1 - 200 of 399
Number of results to display per page
1 "I'll always be that awkward one": How mothers and adolescents jointly construct adolescent selves in conversation2013-05Textir_etd
2 "Locking the system into its antedated ways" - The caudate in context recognition1998-08Textir_htca
3 A behavior modification approach to teaching the retarded or behaviorally disadvantaged child social and learning skills1971-12Textir_htca
4 A comparative analysis of stress in intensive care and general floor nursing1978Textir_htca
5 A comparison of fixation and fractal measures of eye movement when viewing pictures with affective valence2016Textir_etd
6 A Comparison of mental deterioration and intellectual functioning in senescent and brain-damaged subjects1957Textir_etd
7 A dynamic systems approach to infant facial action1997Textir_uspace
8 A Less Obvious Connection: the Relationship Between Religious Coping and the Development of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder in a Military SampleTextir_htoa
9 A multitrait-multimethod investigation of depression and disability in rheumatoid arthritis1988-12Textir_etd
10 A narrative study of frame transitions between physical and pretend mother-infant play1996Textir_htca
11 A normative and descriptive study of the MMPI with child sex offenders1994-08Textir_htca
12 A Real-World Investigation of the Attentional Capture Paradigm2017Textir_htoa
13 A relational perspective on the development of self and emotion2001Textir_uspace
14 A relational perspective on the development of self and emotion2001Textir_uspace
15 A Scale of Relative Difficulty of Skills used in Physical Education ActivitiesTextir_etd
16 A Scale of relative difficulty of skills used in prysical education activitiesTextir_etd
17 A survey of encopresis1974-08Textir_htca
18 A taxometric analysis of pedophilia2011-05Textir_etd
19 Aberrant functional connectivity of cortico-basal ganglia circuits in major depression2012-01-01Textir_uspace
20 Accounting for the deleterious effects of naturally occuring affect suppression in the assessment of executive functioning: a proof of concept study2013-08Textir_etd
21 Addressing the emotional health of college students through a therapuetic cooking classTextir_htoa
22 Adherence engineering in a central line dressing change2014-05Textir_htoa
23 Adolescent perception of negative admission pressures and affective reactions in outdoor behavioral healthcare2014-04Textir_htoa
24 Adolescent sexual offending: assessing sexual interest and exploring treatment trajectories and outcome2014-05Textir_etd
25 Affect dysregulation after adversity: psychopysiological correlates of emotional under- and overmodulation in adolescents exposed to trauma2019Textir_etd
26 Ambivalence and cardiovascular function: examining ambulatory blood pressure and marital quality2011-08Textir_etd
27 An expectancy theory analysis of regressive migration in iran1976-06Textir_htca
28 An experimental test of the effects of acute stress and parental bonding history on maternal sensitivity2019Textir_etd
29 An interpersonal analysis of psychosocial stress and sleep2012-12Textir_etd
30 An interpersonal analysis of subjective social status and psychosocial risk2011-01-01Textir_uspace
31 An investigation into the asocial traits of kindergarten, first, and second grade children1930Textir_etd
32 Analysis of advanced methodology for the study of relationship conflict in naturalistic settings2019Textir_etd
33 Analyzing the psychophysiology of children and adolescents while they narrate anger-provoking events2024Textir_htoa
34 Androgens regulate cell proliferation of human prostate cancer in culture by up-regulating an autocrine growth loop involving EGF receptor and its ligand TGFalpha1992-12Textir_etd
35 Anger Co-Rumination Among Same-Sex Adolescent Peers2019Textir_htoa
36 Anxiety, emotional reactivity, and attachment as predictors of embedding dimensionality of affect2011-08Textir_etd
37 Application of a token economy in a vocational rehabilitation center1972-08Textir_htca
38 Articulation training of one autistic male child1975-07-14Textir_htca
39 Attachment, autonomic functioning, and adolescent loss2010-08Textir_etd
40 Attention problems as a predictor of type 1 diabetes adherence and metabolic control across adolescence2015Textir_etd
41 Audience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative Identity2017Textir_htoa
42 Between art, science and technology: data representation architecture2005Textir_uspace
43 Biological sensitivity to context: an exploratory test of the hypothesized U-shaped relationship between early adversity and stress responsivity2018Textir_etd
