501 - 525 of 1,959
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501 Rahman, AowabinDeep recurrent neural networks for building energy predictionThis poster illustrates the development of a deep recurrent neural network (RNN) model using long-short-term memory (LSTM) cells to predict energy consumption in buildings at one-hour time resolution over medium-to-long term time horizons ( greater than or equal to 1 week).Machine learning; Energy; Building energy modeling; Deep learning; Recurrent neural networks; Prediction2017-01-13
502 Nguyen, Hoa Thanh; Nguyen, Thanh Hoang; Freire, JulianaDeepPeep: A Form Search EngineWe present DeepPeep (http://www.deeppeep.org), a new search engine specialized in Web forms. DeepPeep uses a scalable infrastructure for discovering, organizing and analyzing Web forms which serve as entry points to hidden-Web sites. DeepPeep provides an intuitive interface that allows users t...
503 Bargteil, Adam WadeDeformation embedding for point-based elastoplastic simulationWe present a straightforward, easy-to-implement, point-based approach for animating elastoplastic materials. The core idea of our approach is the introduction of embedded space-the least-squares best fit of the material's rest state into three dimensions. Nearest neighbor queries in the embedded spa...2014-01-01
504 Regehr, JohnDeriving abstract transfer functions for analyzing embedded softwareThis paper addresses the problem of creating abstract transfer functions supporting dataflow analyses. Writing these functions by hand is problematic: transfer functions are difficult to understand, difficult to make precise, and difficult to debug. Bugs in transfer functions are particularly seriou...2006-01-01
505 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDeriving efficient cache coherence protocols through refinementWe address the problem of developing efficient cache coherence protocols for use in distributed systems implementing distributed shared memory (DSM) using message passing. A serious drawback of traditional approaches to this problem is that the users are required to state the desired coherence prot...Cache coherence protocols; DSM; Message passing1997
506 Khan, Faisal HabibDeriving new topologies of DC-DC converters featuring basic switching cellsThis paper will introduce the two basic switching cells, P-cell and N-cell, and their applications in different power electronic circuits. These basic cells have one switching element and one diode. The P-cell is the mirror circuit of the N-cell and vice-versa, and this paper suggests that any powe...DC-DC converters; P-cell; N-cell; Switching cells; Cúk converters2006-07
507 Zhang, LixinDescription of functionality of the impulse memory controllerThis document describes the functionality and control flow models for each component of the impulse main memory controller.Impulse memory controller2001
508 Zhang, LixinDesign a DRAM backend for the impulse memory systemThe Impulse Adaptable Memory System is a new memory system that exposes DRAM access patterns not seen in conventional memory systems. Impulse can generate huge number of small DRAM accesses, which will not be handled effectively by a conventional cache-line-size-access-oriented DRAM backend. In this...DRAM; Backend; Impulse memory system; Impulse Adaptable Memory System; Access patterns2000
509 Carter, John B.Design alternatives for shared memory multiprocessorsIn this paper. we consider the design alternatives available for building the next generation DSM machine (e.g., the choice of memory architecture, network technology, and amount and location of per-node remote data cache). To investigate this design space, we have simulated six applications on a wi...Shared memory multiprocessors1998
510 Mastrangelo, Carlos H.Design and characterization of electronic sensing system for a 13 × 13 biomechanical ground reaction sensor arrayThis paper presents the design and characterization of an electronic sensing system interfaced with a high-density flexible biomechanical ground reaction sensor array (GRSA). The prototype system can be incorporated into a personal boot heel to measure real-time ground force, shear strain and sole d...2013-01-01
511 Pershing, David W.Design and construction of a rotary kiln simulator for use in studying the incineration of hazardous wasteRotary kilns have been used extensively in the cement industry to calcine limestone. In the past few years, the technology has been viewed as a possible option for the incineration of hazardous waste materials, especially for the disposal of solid wastes and the cleanup of contaminated soils and tra...Rotary kilns; Hazardous waste; Waste burning1989-08
512 Fujimoto, Richard M.; Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and evaluation of the rollback chip: special purpose hardware for time warpThe Time Warp mechanism offers an elegant approach to attacking difficult clock synchronization problems that arise in applications such as parallel discrete event simulation. However, because Time Warp relies on a lookahead and rollback mechanism to achieve widespread exploitation of parallelism, t...Rollback chip; Time Warp mechanism; Clock synchronization; Parallel discrete event simulation1988
513 Dintelman, Sue Marie ThompsonDesign and implementation of a relational data base system for a minicomputerA data base system provides the advantages of centralized control of data including increased data independence. Design specifications for a low level relational data base interface are given in the form of a formal description which separates the implementation details from the description of the ...Data base system1977
