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1 Borodai, Anastasia S.Faraday @ Home Continuing Faraday from the "U" to the YouthRecent attention has been brought to light in the United States regarding the lack of students pursuing STEM disciplines and degree programs. There is a considerable amount of research on the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Education at an early onset age. With this is...2017
2 Hazelton, Christal Rosa A.What We tell Children: Queer Representation in Children's AnimationIn this paper, I explore the history of queer representation in mainstream children's media -- both implicit and explicit -- and the historical movements that influenced their structures. Starting with the emergence of the "buddy" genre in the late 1950s and early 1960s, I use this as the basis of i...2018
3 Jabini, Mohammad EmadAn Examination of Switchover CostsThis thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b...2018
4 Smithee, KatrinaSeeing into A doll's house through windows of feminism and mounting an epic production thereof : a dramaturgical production fileThe development and performance of a theatrical work is a complex process which involves myriad decisions and many participants. One of the most essential contributors is the Dramaturg, the individual responsible for guiding the production and ensuring that the final product is cohesive and true to ...Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906. Dukkehjem; Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906 - Dramatic production2013-05
5 Kelsey, Khrystine DanielleProstitution and the construction of female identityIn the modern and postmodern worlds, most people see sex work as something on the fringes of society, yet prostitution and its history reflect mainstream modern women's sexuality and sexual life in myriad ways. This paper will examine how sex work exemplifies constructs of female identity. Writings ...Prostitution Women -- Identity2015-04
6 Bergquist, JohnPopular music and public education: Culturally responsive to the past and present alikePopular music is included to varying degrees in American public school curricula despite the fact that experts in the field have called for its inclusion since the Tanglewood Symposium in 1968 (Choate et. al, 1967). Green (2008) found that some educators might be uncomfortable with popular music pr...Music - Instruction and study2016-04
7 Hanks, KelleyThe multinational company of Jesus: A modern corporation in the early modern world?There is significant debate concerning whether or not the Company of Jesus should be considered a modern corporation. There are those who support this view, such as Magnus Morner and C.R. Boxer, while others, such as Dauril Alden, are critical of it. Much of the debate is centered on the economic ac...Jesuits -- History2015-04
8 Roberts, AshleyThe View From Our Mother's HouseThe View from Our Mother's House is a novel about a family of three women struggling to understand and accept their past, full of abandonment and manipulation, while dealing with the immediate needs of the mother dying from Alzheimer's disease. This project combines research in the field of literatu...2019
9 Pearson, CassidyMajor Urinary Protiens as a signal of genetic Quality and Infection statusThe Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis suggests that susceptibility to infectious disease is so important that many physical traits, particularly secondary sexual characters, will evolve to signal genetic quality for resistance to prospective mates. We expanded upon this theory using the house mouse (Mus muscu...2018
10 Cook, Uinta BlueConnecting Cultures, Connecting People: U.S. Public Diplomacy in CubaThe theory of soft power, as described by Joseph Nye (1990), is evaluated, along with the theory behind public and cultural diplomacy as a means of engaging foreign publics in order to promote international rules in line with the practicing country's own goals and values. The tenets and implements o...soft power; public diplomacy; cultural diplomacy; Cuba2017
11 Sencion, MaglayGardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City AreaThere are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett...2023
12 Sammann, SuzyDandelions among the wheat: A novelMy Honors Creative Thesis is a manuscript of a novel I completed in Professor Gills Honors Novel Writing Workshop. Dandelions Among the Wheat is 74,782 words, 239 pages. It addresses the complex issues of alcoholism and abuse in families through humor and heartfelt truth, offering raw and relatable ...American fiction -- 21st century2015-04
13 Mothershead, AlainaGay Cuba: Oppression Under the Revolutionary GovernmentFollowing the otherwise socially progressive Cuban revolution, government-sponsored homophobia and anti-gay state-sponsored popular culture constructed a narrative to separate homosexuality from revolutionary modernity and instead associate it with U.S. decadence, therefore justifying the persecutio...2019