44 Biosocial correlates of identity disturbance among suicidal youth2014-08Textir_etd
45 The body represented2019Textir_etd
46 Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn Neurobehavior2018Textir_htoa
47 But we still loved each other: preadolescents' and adolescents' individuation and connectedness in the narratives about conflicts with parents and friends2011-08Textir_etd
48 Can More Sensitive Caregiving Buffer the Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Problem Behavior?2019Textir_htoa
49 Capacity demands of automatic processes in semantic priming1994Textir_uspace
50 Cardiovascular activity during routine interactions in romantic relationships2016Textir_etd
51 Cardiovascular reactivity during stressful social interaction in Mexican American women: effects of language and interaction partner ethnicity2012-05Textir_etd
52 Careful what you ask for: reconsidering feminist epistemology and autobiographical narrative in research on sexual identity development2006Textir_uspace
53 Caregiver burden in spouses of National Guard/Reserve service members deployed during Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom2009-05-07Textir_etd
54 Category-specificity in sexual arousal/interest as a complex function of sex and sexual orientation2008-01-30Textir_etd
55 Cautionary note on the use of omega squared to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral treatments1981Textir_uspace
56 Cellular aging and restorative processes: Subjective sleep quality and duration moderate the association between age and telomere length in a sample of middle-aged and older adults2014-01-01Textir_uspace
57 Change in Trait Impressions of the Self and Others2018Textir_htca
58 Change in trait impressions of the self and others2018Textir_htoa
59 Change processes in relationships: a relational-historical research approach2006Textir_uspace
60 Changes in attachment, affect, and cognition2008-08Textir_etd
61 Changing criterion design1976Textir_uspace
62 Changing self conceptions and self-handicapping behavior1993Textir_htca
63 Characteristics of Venezuelan school refusers toward the development of a high-risk profile1987Textir_uspace
64 Child sexual abuse forensic interviews: Literature review and quantitative analysis1993-06Textir_htca
65 Children's and adolescents' narrative accounts of harming: assuming and mitigating blame2013-08Textir_etd
66 Children's narrative accounts of being hurt: self-referential focus and consideration of the perpetrator's experience2013-08Textir_etd
67 Choosing good news or bad news: task importance and task diagnosticity as moderators of optimists' and pessimists' preferences for positive and negative feedback2008-10-28Textir_etd
68 Circumplex Based Interpersonal Processes Contribute to Link Between Self-Regulation and Social Outcomes2020Textir_htoa
69 Client perceptions of positive and negative therapist self-disclosure1980Textir_htca
70 Clinical validation and cognitive elaboration: signs that encourage sustained recycling2002-08-01Textir_uspace
71 Cognitive workload modeling of task priority in detection and choice tasks2019Textir_etd
72 Collaboration and support in diabetes management across adulthood: the roles of of attachment and diabetes distress2018Textir_etd
73 Commentary: lessons from a life-span perspective to adolescent decision making2005Textir_uspace
74 Comparing Educational Engagement and Extracurricular Activity Participation for First-Generation Versus Continuing-Generation College Students2018Textir_htoa
75 Comparing theories of automaticity: Searching for an underlying relationship1993-06Textir_htca
76 Complementarity in marriage: evidence from perception and behavior and associations with interaction and relationship outcomes2012-05Textir_etd
77 Complex spatial updating in simulated low vision2010-02Textir_etd
78 Concepts in Eastern religion and their relation to scientific attempts to control autonomic activity using biofeedback techniques1975-03Textir_htca
79 Conditioned punishment by S- associated with three discrimination training procedures1968Textir_etd
80 Confirming the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder in a sample of traumatized justice-involved youth2016Textir_etd
81 Congruence of children's views of their friendship losses as a function of dyadic social-cognitive development2000-05Textir_htca
82 Consequences of being unable to categorize: the impact of racial ambiguity on spontaneous trait inferences2018Textir_etd
