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1 Johnson, StuartConnection between price elasticity and Beta: The case of the oil industryPrice elasticity and Beta are cherished variables in Economics and Finance, respectively. Price elasticity is a measure of a percent change in the quantity of a good demanded divided by the percent change in its price. Beta is the covariance of a firm's return with respect to the market, divided by ...Price elasticity of demand; Beta (Firm); Oil industries
2 Chau, HyThe vix and its applications in the marketSince its first introduction in 1993, the Chicago Board Option Exchange's (CBOE's) Market Volatility Index, the VIX, has become more and more popular among traders and investors in the market. If used correctly, not only is the VIX able to provide traders with useful information to evaluate the mark...Chicago Board Options Exchange.; Market Volatility Index; Hedge funds - United States - Management; Corporate finance2012-05
3 Dove-Swisher, TaylorBias-Coppected Estimation for singles-event studiesSingle-firm event studies used in securities fraud litigation are prone to statistical bias. Brav and Heaton (2015) describe three potential issues: low statistical power to detect price impacts, confounding effects that cannot be averaged out, and an effect bias in the upward direction. The effect ...2017
4 Jin, ZhaoHow is the company's stock risk associated with its demand elasticity?I examine a sample of 20 companies to see if individual total stock risk is associated with its product or service demand elasticity. My evidence is consistent with my first hypothesis that elastic firms' stock prices are more strongly affected by the changes in the input cost than are inelastic fir...Elasticity (Economics); Risk; Stocks; Stock risk2014-05
5 Glauser, DavidThe economic effects of legalizing marijuanaMarijuana legalization would offer an important advantage over decriminalization in that it would allow for legal distribution and taxation of cannabis as well as decrease costly enforcement and incarceration expenses. Despite these costly enforcement efforts, marijuana is the most commonly used ill...Marijuana - Political aspects - United States2012-05
6 Johnson, Nicholas J.The inflation reducation act's medicare part D drug price negotiation: an unlikely outcomeThe Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was signed into law on August 16, 2022, and the passage of this unassuming piece of legislation marks one of the most important advancements in health care policy in the United States. A key component of the law is its efforts to increase access and affordability of...Medicare part d; inflation reduction act; drug price negotiation2024
7 Willis, HannahAdvancing the right to health: lessons for improving the negotiation powers of MedicareThe United States (US) spends more per capita on prescription drugs than other high-income countries (Sarnak, Squires & Bishop, 2017). Yet, the high cost of drugs does not translate to better health outcomes. In fact, the US has a significantly lower life expectancy at birth and higher death rates f...2023
8 Carroll, Steven MichaelHigh-frequency trading: a survey of market impactThe May 6th "flash crash," the result of an overly large sell order in "e-mini" futures on the S&P 500 index, caused American share and future indices to drop approximately 10% in a matter of minutes, only to recover most of the loss by the end of the trading day. At the time, market volatility was ...High-frequency trading; Financial market - United States2012-08
9 Terry, AnnaHow social media influencers affect consumer's willingness to pay and their idealized selfWhile influencer marketing first dated back to the Gladiators in Ancient Rome and has been utilized to sell products in the modern era since 1890, the term "influencer" has gained new life with the rise of social media. Through continually exhibiting their lifestyle, Influencers earn a living by cul...2022
10 Stevens, Fergus D.Human-Algorithm Interactions with Fundamental and Predatory Trading RobotsAlgorithmic participation in financial markets has been a growing phenomenon since the early 1990s. This paper uses experimental data and simulations to analyze the interaction between humans and trading algorithms. Interactions between humans and algorithms are observed through laboratory sessions ...2020
11 Kiel, DrewHow branding influences our willingness to pay for necessity productsThough marketing has existed in one manner or another for the duration of human history, the field has only seen strong development since the beginning of the 20th century. Marketing is now an inescapable part of everyday life and companies across every industry advertise of to us as potential custo...2021
12 Jabini, Mohammad EmadAn Examination of Switchover CostsThis thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b...2018
13 Baker, Stephanie RebeccaNeighborhood characteristics and obesity: A focus on the food environmentThe rate of obese and overweight individuals in the United States is at epidemic proportions. Previous research has found that neighborhood characteristics are correlated with health outcomes and obesity rates. My study focuses on aspects of the food environment and how it may influence obesity rate...Obesity - Research; Obesity - Social aspects; Obesity - Risk factors - United States - Utah2012-05
