102 |
Modeling streamflow and water temperature in the North Santiam And Santiam Rivers, Oregon, 2001-02 | 2004 | Text |
103 |
Modeling water quality in the Tualatin River, Oregon, 1991-1997 | 2001 | Text |
104 |
Modifications of the U.S. geological survey modular, finite-difference, ground-water flow model to read and write geographic information system files | 1992 | Text |
105 |
Monitoring and Assessing our Nation's Water Quality | 2002 | |
106 |
Monitoring and Assessing our Nation's Water Quality | 2002 | Text |
107 |
Monitoring and Assessing our Nation's Water Quality | 2002 | Text |
108 |
Monitoring Channel Sand Storage in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon | 1995 | Text |
109 |
Monitoring instream turbidity to estimate continuous suspended-sediment loads and yields and clay-water volumes in the Upper North Santiam River Basin, Oregon, 1998-2000 | 2003 | Text |
110 |
Monitoring Of Coarse Sediment Inputs To The Colorado River In Grand Canyon | 2001 | Text |
111 |
Monitoring The Water Quality of the Nation's Large Rivers Colorado River NASQAN Program | 2000 | Text |
112 |
National water-quality assessment program; the central Nebraska basins | 1991 | Text |
113 |
Near-real-time simulation and internet-based delivery of forecast-flood inundation maps using two-dimensional hydraulic modeling: a pilot study of the Snoqualmie River, Washington | 2002 | Text |
114 |
New Mexico; Middle Rio Grande basin study | 1999 | Text |
115 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus data for surface water in the Upper Colorado River basin, Colorado, 1980-94 | 1997 | Text |
116 |
Nitrogen and phosphorus loading from drained wetlands adjacent to Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon | 1997 | Text |
117 |
Numerical simulation of vertical ground-water flux of the Rio Grande from ground-water temperature profiles, central New Mexico | 1999 | Text |
118 |
Nutrient concentration gradients and biological response in central Nebraska streams | 2003 | Text |
119 |
Nutrient dynamics in five off-stream reservoirs in the lower South Platte River basin, March-September 1995 | 2002 | Text |
120 |
Nutrients in the South Platte River, 1993-95 | 1995 | Text |
121 |
Occurrence and distribution of dissolved trace elements in the surface waters of the Yakima River Basin | 2003 | Text |
122 |
Occurrence and distribution of dissolved trace elements in the surface waters of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000 | 2003 | Text |
123 |
Occurrence and transport of cadmium, lead, and zinc in the Spokane River Basin, Idaho and Washington, water years 1999 132001 | 2003 | Text |
124 |
Occurrence of Pesticides in Ground Water of the North Platte Natural Resources District, Nebraska, 2002 | 2003 | Text |
125 |
Occurrence of Selected Contaminants in Water, Fish Tissue, and Streambed Sediments in Central Nebraska, 1992-95 | 1996 | Text |
126 |
Occurrence of selected pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical compounds, and stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios, in a riverbank filtration study, Platte River, Nebraska, 2001 to 2003, Volume 1 | 2005 | Text |
127 |
Occurrence of selected trace elements and organic compounds and their relation to land use in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1992-94 | 1996 | Text |
128 |
Organochlorine compounds and trace elements in streambed sediment and fish tissue, South Platte River Basin; Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming | 1997 | Text |
129 |
Organochlorine compounds in streambed sediment and in biological tissue from streams and their relations to land use, central Arizona | 2000 | Text |
130 |
Peak-flow frequency for tributaries of the Colorado River downstream of Austin, Texas | 1998 | Text |
131 |
Peak-flow frequency relations and evaluation of the peak-flow gaging network in Nebraska | 1999 | Text |
132 |
Pesticides in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000-Their occurrence and an assessment of factors affecting concentrations and loads | 2002 | Text |
133 |
Pesticides in surface water of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000-their occurrence and an assessment of factors affecting concentrations and loads | 2002 | Text |
134 |
Pesticides in surface waters of the upper Colorado River basin, Colorado, 1996-98 | 2000 | Text |
135 |
Pesticides in the Lower Clackamas River Basin, Oregon, 2000-01 | 2004 | Text |
136 |
Phosphorus and E. Coli and their relation to selected constituents during storm runoff conditions in Fanno Creek, Oregon, 1998-99 | 2003 | Text |
137 |