83 Considerations in the choice of interobserver reliability estimates1977Textir_uspace
84 Context affects undergraduates' goals and engagement behaviors when learning online2015-04Textir_htoa
85 The contribution of verbalization to motor performance2010-08Textir_etd
86 Contributions of psychophysiology to research on adult attachment: review and recommendations2001-10-08Textir_uspace
87 Control of nonlinear, adaptive systems2007-10-19Textir_etd
88 Coping processes in National Guard/Reserve service members and their partners2009-06-15Textir_etd
89 The cost of saliency: how salience interacts with relevance to support or impede information search2010-08Textir_etd
90 Course in modern physics for Colombia1970Textir_uspace
91 Creating false memories using real-world objects: an attempt to expand upon a classic study2023Textir_htoa
92 Cross-cultural locus of control1984-07Textir_htca
93 Current problems of Japanese youth: some possible pathways for alleviating these problems from the perspective of dynamic systems theory2008Textir_uspace
94 Daily feedback improves sun protection among patients with an elevated risk of skin cancer2016Textir_etd
95 Daily sleep quality and type 1 diabetes management in emerging adults: a dynamical systems examination2019Textir_etd
96 Declarative sequential motor memory following striatal and hippocampal lesioning in rats1998-06ir_htca
97 Deconstructing neuropsychological practice effects: contributions of learning and response to task novelty2014Textir_etd
98 Density vs. Interactions: Effects of crowding on study behavior1974-05Textir_htca
99 Developing through relationships origins of communication, self, and culture1993Textir_uspace
100 Development and evaluation of a high-fidelity simulator training program for snowplow operators2004Textir_uspace
101 The development of a lab-based paradigm to explore principles of adherence engineering in the context of hand hygiene2017Textir_etd
102 Development of tolerance in young children: An evaluation of differing beliefs and the people who hold them2000-05Textir_htca
103 Developmental approach to psychosocial risk factors and successful aging2007Textir_uspace
104 Diabetes risk, physical activity, and the physical environment2014-05Textir_htoa
105 Diagnosis of the psychopathic personality disorder and its relationship with the law1989-06Textir_htca
106 Dialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A preliminary investigation into the effects of mindfulness practice in a transdiagnostic clinical population2015-03Textir_htoa
107 Difference to Inference: teaching logical and statistical reasoning through on-line interactivity2001Textir_uspace
108 Differences Between Mother and Peer Listeners in the Encouragement Of Perspective-Taking2020Textir_htoa
109 Differential outcomes among adolescent fathers: understanding fatherhood as a transformative process2003-10-18Textir_uspace
110 Direct and indirect minority stress experiences of parents with gay, lesbian, or bisexual children2017Textir_etd
111 Disaggregating the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on academic performance in a Veteran sample2018Textir_etd
112 Dispositional mindfulness and stress resilience: self-regulatory capacity, affective stability, and presleep arousal in daily life2016Textir_etd
113 Distraction-based coping and emotion regulation difficulties as predictors of high-risk behaviorTextir_htoa
114 Do different types of negative events lead to distinct adaptive functioning threats?2015Textir_etd
115 Does choice moderate the effects of received social support on cardiovascular reactivity?2013-12Textir_etd
116 Does language guide behavior in children with autism?2013Textir_etd
117 Does the shoe fit? Applying lessons learned in aviation to healthcare2012-01-01Textir_uspace
118 DRM & driving: Creation of false memories under cognitive workload2015-04Textir_htoa
119 Dyadic examination of posttraumatic stress symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators in military couples2014-08Textir_etd
120 Dynamic systems approach to the life sciences2008Textir_uspace
121 Dynamic systems theory places the scientist in the system2002Textir_uspace
122 Dynamical systems analysis of gender-related interest development in online coursework2017Textir_etd
123 Educational and demographic variables and their relation to teachers' knowledge of literacy2010Textir_etd
124 EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performance2015-05Textir_htoa
125 Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink Suppession2017Textir_htoa
