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1 McLennan, JohnFinal Report Geothermal Battery Energy StorageSolar and wind power are being introduced into electric grids to supplement and replace conventional electricity production. The deployment of utility-scale storage has not kept pace to overcome the intermittent nature of solar and to a lesser extent wind. Large-scale energy storage is cur...2020-06
2 Allis, RickReservoirs for Geothermal Battery Energy Report: a geological perspectiveWorkshop presentation2020-05-18
3 Jewell, PaulThe geology and geothermal setting of the Magic Reservoir Area, Blaine and Camas Counties, IdahoThe Magic Reservoir area straddles the Blaine- Camas county line in south-central Idaho, along the northern boundary of the central Snake River Plain. The rocks exposed at Magic Reservoir include a 5.8- million-year-old rhyolite flow, the Pliocene Square Mountain Basalt, multiple cooling units ...1982
4 Jacob, C.C.Report on seepage losses from state reservoir on Logan River, UtahThe data secured from the gaging stations above and below the State Reservoir on Logan River from 1913 to 1916 indicated a variable loss of water which has been held by certain parties to result directly from the storage of water in the reservoir. To determine more definitely the extent and probabl...Logan River (Utah); Seepage - Reservoir1916-11-30
5 Haslam, MichaelOrientation of carbon nanotubes using bulk acoustic waves2011-05-05
6 McLennan, JohnLarge-scale subsurface seasonal heat storage for future valueI too extend my welcome. And, I extend thanks to the NSF for the support of this research at the Univ. of Utah. The concept of storing heat in the ground is certainly not new. Many, many cases have investigated heat to be stored underground. Getting the heat underground is somewhat of a problem, but...2020-05-19
7 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Microfluidic device for triggered chip transienceThis paper presents the fabrication and testing of a microfluidic device for the triggered destruction (transience) of microchips. The device consists of a thin film array of sealed reservoirs patterned on a polymer film. Each reservoir encloses a corrosive chemical agent which upon release dissolve...2013-01-01
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9 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.; Allis, Richard GeorgeGravity signals at the Geysers geothermal systemThree high-precision gravity and GPS surveys have been conducted over The Geysers geothermal reservoir and surrounding area. These surveys, in September 2000, April 2001, and September 2001, provide an initial baseline for future imaging studies of spatial mass changes from the Santa Rosa Efflu...Ground water change; Gravity surveys2002
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11 McLennan, JohnGeothermal Battery Surface Facilities Economics and Finance as an O&G play
12 Ehleringer, James R.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethEcophysiology of riparian cottonwood and willow before, during, and after two years of soil water removalRiparian cottonwood/willow forest assemblages are highly valued in the southwestern United States for their wildlife habitat, biodiversity, and watershed protection. Yet these forests are under considerable threat from climate change impacts on water resources and land-use activities to support hum...Riparian cottonwood; Riparian willow; Soil water removal; Coyote willow; Drought recovery; Populus fremontii; Riparian ecology; Red Butte Canyon Research Natural Area; Salix exigua; Stem sap flux; Leaf carbon isotope ratios2010
13 Ehleringer, James R.Gas exchange, δ13C, and heterotrophy for Castilleja linariifolia and Orthocarpus tolmiei, facultative root hemiparasites on Artemisia tridentataGas exchange and carbon isotope ratios were measured on 2 facultative hemiparasites, Castilleja linarifolia Benth. (Indian paintbrush; Scrophulariaceae) and Orthocarpus tolmiei I-I. & A. (Tolmie owl clover; Scrophulariaceae), and their Artemisia tridentata L. (big sagebrush; Asteraceae) hosts. Photo...Heterotrophy; Hemiparasite; Carbon isotope ratios; Shrub ecology; Castilleja linarifolia; Orthocarpus tolmiei; Artemisia tridentata1996
14 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear magnetic resonance in LiF: a single nuclear-dipolar-spin temperature in crystals with more than one spin speciesIn a crystal containing more than one species of nuclear spin in a large dc magnetic field, the secular dipolar interactions between all spins, unlike as well as like, form a single reservoir described by a single spin temperature. We demonstrated this concept with experiments on LiF. In particula...Spin species; Spin-lattice relaxation; NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance1977
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16 Behle, William H.; Bushman, John B.; Greenhalgh, Clifton M.Birds of the Kanab area and adjacent high plateaus of Southern UtahThe gateway to central southern Utah is the town of Kanab, located in Kane County just a few miles north of the Utah-Arizona line. At an elevation of 4973 feet it nestles in an indenture in the Vermillion Cliffs where Kanab Canyon emerges. North of these Vermillion Cliffs, rising like two additional...1958-10-01
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18 Gale, Bruce K.New approaches to bridge nerve gaps: Development of a novel drug-delivering nerve conduitContemporary bridging techniques for repairing nerve gaps caused by trauma require autologous nerve grafts, which are difficult to harvest and handle and result in significant donor site deficit. Several nerve conduits with axon growth-enhancing potential have been proposed, developed and tested ove...2012-01-01
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20 Garrett, Timothy J.Modes of growth in dynamic systemsRegardless of a system's complexity or scale, its growth can be considered to be a spontaneous thermodynamic response to a local convergence of down-gradient material flows. Here it is shown how system growth can be constrained to a few distinct modes that depend on the time integral of past flows a...2012-01-01
21 Zhdanov, Michael S.Integral equation method for 3D modeling of electromagnetic fields in complex structures with inhomogeneous background conductivityWe present a new formulation of the integral equation (IE) method for three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) modeling in complex structures with inhomogeneous background conductivity (IBC). This method overcomes the standard limitation of the conventional IE method related to the use of a horiz...3-D modeling; Integral equation method; Marine controlled-source electromagnetic data; MCSEM; Gemini Prospect; Gulf of Mexico2006
22 Zhdanov, Michael S.Fast numerical modeling of multitransmitter electromagnetic data using multigrid quasi-linear approximationMultitransmitter electromagnetic (EM) surveys are widely used in remote-sensing and geophysical exploration. The interpretation of the multitransmitter geophysical data requires numerous three-dimensional (3-D) modelings of the responses of the receivers for different geoelectrical models of comple...Multitransmitter electromagnetic data; Numerical modeling; Multigrid quasi-linear approximation; Quasilinear approximation; geophysical exploration; 3-D modeling2006-06
23 Symko, Orest GeorgeAcoustic approach to thermal management: miniature thermoacoustic enginesAn acoustic approach to thermal management in electronics can be efficient and it can be directly interfaced with electronic devices. It is based on two types of thermoacoustic heat engines, which are being developed for microcircuit applications. One type of device, the prime mover, converts heat t...Thermoacoustic engines; Thermal management2006
24 Chyr, AnthonyCreating hydrodynamic lubrication in metal-on-polyethylene hip joints using surface microtexture2013-07-15
25 Saam, Brian; Laicher, GernotLiquid hyperpolarized 129Xe produced by phase exchange in a convection cellWe present a method for the production of liquid hyperpolarized 129Xe that employs spin-exchange optical pumping in the gas phase and subsequent phase exchange with a column of xenon liquid. A convection loop inside the sealed glass cell allows efficient transfer of magnetization between the gas an...Liquid hyperpolarized 129Xe; Phase exchange; Spin-exchange optical pumping; SEOP; NMR; Spin polarization2004
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