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1 Doxey, Lauren"An exact portrait of the people": the need for Gender Parity in U.S. congress for legitimate governmentThough women received the right to vote in 1919 with the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, women still hold few elected positions. In the United States Congress, women make up 19.4% of the body. When groups are not represented fully, this affects the quality of the representation they recei...Women legislators; United States; attitudes2016-08
2 Caylor, Natalie"Everything I really want to do": aging in place during the covid-19 pandemicAging in place allows older adults to live in one's own home and community safely, independently and comfortably. The majority of older adults hope to age in place for as long as possible, and a number of supportive factors are necessary to make aging in place successful. Literature suggests these f...successful aging; home- and community-based care and services; caregiving; technology; mental health2022
3 de Andrade, Debora Brito"Nadie Me Entiende" [No one understand me]: impacts of cultural and language barriers on social isolation and loneliness in Spanish-speaking older adultsCultural and language barriers during the older stages of life can lead to an increased risk for social isolation and loneliness. Furthermore, Spanish-speaking adults are more likely to have poor access to care in Utah and in the rest of the United States, which decreases the likelihood of detection...Spanish-speaking; language; Mental health2021
4 Hunter, LeaThe "tampon tax" public discourse of policies concerning menstrual tabooThe "tampon tax" is a policy in which feminine hygiene products are taxed as "luxury goods" despite the fact that many countries exempt "necessary goods" - such as basic groceries and medical products-from sales tax. In the summer of 2015, the Canadian parliament took steps to exempt feminine hygien...Women's rights - United States; Sales tax - Law and legislation2016-04
5 Fuchs, MadelineA case study on perceptions of homeless abatements in Salt Lake CountyHomelessness impacts 12,442 Utahns every year. Several of these people live in encampments, these areas are particularly problematic because they often become places of heightened health, sanitation, and safety concerns. In order to mitigate these issues, several municipalities within Salt Lake Coun...2023
6 Gomez-Alvarez, LorhenA crisis on the border: an unexpected crisis or an expected outcome?Increased immigration from the Northern Triangles countries has strained the current asylum structures. Overhauling detention and long wait times have plagued the system after the initial arrival of a large group of unaccompanied minors and then subsequently the arrival of large migrant caravans. Th...2019
7 Stewart, PatrickA Real-World Investigation of the Attentional Capture ParadigmAttention directs awareness toward important objects, like food or predators, and filters out unimportant objects, like familiar scenery. Two modes of visual attention have been identified: goal-directed and stimulus-driven (Simons, 2000). Goal-directed attention refers to a deliberate search for ob...2017
8 Palomaki, KyaA world without nukes: International relations perspectivesWhat if nuclear weapons had been neither invented nor discovered? This is the question I take into consideration in this paper. This interesting scenario begs the answer parroted by bloggers and students of politics alike-without nuclear weapons, there would be nothing to stop belligerents from inva...Security, International; International relations; Nuclear weapons; World politics -- 21st century2015-05
9 Zimmerman, Danielle N.Adherence engineering in a central line dressing changeInfections associated with Central Line Dressing Changes (CLDC) represent a significant cost in healthcare and human life, with approximately 250,000 cases a year and costs of up to $29,000 per single episode (OʼGrady et al., 2002; Shannon et al., 2006). The introduction of a kit designed in accord...Intravenous catheterization; Complications; Bandages and bandaging2014-05
10 Hardy, Clinton J.Adolescent perception of negative admission pressures and affective reactions in outdoor behavioral healthcareThis represents the first empirical inquiry into the perception of negative admission pressures (P-NAPs; e.g., perception of force or threat associated with entering treatment) among adolescents. Prior to this report, P-NAPs had only been studied within adult treatment contexts. In this study, P-NAP...Adventure therapy for teenagers - Psychological aspect; Teenagers - Counseling of2014-04
11 Miller, MatthewThe Affordable Care Act and the Future of us Healthcare: Consumer Driven Care and Value Driven CareHealthcare in the United States has drastically changed over the last two hundred years. Today, the United States has the most technologically advanced medical care in the world. But, as a result, costs have soared and currently account for 17% of the GDP, which is significantly higher than in other...2017
12 Seastrand-Bachynski, Sara JayneAn act to decrease childhood obesity rates in the U.S.The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 was signed into law in order to address alarming childhood obesity rates in the U.S. In this paper, I address the importance of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and how it enhances child health by improving the food environment for children in public ...Childhood obesity; Utah2014-05
13 Gonzalez, Marcos DavidAn Analysis of the Court of Arbitration system: Status & Power Through the Lens of LaugtherLaughter is a nonverbal communication that demonstrates status and power across contexts such as hospital wards, fraternities, and even the United States Supreme Court. While it may be humorous in nature, the implications of laughter as a symbol that gathers perceived status, a mediator of social hi...2020
14 Jabini, Mohammad EmadAn Examination of Switchover CostsThis thesis project focuses on firm strategies that target consumer switchover costs of three industries: pharmaceuticals, information technology, and food processing. The project explores those that involve increasing customer dependency, predatory marketing, and hidden fees, which improve firms' b...2018
15 Nilson, Jens C.An examination of the bioethical and legal dilemmas surrounding genetic editing through narrative and story tellingExamining complex topics and issues through narrative and storytelling is a staple of the fiction genre. By presenting abstract problems and ethical dilemmas in a relatable context, and giving examples attached to real characters, the reader becomes emotionally and mentally invested in the issues fa...2022
16 Franco, XimenaAn in-depth analysis of the court system's response to a child's psychological well-being in domestic violence custody hearingsIn a child custody hearing where domestic violence is present in the household, court appointed evaluators are tasked to investigate the nature of the alleged domestic abuse, the offender and victims, and the threat of ongoing violence after the separation. Prior research illuminates how the court t...domestic violence; child custody; psychological intervention; courts2023
17 Lee, KaulAnger Co-Rumination Among Same-Sex Adolescent PeersCo-rumination refers to an extensive discussion of problems, speculation about problems, and focus on negative emotions engaged in by two or more people. Research on emotion coping suggests that co-rumination, or dwelling on problems, leads to problematic emotional adjustment. Girls have been found ...2019
18 Shah, DiyaThe appropriation of Sacajawea by the women's suffrage movementThis project examines why Sacajawea was an attractive figure to be resurrected and appropriated during the U.S. suffrage movement, especially in the 1890s to 1920s. To understand the construction and use of Sacajawea, I analyzed about 25 newspaper articles published about Sacajawea in the 1900s and ...Sacagawea Women -- Political activity -- United States; Women -- Suffrage -- United States2015-05
19 Kozlowski, ZoeAssessing the Contraceptive Needs of Homeless Women in Salt Lake City, UtahBackground: Homeless women across the US have reduced access to contraception and reproductive healthcare. They are at especially high risk for sexual trauma, contracting HIV or other sexually transmitted infections, and suffering from mental and physical conditions and substance use disorders. The ...2018
20 Cordova, Lauren A.Associations Between Race, Education Level, Socioeconomic Status and Contraceptive Disontinucation after 1 year of Free Contraceptives in Salt Lake countyUnplanned pregnancies make up nearly half of all pregnancies. This prompted the HER Salt Lake Project to offer free contraceptives to women in Salt Lake County, Utah. Discontinuation or switching of free contraceptives is linked to race, education level, socioeconomic status, and the choice of contr...2020
21 Hynes, WilliamAudience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative IdentityIn the present study, I examined the extent and effect of audience tailoring in a sample of college-going emerging adults (n = 106). Participants reported four narratives for the researcher, and then edited them for mothers and friends, producing eight edited narratives each (n = 848 narratives) in ...2017
22 Esposito, CamilaAxl Inhibitors for Pancreatic Cancer TreatmentBackground: In the United States more than 46,000 people will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Although it is relatively rare, pancreatic cancer is the 4th leading cause of cancer death in men and women. Gemcitabine, the most common treatment for pancreatic cancer has less than 10% partial respo...Pancreas - Cancer - Research2016-05
23 Venugopal, NikilaBaldwin in Conversation: Love and Black Lives MatterWith rising tensions surrounding racial inequality in the United States, and the national prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, it is hardly surprising that the works of James Baldwin have had a revival in popular culture and literature. Throughout his writings, Baldwin has advocated for Bl...2018
24 Otrusinik, JanBank Profitability, Mergers and Acquisitions: An Empirical Analysis for the US EconomyMergers and acquisitions (M&A) are popular strategies deployed by financial institutions to expand their balance sheets and consequently their market share. Economic and regulatory forces over the prior 30 years have been instrumental in driving M&A activity within the financial sector, yet limited ...2020