Phosphorus and E. coli in the Fanno and Bronson Creek subbasins of the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon, during summer low-flow conditions, 1996 | 2000 | Text |
138 |
Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Knowles, Forgotten, and Moqui Canyons, and Effects of Recreational Use on Water Quality, Lake Powell, Arizona and Utah | 2005 | Text |
139 |
Platte River ecosystem resources and management, with emphasis on the Big Bend reach in Nebraska. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Grand Island, Nebraska | 1997 | Text |
140 |
Precipitation-runoff and streamflow-routing models for the Willamette River Basin, Oregon | 1997 | Text |
141 |
Precipitation-runoff simulations of current and natural streamflow conditions in the Methow River Basin, Washington | 2003 | Text |
142 |
Preliminary assessment of infiltration rates and effects on water quality of selected infiltration media for use in highway runoff retention basins in Washington State | 2001-10 | Text |
143 |
Preliminary assessment of using tree-tissue analysis and passive diffusion samplers to evaluate trichloroethene contamination of ground water at Site SS-34N, McChord Air Force Base, Washington, 2001 | 2002 | Text |
144 |
Priority Ecosystem Study - Platte River Program | 2004 | Text |
145 |
Probable effects of the proposed Sulphur Gulch Reservoir on Colorado River quantity and quality near Grand Junction, Colorado | 2004 | Text |
146 |
Processes controlling dissolved oxygen and pH in the upper Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1994 | 1995 | Text |
147 |
Quality assurrance project plan for the Midnite Mine phase 1 RI/FS Stevens County, Washington: Revision 1 including addendum (Revision 1.1, November 12, 1999) | 1999-08 | |
148 |
Quality of shallow ground water in alluvial aquifers of the Willamette Basin, Oregon, 1993-95 | 1997 | Text |
149 |
Quality-assurance data, comparison to water-quality standards, and site considerations for total dissolved gas and water temperature, Lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2001 | 2001 | Text |
150 |
Questa Baseline and Pre-Mining Ground-Water Quality Investigation. 5. Well Installation, Water-Level Data, and Surface- and Ground-Water Geochemistry in the Straight Creek Drainage Basin, Red River Valley, New Mexico, 2001-03 | 2005 | Text |
151 |
Relation between selected water-quality variables and lake level in Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon | 1996 | Text |
152 |
Relations of benthic macroinvertebrates to concentrations of trace elements in water, streambed sediments, and transplanted bryophytes and stream habitat conditions in nonmining and mining areas of the upper Colorado River basin, Colorado, 1995-98 | 2002 | Text |
153 |
Relations of Tualatin River water temperatures to natural and human-caused factors | 1997 | Text |
154 |
Review of Knowledge on the Occurrence, Chemical Composition, and Potential Use for Desalination of Saline Ground Water in Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas with a Discussion of Potential Future Study Needs | 2004 | Text |
155 |
Review of Results and Recommendations from the GCMRC 2000-2003 Remote-Sensing Initiative for Monitoring Environmental Resources Within the Colorado River Ecosystem | 2004 | Text |
156 |
Review of sediment data in the South Platte River Basin, Colorado, 1980-92 | 1995 | Text |
157 |
Rio Grande Delta in Texas-Sea-Level, Climate, Neotectonic and Anthropogenic Effects | 1999 | Text |
158 |
Salinity in the Colorado River in the Grand Valley, western Colorado, 1994-95 | 1996 | Text |
159 |
Science for a Sustainable Future of the Great Plains: Water-Quality Assessment in Central Nebraska | 1996 | Text |
160 |
Seasonal and spatial variability of nutrients and pesticides in streams of the Willamette Basin, Oregon, 1993-95 | 1998 | Text |
161 |
Sediment Delivery by Ungaged Tributaries of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon | 2001 | Text |
162 |
Sediment oxygen demand in Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, Oregon, 1999 | 2001 | Text |
163 |
Selected elements and organic chemicals in bed sediment and tissue of the Tualatin River Basin, Oregon, 1992-96 | 1999 | Text |
164 |
Selected hydrologic data for the upper Rio Hondo basin, Lincoln County, New Mexico, 1945-2003 | 2004 | Text |
165 |
Selected trace-element and synthetic-organic compound data for streambed sediment from the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Spokane River Basins, Montana, Idaho, and Washington, 1998 | 2002-11 | |
166 |
Shallow ground-water quality in the Platte River Valley alluvium, Nebraska, October-November 1997 | 2000 | Text |
167 |
