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1 Silverman, Randall H.First paper made west of the MissouriThe need for paper was recognized in Utah by the American Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers before their arrival in "Great Salt Lake City" (as it was originally called) in 1847. Frustration at having to delay plans to publish a newspaper was noted in a letter drafted by Young on July 17...Deseret News; Thomas Howard; Sugar House Mill; Granite Paper Mill1994
2 Silverman, Randall H.Hurricane havoc in paradiseTuesday 3 November 1992: Having previously cast absentee ballots, six conservators departed from Honolulu airport on election day for Kaua'i and a first-hand look at the damage caused by Hurricane Iniki.Recovery; Mold; Kaua'i museum1992
3 Reitze, Arnold W.BiofuelsSnake Oil for the Twenty-First CenturyCongress should slash its subsidies for corn-based ethanol and focus its efforts on research and development efforts to advance the technologies needed to reduce our need for foreign petroleum. We should be working to lower the costs of cellulosic ethanol production as well as working on promisi...2008-12-01
4 Diener, Marissa L.Gift from the gods: a Balinese guide to early child rearingThe influence of Western schools and other imports notwithstanding, many child-rearing practices recorded earlier in the century [in Indonesia] are still observable, especially those concerning infants and young children. For the "manual" that follows, I propose as the fictive author a male healer, ...Children; Bali; Infants; Child rearing manuals2000
5 Sanchez, Thomas W.New suburban politics: a county?based analysis of metropolitan voting trends since 2000This chapter looks at voting patterns in the American suburbs in the national elections of 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. Understanding these patterns is critical to understanding future elections, because the suburbs are now quasi urban and home to over half of the U.S. population.(1) Although it was ...Elections; Voting patterns; Urban politics2008
6 McDaniel, SusanCulture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexualityIn this presentation, I hope to take you on a journey through the social landscape which teaches us about spirituality and sexuality. Like any journey, this one will have its ups and downs and in this case both ups and downs come from the same source. That source is the recognition that what we can...1987
7 Brown, Philip; Johnson, Howard; Postel-Vinay, Gilles; Ping-Yu, Shen; Sinel, AllenPeasant studies Volume 15 number 1 Fall 1987TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Feudal Remnants ' and Tenant Power: The Case of Niigata, Japan, in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, Philip C. Brown; Merchant Credit and the Dispossession o f the Cocoa Peasantry in Trinidad in the Late Nineteenth Century,Howard Johnson; Alternative Patterns of Urba...1987
8 Flynn, John J.General practitioner's introduction to antitrust law and practiceAntitrust practice is considered by many general practitioners to be arcane, complex and mysterious. It is a jargon-ridden world, with rapid developments expanding an evermore complex vocabulary to describe new business practices brought within the ebb and flow of antitrust litigation. Most general ...Litigation.; Competition; Client1975
9 Paiva, Marie96-97 Final report: ALA/USIA library fellow to ethiopiaThe National Library of Ethiopia (NLE) in Addis Ababa requested a librarian to help with staff training, evaluate organizational procedures and processes, and make recommendations to the institution. In order to work on the objectives, Library seminar/discussions were held on various topics for both...Ethiopia; Addis Ababa university; National library of Ethiopia; Librarianship1997-07-07
10 Silverman, Randall H.Connoisseurship of nineteenth and early twentieth century publishers' bookbindingsThe vast majority of historically significant nineteenth- and early-twentieth century publishers' bookbindings reside in the general collections of research libraries. In no way does this minimize the importance of this material historically nor the library's professional obligation to guarantee its...Publishers and publishing; Book Repair Practices2000
11 Flynn, John J.Survey of injunctive relief under state and federal antitrust lawsRelatively little has been written about equitable relief under state and federal antitrust laws.1 Equity power in antitrust enforcement means much more than the mere power to restrain a defendant from doing an act for which the plaintiff has no "remedy at law," to order a defendant to remove a nuis...Statute; Directive1967
12 Battin, Margaret P.Coping with methuselah the impact of molecular biology on medicine and societyThe prospect of extra-long life spawns a bloom of ethical issues, among them how to achieve intergenerational equity; how to balance health care entitlements with rising costs for the elderly; how to divide years of life between work and retirement; how to assign the responsibilities of young family...2004
13 Epstein, Steve A.; Gould, Jeffrey L.; Hamer, John H.; Hill, Christopher, V.; Wildenbeest, Gerrit W. F.Peasant studies Volume 15 Number 4 Summer 1988TABLE OF CONTENTS Can the Collectivization o f Agriculture be made Palatable through Organization and Incentives, John H. Hamer; Recent Farmers ' Protest in a Dutch Municipality: the Legacy o f the Past, Gerrit Wildenbees; Resistance and Participation in the Postrevolutionary Nicaraguan Countryside,...1988
