51 - 75 of 564
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51 Sanchez, Thomas W.Walling in or walling out: gated communitiesIt has been four decades since the United States legally outlawed all forms of public discrimination - in housing, education, transportation, and accommodations. Yet today, we are seeing a new form of discrimination -- the gated, walled, private community. Americans are electing to live behind wall...2007
52 Davidson, Diane W.; Rickart, Eric Allan; Keiter, Robert B.Selecting wilderness areas to conserve Utah's biological diversityCongress is currently evaluating the wilderness status of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands in Utah. Wilderness areas play many important roles, and one critical role is the conservation of biological diversity.Bureau of Land Management; Conservation; Endemic species; Exotic species; Cryptobiotic soils; Plants; Bees; Vertebrates1996
53 Sanchez, Thomas W.New suburban politics: a county?based analysis of metropolitan voting trends since 2000This chapter looks at voting patterns in the American suburbs in the national elections of 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. Understanding these patterns is critical to understanding future elections, because the suburbs are now quasi urban and home to over half of the U.S. population.(1) Although it was ...Elections; Voting patterns; Urban politics2008
54 Francis, LesliePenn Central Transportation Company v. New York City: easy taking-clause cases make uncertain Law.In Penn Central Transportation Company v. New York City, the Supreme Court held that New York City's Landmarks Preservation Law as applied to Grand Central Terminal was not a "taking" of property for which compensation is constitutionally required. The decision has been hailed as a major victory for...Law; Compensation; Property Rights; Landmarks Preservation Law; Supreme Court Rulings2006-06-16
55 Goldberg, Robert A.Hooded empire: the Ku Klux Klan in ColoradoThe decade of the 1920s conjures up a unique cluster of images. A few broad, organizing conceptions dominate as people and events are filtered through a screen of memories, books, and films. This was the era of "normalcy," prohibition, "flaming youth," and the "golden glow." George Babbitt, Al Capon...1981
56 Maloney, Thomas N.Ghettos and jobs in history: neighborhood effects on African American occupational status and mobility in World War I-era Cincinnati, OhioThis article examines how residence in racially segregated neighborhoods affected the job prospects of African American men in the late 1910s. The analysis focuses on one northern city-Cincinnati, Ohio.The evidence comes from a new longitudinal dataset containing information on individuals linked...Economic outcomes; Residential segregation; Black urban neighborhoods2005
57 Sanchez, Thomas W.Are planners prepared to address social justice and distributional equity?Planners have stated their commitment and responsibility to assure fairness in community and regional planning activities. Evidencing this is an abundance of literature on the theoretical perspectives of social justice and planning ideals. But is this stated concern for social justice and equity re...2001
58 Douglas, A. E.Researches in dendrochronologyThe Labora I or v ol Tre e-Ring Research of the I 'mversi tv of Arizona lias developed a new source of climatic data in tile rings of properly located trees and a new method of cyclic analysis specially adapted to handling climatic changes. These two features seem to the writer to open a gateway thr...1946-07-12
59 Rieth, Loren WTiO2-WO3 composite nanotubes from co-sputtered thin films on si substrate for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splittingElectrochemical anodization of a Ti-W nano-composite thin films deposited on a Si substrate by simultaneous magnetron sputtering of Ti and W resulted in the formation of TiO2-WO3 nanotubular arrays. A change in the morphology of TiO2-WO3 composite nanotubes with varying percentage of W in Ti-W compo...2014-01-01
60 Davidson, Diane W.Nonnative brome grasses in the new national monumentIncluded within the boundaries of the Grand-Staircase Escalante National Monument are a number of noxious weeds for which the BLM mandates control. In addition to listed weeds are nonnative brome grasses [Bromus tectorum and Bromus rubens), which can potentially convert native ecosystems to biologic...Noxious weeds, Cheatgrass,1998
61 Owen, William E.; Roberts, William L.Performance characteristics of four automated natriuretic peptide assaysMeasurement of circulating B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) can identify patients with heart failure and guide therapy. The limit of detection, linearity, imprecision, method comparison, analytic concordance, and reference intervals of the Access 2 BNP (Biosite, San...Natriuretic peptide assays; BNP2005
62 Francis, LeslieEminent domain compensation in the Western states: a critique of the fair market value modelBoth the United States Constitution and the constitutions of the states of the intermountain west and the Pacific Coast prohibit the state from taking property without paying just compensation. Thus, there are two basic issues in any eminent domain case. First, has governmental interference with pro...Eminent domain; Compensation; Governmental interference; Fair Market Value2006-06-16
