26 - 50 of 74
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26 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning to identify reduced passive verb phrases with a shallow parserOur research is motivated by the observation that NLP systems frequently mislabel passive voice verb phrases as being in the active voice when there is no auxiliary verb (e.g., "The man arrested had a long record"). These errors directly impact thematic role recognition and NLP applications that dep...Passive voice; Reduced passive verb phrases; Shallow parser; Learned classifier2008
27 Riloff, Ellen M.Rule-based question answering system for reading comprehension testsWe have developed a rule-based system, Quarc, that can read a short story and find the sentence in the story that best answers a given question. Quarc uses heuristic rules that look for lexical and semantic clues in the question and the story. We have tested Quarc on reading comprehension tests typi...Quarc; Reading comprehension2000
28 Riloff, Ellen M.Feature subsumption for opinion analysisLexical features are key to many approaches to sentiment analysis and opinion detection. A variety of representations have been used, including single words, multi-word Ngrams, phrases, and lexicosyntactic patterns. In this paper, we use a subsumption hierarchy to formally define different types o...Feature subsumption; Sentiment analysis; Opinion detection; Subsumption hierarchy2006
29 Riloff, Ellen M.OpinionFinder: a system for subjectivity analysisOpinionFinder is a system that performs subjectivity analysis, automatically identifying when opinions, sentiments, speculations and other private states are present in text. Specifically, OpinionFinder aims to identify subjective sentences and to mark various aspects of the subjectivity in the...OpinionFinder; Subjectivity analysis2005
30 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Introduction: origins and settlement of the indigenous populations of the Aleutian ArchipelagoThe series of papers in this special issue of Human Biology use an interdisciplinary approach to address regional questions and to integrate disparate Aleutian data into a broad, synthetic effort. The contributors leverage decades of data on Aleut origins, biogeography, and behavior through integrat...2010
31 Riloff, Ellen M.Exploiting role-identifying nouns and expressions for information extractionWe present a new approach for extraction pattern learning that exploits role-identifying nouns, which are nouns whose semantics reveal the role that they play in an event (e.g., an "assassin" is a perpetrator). Given a few seed nouns, a bootstrapping algorithm automatically learns role-identifying ...Information extraction; Role-identifying; Nouns; Expressions; Pattern learning; Basilisk bootstrapping algorithm2007
32 Riloff, Ellen M.Looking under the hood: tools for diagnosing your question answering engineIn this paper we analyze two question answering tasks : the TREC-8 question answering task and a set of reading comprehension exams. First, we show that Q/A systems perform better when there are multiple answer opportunities per question. Next, we analyze common approaches to two subproblems: ter...TREC-8; Performance2001
33 Andrus, JenniferCritical discourse analysis and rhetoric and compositionOver the past two decades, critical discourse analysis has emerged as a major new multidisciplinary approach to the study of texts and contexts in the public sphere. Developed in Europe, CDA has lately become increasingly popular in North America, where it is proving especially congenial to new dire...2012-01-01
34 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Peter Galison and David Stump, Disunity of scienceMost of the essays in this collection were originally delivered as papers at a conference on the disunity of science held at Stanford University in 1991.Ampere; Scientific work, Science in French society1997
35 Love, AprilFrom subject selectors to college and interdisciplinary teamsThe renovation of the J .Willard Marriott Library, coupled with the changing responsibilities of public services librarians and the decreases in financial support, has forced librarians to evaluate their strategic alignment. The new Knowledge Commons has become the center for in-person reference and...Subject specialists; Organization-Library; Collection Development; Outreach; Cross-disciplinary; Collaboration2010
36 Anderson, RickLocal and global, now and forever: a matrix model of "depth perception" in library workAcademic libraries are in an interesting and difficult position, one that makes us different from most other public and private institutions. We are charged with meeting the immediate needs of students and faculty (needs that can usually be identified and defined with at least some degree of precisi...Academic libraries; Library collections; Library work2014-11
37 Riloff, Ellen M.Automatically generating extraction patterns from untagged textMany corpus-based natural language processing systems rely on text corpora that have been manually annotated with syntactic or semantic tags. In particular, all previous dictionary construction systems for information extraction have used an annotated training corpus or some form of annotated input...Information extraction; Automatically generating; Extraction patterns; Untagged text; Corpus-based; AutoSlog-TS; AutoSlog system; MUC-4; Dictionary construction1996
38 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning dictionaries for information extraction by multi-level bootstrappingInformation extraction systems usually require two dictionaries: a semantic lexicon and a dictionary of extraction patterns for the domain. We present a multilevel bootstrapping algorithm that generates both the semantic lexicon and extraction patterns simultaneously. As input, our technique requir...Information extraction; Extraction patterns; Multi-level bootstrapping; Learning dictionaries1999