14 Burns, HenrikThe political economy of international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability: The case of CubaFor this thesis project I investigated the relationship between international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability for the case of Cuba. To understand the effect of trade relations on agricultural policy I explored Cuba's relationship with the Soviet Union, its largest trading partner betw...Trade regulation - Cuba; Agriculture and state - Cuba; Cuba - Commerce2014-05
15 Schofield, Zachary CThe Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy MarketsFor the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t...2017
16 Anderson, Jay T.Abnormal Stock Returns and Hurricanes Event Study of the five Most Destructive Hurricanes to make Landfall in the United States Since 2005This paper tests how stock prices respond to information that may affect a company's value in a material fashion. I evaluate stock price reactions to the five most destructive hurricanes to make landfall in the United States since 2005. The event study aims to analyze short-term stock price reaction...2017
17 Mortensen, MatthewDo caps on non-economic damages decrease medical malpractice insurance premiums?This paper examines whether tort reform, like caps on non-economic damages for medical malpractice claims, actually lower insurance premiums for physicians. Proponents of tort reform argue that large jury awards against physicians have driven up physician insurance premiums, and as a result, overall...Physicians' malpractice insurance - United States; Insurance premiums - United States2015-04
18 Savage, EricaTotal Factor Productivity in the Construction IndustryConventional wisdom asserts productivity growth within the construction industry has been in decline for decades in comparison to other US industries. If productivity is indeed low, there is an enormous opportunity for construction firms to create value. The purpose of this study is to test the conv...2018
19 Overton, SeanThe effect of State sales tax exemptions and contractor size on job corps center performanceJob Corps is a federally funded program, with centers across America that provide technical, educational, and vocational skills to underprivileged youth. As a federally funded program, Job Corps contractors who operate the centers are federally exempt from the payment of state sales, excise, and use...2024
20 Kehr, DavidAbnormal Stock Returns and Venture Capital Funding Event Study of Six Down Round Venture Capital Funding Announcement DatesThis paper analyzes the reaction of stock prices to the announcement of a round of financing raised by a venture capital-backed firm at a valuation lower than in a previous round. The event study is performed to analyze short-term stock price reactions prior to and following the announcement of a do...2018
21 Warner, Travis JohnUsing Term Spreads to Predict Recessions: a ComparisonRecessions have been a concern for government and business leaders and the populace in general for hundreds of years. From the Tulipmania in 1634 to the Great Depression in the 1930's to the Dot Com bubble to the Great Recession in 2007 they have all instilled fear and anxiety in the populace becaus...2017
22 Murray, ClintKeynes as theorist and investorThere is an abundance of literature that extensively explicates how various factors, notably probability theory, influenced John Maynard Keynes's thinking and economic theories in regards to the behavior of financial markets and the agents making decisions in those markets. Commentators, however, ha...Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 - Criticism and interpretation2016-04
23 Richards, AydenEnvironmental externality valuation: a timeline to financial materialityEnvironmental policy regulating the greenhouse gas emissions of public companies is likely to become more prevalent in the coming years. Therefore, it is essential for public companies and investors alike to understand how the implementation of environmental policy will affect the valuation of publi...2021
24 Oritt, MadeleineAccessibility to HIV/AIDS medications in resource-limited countriesThis research examines the impact of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) on accessibility to HIV/AIDS medications for populations in resource-limited countries. This World Trade Organization agreement created provisions by which these countries can obtain o...2013
25 Hunter, Jessie RabeEffects of British Columbia's Carbon Tax on CO2 Emissions and Net Gasoline SalesIn 2008, British Columbia implemented the first comprehensive carbon tax in North America which covers nearly three quarters of all emitters in the province. This paper analyzes the effects of British Columbia's carbon tax on CO2 emissions and net gasoline sales using differences-in-differences and ...2020
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