25 Ruiz, LorenBeneath the dark cloak of U.S. deportation: Bureaucratic distancing tactics employed by the deportation systemU.S. deportation policy is implemented behind a dark cloak of secrecy. Distancing tactics are employed throughout the deportation process to prevent those participating within the bureaucracy from feeling empathy for those they process. Pachirat (2011) provides a three-part template of analysis for ...Deportation -- United States2015-05
26 Allen, Ashley K.Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn NeurobehaviorPrior research has shown prenatal stress and parental mental illness impair developmental well-being for infants. However, literature examining borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms during pregnancy and infant neurobehavioral outcomes for women with BPD are largely lacking. The purpose of t...2018
27 Cockrell, JacquelineCampus interpersonal violence: understanding of University PolicyInterpersonal violence on university campuses and within university communities has always existed, but recently these issues are becoming more prevalent in the public eye. How universities handle these issues, the policies they put in place, and the efforts to reduce these incidents are ever-changi...2023
28 Camara, BarbaraCan More Sensitive Caregiving Buffer the Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Problem Behavior?In 2012, CDC researchers found that 11.5% of women delivering a live birth that year had postpartum depressive symptoms (Ko, Rockhill, Tong, Morrow, & Farr, 2017). Children who have been exposed to maternal depressive symptoms in their first year of life tend to show elevated deficits in a variety o...2019
29 Esplin, JessCapital account liberalization & income inequality: 1980-2009In this paper, I examine the relationship between income distribution and the capital market account from 1980 to 2009 across a sample of developed and semi-developed countries. A review of the literature suggests that capital account liberalization raises income inequality. Several factors alleged ...Income distribution - Mathematical models2016-04
30 Adams, TaylorChange in trait impressions of the self and othersThis study examined how trait judgments of the self and others change over time. The research question that was addressed was "Do the changes in trait impressions of the self parallel the changes in trait impressions of others?" One hundred and twenty-five college students rated the frequency of cha...2018
31 Greenwood, Riley JosephChanges in earnings distribution in Peru: 2004-2014This thesis explores the changes in earnings distribution among heads of household in Peru from 2004 to 2014 by applying Dinardo, Fortin, and Lemieux's methodology of counterfactual distributions and decompositions. Various measures indicate that earnings inequality among heads of household reduce...Earnings Distribution; Inequality; Counterfactual2014-12
32 Burton, KaitlynThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Views on Homosexuality and How it Relates to Labeling TheoryThis piece serves as an investigation and critique into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and their views of same-sex marriage, as well as the treatment of those experiencing same-sex attraction within the church. This will be done in part by using official church doctrine that has bee...2019
33 Geskes, Kelli KristinaCircumplex Based Interpersonal Processes Contribute to Link Between Self-Regulation and Social OutcomesA variety of individual differences in aspects of self-regulation (e.g., grit, self-control, conscientiousness) predict important life outcomes, such as wellbeing, vocational success, and physical health. Most conceptual models of these associations emphasize intrapersonal processes (e.g., inhibitio...2020
34 Tu, Christianna L.Closing the health development gap: An analysis of health spending in Southeast AsiaFinancing health development through increased domestic resource allocation is a topic of substantial discussion for the post-2015 development agenda. Past development strategies, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), have relied on wealthy country aid commitments in order to fund inter...Medical care - Southeast Asia - Finance2015-08
35 Rashid, InakhshmiCommunication between young adults and family members with type 2 diabetesWith a staggering 537 million adults living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as of 2021, T2D has become one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in the world. Lowering this prevalence is possible as T2D is preventable through healthy lifestyle habits, even amongst people with an increased risk due to ...2023
36 Meredith, SarahThe Community and School Factors Effecting Student Achievement in Utah Public School DistrictsIn 2017, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst (LFA) published a report titled "What Drives Student Achievement Across States?" finding that, "educational attainment of adults has the largest and most consistent impact on k-12 student achievement." This was analysis on three measure of studen...2020
37 Seshan, ThulasiComparative Indigenous Water Law in the Western United States and AustraliaIn 2010 the United Nations declared that water was a human right. Yet indigenous peoples around the world still do not have full access to water- to their human right. This paper attempts to understand what water rights indigenous people do have, and how those can be expanded to meet international h...2018
38 Baker, MargaretComparative morphology of chenopodium berlandieri seeds and fruits from cowboy cave, Utah: implications for cultivation and domesticationThe ancient shift from collecting and gathering native plants to the cultivation and domestication of those species was one of the most significant evolutionary transitions in human history. Due to recent advancements in archaeological techniques, the geographic occurrences of prehistoric plant cul...Plants - Utah2016-05
39 Eric NhemComparing Educational Engagement and Extracurricular Activity Participation for First-Generation Versus Continuing-Generation College StudentsFirst-generation college students (FGCS) typically have difficulty adjusting to college compared to continuing-generation college students (CGCS). Previous research has found that FGCS are less engaged in their higher education classes. However, engagement in college should also include participatio...2018
40 Thistle, Hanna RoseComparing traditional western & nontraditional holistic medicine: an integrative approach to health & wellness2020
41 Gunter, Tobee PaigeComparison of patient and provider assessments of response to therapy for psoriatic arthritisPeople with psoriatic arthritis routinely rate their disease severity less favorably than their providers (Krueger, 2001) (Baughman, 2011). Little is known about how patients and providers perceive response to therapy. Discrepancies in perceptions of therapy response may indicate that providers are ...Psoriatic arthritis; Psoriatic arthritis -- Patients -- Attitudes2014-12
42 Iacono, AlyssaContext affects undergraduates' goals and engagement behaviors when learning onlineThe Self-regulation of motivation (SRM) model (Sansone & Thoman, 2005) suggests that two types of motivation are crucial while learning a task: Goals-defined (e.g., value and expectancy of learning), and experience-defined (e.g., if the task is interesting). Using an online HTML lesson, initial resu...Web-based instruction -- Psychological aspects; Online learning2015-04
43 Fronberg, ErikContextualizing emergency powers and climate crisis in liberal democraciesThis thesis develops a theoretical framework for and responds to concerns regarding the use of emergency powers to combat climate change in liberal democracies. Consensus in the scientific community maintains that the window for acting to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is rapidly narro...2022
44 Alder, IsabellaCreating community: Facilitating an engaged resettlement process for refugee status families in the Salt Lake Valley to promote greater self-relianceThere are approximately 12 million refugees in the world today and roughly 50,000 of these individuals have resettled to the Salt Lake Valley. Upon their arrival to Utah, families with refugee status are paired with one of a small number of organizations to assist them in the process of resettlemen...Refugees -- Utah -- Salt Lake Valley Resettlement2014-05
45 Woolford, DallinCreating false memories using real-world objects: an attempt to expand upon a classic studyThis study aimed to investigate the relationship between different types of stimulus presentation and their effects on both memory confidence and memory accuracy through researching the phenomenon known as false memories. Investigating ways to raise memory confidence and to still retain accurate mem...2023
46 Zamantakis, AlithiaThe death of hetero and homo"The Death of Hetero/Homo" is a theoretical examination of the ways in which sexuality, love, and desire are not merely abstract, innate concepts but have very real consequences as weapons in the process of abjection, particularly of trans, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming individuals. As gender ...Sex (Psychology); Sex (Biology)2016-01
47 Falvo, JamieDecomposition of ethnic wage gap in Utah and intermountain regionHispanic workers on average earn less than white workers in both Utah and the Intermountain region. Average wage disparities in Utah and the Intermountain region are largely similar in magnitude, with various socioeconomic factors affecting these wage disparities. However, little is known about the ...Income distribution - Utah; Wages - Utah2016-04
48 Long, DanielleDiabetes risk, physical activity, and the physical environmentThe current exploratory study investigated the relationships among subjective and objective physical environment ratings, physical activity, and diabetes status. The basic question was whether diabetics were less physically active than non-diabetics and if this lack of physical activity was due to d...Psychology2014-05
49 Chandler, JuliaDialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A preliminary investigation into the effects of mindfulness practice in a transdiagnostic clinical populationResearchers have shown that mindfulness based therapies, such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), are effective treatments in trans-diagnostic clinical populations with emotion dysregulation. Researchers have yet to determine the effect of mindfulnessbased therapies on respiratory sinus arrhyth...Dialectical behavior therapy; Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy; Paranasal sinuses -- Diseases; Respiratory sinus arrhythmia2015-03