14 Liu, JiaIndicators of Burden in Conversations Between CaregiversWhen facing a challenge to provide sufficient resources and services to a growing elderly population, family caregivers will be required to provide the majority of care at home, leading to increased stress and burden. While this phenomenon is well-recognized in the research literature, and many atte...2018
15 Lee, CindieStructured versus unstructured day: physical activity among adolescents during covid-19Background: Structured settings, specifically school, have been understood to promote physical activity (PA) in children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, students were required to attend school remotely, in an unstructured setting. The purpose of this study is to examine the physical activity of child...2022
16 Parnell, Alycia M.Finding home: discovering place in a changing worldIn spring of 2010, I took a class called Global Environmental Issues from a professor in the biology department named Fred Montague, who had achieved a somewhat legendary status as a lecturer. He taught us science, the grim outlook of the environment, and the convoluted policies working against chan...2012-08
17 Bashir, Mahreen HamidWhere there are still animals: A poetic study on the earth as womanThey would like to feel they might be something better than animals. That's understandable: other animals might feel they are something different than "just animals" too. But we must contemplate the shared ground of our common biological being before emphasizing the difference"American poetry - 21st century2015-12
18 Wiese, ClaudiaDNA metabarcoding of trnL intron using the minion device to assess BEE foraging from PollenIn recent decades many bee species, including Apis mellifera (European honeybee), have experienced worldwide population declines. In this paper we tested a novel molecular approach to evaluate foraging of A. mellifera Specifically, we sequenced trnL (UAA) intron DNA barcodes from isolated pollen fro...2023
19 Parker, DwightFrom the margins to the middle: a patient-centered approach to primary care for refugees in UtahIn a country where even English-speaking minorities are often at a disadvantage, refugees' circumstances - especially as a result of social instability, language and cultural differences, level of education, and income - can render the American health care system frightening, inaccessible, incompreh...Immigrants - United States; Health care - United States2012-05
20 Johnson, ChristiannaDiverse Neighborhoods, Food Access, and Urban Agriculture: a Case Study of Four Community Gardens in Salt Lake CityCommunity gardens have been shown to increase food security as well as develop social capital in an urban setting. Several socioeconomic factors (including age, education, annual household income, and more) have been demonstrated to substantially affect perceptions of benefits from participating in ...Food access; Community gardens; Urban agriculture; Planning
21 Colby, NatalieIn depth: a collection of short stories on Queer AdolescenceThis thesis is a collection of fiction short stories written over the course of my undergrad degree, with some produced particularly for this project. In these stories, I explore themes that are of particular interest to me, including, queer adolescence and the intersections between queerness and re...2023
22 Baker, MargaretComparative morphology of chenopodium berlandieri seeds and fruits from cowboy cave, Utah: implications for cultivation and domesticationThe ancient shift from collecting and gathering native plants to the cultivation and domestication of those species was one of the most significant evolutionary transitions in human history. Due to recent advancements in archaeological techniques, the geographic occurrences of prehistoric plant cul...Plants - Utah2016-05
23 Gappmaier, AndreaRestorative justice: Refocusing the lens on the American criminal justice systemThe traditional punitive justice system has failed American citizens. The United States has over 25 percent of the world's prison population and when released, three in four offenders will be back in prison within five years of their release date. High costs, estranging members of society, and rac...Criminal justice, Administration of - United States2016-05
24 Liu, JulianneThe mobilization of Asian Americans for environmental justiceLargely excluded from conceptions of racial injustice in the United States, Asian Americans also experience marginalization in the Environmental Justice (EJ) movement. This invisibility is reinforced by EJ literature, which contains comparatively little research on Asian Americans compared to other ...2021
25 Slind, HannahPaper or plasticPaper or Plastic explores the role of supermarkets and the dense net of class, sex, and race politics to be found therein. Through this collection of poetry, I examine the queasy culture surrounding consumer space. I broach topics such as the balance of America's societal scales, our notions of just...2021
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