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1 Christensen, Douglas A.Effects of increased energy prices on U.S. agriculture: an econometric approachAlthough the contents of this manuscript remain the responsibility of the authors, we wish to thanks a group of reviewers for the time and conscientious effort they put forth to solidify this final draft. Andrew Morton, Brian Holding, Wesley Buchele, and Arnold Paulsen deserve much credit for their ...Energy prices1981
2 Dwan, JohnIgnored medical problemA physician who doesn't recommend that a patient stop smoking is hard to find. Few, however, try to help patients lose weight, even though a recent National Institutes of Health (NIH) study showed that at least 300,000 deaths each year can be attributed to being overweight, obese or severely overwei...Diet; Life Style; Therapeutic Aspects; Science of nutrition2000-03
3 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear magnetic resonance in random fields: cluster formation and local dynamics of a deuteron glassNMR data show that the deuteron "pseudo spin-glass" transition in Rbi- X(ND4)*D2P04 is not just a simple kinetic slowing down process but is characterized by a gradual condensation of randomly polarized clusters as expected if we deal with a percolation transition in eigenstate space. The results pr...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Random fields; Spin lattice1986
4 Ailion, David CharlesStudy of utraslow atomic motions by magnetic resonanceMagnetic resonance has been widely used to study phenomena such as atomic diffusion and molecular reorientation. It is applicable when the mean time, r, between atomic jumps is either (a) sufficiently short to narrow the resonance line width or (b) of the correct magnitude to produce spin-lattice ...Atomic motion; Magnetic resonance; Ultraslow atomic motion1964
5 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Mechanism for liquid phase epitaxial growth of nonequilibrium compositions producing a coherent interfaceA model is presented for growth by so-called composition pulling, wherein an epitaxial deposit grows coherently but with a composition different from that which would be in bulk equilibrium with the liquid phase from which growth occurs. The breakdown of coherent growth occurs when a dislocation nuc...Lattice-matching overgrowths; Composition pulling; Dislocation interface1977
6 Kriesel, John D.Miliary Tuberculosis and the postpartum stateIn 1985, a resurgence of tuberculosis began in the United States. In conjunction with this resurgence, there has been an increase in the number of atypical presentations of the disease. We recently treated a patient who had disseminated tuberculosis that became manifest in the postpartum state. Wher...Miliary tuberculosis; Postpartum1995
7 Arlitsch, Kenning; OBrien, PatrickSearch engine optimization (SEO) for digital repositoriesSurveys conducted by the University of Utah across numerous libraries and archives have revealed a disturbing reality: the number of digital objects successfully harvested and indexed by search engines from library digital repositories is abysmally low. The use of the scholarly and lay content in th...SEO Tips, Special Collections, Digital Collection, Institutional Repository, Digital Repository2011-04-05
8 Ailion, David CharlesObservation of ultraslow translational diffusion in metallic lithium by magnetic resonanceThe theory of a new magnetic-resonance technique for studying the ultra slow motion of atoms was presented in a previous paper. In this paper, we present its experimental confirmation for the case of translational diffusion in lithium metal. By this technique the mean time between atomic jumps r can...Ultraslow atomic motion; Magnetic resonance1965
9 Ailion, David CharlesLow-field relaxation and the study of ultraslow atomic motions by magnetic resonanceConventional resonance enables one to study motion of atoms by measurement of line width when the mean time r between jumps is less than 1/Aco, where Aa> is the rigid lattice line width, or by measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation time, Ti, when r ^ l / coo , where coo is the Larmor frequency. ...Ultraslow atomic motion; Magnetic resonance1964
10 McLennan, JohnLarge-scale subsurface seasonal heat storage for future valueI too extend my welcome. And, I extend thanks to the NSF for the support of this research at the Univ. of Utah. The concept of storing heat in the ground is certainly not new. Many, many cases have investigated heat to be stored underground. Getting the heat underground is somewhat of a problem, but...2020-05-19
11 Ailion, David CharlesNuclear magnetic resonance in LiF: a single nuclear-dipolar-spin temperature in crystals with more than one spin speciesIn a crystal containing more than one species of nuclear spin in a large dc magnetic field, the secular dipolar interactions between all spins, unlike as well as like, form a single reservoir described by a single spin temperature. We demonstrated this concept with experiments on LiF. In particula...Spin species; Spin-lattice relaxation; NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance1977
12 Silverman, Randall H.First paper made west of the MissouriThe need for paper was recognized in Utah by the American Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers before their arrival in "Great Salt Lake City" (as it was originally called) in 1847. Frustration at having to delay plans to publish a newspaper was noted in a letter drafted by Young on July 17...Deseret News; Thomas Howard; Sugar House Mill; Granite Paper Mill1994