39 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning and evaluating the content and structure of a term taxonomyIn this paper, we describe a weakly supervised bootstrapping algorithm that reads Web texts and learns taxonomy terms. The bootstrapping algorithm starts with two seed words (a seed hypernym (Root concept) and a seed hyponym) that are inserted into a doubly anchored hyponym pattern. In alternatin...Weakly supervised; Bootstrapping algorithm; Seed hypernym; Seed hyponym; Root concept; Term taxonomy; Learning by reading systems2009
40 Tuttle, Howard N.Philosophical genesis of ideal typesThe conception of ideal types as a method of the synthesis of sociohistorical phenomena was introduced by the German philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey (1883-1911). However, this fact has been largely ignored in the literature. That he was the originator of this notion is, I suppose, of only historical in...Philosophy;; Social Sciences1980
41 Riloff, Ellen M.Automatically constructing a dictionary for information extraction tasksKnowledge-based natural language processing systems have achieved good success with certain tasks but they are often criticized because they depend on a domain-specific dictionary that requires a great deal of manual knowledge engineering. This knowledge engineering bottleneck makes knowledge-based ...Information extraction; Dictionary construction; Knowledge-based systems; AutoSlog; Domain-specific dictionary1993
42 Codding, Brian F.Environmental productivity predicts migration, demographic, and linguistic patterns in prehistoric CaliforniaGlobal patterns of ethnolinguistic diversity vary tremendously. Some regions show very little variation even across vast expanses, whereas others exhibit dense mosaics of different languages spoken alongside one another. Compared with the rest of Native North America, prehistoric California exemplif...Colonization of North America; Prehistoric migrations; Human behavioral ecology; Ideal free distribution; Ideal despotic distribution2013-09-03
43 Riloff, Ellen M.Learning extraction patterns for subjective expressionsThis paper presents a bootstrapping process that learns linguistically rich extraction patterns for subjective (opinionated) expressions. High-precision classifiers label unannotated data to automatically create a large training set, which is then given to an extraction pattern learning algorithm. T...Bootstrapping process; Extraction patterns; Subjective expressions; Opinions2003
44 O'Rourke, Dennis H.Unangan past and present: the contrasts between observed and inferred historiesAbstract Academic research focusing on the population and culture history of the Aleut (Unangan) people began in the late 19th century and continues to the present. The papers in this special issue of Human Biology summarize the latest results from archaeological, linguistic, genetic, and morphometr...2010
45 Thompson, Cynthia A.A personalized system for conversational recommendationsIncreased computing power and theWeb have made information widely accessible. In turn, this has encouraged the development of recommendation systems that help users find items of interest, such as books or restaurants. Such systems are more useful when they personalize themselves to each user?s p...Adaptive Place Advisor; Recommendation systems2002-06-26
46 Riloff, Ellen M.Empirical study of automated dictionary construction for information extraction in three domainsA primary goal of natural language processing researchers is to develop a knowledge-based natural language processing (NLP) system that is portable across domains. However, most knowledge-based NLP systems rely on a domain-specific dictionary of concepts, which represents a substantial knowledge-en...Information extraction; AutoSlog; Across domains1996
47 Hayes-Harb, RachelThe influence of the Pinyin and Zhuyin writing systems on the acquisition of Mandarin word forms by native English speakersThe role of written input in second language (L2) phonological and lexical acquisition has received increased attention in recent years. Here we investigated the influence of two factors that may moderate the influence of orthography on L2 word form learning: (i) whether the writing system is shared...Second language acquisition(SLA); Mandarin; Pinyin; Zhuyin; Orthographic input; Second language phonology; Second language word learning2016-03-06
48 Hawken, Leanne Sue; Burrow-Sanchez, JasonPreservice special education service providers' attitudes on diversityThis survey design study involved preservice special education service providers who were in degree seeking programs in the departments of special education, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Participants provided views and belief structures on diversity issues identified through a review ...2007
49 University Research Cyberinfrastructure CommitteeUniversity research cyberinfrastructure committee interim report"Campus cyberinfrastructure is not just about technology." Beyond access to technology, Cyberinfrastructure (CI) defines a new information technology paradigm that includes people and their expertise, enabling technologies, software and tools, and provides a foundation for an integrated approach to...Cyberinfrastructure; Computing; Information Technology; Strategic Plan2006-08-31
50 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
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