Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Analysis of the surface potential developed by non-reactive ionic solids | The sign of the surface potential for complex non-reactive ionic solids cannot be predicted solely from consideration of the hydration energy of gaseous ions which constitute the ionic lattice. Accurate analysis of these systems must involve the hydration energy of surface ions, which requires knowl... | Lattice; dipole; madelung constants | 1976 |
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 | Mattis, Daniel C. | Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem | The problem of a single magnetic, Wolff-model impurity in an otherwise ideal metallic host is investigated using the nonperturbative Lanczos method. Convergence is very rapid. The many-body ground-state energy is investigated and comparisons are made with Tomonaga operator theory and other weak-coup... | Lattice; Electrons; Interaction; Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals | 1983 |
3 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Convexity and exponent inequalities for conduction near percolation | The bulk conductivity o*(p) of the bond lattice in Zd with a fraction p of conducting bonds is analyzed. Assuming a hierarchical node-link-blob (NLB) model of the conducting backbone, it is shown that o*(p) (for this model) is convex in p near the percolation threshold pc, and that its critical expo... | Lattice; Conductivity; Model | 1990 |
4 |
 | Miller, Joel Steven | Optical properties of cesium tetracyanoquinodimethanide, Cs2(TCNQ)3 | Room-temperature polarized reflectance measurements have been made on cesium tetracyanoquinodimethanide, Cs2(TCNQI3, over the frequency range between the far infrared and the near ultraviolet. The optical properties of the compound were obtained by Kramers-Kronig analysis. These properties are dom... | Electrons; Lattice; Molecules | 1981 |
5 |
 | Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J. | Optical properties of quinolinium tetracyanoquinodimethanide, [Qn(TCNQ)2] and (N-methylphenazinium)x(phenazine)1-x (tetracyanoquinodimethane) [(NMP)x(Phen)1-x(TCNQ)] | We present here optical-absorption data of quinolinium ditetracyanoquinodimethanide [Qn(TCNQ)2] and (N-methylphenazinium)x(phenazine)1-x(tetracyanoquinodimethanide) [(NMP)x(Phen)1-x(TCNQ)] for 0.5 <_x<_ 0.6. These materials span the range of electronic structure from commensurate, to commensurate ... | Commensurate; Lattice; Electron | 1989 |
6 |
 | Miller, Joel Steven; Epstein, Arthur J. | Optical properties of the cation-deficient platinum chain salt K1.75Pt(CN)4¢1.5H2O | The room-temperature polarized reflectance of a potassium-deficient platinum chain salt K1.75Pt(CN)4.1.5Hz[K0 (def)CP] has been measured in the infrared and visible. The reflectance is strongly anisotropic, with a plasma edge in the red and high reflectance in the infrared for light polarized para... | Reflectance; Crystals; Lattice | 1982 |