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1 Johnston, Susan S.; Hawken, Leanne SuePreventing severe problem behavior in young children: the behavior education programBest practice in preventing severe problem behavior in schools involves implementing a continuum of effective behavior support. This continuum includes primary prevention strategies implemented with all students, secondary prevention strategies for students at-risk, and tertiary interventions for st...Behavioral Problems; Prevention; Intervention2007
2 Hawken, Leanne SuePreventing problem behavior : implementing a school-wide system of behavior supportThis edition of the Utah Special Educator focuses on what works for schools. Almost a decade of research has provided evidence for the best method of preventing problem behavior in schools-implementing a school-wide system of behavior support.2003
3 Hawken, Leanne SueWhat's helpful in secondary schools: behavior programs for older studentsAlmost a decade of research has identified the most effective approach to addressing issues of behavior before they become a problem: schoolwide positive behavior support (SW-PBS).2005
4 Johnston, Susan S.Coordinating preservice and in-service training of early interventionists to serve preschoolers who engage in challenging behaviorThis chapter focuses on the need to coordinate and improve preservice and in-service training (including technical assistance) for professionals who serve individuals and family members who live or work with young children who engage in challenging behavior. Positive behavioral support: includin...Behavior problems; Proactive strategies; Intervention strategies1996
5 Hawken, Leanne Sue; Burrow-Sanchez, JasonPreservice special education service providers' attitudes on diversityThis survey design study involved preservice special education service providers who were in degree seeking programs in the departments of special education, physical therapy, and occupational therapy. Participants provided views and belief structures on diversity issues identified through a review ...2007
6 Hawken, Leanne SueSchoolwide behavior support: creating urban schools that accommodate diverse learnersToday's educators face a growing challenge to meet both the instructional and behavioral needs of all students (Kame'enui & Carnine, 1998; Martella, Nelson, & Marchand-Martella, 2003; Sugai, Kame'enui, Horner, & Simmons, 2002). The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 has called for educational practi...2003
7 Hawken, Leanne SueUsing DIBELS to improve reading outcomesStudents' reading trajectories (i.e., their general pattern of reading progress) are established early and are relatively stable over time. For example, students who are poor readers in first grade are likely (i.e., 88%) to be poor readers in fourth-grade. Prevention is key to improving reading out...2004
8 Johnston, Susan S.Beginning augmentative communication systemsTo be unable to produce communicative behavior that can be understood by others represents one of the most frustrating experiences imaginable. Communicating through a communication board or with gestures lessens this frustration but does not eliminate it. Since 1975, remarkable advances have been ma...Intervention; Challenging behavior; Symbols1992
9 Johnston, Susan S.Developing an initial communicative repertoire: applications and issues for persons with severe disabilitiesResearchers and practitioners are increasingly aware of the extent of communicative relationships very early in development. Advances in understanding how communication develops and how it can be taught have made earlier communication intervention a viable undertaking for infants and toddlers who ex...Intervention; Context; Communicative functions1993
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