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1 Normann, Richard A.; Johansson,Torbjorn; Abbasi, Masoud; Huber, Robert J.Three-dimensional architecture for a parallel processing photosensing arrayA three-dimensional architecture for a photosensing array has been developed. This silicon based architecture consists of a 10 x 10 array of photosensors with 80 microns diameter, through chip interconnects to the back side of a 500 microns thick silicon wafer. Each photosensor consists of a 300 x 3...Retina; Optics; Silicon; Photosensing1992
2 Normann, Richard A.; Jones, Kelly E.Advanced demultiplexing system for physiological stimulationA CMOS very large scale integration (VLSI) chip has been designed and built to implement a scheme developed for multiplexing/demultiplexing the signals required to operate an intracortical stimulating electrode array. Because the use of radio telemetry in a proposed system utilizing this chip may im...Electrode Array; Stimulation; Telemetry; Microelectrodes; Transistors1997
3 Normann, Richard A.; Abbasi, Masoud; Johansson,TorbjornSilicon carbide enhanced thermomigrationThe widespread acceptance of thermomigration technology to produce through-chip interconnects has been impaired by (i) a random walk of the Si-Al liquid eutectic inclusion as it traverses the wafer, and (ii) a ?surface barrier? which allows thermomigration of only relatively large inclusions. In ...Silicon Dioxide; Thermometers; Transducers; Thermomigration Technology; Infrared Lamps1992
4 Normann, Richard A.Visual Neuroprosthetics: Functional Vision for the BlindResent progress in materials and microfabrication technologies have allowed researchers to reconsider the prospect of providing a useful visual sense to the profoundly blind. This will be accomplished by electrically stimulating their visual systems via an array of implanted microelectrodes. T...Visual Neuroprosthetics; Vision; Blindness1995-01
5 Normann, Richard A.; Maynard, Edwin M.Neural interface for a cortical vision prosthesisThe development of a cortically based vision prosthesis has been hampered by a lack of basic experiments on phosphene psychophysics. This basic research has been hampered by the lack of a means to safely stimulate large numbers of cortical neurons. Recently, a number of laboratories have developed a...Neuroprosthetics; Artificial Vision; Electrode Arrays; Multielectrode Recordings; Biocompatibility1999
6 Normann, Richard A.; Muller, Jay F.; Kolb, HelgaSynaptic inputs to physiologically defined turtle retinal ganglion cellsTwo physiologically distinct, HRP-marked turtle retinal ganglion cells were examined for their morphology, GABAergic, glycinergic, and bipolar cell synaptic inputs, using electron-microscopic autoradiography and postembedding immunocytochemistry. One cell was a color-opponent, transient ON/OFF gangl...Turtles; Neural Pathways; Synapes; Retinal Ganglion Cells1991
7 Normann, Richard A.; Clark, Gregory A.; McDonnall, DanielSelective motor unit recruitment via intrafascicular multielectrode stimulationRecruitment of force via independent asynchronous firing of large numbers of motor units produces the grace and endurance of physiological motion. We have investigated the possibility of reproducing this physiological recruitment strategy by determining the selectivity of access to large numbers of ...Funtional Neuromuscular Stimulation; Microelectrode Array; Neuroprosthesis; Intrafascicular Multielectrode Stimulation; Cats2004
8 Normann, Richard A.; Kolb, HelgaNeural organization of the retina of the turtle Mauremys caspica: a light microscope and Golgi studyThe organization of the retina of the turtle species Mauremys caspica, found in fresh water ponds of Israel, has been examined by light microscopical techniques including examination of fresh wholemount retina, one micron blue-stained vertical sections and Golgi-stained material. The anatomical find...Turtle Retina; Photoreceptors; Golgi Technique; Amarcine Cells1988
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