Simulated effects of ground-water management scenarios on the Santa Fe group aquifer system, Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico, 2001-40 | 2003 | Text |
168 |
Simulated effects of the proposed Sulphur Gulch Reservoir operations on Colorado river quantity and quality | 2005 | Text |
169 |
Simulated water-management alternatives using the modular modeling system for the Methow River Basin, Washington | 2004 | Text |
170 |
Simulation of ground-water flow in the Middle Rio Grande Basin between Cochiti and San Acacia, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
171 |
Some bacteria are beneficial! | 1995 | Text |
172 |
Sources of mercury in sediments, water, and fish of the lakes of Whatcom County, Washington | 2004 | Text |
173 |
Sources of water to the Rio Grande upstream from San Marcial, New Mexico | 2004 | Text |
174 |
South Platte Water Rights Management System | 1995 | |
175 |
Strategic directions for the Water Resources Division, 1998-2008 | 1998 | Text |
176 |
Stream velocity and dispersion characteristics determined by dye-tracer studies on selected stream reaches in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon | 1995 | Text |
177 |
Streambed adjustment and channel widening in eastern Nebraska | 2003 | Text |
178 |
Summary of flow loss between selected cross sections on the Rio Grande in and near Albuquerque, New Mexico | 2002 | Text |
179 |
Summary of information on aquatic biota and their habitats in the Willamette Basin, Oregon, through 1995 | 1997 | Text |
180 |
Summary of information on synthetic organic compounds and trace elements in tissue of aquatic biota, Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Spokane River Basins, Montana, Idaho, and Washington, 1974-96 | 1999 | Text |
181 |
Summary of sediment data from the Yampa river and upper Green river basins, Colorado and Utah, 1993-2002 | 2004 | Text |
182 |
Summary of surface-water-quality data collected for the Northern Rockies Intermontane Basins National Water-Quality Assessment Program in the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille and Spokane River Basins, Montana, Idaho, and Washington, Water Years 1999-2001 | 2003 | Text |
183 |
Surface-Water Quality-Assurance Plan for the Washington District, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Discipline | 2004 | Text |
184 |
Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin in Washington: Overview of Major Findings, 1987-91 | 1999 | Text |
185 |
Surface-water-quality assessment of the Yakima River Basin, Washington: overview of major findings, 1987-91 | 1998 | Text |
186 |
Sustainability of Ground-Water Resources | 1999 | Text |
187 |
Total dissolved gas and water temperature in the Lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2003: quality-assurance data and comparison to water-quality standards | 2003 | Text |
188 |
Total dissolved gas, barometric pressure, and water temperature data, lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 1996 | 1996 | Text |
189 |
Toxic contaminants survery of thelower Rio Grande, lower Arroyo Colorado, and associated coastal waters | 1995 | Text |
190 |
Trace elements in streambed sediment and fish liver at selected sites in the Upper Colorado River basin, Colorado 1995-96 | 1998 | Text |
191 |
Transboundary Water Resources Management in the Upper Rio Grande Basin | 2003 | Text |
192 |
Traveltime characteristics of Gore Creek and Black Gore Creek, upper Colorado River basin, Colorado | 2002 | Text |
193 |
U. S. Geological Survey Middle Rio Grande basin study; proceedings of the Fourth annual workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 15-16, 2000 | 2001 | Text |
194 |
The U.S. Geological Survey recent highlights; natural resources | 1997 | Text |
195 |
Uncertainty in annual streamflow and change in reservoir content data from selected stations in the lower Colorado River streamflow-gaging station network, 1995-99 | 2002 | Text |
196 |
Updating flood inundation maps efficiently: building on existing hydraulic information and modern elevation data with a GIS | 1998 | Text |
197 |
Updating flood maps efficiently using existing hydraulic models, very-high-accuracy elevation data, and a geographic information system- a pilot study on the Nisqually River, Washington | 2001 | Text |
198 |
The upper Colorado River; National Water-Quality Assessment Program; surface-water-monitoring network | 1996 | Text |
199 |
Upper Klamath Basin nutrient-loading study- estimate of wind-induced resuspension of bed sediment during periods of low lake elevation | 1996 | Text |
200 |
Upper Klamath Lake Basin nutrient-loading study-assessment of historic flows in the Williamson and Sprague Rivers | 1999 | Text |