251 - 275 of 271
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251 Modeling and experimental studies of mercury oxidation and adsorption in a fixed-bed and entrained-flow reactor2009-10mercury oxidation; mercury absorption; fixed-bed reactor; entrained-flow reactorThis report presents experimental and modeling mercury oxidation and adsorption data. Fixed-bed and single-particle models of mercury adsorption were developed. The experimental data were obtained with two reactors: a 300- W, methane-fired, tubular, quartz-lined reactor for studying homogeneous oxid...
252 Oil shale in the West: 14 unanswered questions2009-06oil shale; Western oil shale; oil shale developmentThis report summarizes recent research and policy documents to provide a brief overview of the current state of oil shale development in the U.S. West. Recent high crude oil prices, anticipation of a peak oil crisis, and a focus on developing domestic sources of fossil fuel have contributed to a ren...
253 Propulsion and power rapid response research and development (R&D) support - Delivery order 0011: Advanced propulsion fuels research and development -- Subtask: Framework and guidance for estimating greenhouse gas footprints of aviation fuels2009-04propulsion research and development; power rapid response research and development; R and D; greenhouse gas emissions; petroleum based fuels; alternative fuels; propulsion fuelsAlthough there have been extensive analyses of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with petroleum based fuels and alternative fuels, there are still substantial uncertainties associated with some of the estimates of the greenhouse gas impacts of these fuel systems. Nevertheless, a variety of gov...
254 Utah Clean Coal Center: Gasification research activities2009-09clean coal center; gasification research; UC3; gasification; low CO2 production; electric power from coal; entrained-flow gasification; simulation tools for coal gasifiersThe Utah Clean Coal Center (UC3) was established at the University of Utah through a cooperative agreement from the U.S. DOE / NETL. The center had five thrust areas critical for successful development of advanced technologies for power production from coal with minimal environmental impact. One of ...
255 An evaluation of the extraction, transport and refining of imported crude oils and the impact on life cycle greenhouse gas emissions2009-03-27imported crude oils; life cycle of greenhouse gas emissions; greenhouse gas emissions; crude oil; GHG emissionsThe National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) has analyzed the full life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of transportation fuels derived from domestic crude oil and crude oil imported from specific countries. Estimates of the well-to-tank (WTT) GHG emissions associated with producing diesel ...
256 APPENDIX D - Meeting data needs to perform a water impact assessment for oil shale development in the Uinta and Piceance Basins, A subpart of project - Quantifying water availability impacts and protecting water quality while developing Utah oil shale and sands - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-06-23Uinta Basin; Piceance Basins; Water impact assessments; Oil shale developmentThe goal of this project was to mitigate water resources impacts from oil shale development in the U.S. by compiling geospatial data and water use estimates to assess water availability impacts.
257 APPENDIX F - Bitumen extraction and treatment and reuse of process water - A subpart of project quantifying water availability impacts and protecting water quality while developing Utah oil shale and sands - Final project report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-04-13Produced water from gas and crude oil production is voluminous, requiring extensive treatment before it can be safely discharged or reused. This project has used a newly developed pressure-assisted ozonation technology to remove oil from water and prevent oil sheen at the water surface. The new proc...
258 APPENDIX G - Detailed study of shale pyrolysis for oil production - A subpart of project oil shale pyrolysis and in situ modeling - Final Project Report - Reporting period: June 21, 2006 to October 21, 20092009-04-21Oil production; Shale assessmentThe oil shale industry is going through a revolution of sorts. After the oil crisis in the 1970s, a great deal of effort was spent on research and development and on pilot scale technologies. Extensive research was conducted with on-surface and in-situ production methods. Even though some large pilo...
259 Attachment 2 - Statement of program objectives: Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2009-09-24ICSE; University of Utah; Energy; Oil shale; Oil sands; CO2 capture; Liquid fuel; In-situ thermal processing; NOx emissions; CO2 emissions; Flameless oxy-gas process heaters; Efficient CO2 capture; Large Eddy Simulation; LESThe University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (the Institute), shall pursue research to improve industry's ability to utilize the vast energy stored in domestic oil shale and oil sands resources in a manner that shall minimize environmental impact and effect...
260 Bitumen extraction and treatment and reuse of process water2009-04-13bitumen extraction; bitumen treatment; reuse of process water; produced water; crude oil production; gas production; pressure-assisted ozonation technology; oil removal from water; wastewater treatment; hydrocarbon removalProduced water from gas and crude oil production is voluminous, requiring extensive treatment before it can be safely discharged or reused. This project has used a newly developed pressure-assisted ozonation technology to remove oil from water and prevent oil sheen at the water surface. The new proc...
