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1 Mallon, Ronald'Race': normative, not metaphysical or semanticIn recent years, there has been a flurry of work on the metaphysics of race. While it is now widely accepted that races do not share robust, biobehavioral essences, opinions differ over what, if anything, race is. Recent work has been divided between three apparently quite different answers. A varie...2006
2 Johnston, Susan S.20 ways to maximize the use of single switch technology with students with severe disabilitesStudents with severe physical and/or cognitive disabilities may find it very difficult to engage in activities in their environment. Single switch technology can provide the means for adapting activities to meet student's diverse needs (Brett, 1995). Single switches can be used as tools for promoti...Single switch; Severe disabilities; Assistive technology; Disabled students2006
3 Mathews, V. JohnA stable adaptive Hammerstein filter employing partial orthogonalization of the input signalsAbstract-This paper presents an algorithm that adapts the parameters of a Hammerstein system model. Hammerstein systems are nonlinear systems that contain a static nonlinearity cascaded with a linear system. In this paper, the static nonlinearity is modeled using a polynomial system, and the linear ...2006
4 Symko, Orest GeorgeAcoustic approach to thermal management: miniature thermoacoustic enginesAn acoustic approach to thermal management in electronics can be efficient and it can be directly interfaced with electronic devices. It is based on two types of thermoacoustic heat engines, which are being developed for microcircuit applications. One type of device, the prime mover, converts heat t...Thermoacoustic engines; Thermal management2006
5 Armentrout, Peter B.Activation of methane by gold cations: guided ion beam and theoretical studiesThe potential energy surface for activation of methane by the third-row transition metal cation, Au+, is studied experimentally by examining the kinetic energy dependence of this reaction using guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. A flow tube ion source produces Au+ primarily in its 1S0 (5d10) ...2006
6 Dailey, Andrew T.Agreement between orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons regarding a new algorithm for the treatment of thoracolumbar injuries: a multicenter reliability studyIntroduction: Considerable variability exists in the management of thoracolumbar (TL) spine injuries. Although there are many influences, one significant factor may be the treating surgeon's specialty and training (ie, orthopedic surgery vs. neurosurgery). Our objective was to assess the agreement ...Thoracolumbar injuries; Rating; Classification; TLISS; Neurosurgery; Interspeciality reliability2006
7 Stevens, KennethAlgorithms for MIS vector generation and pruningIgnoring the effect of simultaneous switching for logic gates causes silicon failures for high performance microprocessor designs. The main reason to omit this effect is the run time penalty and potential over-conservatism. Run times are directly proportional to the vector sizes. Efficient algorithm...2006
8 Coley, Phyllis D.; Lokvam, John; Kursar, Thomas A.Allelochemic function for a primary metabolite: the case of L-tyrosine hyper-production in Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)Young leaves of tropical forest trees experience far higher herbivory pressure than mature leaves of the same species. Selection on young leaves has led to diverse forms of defense chemical expression. Though most allelochemicals are secondary metabolites, allelochemic function for a primary metabol...5-amino-4-hydroxy-pentanoic acid; Panama; Barro Colorado Island; Fabaceae; Inga umbellifera; Primary metabolite; Heliothis virescens2006
9 Miller, Jan D.Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulationsA study of the interfacial properties of the basal plane and the edge surfaces of talc is described in this paper. The isoelectric-point measured at the two different crystallographic planes by the streaming potential method was found to be similar and exists at about pH 3.0. In the case of the edg...Streaming potential; Scanning electron microscope; Atomic force microscope2006
10 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Nahata, AjayAnomalous transmission through heavily doped conducting polymer films with periodic subwavelength hole arrayWe observed resonantly enhanced (or anomalous transmission) terahertz transmission through two-dimensional (2D) periodic arrays of subwavelength apertures with various periodicities fabricated on metallic organic conducting polymer films of polypyrrole heavily doped with PF6 molecules [PPy(PF6)]. Th...2006
11 Dailey, Andrew T.; Brodke, Darrel S.; Bachus, Kent N.Anterior cervical fixation: analysis of load-sharing and stability with use of static and dynamic platesBackground: Anterior plates provide stability following decompression and fusion of the cervical spine. Various plate designs have emerged, and they include static plates with fixed-angle screws, rotationally dynamic plates that allow the screws to toggle in the plate, and translationally dynamic pl...Anterior cervical fixation; Load-sharing; Stability; Static plates; Dynamic plates2006
12 Hunt, Steven C.; Adams, Ted; Hopkins, Paul N.; Hunt, Steven C.ATGL gene is associated with free fatty acids, triglycerides, and type 2 diabetesAdipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) was recently described to predominantly perform the initial step in triglyceride hydrolysis and therefore seems to play a pivotal role in the lipolytic catabolism of stored fat in adipose tissue. In the first study investigating genetic variations within the ATGL g...Diabete, Type 2; ATGL; Fat; Triglycerides2006
13 Miller, Jan D.Atomic force microscopy investigation of interaction forces between polyethylene and asphaltene surfacesMany petroleum-derived asphalts used for road construction exhibit poor rheological properties. These properties of asphalt can be improved by addition of various polymer fillers to the asphalt blend. Recycled polyolefines, especially polyethylene and polypropylene have been used as the asphalt mo...Asphalt; Rheology; Polyolefins2006