50 Wylie, Kathryn NivenDifferences Between Mother and Peer Listeners in the Encouragement Of Perspective-TakingExisting literature implicates perspective-taking, the cognitive and affective process by which an individual comes to understand the viewpoint of another, in a broad variety of desirable outcomes. Although scaffolding is an oft-researched topic, there is little extant work on how scaffolding may en...2020
51 Comstock, MackenzieThe Dilemma of Global Justice: Assessing Why the United States Has Not Joined the International Criminal CourtThe United States has long been called the policeman of the world, intervening in international conflicts in order to promote peace and security on a global scale. With such a history, why then, has the United States not joined the International Criminal Court? A key actor in the establishment of...International criminal courts - United States2016
52 McInnis, TillieDisruptive power: A comparison of political voice for non-elites after the great depression and the recession of 2008This thesis investigates how non-elites influence policymaking in a time of large income and wealth inequality. To do this, I examine the tactics of disruptive power used by two groups following two major economic downturns in the U.S.: the industrial workers after the Great Depression in the 1930s ...Power (Social sciences); Elite (Social sciences)2015-05
53 Mortensen, MatthewDo caps on non-economic damages decrease medical malpractice insurance premiums?This paper examines whether tort reform, like caps on non-economic damages for medical malpractice claims, actually lower insurance premiums for physicians. Proponents of tort reform argue that large jury awards against physicians have driven up physician insurance premiums, and as a result, overall...Physicians' malpractice insurance - United States; Insurance premiums - United States2015-04
54 Stephens, EmilyDo children affect an abused parent's choice to seek treatment?Intimate partner abuse is a major problem especially when there are children present. In attempt to stop the cycle of abuse, it is of critical importance to understand the impact children have on the relationships and the decision making process of those involved. I am conducting research to see ...Family violence; Marital violence2016-05
55 Memmott, Magdalen GraceDRM & driving: Creation of false memories under cognitive workloadNot only are humans unable to recall things that actually occur, they may also recall information that did not occur. Such findings contribute to the pervasive hypothesis that people are not more productive by combining tasks, instead such productivity is an illusion. It was hypothesized that when m...False memory syndrome2015-04
56 Groneman, AmandaEducational Programming: A Coping and Distraction Trchnique in Pediatric Hospital SettingsThe experience of hospitalization is a unique and typically difficult experience for most children. Many children's hospitals strive to provide various services to help children cope with the difficult emotions and distract them from the pain they may be feeling. In addition to Child Life Interventi...2018
57 Schryver, Hannah M.EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performanceStudying human information processing allows researchers to better understand the operations of the human brain. While a large body of research has used reaction times and cognitive correlates to quantify information processing, electrophysiological correlates improve knowledge of cortical activity....Performance -- Measurement; Cognitive neuroscience; Electroencephalography2015-05
58 Lavelle, Mark E.Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink SuppessionThe majority of individuals with Tourette's Syndrome (TS) experience fluctuating, involuntary sensations which build in intensity until tics are performed. These sensations, termed premonitory urges (PUs), are described both as general states of unease and somatotopically specific sensations like he...2017
59 Lebrecht, MarleyThe Effect of a Close Friendship on the Number of suicide Attempts Executed by Adolescent GirlsAdolescent suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 15-19, and the rates of adolescent suicide are rising. Research has focused on risk and protective factors for adolescent suicide, but the effects of friendship have received less attention. Existing research suggests that friend...2017
60 Singer, EmilyEffect of Covid-19 pandemic on oral health among uninsured populationsIntroduction: It is extremely important to maintain optimal oral health. Accessibility to dental care is vital for uninsured low-income individuals. There is a deficit of research that examines oral healthcare seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic among uninsured low-income individuals. Objective: Th...2023
61 David, MariaThe Effect of Physician Altruism on Patient Health Outcomes in a Signaline GameI construct a model for interactions between patients and physicians and use the model to explore which conditions are necessary for the patient to receive a certain quality of care. The model allows the patient, upon observing an illness, to choose between treatment or no treatment options while th...2017
62 Stephens, MasonEffect of prolonged nature exposure on mindfulness and P300 AmplitudeThis study utilized a quasi-experimental, within-subjects design to explore the effects of a 5-day nature immersion on perceived mindfulness, behavioral performance, and brain wave activity using Electroencephalography (EEG) to assess the amplitude of the P3a and P3b Event-Related Brain Potentials. ...2020
63 Ahlstrom, AubreyThe Effect of Religion on Adolescent DevelopmentReligion is something many people deeply value; the United States is even built on the right of free religion. The Pew Research Center estimates that only about 15.8% of Americans lack some sort of religious affiliation (2018). According to the same study, about 73% of Utahns are Christians, with 55...2019
64 Greenberg, KevinThe effect the duration and location of rest breaks have on sustained attention and reaction timeHumans general system of sustained attention is susceptible to fatigue. The Attention Restoration Theory postulates when the system is fatigued exposure to natural environments may help to restore the fatigued resources. However, the duration and location of exposure needed is unknown, therefore the...Rest periods; Hours of labor2016-04
65 Brown, Jackson AyersThe effects and general applicability of British influence in post-colonial EswatiniIn the building of new states in Sub-Saharan Africa following the long period of British colonialism, successful democracies have been few and far between. Eswatini, the main focus of this research, began as a democracy following its independence in 1968, but soon slid into authoritarianism. Today, ...2023
66 Dean, EmmaThe Effects of maternal resilience on newborn neurobehavioral outcomesThere is growing evidence that exposure to prenatal maternal stress may adversely affect fetal neurodevelopment by altering the fetal environment. In this study, we investigated whether maternal resilience can act as a moderator of the negative effects of maternal stress on newborn neurobehavioral o...2020
67 Schofield, Zachary CThe Effects of State Level Energy Policy on Renewable Energy MarketsFor the past few decades, state governments have attempted to steer their energy portfolios toward sources that are environmentally responsible and come at a lower cost. The two primary policies that are analyzed in this work are Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) and market deregulation. Because t...2017
68 Leibold, Katherine I.The Electability of Atheists in the United StatesAtheists are severely underrepresented in United States public offices. This underrepresentation is obvious when evaluating the religious affiliation of our elected officials in Congress in contrast to the religious affiliations of the general public. The underrepresentation of atheists in Congress ...2018
69 Lee, Hye-riEliciting event type: Rumination and emotional complexityPast research has found positive associations between emotional complexity (the subjective experience of multiple simultaneous emotions; Hervas & Vazquez, 2011) and having a ruminative cognitive style. Numerous studies have suggested that the association between emotional complexity and rumination a...Emotions and cognition Depression; Mental Emotional complexity; Event type2015-04
70 Mason, IndigoEvaluating, implementing, and supporting sexual health programming for young adults at The University of UtahSex, sexuality, and reproduction are intimately tied to what it means to be human. The field of sexual and reproductive health explores the nuances and connections between intimacy, pregnancy, and birth with economic, social, and political power. Even though the field has made remarkable strides, st...2021
71 Christensen, BryceEvolution, living patterns, and mitochondrial genetic variations in chimpanzeesThe study of genetic variation in chimpanzees allows researchers to determine evolutionary origins, population dynamics, living patterns, and more; the focus of this thesis is on the Pan troglodytes verus subspecies of chimpanzees of western Africa. After reviewing the literature, I set out to test ...Chimpanzees -- Genetics; Chimpanzees -- Evolution; Mitochondrial DNA2015-12
72 Grandy, HaileyExamining the associations between maternal intrusiveness and detachment and cognitive and language skills in 18-month-old childrenSensitive parenting refers to the degree to which a parent responds to a child's needs punctually and appropriately. In contrast, insensitive parenting occurs when a parent is less attuned to their child's needs and often comes in two distinct forms: detachment and intrusiveness. Detachment occurs w...2023
73 Salmi, Luciana P.Examining the Combined Effects of Social Support and Maternal Prenatal Mood on Newborn NeurobehaviorA large body of research shows that exposure to maternal prenatal anxiety may be linked to adverse birth outcomes and impaired psychophysiological functioning in infancy (Barker, Jaffee, Uher, & Maughan, 2011). The majority of research has been focused on birth outcomes leaving a gap in the literatu...2018
74 Victorine, PaigeExamining the DBT ways of coping checklist and therapist expectancies as predictors of success in DBT gift group participantsResearchers have long focused on which variables play a role in managing the stress-illness relationship, and more specifically, emotion dysregulation (Linehan, 1993; McCrae, 1984). The current study examined psychologically dysregulated individuals (n=22), who had been recommended by their primary...Dialectical behavior therapy2016-04