126 The Effect of a Close Friendship on the Number of suicide Attempts Executed by Adolescent Girls2017Textir_htoa
127 The effect of a perceptual-motor program on visual perception and reading achievement1973-04Textir_htca
128 The Effect of food deprivation on the behavior of group-housed deermice and its implications for crowding research1975Textir_etd
129 The effect of posttraining injection of Dopamine and Norepinephrine into the amygdala on retention of passive avoidance training in rats1978-06Textir_htca
130 Effect of prolonged nature exposure on mindfulness and P300 Amplitude2020Textir_htoa
131 Effect of stress on empathic accuracy in romantic couples2016Textir_etd
132 The effect of technology use on distraction and safety in high school student pedestrians2012-05Textir_htoa
133 The effect the duration and location of rest breaks have on sustained attention and reaction time2016-04Textir_htoa
134 The effectiveness of a home programming model for young children with autism1996-03Textir_htca
135 Effects of a brief parent intervention to increase attendance, positive outcomes, and satisfaction with their child's therapy treatment2010-08Textir_etd
136 Effects of a prebirth coparenting intervention on the parenting behaviors of young fathers2010-04-26Textir_etd
137 The effects of attitude familiarity on social interactions and stress2014Textir_etd
138 Effects of competition in games and exposure to a model on children's aggressive and high-active behavior1970Textir_etd
139 Effects of explicit and implicit friendship attitudes on appraisals and cardiovascular reactivity during a negative event discussion2013-08Textir_etd
140 The effects of hippocampal and medial septal lesions on habituation of the acoustic startle response in albino rats.1977Textir_htca
141 The effects of imagery, insult, and participant sex on direct and indirect verbal aggression1975-06Textir_htca
142 The effects of locus of control and attention from others on attitude change following attiude discrepant behavior1972-06Textir_htca
143 The Effects of maternal resilience on newborn neurobehavioral outcomes2020Textir_htoa
144 The effects of methadone and naloxone on delayed-response performance of stump-tailed macaques1977Textir_htca
145 Effects of microwave radiation on thresholds for forced movements elicited by electrical brain stimulation1978-06Textir_htca
146 The effects of money, anticipation, and competition : upon judging scores and self-reports of motivational arousal1972Textir_etd
147 The effects of money, anticipation, and competition upon judging scores and self-reports of motivation arousal1972-06-03Textir_htca
148 Effects of music on the performance of the rorschach test1949Textir_etd
149 Effects of parietal injury on covert orienting of visual attention1984-07Textir_uspace
150 Effects of Punishment on Behavior in Concurrent VI schedules as a function of relative reinforcement density1972Textir_etd
151 The effects of restricted field-of-view on spatial learning while navigating: implications for strategy use and cognitive load2016Textir_etd
152 Effects of romantic themes in erotica on plethysmographically-assessed sexual arousal in males1996-03Textir_etd
153 The effects of utility value and choice on interest and learning in online classes2011-12Textir_etd
154 Egocentric Versus Allocentric: Finding a Superior Learning Strategy in Novel Small-Scale Spatical LearningTextir_htoa
155 Electrical self-stimulation of the brain: A review1963-08Textir_htca
156 Eliciting event type: Rumination and emotional complexity2015-04Textir_htoa
157 Emergence of dynamic form through phase relations in dynamic systems2005-10-24Textir_uspace
158 Emotional and cardiovascular responses to couple conflict in posttraumatic stress disorder: a study of operations enduring and Iraqi Freedom Veterans and partners2013-08Textir_etd
159 Establishing the psychometric properties of the electroencephalogram spectral slope: a noninvasive infant neural noise2019Textir_etd
160 Evaluation of a cardiovascular display in a high fidelity simulator2003Textir_uspace
161 Evaluative conditioning improves perceived taste of and intentions to eat healthy food2013-12Textir_etd
162 Event-related potential and oscillatory correlates of chronometric task performance: individual differences in anticipatory processes predict higher cognitive ability2018Textir_etd
163 Event-related potential indices of a two-factor model of cognitive control2010-12Textir_etd
164 Examining driver's eye-movements and cognitive workload: an exploratory study using electrooculography2014-12Textir_etd