514 Harrison, Reid R.Design and implementation of multipattern generators in analog VLSIIn recent years, computational biologists have shown through simulation that small neural networks with fixed connectivity are capable of producing multiple output rhythms in response to transient inputs. It is believed that such networks may play a key role in certain biological behaviors such as d...2006-07
515 Brown, Don R.The design and implementation of partnetPartNet is a federated database for providing interactive online access to mechanical parts catalogs. The data contained in the vendor's product database is exported to the federated database using a networkbased distributed database protocol. A Single coherent view of these vendor databases is pro...1995
516 Khan, Faisal HabibDesign and simulation of contour mode MEMS resonator on Si for power convertersMicroelectromechanical systems (MEMS) resonators on Si have the potential to replace the discrete passive components in a power converter. These devices not only can reduce the size and weight of the converter but also can facilitate the implementation of power converter on a chip. In this paper, a ...2013-01-01
517 Harrison, Reid R.;Normann, Richard A.Design and testing of an integrated circuit for multi-electrode neural recordingWe have developed a single-chip neural recording system with wireless power delivery and telemetry. The 0.5-μm CMOS IC is designed to be bonded to the back of a 100-channel Utah Electrode Array. A pad near each amplifier allows connection of the chip to the MEMS electrode array. The complete Integr...recording; Neural recording; Utah Electrode Array; Multielectrode arrays (MEA); Telemetry; Spike detectors; Wireless2007-01
518 Jacobson, HansDesign and validation of a simultaneous multi-threaded DLX processorModern day computer systems rely on two forms of parallelism to achieve high performance, parallelism between individual instructions of a program (ILP) and parallelism between individual threads (TLP). Superscalar processors exploit ILP by issuing several instructions per clock, and multiprocessors...DLX processor; Validation1999
519 Gopalakrishnan, GaneshDesign and verification of the rollback chip using HOP: a case study of formal methods applied to hardware designThe use of formal methods in hardware design improves the quality of designs in many ways: it promotes better understanding of the design; it permits systematic design refinement through the discovery of invariants; and it allows design verification (informal or formal). In this paper we illustrate ...Rollback chip; Verification; HOP; Hardware design; RBC1990
520 Hansen, Charles D.Design of 2D time-varying vector fieldsDesign of time-varying vector fields, i.e., vector fields that can change over time, has a wide variety of important applications in computer graphics. Existing vector field design techniques do not address time-varying vector fields. In this paper, we present a framework for the design of time-vary...2012-01-01
521 Myers, Chris J.Design of a genetic muller C-elementSynthetic biology uses engineering principles to design circuits out of genetic materials that are inserted into bacteria to perform various tasks. While synthetic combinational Boolean logic gates have been constructed, there are many open issues in the design of sequential logic gates. One such g...2007
522 Carter, John B.Design of a parallel vector access unit for SDRAM memory systemsParallel Vector Access is a technique that exploits the regularity of vector or stream accesses to perform them efficiently in parallel on a multi-bank memory system. The performance of applications that have vector accesses may be improved using a memory controller that performs scatter/gather oper...Parallel vector access; SDRAM memory; Multi-bank memory system1999
523 Khan, Faisal HabibDesign of drives for inverter-assisted induction generatorsThis paper investigates the control of power generation using two-phase squirrel-cage induction machines, where the load is connected to one stator winding and the load voltage is controlled through the other winding. The concept can be applied to three-phase machines as well. A state-space model of...2012-01-01
524 Furse, Cynthia M.Design of implantable microstrip antenna for communication with medical implantsThe objective of this paper is to design a microstrip patch antenna for communication with medical implants in the 402-405-MHz Medical Implant Communications Services band. Microstrip antenna design parameters are evaluated using the finite-difference time-domain method, and are compared to measure...Biocompatible antenna; Medical Implant Communications Services; MICS; Pacemaker antenna; Medical implants2004-08
525 Harrison, Reid R.Design of integrated circuits to observe brain activityThe ability to monitor the simultaneous electrical activity of multiple neurons in the brain enables a wide range of scientific and clinical endeavors. Recent efforts to merge miniature multielectrode neural recording arrays with integrated electronics have revealed significant circuit design chall...Amplifiers; Analog integrated circuits; Biomedical signal processing; Low-power circuit design; Neural recording; Subthreshold circuit design; Neural signals; Brain activity2008-01-01
501 - 525 of 1,959