14 Anderson, Richard BryanAway from the Icebergs: row your library into the Web 2.0 environmentI DON?T THINK THERE?S ANY QUESTION THAT WE LIBRARIANS ARE WORKING hard, with the best intentions, to serve our users well in a world that has changed dramatically in the last decade. If the profession is a boat, then I think we?re all rowing pretty heroically. But I?m not sure we?re paying enough a...Web 2.0; Libraries2006
15 Yaffe, JoanneBehaviorism, social learning, and exchange theoryBehaviorism focuses on learning and the way in which behavior is shaped by its antecedent conditions and consequences. In rejecting mentalistic constructs such as mind, consciousness, and other internal processes, behaviorism stresses the importance of studying observable behavior rather than pheno...2006
16 Diamond, LisaCareful what you ask for: reconsidering feminist epistemology and autobiographical narrative in research on sexual identity developmentFeminist theory has had an undoubtable but inconsistent influence on developmental psychology. Although feminist perspectives have productively challenged developmental models centered on male experiences (Gilligan 1982) and have called attention to socialization practices that reproduce systemati...Feminism; Epistemology; Autobiography2006
17 Couldwell, William T.; Orlandi, Richard R.Carotid artery-sparing repair of a cavernous carotid artery pseudoaneurysmCarotid artery (CA) injury after transsphenoidal and endoscopic sinus surgery is a well-recognized but fortunately rare complication.1 It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality rates5 and is more common in cases of repeated surgery, cavernous sinus invasion, prior radiotherapy, and ...Carotid artery; Sinus; Pseudoaneurysm; Endoscopic surgery2006
18 Dawson, KyleCCD testing and characterization for dark energy surveyA description of the plans and infrastructure developed for CCD testing and characterization for the DES focal plane detectors is presented. Examples of the results obtained are shown and discussed in the context of the device requirements for the survey instrument.DES2006
19 Schmidt, Meic H.Cervical spine deformity associated with resection of spinal cord tumorsPostoperative sagittal-plane cervical spine deformities are a concern when laminectomy is performed for tumor resection in the spinal cord. These deformities appear to occur more commonly after resection of intramedullary spinal cord lesions, compared with laminectomy for stenosis caused by degener...Kyphosis; Cervical deformity; Intramedullary tumor; Laminectomy; Children2006
20 Furse, Cynthia M.; Cotter, Neil E.Challenges in curriculum adaptation across institutions of higher education: international and national student transferThe challenges associated with student transfer between institutions of higher education are investigated. The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) requires that undergraduate courses from non-ABET accredited institutions are recognized across public universities and colleges in Utah Based on empi...2006
21 Fogel, Alan DaleChange processes in relationships: a relational-historical research approachThis work was supported by grants to Alan Fogel from the National Institute of Health (R01 HD21036), the National Science Foundation (BNS9006756) and the National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH48680), and by a grant to Andrea Garvey from the National Science Foundation of Brazil (CNPq). We grate...2006
22 Baehr, WolfgangCloning and molecular characterization of cGMP-gated ion channels from rod and cone photoreceptors of striped bass ( M. saxatilis ) retinaVertebrate photoreceptors respond to light with changes in membrane conductance that reflect the activity of cyclic-nucleotide gated channels (CNG channels). The functional features of these channels differ in rods and cones; to understand the basis of these differences we cloned CNG channels from t...Amino Acid Sequence; Computational Biology; Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction2006
23 Couldwell, William T.Combined transmastoid retro- and infralabyrinthine transjugular transcondylar transtubercular high cervical approach for resection of glomus jugulare tumorsCOMPLEX TUMORS OF the glomus jugulare present a surgical challenge because of their difficult location, extreme vascularity, and involvement with multiple cranial nerves. Modern microneurosurgical and cranial base techniques have enabled safe total removal of these complicated tumors. We describe a ...Cranial base approach; Surgical approach; Glomus jugulare tumor; Jugular foramen exposure; Microsurgical anatomy2006
24 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineComment on "Large optical nonlinearity of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes under resonant excitations"In a recent Letter Maeda et al. studied the optical nonlinearities of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) films using both ??Z-scan?? and ??pump and probe?? (PP) techniques with ~100 fs time resolution [1]. They found that SWNTs have a large resonant third-order nonlinear optical susceptibili...SWNT; Coherent artifact2006
25 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Comment on "Yield of singlet excitons in organic light-emitting devices: a double modulation photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance study"In a recent Letter [1] Lee et al. studied the spin 1/2 photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) of a soluble derivative of poly-phenylene vinylene [MEH-PPV] using a double modulation scheme, where both the laser excitation intensity and the microwave power were modulated at ?ex and ?...Singlet excitons; PLDMR; Poly-phenylene vinylene; MEH-PPV; Quenching; Spin dependent recombination; OLED2006
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