13 Flynn, John J.Legal reasoning, antitrust policy and the social "science" of economicsThere is an area some eight to ten miles off Astoria, Oregon, called "The Bar," where the fresh water of the Columbia River meets the salt water of the Pacific Ocean. It is a place of turbulent, shifting currents and choppy waters where moving sand bars trap even the most experienced sailors. Like ...1988
14 Silverman, Randall H.Importance of permanenceColor, opacity, weight, texture, printability, and permanence - the choice of paper is critical to any successful printing job and can spell the difference between a satisfied customer and one you'll never see again. Paper is an organic material and as such begins breaking down from the moment of i...Paper; Acid free; Alkaline paper1992
15 Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J.Optical control of magnetic order in molecule-based magnet Mn(TCNE)x.y(CH2Cl2)Studies of photoinduced magnetization and photoinduced absorption in molecule-based magnet Mn(TCNE)x•y(CH2Cl2) (x=2, y-0.8, TCNE=tetracyanoethylene) are reported. Optical excitation in the blue region of spectrum leads to increased magnetization, accompanied by changes in the electronic spectrum...Spectrum; Absorption; Illumination2002
16 Ailion, David CharlesNMR determination of structural domains in NaCNMeasurements of the first- and second-order quadrupole energy-level shifts are performed in a 23Na NMR experiment in a single crystal of NaCN. Twelve orthorhombic domains are found below the phase transition at 15°C. They consist of six pairs of domains with each one oriented by an angle 2/3 rel...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Crystals; Structural domains1980
17 Ailion, David CharlesProtein hydration changes in the formation of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide complexes of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of yeast. II. The spin lattice relaxation of solvent water protonsThe glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of yeast is known to undergo a particle volume contraction and the commensurate loss of a hydration component when it forms a complex with NAD. We have inquired whether the water movement in the conformational transition can be monitored by measurements ...Protein hydration; Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide complexes; Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase; Solvent water protons1973
18 Ailion, David CharlesNew technique for determining the diffusion mechanism by NMR: application to Cl35 diffusion in TlClA major problem in the study of atomic motions is the determination of the dominant mechanism responsible for translational diffusion. Recently Ailion and Ho predicted that the rotating-frame spin-lattice relaxation time T l p would have an angular dependence which depends on the diffusion mechanis...Diffusion; Solids; NMR1972
19 Ailion, David CharlesNMR observations of molecular motions and Zeeman-quadrupole cross relaxation in 1,2- difluorotetrachloroethaneWe report measurements of "F NMR relaxation times Tu Tlf, TID, and T2 in the plastic crystal CFCL2-CFCL2 . From the data near the melting point, we obtain the jump time for translational selfdiffusion. At lower temperatures, we observe on the cold side of the T, and Tif minima an unusual field depe...NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Order-disorder; Diffusion1979
20 Miller, Joel StevenCollinear ferromagnetism and spin orientation in the molecule-based magnets M[N(CN)2]2 (M=Co,Ni)Zero-field unpolarized neutron powder diffraction has been used to study the low-T magnetic structure and T-dependent crystal structure of M[N(CN)2]2 (M=Co,Ni). Both compounds show collinear ferromagnetism with spin orientation along the c axis. The results provide the determination of a complete ma...Magnetic; Diffraction; Structure1999
21 Henderson, Thomas C.From motes to Java stamps: smart sensor network testbedsWe have proposed Smart Sensor Networks (S-Nets) as an architecture and set of distributed algorithms to extract, interpret and exploit networked sensor devices. Heretofore, the development of this approach has been done in simulation. In this paper, we describe two complementary implementations o...Smart Sensor Networks; S-Nets2003-03-03
22 Arlitsch, Kenning; OBrien, PatrickAddressing the low indexing ratio of IRs in Google Scholar by transforming metadataDLF, search engine optimization, SEO, Google Scholar2011-10-31
23 Silverman, Randall H.Grain in the inkWhen the brothers Charles and Herbert Hatch coined the phrase, "Advertising without posters is like fishing without worms," they adopted the stance of "early birds." Co-founding Nashville's Hatch Show Print in 1879, their commercial poster art was a critical factor in success and failure of many 19t...Poster; Hatch Show Print; Country Music Foundation1995
24 Coley, Phyllis D.New cytotoxic cinnamic acid derivatives from leaves of Bonamia trichanthaBioassay-guided fractionation of the methanolic extract of the young leaves of Bonamia trichantha led to the isolation of four new cinnamic acid derivatives trichanthins A-D (l-4).Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. All compounds were tested in cytotoxic assays against the MC...Bonamia trichantha; Cinnamic acid; Caffeic acid ester; p-Coumaric acid ester: Farnesol; Z-(l l)-hexadecen-l-ol; Cytotoxicity2006
25 Harrison, Reid R.Revolution will be prosthetizedIt's October at Duke University, in Durham, N.C., and Jonathan Kuniholm is playing "air guitar hero," a variation on Guitar Hero, the Nintendo Wii game that lets you try to keep up with real musicians using a vaguely guitarlike controller. But the engineer is playing without a guitar. More to the p...2009
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