63 Firmage, Edwin B.Shanties, symbolic speech, and the public forum: ramshackle protection for free expressionShanties, symbolizing student opposition to South African apartheid and the demand that United States universities divest from corporations doing business in South Africa, were the sit-ins of the 1980s. Silent but graphic, shanties challenged the established order and attracted media attention. Som...Civil demonstration; Civil protest; First Amendment; Civil liberties1990
64 Owen, William E.; Roberts, William L.Performance characteristics of eight estradiol immunoassaysMeasurement of estradiol is useful in assisted reproduction, evaluation of infertility, menopause, and male feminization. The analytic performance of 8 estradiol immunoassays was evaluated. The imprecision and accuracy of the Access, ADVIA Centaur, ARCHITECT i2000, AutoDELFIA, Elecsys 2010, IMMULI...Estradiol immunoassays2004
65 Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 1997Transportation, Land Use and Ecology along the Wasatch Front: Report from a conference held on November 14, 19971997
66 Herbert, John; Arlitsch, Kenningdigitalnewspapers.org: The Digital Newspapers Program at the University of UtahThis article describes the Utah Digital Newspapers Program at the University of Utah's Marriott Library. Background information regarding the historical importance of newspapers, the current state of commercial newspaper digitization and the problems with small newspaper digitization are reviewed, a...Digital libraries; Newspaper and periodical libraries; Library materials, Digitization2004
67 Davidson, Diane W.Dispersal adaptations of some acacia species in the Australian arid zoneMost Australian representatives of the genus Acacia have diaspores with arillate appendages indicative of adaptation for active dispersal by animals. Based on physical and chemical characteristics of these arils and mechanisms of diaspore presentation, a number of arid zone acacias can be distingu...Acacia; Australian arid zone; Dispersal ecology; Fruit quality; Myrmecochory; Ornithochory; Seed parasitoids; Soil nutrients1984
68 Adler, Frederick R.Deconvolution of isotope signals from bundles of multiple hairsSegmental analysis of hair has been used in diverse fields ranging from forensics to ecology to measure the concentration of substances such as drugs and isotopes. Multiple hairs are typically combined into a bundle for segmental analysis to obtain a high-resolution series of measurements. Individua...2014-01-01
69 Stang, Peter J.Self-selected formation of single discrete supramolecules with flexible, bidentate ligands in the coordination-driven self-assemblyFlexible donor ligands like 1,2-bis(3-pyridyl)ethyne or 1,4-bis(3-pyridyl)-1,3-butadiyne selfassemble into discrete 2-D supramolecules instead of infinite networks upon combination with organoplatinum 90, 120, and 180 degree acceptor units. These systems are unique examples of versatile pyridine...Bidentate ligands; Flexible donor ligands; Supramolecules; Coordination-driven self-assembly2008
70 Chamberlin, Ralph V.Miscellaneous new American spidersA number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University o f Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here arc all from the United States, except one from Canada. The types are...1935-10
71 Sanchez, Thomas W.Residential location, transportation, and welfare-to-work in the United States: a case study of MilwaukeeThis article addresses two questions about spatial barriers to welfare-to-work transition in the United States. First, what residential and transportation adjustments do welfare recipients tend to make as they try to become economically self-sufficient? Second, do these adjustments actually incre...Employment issues; Neighborhood; Transportation2006
72 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryA hundred new species of American spidersIn this paper, we describe a hundred new species of American spiders, most of them from North America, with a few from South America. These are a part of the new species which have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah, as well as several from the collections of the Field Mus...1942-06-30
73 Couldwell, William T.Medical and surgical management of microprolactinomaA recent report by Colao et al. [1] indicates that a significant proportion of patients harboring prolactinomas treated with cabergoline will have persistence of remission of hyperprolactinemia following withdrawal of the drug. The prolactin and tumor control rates in the study suggest that medical ...Microprolactinoma; Prolactinoma; Cabergolene2004
74 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshBounded transaction model checkingIndustrial cache coherence protocol models often have too many reachable states, preventing full reachability analysis even for small model instances (number of processors, addresses, etc.). Several partial search debugging methods are, therefore, employed, including lossy state compression using...Model checking; Reachability analysis2006-02-27
75 Chamberlin, Ralph VaryMiscellaneous new American spiders[This paper was originally published in 1935]. A number of new species of spiders have been accumulating in the collection of the University of Utah for several years. The naming and characterizing of a part of these species is the purpose of this paper. Those considered here are all from the Unite...Spiders; University of Utah; United States; Canada; Biology; Classification1935
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