261 Canyonlands completion: negotiating the borders2009-08-20Canyonlands National ParkThink tank on Wallace Stegner and Western lands, Honors College, University of Utah, 2008-2009
262 Chemical looping combustion kinetics2009-12-01chemical looping; combustion kinetics; CO2 capture; coal-fired power plants; CLCOne of the most promising methods of capturing CO2 emitted by coal-fired power plants for subsequent sequestration is chemical looping combustion (CLC). A powdered metal oxide such as NiO transfers oxygen directly to a fuel in a fuel reactor at high temperatures with no air present. Heat, water, and...
263 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2009 to March 31, 20092009-04-30CASE; ICSE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportaion fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; Reducing carbon footprint; CO2 capture; Sequestration; Chemical looping; ODT; LES...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
264 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Quarterly progress report: July 1, 2009 to September 30, 20092009-10-30ICSE; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; the Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; the Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; Sequestration; Oxy-coal combustion; Coal analysis; Ash partitioningThe University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
265 Clean and secure energy from coal, oil shale, and oil sands: Revised quarterly progress report: April 1, 2009 to June 30, 20092009-08-13CASE; Energy development; Electric power generation; Liquid transportation fuels; Coal; Oil sands; Oil shale; Clean Coal Program; Oil Shale and Sands Program; OSSP; Policy Environment, and Economics Program; PEEP; CO2 capture; sequestration; Gasification; Chemical looping combustion; CLC; Ash-partit...The University of Utah Clean and Secure Energy (CASE) project is pursuing interdisciplinary, cradle-to-grave research and development of energy for electric power generation and for liquid transportation fuels from the abundant domestic resources of coal, oil sands, and oil shale. Its work is divide...
266 Clean and secure energy from coal: Project management plan: Revision A2009-12-01ICSE; PMP; DE-NT0005015; NETL; Strategic Center for Coal; SCC; Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil; SCNGO; Domestic coal resources; Energy; CO2 capture; Combustion; Stationary power generation; Clean coal utilization; Oxy-coal combustion; High-pressure, Entrained-flow Gasification; IGCC; Chemic...Revision history: Revision A, November 25, 2009. The PMP is being revised to reflect Modification #001 of award DE-NT0005015. The original PMP reflected the original award executed on September 10, 2008, for a project entitled Clean and Secure Energy from Coal, Oil Shale, and Oil Sands. The original...
267 Effects of partial pressure of oxygen on the stability of axial, oxy-coal, turbulent diffusion flames: Topical report task 82009-07-31Oxy-fuel combustion; Pulverized coal; Flue gas recirculation; CO2 sequestration; Near-burner zone environment; O2; CO2; Partial pressure of oxygen; Flame stability; Air combustion; Coal-jet ignition models; Predicting flame attachment; Retrofit; Oxy-coal combustion; Type 0 axial flames; Turbulent di...Oxy-fuel combustion of pulverized coal with flue gas recirculation is potentially one of the few technologies that may allow CO2 sequestration technologies to be applied to existing coal-fired boilers. One issue of interest is to understand and predict the effects of the near-burner zone environment...
268 Phase 2: Clean and secure energy from coal: Quarterly progress report: January 1, 2010 to March 31, 20102009-01-30domestic coal resources; ICSE; capture CO2; stationary power generation; velocity model; bitumous coal; coalThe University of Utah is pursuing research to utilize the vast energy stored in our domestic coal resources and to do so in a manner that will capture CO2 from combustion from stationary power generation. The research is organized around the theme of validation and uncertainty quantification throug...
269 Principles and guidelines relating to book formats and collection development prepared by the Knowledge Management Council2009-06-19Libraries; Policies; Books; Ebooks; Collection development; Patron-driven acquisitionFrom opening paragraph of report: What follow are two sets of background principles and guidelines related to collection formats and collection development. These have been informed by both extensive public discussion and further discussion within the Knowledge Management Council, and have been app...
270 Production of hydrogen for upgrading of heavy oil: Senior design project--Spring 20092009-04-22oil supply; conventional oil sources; unconventional oil sources; oil shale; synthetic crude production; shale oilAn important technical hurdle to the production of oil from abundant oil shale resources is how to create enough hydrogen for upgrading the heavy oils produced from the shale prior to transport through pipelines. In order to avoid clogging pipelines during transport roughly 350scm (standard cubic me...
271 Project management plan: Clean and secure energy from domestic oil shale and oil sands resources2009-11-03domestic oil shale; oil sands; energy in domestic oil shale and oil sands; efficient CO2 capture; liquid fuel production; in-situ thermal processing.The University of Utah (the Recipient), via their Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (the Institute), shall pursue research to improve industry's ability to utilize the vast energy stored in domestic oil shale and oil sands resources in a manner that shall minimize environmental impact and effect...
251 - 275 of 271