165 Examining factors influencing how individuals decide whether or not a behavior counts as "having sex"2013-05Textir_etd
166 Examining off-task behaviors as regulatory mediators of long-term interest and performance online2012-05Textir_htoa
167 Examining priority of a risk as a predictor of photorotective adherence among individuals at high familial risk for melanoma following genetic testing2018Textir_etd
168 Examining the associations between maternal intrusiveness and detachment and cognitive and language skills in 18-month-old children2023Textir_htoa
169 Examining the associations between maternal sensitivity and infant responses to the still face paradigm2021Textir_htoa
170 Examining the Combined Effects of Social Support and Maternal Prenatal Mood on Newborn Neurobehavior2018Textir_htoa
171 Examining the DBT ways of coping checklist and therapist expectancies as predictors of success in DBT gift group participants2016-04Textir_htoa
172 Examining the effects of alcohol use and post-traumatic stress disorder on deployment-related traumatic brain injuries through measurements of subcortical volume changes2024Textir_htoa
173 Examining the relation between respiratory sinus arrhythmia and depressive symptoms in emerging adults: a longitudinal study2014-12Textir_etd
174 The exchange of sexually explicit cell phone pictures (sexting) among high school students2014-05Textir_htoa
175 Executive functioning and grade point average in college students2014-12Textir_htoa
176 Exploring exercise adherence: the impact of exercise intensity and variability on affect during exercise2014-04Textir_htoa
177 Exploring the source of residual cost: lingering task-sets or situation awareness recovery2018Textir_etd
178 Expressing affection and love to young children1980Textir_uspace
179 Expressive suppression deleteriously impacts cognitive aspects of motor output2015Textir_etd
180 Expressive suppression depletes executive functioning in older adulthood2016Textir_etd
181 External and internal factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in human resource development consultants2013Textir_etd
182 Facial expression in detection of deception: Looking at the face of a lie1988-08Textir_htca
183 Facilitation of diabetes adaptation and psychosocial adjustment by fitting parental monitoring and independence encouragement to an adolescent's competence2009-03Textir_etd
184 Factors contributing to the institutionalization of mentally retarded and autistic children versus noninstitutionalization1987Textir_htca
185 Factors related to parent provision of sexuality education for youth with asperger's disorder and high functioning autism2013-12Textir_etd
186 False hearing and the N400: the effects of linguistic context on language perception2021Textir_htoa
187 Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome: a short-period circadian rhythmvariant in humans1999Textir_uspace
188 Fetal Programming of the Infant Sympathetic Nervous System2020Textir_htoa
189 Flexible correction processes in social judgment: implications for persuasion1998Textir_uspace
190 Forcing square pegs into round holes: Some comments on "An Analysis-of-Variance Model for the Intrasubject Replication Design1974Textir_uspace
191 Friends in all the wrong places? gang involvement and the relevance of attachment theory2014-05Textir_htoa
192 Friends in high-tech places: the development and validation of the online social support measure2018Textir_etd
193 Further defining the functional properties of the dentate gyrus: contributions to spatial representations2011-08Textir_etd
194 Gender differences in recollected consistency or change in same sex sexuality across the lifespan: Measuring linkages between flexibility in sexual attraction, behavior, and love propensity2015-12Textir_htoa
195 Gender differences in response to love/affection in erotica1992-12Textir_etd
196 Gender, relationship power, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal reactivity to couple conflict2014-08Textir_etd
197 Genetic risk factors for suicide in personality pathology: analysis of candidate gene associations and shared genomic segments2019Textir_etd
198 Guilt and shame among military personnel and veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma2016-05Textir_htoa
199 Harm from harm: extending the construct of moral injury to interpersonal transgressions among emerging adults2015-05Textir_etd
200 Health anxiety and hypochondriacal traits: an interpersonal perspective on excessive somatic concerns and complaints2009-05-14Textir_etd
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