75 Velarde, ValerieThe exchange of sexually explicit cell phone pictures (sexting) among high school studentsThe sending, receiving, and forwarding of sexually explicit pictures via cell phone, a relatively recent phenomenon known as sexting, has recently received substantial media attention, including reports of serious consequences for some of those engaged in sexting (e.g., suicidal ideations, sex offen...Sexting; Adolescents; Social media2014-05
76 Fine, KeliExecutive functioning and grade point average in college studentsResearch has demonstrated a positive correlation between Executive Functioning (EF) and Grade Point Average (GPA; Duckworth, Tsukayama, & May, 2010; Latzman, Elkovitch, Young, & Clark, 2010; Knouse, Feldman, & Blevins, 2014). However, previous studies have failed to give a comprehensive view of all ...Executive functions (Neuropsychology); Academic achievement2014-12
77 Miller, CurtisExplaining Utah's gender gap in wagesWomen earn less than men, and the disparity between men's and women's wages in Utah is larger than the same disparity at the national or regional levels. Little is known as to why Utah has a larger wage gap than the nation or its neighbors. In this paper, we use Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to decom...Women -- Employment -- Utah; Wage differentials -- Utah; Gender gap2015-08
78 Cox, MitchellExploring exercise adherence: the impact of exercise intensity and variability on affect during exercisePhysical exercise increases affect, and increased affect is associated with greater adherence to exercise. Group exercise is a popular form of exercise, yet little is known regarding the impact of exercise intensity and variability on during-exercise affect. Furthermore, little is known regarding th...Psychology2014-04
79 Weeks, RoryExploring the ecogothic in Marian Womack's "black isle"We live in a frightening time. It is an age of anxiety, loneliness, and terror as the looming specters of climate collapse and innumerable environmental crises enter unbidden into our reality to an ever-greater extent, to the point that we often just need to look outside in order to observe the horr...2021
80 Erickson, MariahFalse hearing and the N400: the effects of linguistic context on language perceptionFalse hearing is a phenomenon where one mishears what has been said to them based on linguistic contextual cues used to make a prediction (Rogers et al., 2012). The incorrect hearing usually has similar phonemic properties to other likely words and syntactic relation to what was said prior. Our stud...2021
81 Stephan, ChandlerFamily and Urban Structures as Determinants of Income Mobility Differences in Salt LakeIncome mobility is the measure of the difference between a child's income and their parent's income. A higher rate of mobility is indicative of a greater ability to positively change income over generations while a lower rate means there is less mobility. A higher rate of mobility can reduce the amo...2017
82 Blanton, NatalieFemale inmate sexual health literacy and disparities in the Salt Lake County jailThe rates of women interacting with the criminal justice system are increasing steadily­ yet little is known about the experiences of these women within the system as well as the latent effects that follow them throughout their lives. With a sociological perspective, one comes to understand the imm...Incarcerated women; Sexual health; Reproductive health; Contraception; Women's experiences; Health literacy2014-05
83 Neff, DylanFetal Programming of the Infant Sympathetic Nervous SystemMaternal mood during the prenatal period may affect a broad range of infant outcomes. This study examined the impact of mothers' trait anxiety and emotion dysregulation on their 7-month old infants' sympathetic nervous system as measured by electrodermal activity (EDA) during the still-face paradigm...2020
84 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, UtahFish Lake's location in central Utah at 8,848 feet above sea level offers a unique opportunity to study the impact of wildfires on high-elevation forested ecosystems in the Colorado Plateau region. A ~60,000-year lake sediment record from Fish lake provides evidence of multiple disturbances througho...2023
85 Segura, HaleyFire history and environmental disturbance reconstruction for Fish Lake, Utah2023
86 Dean, CourtneyFood Aid or Industry Subsidy? the Power Dynamics of How the U.S. Feeds the WorldIn the 1950s the United States passed Public Law 480 and officially took up the cause of international food aid. Today, the United States is the largest provider of food assistance in the world accounting for over 50% of all aid. While other counties have stepped back or shifted their commitments t...Public law - United States - History2016-08
87 Jochim, JordanForging a truce, forcing an encounter: James Baldwin and the paradox of injuryIn States of Injury, Wendy Brown argues that emancipatory projects premised upon the "injured identity" of oppressed groups work inadvertently to solidify hierarchical social structures and generates forms of resentment that are ultimately self-defeating. As such, she urges the abandonment of injure...Baldwin, James, 1924-1987 - Criticism and interpretation; Political science - Philosophy; Power (Social science)2014-05
88 Gambassi, Jack L.Framing social justice through the capabilities lens: examining post-conviction labor market barriersThis thesis relates two bodies of existing research: (1) the use of capabilities as the basis for a theory of justice and (2) labor market reentry barriers created by conviction history. The capabilities approach is an alternative analytical framework to understanding social justice than alternative...2023
89 Barton, Dylan OkechukwuFriends in all the wrong places? gang involvement and the relevance of attachment theoryGang involvement and gang activity are serious problems in the U.S. While the societal cost of gang activity is undisputed, there are mounting concerns for gang members themselves who suffer greater risk for adverse life events and personal victimization than their non-gang involved peers (Krohn et ...Gang members - Psychology; Attachment behavior in adolsescence2014-05
90 Jordan, Benjamin WaltzFrom sewer to soil: planetary boundaries, metabolic rift and Salt Lake City's wastewater treatmentSalt Lake City's water resource recovery facility (WRRF) is undergoing a multi-year upgrade in order to reduce nitrogen-induced eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake. Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles all converge at WRRFs where they can, in part, be managed. In this paper, I perform a general...2021
91 Sencion, MaglayGardens on food security and health of resettled refugees in the Salt Lake City AreaThere are several nutritional challenges that refugees and immigrants face during and after migration. Often, they arrive in their new countries with nutrition deficiencies due to cultural and language barriers, poor housing, and low socioeconomic conditions. Following their arrival, recently resett...2023
92 Du Pre, Jessie J.Gender differences in recollected consistency or change in same sex sexuality across the lifespan: Measuring linkages between flexibility in sexual attraction, behavior, and love propensityThe flexibility of same sex attractions, engagement in same sex sexual behaviors, and propensity to fall in love with same sex partners were examined by assessing selfreported change over time in men and women of heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual orientations. We sought to examine whether the l...Same sex attraction; Gender differences2015-12
93 Hatch, Kyleigh M.Gender differences in the correlations between mobile personal financial management technology and financial outcomes2021
94 Scott, BrooklynGenomic insights into lineage specific differences in macaque social behaviorStudies of behavioral variation in primates are increasingly examining the role that genes have in determining social styles. The genus Macaca, for which phylogeny plays a central role in behavior, represents a useful group to explore behavioral genetics. Differences in macaque aggression and age of...2021
95 Quackenbush, CameronThe Great Salt Dustbowl: the Impacts of a Drying EcosystemThe Salt Lake Valley faces a dire environmental situation: the drying of the Great Salt Lake (GSL). As state and local water authorities push forward with plans to further dam and divert the single largest input to the GSL, it is crucial to acknowledge the implications of a drying lake bed for the W...Salt Lake Valley; acknowledge; Wasatch Front2019
96 Pacholarz, NataliaThe Great Salt Lake: drought, pollution, and economic impactsThis thesis analyzes the causes which are leading the Great Salt Lake to dry up and decrease in size. Furthermore, it examines the environmental implications of this trend, in particular looking at the impacts for air quality and pollution. This paper also discusses the economic impacts from these e...2021
97 Reynolds, MiraGuilt and shame among military personnel and veterans who have experienced military sexual traumaObjective: Sexual trauma is more likely to result in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women than other types of trauma. Women who have suffered any form of trauma are also more likely to experience guilt and shame than men. However, less is known about the relationship of guilt and shame wit...Sexual violence - Military; Post-traumatic stress disorder - Research - United States2016-05
98 Gates, AbigailHealth Care in the United States: Disparities and Distrust in the Black CommunityDuring the time of slavery, Black and African Americans were mistreated and abused as research subjects in medical studies. This mistreatment continued into the 20th century with the Tuskegee Syphilis study and continues today in many doctor's offices throughout America. This paper begins by looking...2020
99 McLean, HaileyHealthcare Encounters of Formerly Homeless Individuals Supported by the Housing first ProgramHomeless individuals often have high utilization of emergency healthcare services. With United States healthcare costs continuing to rise encouraging appropriate utilization as a way to lower costs and improve outcomes is becoming a priority. This study examined the healthcare encounters of formerly...2018
100 Dorsey, Bridget ForshaHealthcare provider bias in estimating the health literacy of parents in a pediatric emergency departmentHealth literacy, defined as an individual's capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions, is a growing concern due to its significant effect on clinical communication and health outcomes. One aspect of this clinic...2020
