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1 Normann, Richard A.; Maynard, Edwin M.Neural interface for a cortical vision prosthesisThe development of a cortically based vision prosthesis has been hampered by a lack of basic experiments on phosphene psychophysics. This basic research has been hampered by the lack of a means to safely stimulate large numbers of cortical neurons. Recently, a number of laboratories have developed a...Neuroprosthetics; Artificial Vision; Electrode Arrays; Multielectrode Recordings; Biocompatibility1999
2 Normann, Richard A.Visual Neuroprosthetics: Functional Vision for the BlindResent progress in materials and microfabrication technologies have allowed researchers to reconsider the prospect of providing a useful visual sense to the profoundly blind. This will be accomplished by electrically stimulating their visual systems via an array of implanted microelectrodes. T...Visual Neuroprosthetics; Vision; Blindness1995-01
3 Normann, Richard A.; Horch, Kenneth W.; Cha, KichulMobility performance with a pixelized vision systemA visual prosthesis, based on electrical stimulation of the visual cortex, has been suggested as a means for partially restoring functional vision in the blind. The prosthesis would create a pixelized visual sense consisting of punctate spots of light (phosphenes). The present study investigated the...Visual Prosthesis; Mobility; Phosphene Simulator1992
4 Normann, Richard A.Functional reorganization of primary visual cortex induced by electrical stimulation in the cat.Compared to the high degree of plasticity observed in a juvenile, mature sensory cortices have long been held to be immutable but, recently, researchers have suggested some plasticity persists in the mature cortex. Cortical reorganization has particular saliency to the development of a cortically ba...Cat; Electrophysiology; Phosphene; Plasticity; Receptive Field; Striate Cortex2005
5 Normann, Richard A.; Campbell, Patrick K.; Jones, Kelly E.; Huber, Robert J.; Horch, Kenneth W.Silicon-based, three-dimensional neural interface: manufacturing processes for an intracortical electrode arrayA method has been developed for the manufacture of a "three-dimensional" electrode array geometry for chronic intracortical stimulation. This silicon based array consists of a 4.2 x 4.2 x 0.12 mm thick monocrystalline substrate, from which project 100 conductive, silicon needles sharpened to facilit...Electric Stimulation; Electrodes, Implanted; Sensory Cortex; Intracortical Electrode Array1991
6 Normann, Richard A.; Maynard, Edwin M.Neuronal interactions improve cortical population coding of movement directionInteractions among groups of neurons in primary motor cortex (MI) may convey information about motor behavior. We investigated the information carried by interactions in MI of macaque monkeys using a novel multielectrode array to record simultaneously from 12-16 neurons during an arm-reaching task. ...Motor Cortex; Monkey; Population Coding; Movement1999
7 Normann, Richard A.; Shah, Maulik R.Study of printed spiral coils for neuroprosthetic transcranial telemetry applicationsWe have explored the use of printed spiral coils (PSC's) for neuroprosthetic transcranial telemetry applications. We fabricated two-dimensional PSC's on a thin (25 microns) polyimide substrate using copper (35 microns) as a conducting material. All the coils had a fixed inner diameter of 1.0 cm. We ...Blindness; Neuroprosthesis; Transcranial Telemetry System; Prosthesis Design1998
8 Normann, Richard A.; Jones, Kelly E.Advanced demultiplexing system for physiological stimulationA CMOS very large scale integration (VLSI) chip has been designed and built to implement a scheme developed for multiplexing/demultiplexing the signals required to operate an intracortical stimulating electrode array. Because the use of radio telemetry in a proposed system utilizing this chip may im...Electrode Array; Stimulation; Telemetry; Microelectrodes; Transistors1997
9 Normann, Richard A.Statistical encoding model for a primary motor cortical brain-computer interfaceA number of studies of the motor system suggest that the majority of primary motor cortical neurons represent simple movement-related kinematic and dynamic quantities in their time-varying activity patterns. An example of such an encoding relationship is the cosine tuning of firing rate with respect...Discrete Distribution; LN Model; Neural Decoding; Neuroprosthetics; Sequential Monte-Carlo Filter2005
10 Normann, Richard A.; Shoham, ShyEncoding mechanisms for sensory neurons studied with a multielectrode array in the cat dorsal root ganglionRecent advances in microelectrode array technology now permit a direct examination of the way populations of sensory neurons encode information about a limb's position in space. To address this issue, we recorded nerve impulses from about 100 single units simultaneously in the L6 and L7 dorsal root ...Sensory; Encoding; Multielectrode; Dorsal Root Ganglion; Cutaneour; Muscle2004
11 Normann, Richard A.Oscillations in rod and horizontal cell membrane potential: evidence for feed-back to rods in the vertebrate retina1. Rods and horizontal cells were studied with intracellular recordings in the retina of the toad, Bufo marinus; 161 cells were from the eyecup preparation and thirty were from the isolated perfused retina. 2. Of these cells, 39% exhibited either transient or sustained oscillations of membrane poten...Retina; Photoreceptors; Toads; Adaptation, Ocular1976
12 Normann, Richard A.; Branner, AlmutLong-term stimulation and recording with a penetrating microelectrode array in cat sciatic nerveWe studied the consequences of long-term implantation of a penetrating microelectrode array in peripheral nerve over the time course of 4-6 mo. Electrode arrays without lead wires were implanted to test the ability of different containment systems to protect the array and nerve during contractions o...Cats; Microelectrodes; Prosthesis Implantation; Sciatic Nerve2004
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