14 Flynn, John J.Trends in federal antitrust doctrine suggesting future directions for state antitrust enforcementState antitrust policy, in the form of constitutional provisions, statutes, and common law decisions, has been with us for decades.1 Originally hamstrung by restrictive court decisions fencing off state jurisdiction from commerce that was "interstate,"2 state antitrust enforcement enjoyed many years...Antitrust enforcement1979
15 Brow, James; Guillet, David; McPhee, Peter; Sisaye, Selehi; Stommes, EileenPeasant studies Volume 9 Number 1 Fall 1981TABLE OF CONTENTS A Reconsideration o f the "Peasantry " of Nineteenth-Century France, Peter McPhee; Some Problems in the Analysis o f Agrarian Classes in South Asia, James Brow; Change and Transformation in Highland Peru, David Guillet; Peasants and Community Development: The Ethiopian Experience, ...1981
16 Flynn, John J.Misuse and abuse of the Tunney Act: the adverse consequences of the microsoft fallaciesThere have been two Microsoft cases leading to final judgements. Throughout the Tunney Act processes in both cases, however, there was little discussion regarding the standards of judicial review that should apply in a Tunney Act consent decree proceeding where no litigation has taken place. There ...Tunney Act; Microsoft; Microsoft fallacy2003
17 Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Patterns of household food expenditures: a cluster analysisIn this study we use the Diary Survey component of the 2001 and 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey to investigate patterns of household food expenditures. We identify eight constellations of food expenditures that are more and less likely to be associated with healthy eating habits. These clusters in...Diet; Fast food; Nutrition; Eating habits2006-09-01
18 Flynn, John J.Criminal sanctions under state and federal antitrust lawsPerhaps the most violently debated issue in the law of antitrust remedies is whether criminal sanctions should be imposed. Some have made impassioned pleas for a crusade against criminal sanctions as abettors of "communism";1 others have complained that private business interests in the United Sta...Antimonopoly; Antisocial; Interests1967
19 Flynn, John J.Old wine in new bottles: some observations about current monopolization litigationLawyers seldom have the luxury of speaking in generalities. The particulars of the cases and the client's problems we deal with usually limit our immediate concerns and thinking to the facts at hand. Facts, unlike the generalities law professors are allowed to dispense in the classroom or the unrea...Lawyers; Assumptions; Analysis1983
20 Zick, Cathleen D.; Brown, Barbara B.; Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Smith, Ken R.Household food expenditure patterns: a cluster analysisThe 2001 report titled "The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity" identified overweight and obesity as major public health problems, costing U.S. society as much as $117 billion a year and posing as great a threat of death as poverty, smoking, or problem ...Food expenditure; Buying habits; Buying patterns2007
21 Kowaleski-Jones, Lori; Fan, Jessie Xiaojing; Brown, Barbara B.; Smith, Ken R.; Zick, Cathleen D.Patterns of household food expenditures: a cluster analysisIn this study we use the Diary Survey component of the 2001 and 2002 Consumer Expenditure Survey to investigate patterns of household food expenditures. We identify eight constellations of food expenditures that are more and less likely to be associated with healthy eating habits. These clusters in...Diet; Fast food; Nutrition; Eating habits2007
22 Lenart, Joshua BelaThe Blue Castle project: a feasibility study of the proposed nuclear power plant in Emery County, Utah along the Green RiverWith an increasing population in Utah, specifically in the Salt Lake Valley, the demand for energy is rapidly growing each year. Currently, Utah's electric grid is largely produced by burning coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels. In the past, supplying Utahns with electricity from these forms h...Blue Castle; Utah; Nuclear power plant; Emery County2015-08
23 Regehr, JohnHelp, help, Im being suppressed the significance of suppressors in software testingAbstract-Test features are basic compositional units used to describe what a test does (and does not) involve. For example, in API-based testing, the most obvious features are function calls; in grammar-based testing, the obvious features are the elements of the grammar. The relationship between fea...2013-01-01
24 Crespo, Jose GuillermoA review of chemosensation and related behavior in aquatic insectsInsects that are secondarily adapted to aquatic environments are able to sense odors from a diverse array of sources. The antenna of these insects, as in all insects, is the main chemosensory structure and its input to the brain allows for integration of sensory information that ultimately ends in b...2011-09-13
25 Davidson, Diane W.Evolutionary ecology of symbiotic ant-plant relationshipsAbstract.--A tabular survey of ant-plant symbioses worldwide summarizes aspects of the evolutionary ecology of these associations. Remarkable similarities between ant-plant symbioses in disjunct tropical regions result from convergent and parallel evolution of similarly preadapted ants and plants. ...Symbioses; Evolution; Taxonomic1993
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