101 Hanley, GraceHow engaging in mind-focused or body-focused Eastern practices affects the way people narrate challenging eventsYoga and meditation could influence how individuals mentally process and narrate their difficult experiences from the past. Specifically, such practices could result in increased exploration, growth, and positive resolution in narratives, compared to neutral conditions. Past researchers have employe...Narration (Rhetoric) - Psychological aspects; Mediation - Therapeutic use; Yoga - Therapeutic use2014-05
102 Gordon, MatthewHysteresis and the learning-By-doing mechanism in the monetary policy context: a bayesian vector autoregression appoachStandard macroeconomic theory typically assumes that output in the long-run is independent of the short-run business cycle. The hysteresis hypothesis assumes the contrary and supposes that short-run economic shocks can have a permanent effect on the level of output. This paper empirically tests the ...2022
103 Child, SkyleeImaining an ultimate approach to the healthcare system in the 21st century2023
104 Quinn, ChloeThe impact of the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River: options for the futureThe Grand Canyon and the Colorado River at its base are iconic natural features of the western United States that are revered by many. This landscape may be well known for its resplendent red canyon walls and beautiful river with huge whitewater, but it is also famous for the monstrous dams that con...2023
105 Woolston, Caleb M.Impact of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms on baseline self-reported safety behaviors versus observer-rated safety behaviors during the trauma film paradigmBackground: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a high burden disorder marked by safety behaviors (SB), which are covert or overt actions used to escape distressing feelings or places. However, literature suggests scores on observer-rated and self-reported SBs can be discrepant, creating a need...2022
106 Hagemeyer, TroyThe importance of resolution with UAV remote sensing and structure from motionThe use of unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, has grown widely as they have grown less costly and more available to the public. One area of growth is in the remote sensing of snow and ice. In particular, structure from motion photogrammetry is used to determine snow depths through differential mappi...2020
107 Hendrickson, HannahImproving Outcomes for People Facing HomelessnessDespite extravagant health care spending in the United States today, a real and significant disparity still exists: The large homeless population is underrepresented in receiving good health care. Research shows the United States (U.S.) is missing its target of providing quality health care to all i...2017
108 Gardner, KellyIndividual differences in inhibition and emotionThe objective of this study was to examine if negative emotion can play an influential role on inhibition through attentional control. Higher levels of working memory capacity (WMC) have been correlated with faster inhibition times attributed to greater tolerance of automatic processes and better...Emotion2014-12
109 Weinberger, CatonInfant attachment security as a predictor of academic outcomes among children who experienced early adversity: a mediational analysis examining executive functioning and language skills during early childhoodIdentifying predictors of classroom success is critical for supporting children's education. My first aim was to examine whether infant attachment security is positively associated with four cognitive outcomes among a high-risk sample of children: pre-academic language skills and executive function ...2022
110 Goodman, AngelaThe influence of interpersonal relationships and mindfulness on sleep qualityThe distress of not getting restful, restorative sleep can have damaging effects on interpersonal relationships, and stressful relationships can, in turn, disturb sleep. The associations between sleep and interpersonal functioning are not well understood. In addition, the literature on individual di...Sleep - Psychological aspects; Sleep - Social aspects; Interpersonal relations; Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy2014-05
111 Matyi, Joshua MatthewIntelligence and neural activation : a test of the relationship between the neural efficiency hypothesis and repetition suppressionThe Neural Efficiency Hypothesis (NEH) states that individuals with higher measured intelligence exhibit less neural activation on relatively simple tasks compared to those with lower intelligence (Haier et al., 1988). Furthermore, this phenomenon may interact with repetition suppression, or the red...Intelligence levels - Physiological aspects; Neural networks (Neurobiology)2014-05
112 Kaur, KimanThe Intersections of Gender, Race, and the Environment: How can Queer Ecology Shift Power and Place in Ecosystems?Colonization and colonialism in the United States (U.S.) create flawed social constructions of race and gender that perpetuate a hierarchical dominance of power based on one's identity. This hierarchy of power overwhelmingly marginalizes communities of color, especially womxn1 of color, while uplift...2018
113 O'Brien, CullenIntimate ideological space: an analysis of personalized online environmentsThis thesis examines the ideological significance of "personalized online environments." POEs are environments on the internet that are engineered to adhere to individuals' preferences. Most influential theories of ideology - those of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Stuart Hall and othe...2021
114 Anderson, AshleyIntracranial electrocorticographic correlates of intrinsic brain neetworksAnalyzing patterns of intracranial electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings can provide insight into how temporal and spatial components of brain activity are related on a trial-by-trial basis. Research on fMRI resting state networks has clarified the role of the default mode network (DMN) in intern...2021
115 Halberg, NickThe Inverse effect of population growth on water use in UtahThe Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute projects that Utah will experience rapid population growth over the next 45 years. It is commonly assumed that this sudden increase in population will subsequently lead to a sudden increase in the demand for water, thereby creating a need for new water diversions....2020
116 Willis, Brendan M.Investigating the mediational role of meaning making in the association between moral injury and well-beingMost people at some point in their lives will encounter a situation where they witness, perpetrate, or fail to stop an action that seriously violates their moral beliefs, events that have recently been termed moral injuries. Litz and colleagues (2009) proposed a theoretical framework that suggests s...Ethics - Psychological aspects; Mental health - Moral and ethical aspects2014-05
117 Zamantakis, AlithiaInvisible bodies: LGBTQIA youth in the juvenile legal systemScholars, such as Michelle Alexandra and Angela Y. Davis, and activists alike have begun to voice the inequitable conditions through which people of color are funneled into the prison industrial complex and laws are racially biased, so as to relegate people of color to a space of invisibility. It is...Juvenile justice, Administration of - United States; GLBTQIA youth2015-09
118 Rush, JacobThe Kantian concept of the person, rationality and Socrates' deathIn this paper, I consider Socrates' death sentence in The Apology and his choice to accept his death sentence in The Crito. I structure his choice in a Kantian manner. First, I argue that Socrates has a duty to himself, as a rational agent, to (a) act as a promisekeeping individual and (b) perform t...Socrates - Death and burial; Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1824 - Ethics2014-05
119 Murray, ClintKeynes as theorist and investorThere is an abundance of literature that extensively explicates how various factors, notably probability theory, influenced John Maynard Keynes's thinking and economic theories in regards to the behavior of financial markets and the agents making decisions in those markets. Commentators, however, ha...Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 - Criticism and interpretation2016-04
120 Haxhiu, ElirdThe labor market implications of unification between Albania and KosovoThis paper estimates the impact that political unification between the currently independent states of Albania and Kosovo would have on the labor markets in each country. Specifically, it analyzes and quantifies by analogy the propensity of workers in Kosovo to migrate to Albania seeking employment ...Albania - Economic conditions; Kosovo (Republic) - Economic conditions2014-04
121 Christensen, JoshuaThe LDS context: religious trauma, social safety, & LGBTQ+ healthWithin the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS church), LGBTQ+ members have reported negative mental health outcomes related to their participation (Simmons, 2017; Dehlin et al., 2014). However, few studies have sought to measure how exposure to harmful beliefs and teachings experienced...2022
122 Erturk, Ali CemThe lead up to restriction and contemporary immigrationIn the 1840s and 1850s, a nativist viewpoint was applied to all foreigners, particularly Catholics and the Irish. From 1850-1882, it was applied to Asians who were presumed to be of a lower racial and economic order. In the 1920s, the poverty of Eastern European Jews, Italians, Hungarians, and Poles...2023
123 Arave, MariahLife elevated: investigating the association between altitude and depressionThe purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between altitude and depression. Evidence obtained from previous studies show that hypoxia can cause changes in the levels of mood-regulating neurotransmitters, potentially affecting mental health. There is also a region in the western Unit...University of Utah2018
124 Foott, BettymayaLight pollution hazards within ecosystems and mitigation strategies for the futureLight Pollution is a phenomenon caused by poor lighting design, and is increasing globally. Only recently are scientists beginning to fully understand how light pollution affects humans and the environment. Birds, which play an important role in our ecosystem, are vulnerable to light pollution effec...Light pollution Lighting -- Environmental aspects2015-05
125 Gills, LyraLiving while alive: a brief proposal for Puerto Piramides, Argentina, to attain Blue Zone Project Community (BZPC) statusIn 2004, Blue Zones, or places where men and women live well past 90 or 100 years of age, were discovered by Dan Buettner and his team from National Geographic. Today, there are five well known Blue Zones, as well as four Blue Zone Project Communities that can be found. The five Blue Zones are found...Blue Zones; centenarians2021-05
126 Mailoux, SavannahMapping Vitality in Utah's Salt Lake CountyThe term vitality within the field of psychology is related to someone's energy or spirit as they move through different experiences in life. Most often, the term is associated with a sense of liveliness if someone were to possess high vitality, or a sense of dullness if someone were to possess low ...2019
127 Ferguson, Christina M.Marital status and distress among low-income couples transitioning to parenthoodThe transition to parenthood is associated with declines in couple relationship functioning and increases in psychological distress. Cohabiting and economically disadvantaged couples are at particular risk during this life transition. This study examined cohabitation as a potential risk factor for p...Couples -- Psychology2015-04
128 Eldredge, NicolleMaternal stress and the Development of infant regulatory processesWhen mother-infant dyads engage in an effective form of communication, one where mother and infant both play an active role, the infant gains an understanding for the emotions that they feel. However, acute stress exposure may challenge the dyad's ability to effectively self-regulate prior to and fo...2014
129 Urry, Joshua O.The Mediating Role of Coping Behaviors in the Realtion Between Partner Relationship Quality and Infant Stress signsPerceived social support and overall relationship quality between a pregnant woman and her partner could affect an infant's future emotional distress. There are many ways that a couple could cope behaviorally with conflicts that result from poor relationship quality. Indeed, a pregnant woman's copin...2020
130 Hawkley, Jesse DeanMetropolitan divergence segregation patterns in New York and DetroitSegregation is usually defined in terms of limiting a certain ethnic group to a single area through discriminatory institutional practices like racially restrictive covenants or redlining. However, segregation is also affected by household decisions and demographic processes. Through the mid-twentie...Residential segregation - Detroit; Residential segregation - New York2016-04
131 Mann, KyraMicroplastic water pollution spanning the wildland to urban gradient of red Butte Creek, Salt Lake City, UtahAnthropogenic activities contribute to the presence and abundance of microplastics in aquatic habitats. Microplastic pollution poses risks to the health of humans, wildlife, and ecosystems, acting as vectors that carry harmful toxins and disease. However, there is relatively little research on the e...2021
132 Biskupiak, AnyaMindfulness: a multi-faceted solution to a failing criminal justice system?Current rehabilitation programs are insufficient among U.S. prisons. A prison is often a place of intense stress, fear, and intense or anger-provoking situations. Since prison education has started to become common in more and more prisons, a course to help inmates address the daily stressors of lif...2023
133 Erturk, Ali CemMinimum wage employment effectsIn this study, the employment to population ratios and unemployment rates of 16- 19- and 20-24-year-olds are modelled as a function of the minimum wage. The federal minimum remains constant while the state minimum increases in some states from 2010- 2019. Such a research question is useful because s...2023
134 Hoang, UyenThe Misogyny of Climate Denialism and It's Influence on World Leaders' Climate ResponseAs our planet's climate crisis worsens every year, the actions of our world leaders become increasing imperative when addressing environmental issues. This research investigates the interconnectedness of misogyny and climate denialism by examining various identities and how they may influence, chang...2020
135 Spendlove, NatalieMitochondrial genetic variation among howler monkeysBy studying genetic variation of some of primates, researchers can more closely study the effects of deforestation and fragmentation. For this study, mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) are the primates of choice. The samples used in this study were collected by researchers doing fieldwork in...Anthropology; Howler monkeys; Genetics2014-12
136 Liu, JulianneThe mobilization of Asian Americans for environmental justiceLargely excluded from conceptions of racial injustice in the United States, Asian Americans also experience marginalization in the Environmental Justice (EJ) movement. This invisibility is reinforced by EJ literature, which contains comparatively little research on Asian Americans compared to other ...2021
137 Mallory, HalleyModeled after NatureThe Anthropocene is the current geological epoch marked by human dominance. Among other changes, human-caused climate change has increased natural disasters, altering the conditions of life for communities around the world. Our best response to these catastrophes is to become more resilient. Case st...2018
138 Shields, CarlyNeeds of Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Healthcare SettingAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability characterized by difficulties with social communication and repetitive and restrictive behaviors patterns (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 1 in 59 children were ide...2019
139 Jenson, DonovonNo low hanging fruits: salient factors for good nutrition by socioeconomic statusIn recent years increasing obesity rates have become a major concern in the United States. Statistics show socioeconomic status plays a big role in obesity outcomes, with those of lower SES more likely to be obese. Although exercise and stress have also been shown as important contributors to obesit...Obesity - United States2014-04
140 Decker, JuliaObsessive-compulsive symptomology in LGBTQ+ Mormons: the role of social safetyWhile the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) can provide emotional relief, social belonging, and community support to many of its members, its doctrine often fails to affirm the needs of its LGBTQ+ and sexually/gender diverse (SGD) members. Church policy maintains that members of the ...2023
141 Morse, Rachel A.Oh my amplitude! : the role of subjective motivation on the amplitude of the error-related negativityMaking mistakes is part of our human experience. When individuals commit errors, they can learn from their mistakes and minimize future errors in different scenarios. We can measure error monitoring in the brain with EEG. The error-related negativity (ERN) is an event-related potential observed when...2021
142 Case, JuliaOn the bicycle and humility: making sanctuary at the nexus of capitalism and climate changeThe Anthropocene, or perhaps better referred to as the Capitalocene, has been marked by human activity that is intense both in depth and breadth. Human interactions with the greater ecology of the planet have, since the Industrial Revolution, been markedly onesided, with a misguided perception of hu...2021
143 Pistorius, JordanThe operational code of presidential candidate Hillary ClintonOperational code analysis provides key insight into the fundamental views that influence the decision making process. In this paper, I explain the importance of operational code in regard to understanding how important leaders think and in forecasting their behavior in future decision making roles...Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Presidential candidates - United States; Women presidential2016-05
144 Chatard, KendalOrangutan genetic load and the effects of population sizeGenetic load is a relative measure of the quantity of harmful mutations within a genome, and a population's demographic history can affect this measure. Small populations that have undergone a severe bottleneck have increased inbreeding. These factors can decrease genetic diversity and fix deleterio...2022
145 Sadler, AlexandriaOrganizational structure and framing process in the Chilean University student movementThe 2011-2015 Chilean university student movement for free, public and quality education has brought education to the forefront of Chilean politics. In 2015 students continue to mobilize through student federations at each university, even as the government beings to implement free higher education....Student movements - Chile2015-05
146 Chloe GarnerPatient Privacy and Database Security for Emerging Health Information TechologyThe field of health information technology has exploded over the last decade. With new innovations and technologies evolving quickly, government regulations and policies in place to protect patient information have been created as a response to the changing field, instead of as a way to shape the bo...2020
147 Garg, GauriPhysical activity and nutrition correlation with white matter hyperintensities on brain MRIOBJECTIVE Our aim is to identify a correlation between the level of physical activity or nutritional intake and white matter hyperintensity (WMH) on MRI of the brain. BACKGROUND White matter hyperintensities are a radiographic marker of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD). Individual's levels of ph...2023
148 Benfield, KaylaraPlace attachment, climate change, and threat perceptions of Utah WildernessPlace Attachment is the emotional and functional relationships that tie humans to natural environments. It has been shown to impact a person's ability to perceive threats significantly. This study compares the varying levels of Place Attachment with individual knowledge associated with the negative ...Place attachment; climate change; wilderness; Utah2022
149 Rios, Salma AngelicaPolice response to intimate partner violence in communities of colorIntimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence are criminal and health crises in the United States that need to be treated and taken seriously. Although men can be victims of IPV, women constitute most victims. IPV is nothing new. However, what is new is that our societal ideas have shifted, ...Intimate partner violence (IPV); police response; women of color2022
150 Burns, HenrikThe political economy of international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability: The case of CubaFor this thesis project I investigated the relationship between international terms of trade and agricultural sustainability for the case of Cuba. To understand the effect of trade relations on agricultural policy I explored Cuba's relationship with the Soviet Union, its largest trading partner betw...Trade regulation - Cuba; Agriculture and state - Cuba; Cuba - Commerce2014-05
151 Doyle, ErinPolitical polarization at the local levelMany agree the American public is polarized nationally. However, polarization can be just as invasive within local governments. Understanding if there are occurrences of polarization in local government is essential to understanding how the American public has divided. This division in party goals c...2022
152 Tonks, JacobPolitics without character: Liberal virtues and the situationist critiqueA critique of virtue ethics has recently been raised by social psychologists who believe experimental psychology has all but proved the non-existence of character. In morally compromising situations, external situational factors have the greatest influence on choice, and therefore virtue as a stable...Situation ethics; Virtue Choice (Psychology); Autonomy (Philosophy)2015-05
153 Thomas, MadisonPossible systems of female sexualityPrevious research found that women tend to exhibit sexual fluidity more than men (Diamond, 2008). This conclusion has led to the desire for research to unde rstand sexuality and the possible life events that impact ideas, behaviors, and sexual identity. The main research question being explored in t...Women - Sexual behavior2015-12
154 Silver, Michelle AnnePre-sleep arousal in healthy adults reporting childhood trauma: implications for the development of insomniaChildhood trauma is associated with increased mental and physical illness in adulthood. Disrupted sleep may be one mechanism by which trauma adversely affects health. Current literature states that sleep is essential in restoration of cognitive functioning and stress regulation. In addition, insomni...Insomnia; Childhood trauma2014-04
155 Uchida, Emily AkiyoThe Presentation of the Model Minority Myth in the US Education SystemIn the United States, Asian Americans have been dubbed the "model minority", having seemingly overcome racial barriers to achieve socio-economic success all on their own. In reality, Asian Americans still face racial discrimination on an institutional and societal level. The Students for Fair Admiss...2020
156 Jowers, KaitlinPresident Vladimir Putin and the Mask of PatriotismWith the current poor economic situation in Russia, Putin seems less keen on diversifying the economy than expanding Russia's influence worldwide. Indeed, while it would make sense in most countries to focus inward during domestic crises, Putin continually pushes Russia's resources, and focus, out, ...2016
157 Koronkowski, CharlesPrince Hall freemasonry: Forming a free African American communityBefore the foundation of the Prince Hall Freemasonic Order, the free black population in the United States was lacking a community and group identity. Rather, there existed a disjointed group of individuals kept at a perpetual distance from one another, both by societal pressures and by personal d...African American freemasonry - History2016-05
158 Freckleton, Mitchell W.Proportional representation and the electoral college: An analysis of electoral reform in the U.S. and U.K.We all know he famous Abraham Lincoln quote from the Gettysburg Address, "A government of the people by the people, for the people." However, do Americans and even British citizens feel like "the people" are in charge o f the government? With constant criticism directed at the representational democ...Proportional representation -- United States; Proportional representation -- Great Britain; Electoral reform2015-12
159 Saperstein, ElizabethPunctuated equilibrium and the Patriot Act 2001An all-encompassing theory to describe the policy-making process in modern political systems has yet to be determined. Therefore, no theory currently exists that uncontestably predicts future policy outcomes. In an attempt to describe the policy process and account for the process as one that fluctu...Patriot Act (U.S.); Punctuated equilibrium (Evolution)2014-08
160 Stovall, Karen L.Reasons for cohabitation on the outcome of relationship quality and satisfactionCohabitation before marriage has become a common choice for many couples in North America. Reasons for couples deciding to live together can vary, including a desire to spend more time together or to combine finances and avoid the hassles of living apart. When looking at reasons for deciding to live...Unmarried couples; Relationship quality; Cohabitation2015-04
161 Sánchez, Alexander AlbertoReexamining global drug eradication policies: A systemic analysis of their ecological and societal effects in Mexico, Colombia and AfghanistanSince 1961, the U.N. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs has continued to be the overarching treaty that has been followed and enforced, as a prohibitionist international drug control model. By conducting a systematic review of primary and secondary sources, this paper demonstrates how U.N. establis...Drug control -- Mexico; Drug control -- Colombia; Drug control -- Afghanistan2015-04
162 Grahmann, Bridget N.Refugee use of the women, infants and children programThis study examines the experience refugee families have with the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, and attempts to identify the difficulties they have in order to make suggestions that might result in more efficient use of the WIC program among the refugee population. Thirty women enrolled...Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (U.S.); Women refugees -- United States; Women refugees -- Food2014
163 Guerrero, Jimena MurilloThe relationship between common factors and specific interventions in psychotherapyThe effectiveness of psychotherapy depends on a combination of specific interventions and nonspecific interventions, or common factors (CFs), that are widely used across different approaches in therapy. CFs are generic characteristics and behaviors across different approaches of therapy such as the ...2020
164 Bryan, CandaceThe relationship between Native Americans and Museums: a case study of the natural history museum of UtahTaking a class about Native American studies opened my eyes to the many problems the Native American community has had to face for decades. One of those problems was with something I've enjoyed my entire life: museums. Museums have always been a place of wonder and learning for me. I never was taugh...2020
165 Richardson, John R.Religious Liberty, Equal Protection, and the Utah CompromiseThe conflict between religious freedom and civil rights for LGBT Americans is often seen as a zero-sum game. Legal battles over wedding cakes and floral arrangements have garnered national attention and result in a court-sanctioned winner and loser. States and local governments across the country ha...2018
166 Howard, KathrynReligious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS context religious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS contextIn recent years, there has been more discussion around the trauma and trauma responses that come from being a queer individual (one who identifies with members of the LGBTQIA+ community) inside a high-demand religion that does not affirm existence or behaviors of LGBTQ+ individuals. Emerging literat...2023
167 Gappmaier, AndreaRestorative justice: Refocusing the lens on the American criminal justice systemThe traditional punitive justice system has failed American citizens. The United States has over 25 percent of the world's prison population and when released, three in four offenders will be back in prison within five years of their release date. High costs, estranging members of society, and rac...Criminal justice, Administration of - United States2016-05
168 Cheek, IsaacRights of nature for the Colorado RiverThe Colorado River is the backbone of civilization in the Western United States, and it is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis. As drought tightens its grip on the Basin, a diverse array of stakeholders and policymakers are postured to negotiate a new policy regime for the Colorado River. T...2022
169 Henderson, Anna ChristineThe Rising demand for secondhand: rhetorical drivers and sustainable implications of thrift shoppingThrift shopping is not a new activity, but it is a newly trending hot topic. This thesis aims to look at the appeal of thrift shopping while also exploring the sustainability of this practice. By examining three different avenues of thrift, Goodwill, Depop, and especially focusing on Patagonia's Wor...2022
170 Jimenez, ValeriaThe Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Promoting Higher Education Among Latina/O Youth: The Case of Latinos in Action (LIA) of UtahNonprofit organizations have been at the forefront of helping newly-arrived immigrants and refugees integrate into society, advocating for marginalized communities, and ensuring that Latina/o youth are reaching for higher education. Nonprofit organizations have helped to fill in the gaps that the Un...2018
171 Chon, DoukRole of the trait neuroticism in stress processes and a possible link to cardiovascular diseaseThe dispositional approach to an individual's personality is well accepted throughout psychology, and neuroticism is one of the primary traits in this approach. Studies show that "persons high in neuroticism are self- critical and sensitive to the criticism of others" (Lahey, 2009, p.241).Neuroticis...Neuroticism - Health aspects; Cardiovascular system - Diseases - Psychological aspects2014-04
172 Naegle, KyrahSecure Base Script Attachment Representation and Behavior Problems in Middle ChildhoodThe security of a child's attachment to a caregiver is a critical component of a child's early development. This study examined correlations between children's attachment security and their behavioral issues, and how these varied between low-risk and high-risk groups of children. Participants includ...2020
173 Morgan, ConnorSecuritizing Climate Change Examining the Impact of the National Security Frame on Utah Political ElitesThe partisan divide over climate change in the United States has led to long-term inaction in creating policies aimed at mitigating and adapting to the changing climate. This study explores one option for bridging the gap: reframing the discussion of climate change to better appeal to those who do n...2019
174 Streng, Tara KaySexual assault within the American university system: A review of policies, student perspectives, and recommendationsPart I - University Sexual Assault Policy Analysis and Recommendations Objective: Sexual violence within the collegiate environment is a pressing issue within American society. One way to address sexual violence is through the adaptation and implementation of a sexual assault policy by colleges and ...Sex crimes - United States; College students - Crimes against - United States2014-12
175 Hanrahan, MollyShort-Term medical missions: a tool for understanding damaging practices, best practices, and program evaluationShort-term medical missions (STMMs), defined generally as short-length trips (ranging from 1 week to several months) where participants from one country travel to another country to provide medical or health-related care, have grown in popularity and number in recent years. As STMMs have grown, the ...2020
176 Matlock, SaraShould we resurrect the glass-steagall act?Banking regulations have been a hot topic on both sides of the aisle in every election cycle since 2010. Americans can expect the debate to continue in the upcoming midterms and again in the next presidential election. Minor changes in banking regulations may not make much of a difference in the liv...2022
177 Peck, TorriSibling support in families where multiple members have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetesType 1 diabetes (T1D) requires consistent management. In addition to being distressing for the individual diagnosed with T1D, it also affects the people around them, especially the family. Families members provide support for the person diagnosed with T1D, with parents playing a major role (especial...2021
178 Smith, EnochSisterwives & submission?: gender power dynamics in polygynist marriagesPolygamy has caught national attention. Most of it has focused on court proceedings against the FLDS Church's alleged child sexual abuse practices, and TV shows like Big Love and Sisterwives. Both present polar opposite perspectives on the practice, but what do we really know about the practice? My...Apostolic United Brethren; Polygamy - United States2015-06
179 young, Sierra Kame'ekuaSleep quality & early life war exposure: insomnia among vietnamese older adults in the vietnam health and aging studyWe aim to explore the associations between insomnia, early-life war-related stressors, recent life events, and other health and environmental factors in a sample of 2,447 older Vietnamese adults derived from the 2018 Vietnam Health and Aging Study (VHAS). Insomnia is one of the main symptoms of a va...2023
180 Le, VanSocial externalities of community college educationIt has been repeatedly shown that increasing a person's level of education increases their income earning potential as well. This correlation is used to support recent tuition-subsidies for community college students that several states -such as Oregon and Tennessee -have begun to implement and t...Municipal universities and colleges2016-04
181 Hawkins, LisaThe social market: Commitment to responsibility in a changing generationAs the partisan divide in U.S. politics grows wider, actionable and proactive policy making becomes more difficult to achieve. To address growing social issues, then, a more flexible and evidence-based approach must be realized. In the last 40 years, the United States has employed varying levels of ...Public opinion; Social responsibility of business2016-05
182 Vu, TessaSpatial investigation of toxic sites and water a focus on racial equityThis study puts a spotlight on the relationships among toxic sites (i.e. Brownfields, Superfunds, and Toxic Release Inventories), income, race, and water features such as groundwater wells and streams, all within the Salt Lake County, Utah target area. There were two hypotheses to be tested, which a...2022
183 Martin, Kaylee N.Student domain interest and its impact on systems thinking in General EducationThere have not been many empirical investigations into the benefits of various specialized general education pathways offered by colleges and universities. This study will investigate systems thinking outcomes related to environment and health fields from programs specifically offered by the Univers...2022
184 Collingridge, BrooklynSubstance use disorder treatment limitations for women veterans experiencing homelessnessThe risk of developing substance use disorder (SUD) is particularly high among women Veterans experiencing homelessness. Access to high-quality tailored healthcare in Veterans' primary care centers-known as Patient-Aligned Care Teams (PACTs)-is needed in order to address the unique combination of ge...2024
185 Herman, ChristianSustainable asylum responsibility distribution in the European Union: A case for tradable refugee quotas as a replacement for the Dublin RegulationAchieving an optimal distribution of the state-by-state responsibility for granting asylum to refugees has been a longstanding challenge in the European Union. This challenge has been especially apparent in the last several years following the escalation of conflicts, particularly including the civi...Political refugees - Government policy - European Union countries; Refugees - Government Policy - European Union countries; Dublin Regulation2015-12
186 Jowers, Jackson F.Sustainable support for America's children: the expanded child tax credit of 2021 and the pressing need to implement a bipartisan, long-term child allowance policy in the United StatesThe United States has a vested interest in providing support for families raising children. Over the past 25 years, the country has used a tax code provision known as the Child Tax Credit (CTC) to provide financial assistance to parents raising children. This paper presents a synthesis of relevant p...2022
187 Gallafent, JessicaThe Temperature Sensitivity of Leaf Litter Breakdown in Streams and Rivers with Variable nutrient SupplyA significant fraction of terrestrial carbon is processed and stored in surface waters. Elevated global temperature and eutrophication are major changes that influence the processing of carbon in streams and rivers through the breakdown of organic matter. Independently, increases in temperature and ...2019
188 Woolf, KatieThere's Something About Syria: Using Foreign Military Intervention in the Syrian Civil War to Assess Predictabilityin International RelationsThis paper utilizes three strands of International Relations (IR) theory: realism, constructivism, and leadership theory to inform the actions of the United States and Russia in their intervention in the Syrian Civil War. First, a brief overview of the case is presented along with a review of the th...2020
189 Kirkegaard, MatthewTransboundary water conflict, cooperation, and regional integration: Mercosur and the La Plata BasinWater politics become diplomatic concerns when watersheds cross international borders. But how do these relationships between states change when the nature of these international borders themselves change through economic and political integration? The purpose of this study is to consider the relati...MERCOSUR (Organization); Water-supply - South America; Water-supply - Political aspects2016-05
190 Crapo, Micah L.Transitioning Control: Examining the Individual Differences Between Automatic and Controlled ProcessesTransitioning control is the process of switching attentional behaviors between voluntary (controlled attention) and involuntary (automaticity) cognition. The objective of this study was to examine individual differences in the ability to transition between automatic and controlled processes. In a r...2016
191 Li, DanikaUnderstanding State-Sponsored Violence: Tiananmen SquareThe Tiananmen Square Massacre presents an interesting puzzle to political scientists, as it contradicts traditional strategic theory that attacking one's own civilians erodes a government's base of power. The massacre defies these expectations through the ensuing decades of iron control the Communis...2018
192 Bunker, KerriganUnderstanding the current State of food-based mutual aid in Salt Lake City for community resilienceSalt Lake City experienced a growth in food-related mutual aid networks throughout the pandemic that sought to provide food to those without. But now we are approaching the end of the third year of a world with COVID-19, the current state of mutual aid initiatives varies. The current study seeks to ...2023
193 Robinson, RayneUnderstanding unmet social need in Utah's pediatric population: how can social needs by addressed in patient populations?Background: Social determinants of health (SDoH) are the environmental conditions, material attributes, and patterns of social engagement that shape an individual's health exposures and health behaviors, contribute to an individual's health outcomes, and can place individuals at risk for poor health...2022
194 Valle, Ciriac I. AlvarezUndocumented Undergraduates in the Utah System of Higher EducationThis thesis focuses on how undocumented students navigate institutions of higher education in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), and considers the specific culture, legislation, and demographics of the state of Utah. Following my personal experience as an undocumented student, I interviewed...2017
195 Powell, CheyenneThe unforgiven: Pathways to homelessnessHomelessness is a socially constructed problem. We as a society do not take the time to truly listen to the concerns of those who are still impact us in our day to day lives. In this current study, the use of qualitative data was analyzed to determine and understand pathways to homelessness. The pur...Homelessness - United States2016-04
196 Bitter, Anne MarieThe use of "Women's Safety" in Criminalization VS. Decriminalization Arguments about Prostitution in the U.S.This thesis analyzes academic discourse arguing for and against the criminalization of prostitution within the U.S. It specifically investigates how claims about women's safety are used by both sides in this debate, examining four common frameworks that shape appeals to women's safety: physical harm...2019
197 Keyser, MadisonUtah's Nonprofits: Effects on the Economy and Ties to Gender Employment Inequality2018
198 Butler, Alexandra D.Utah's sex education controversy: Is it relevant today?Utah's policy of abstinence only sex education is a contentious issue. Some worry that, if not taught in school, young people will not obtain accurate information on sex, contraceptives, and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Others fear that teaching safe sex will encourage adolescent sexual a...Sex instruction -- Utah2015-05
199 Christian, Lauren PiperUtilizing feedback from Utah families with asthmatic children to mitigate air pollution health consequencesAir pollution is an ongoing public health threat in the US and in Utah. While air pollution triggers asthma, we know little about what parents of asthmatic children think about what schools, health care providers and policymakers should do to improve air quality and their children's health. Data to ...2022
200 Whitfield, MitchValidating Visual-Manual Detection Response Take Measurements in Simulated Distracted DrivingThe advancement of technological devices (any electronic device affecting the driver) for vehicles has resulted in improved functionality and capability. However, this extreme progression has resulted in the increased likelihood of impaired driving. Because of the development of this technology, the...2017
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