1 - 25 of 34
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1 Reductions in criminality subsequent to group, individual, and family therapy in adolescent residential and day treatment settings1999Textir_uspace
2 Objective cognitive functioning in self-reported habitual short sleepers not reporting daytime dysfunction: examination of impulsivity via delay discounting2018Textir_etd
3 Utah Virtual Lab: JAVA interactivity for teaching science and statistics online2001Textir_uspace
4 Difference to Inference: teaching logical and statistical reasoning through on-line interactivity2001Textir_uspace
5 Online Homework/Quiz/Exam Applet: Freely available Java software for evaluating performance online2002Textir_uspace
6 MERLOT: a faculty-focused website of educational resources2001Textir_uspace
7 Development and evaluation of a high-fidelity simulator training program for snowplow operators2004Textir_uspace
8 Relationship partner social behavior and patient cpap adherence: the role of autonomy support2018Textir_etd
9 Examining the effects of alcohol use and post-traumatic stress disorder on deployment-related traumatic brain injuries through measurements of subcortical volume changes2024Textir_htoa
10 Context affects undergraduates' goals and engagement behaviors when learning online2015-04Textir_htoa
11 Does language guide behavior in children with autism?2013Textir_etd
12 External and internal factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in human resource development consultants2013Textir_etd
13 It's not all about the erection: examining sexual functioning and patterns of sexual activity after radical prostatectomy2016Textir_etd
14 Individual differences in inhibition and emotion2014-12Textir_htoa
15 Overcoming biases to improve search sufficiency and decision accuracy: the effects of data visualization, instructions and order2014-05Textir_etd
16 Diabetes risk, physical activity, and the physical environment2014-05Textir_htoa
17 Examining off-task behaviors as regulatory mediators of long-term interest and performance online2012-05Textir_htoa
18 Pieces of the memory puzzle: The hippocampus and the amygdala1994-06Textir_htca
19 False hearing and the N400: the effects of linguistic context on language perception2021Textir_htoa
20 Part task and variable priority training in first-year anesthesia resident education: a combined didactic and simulation-based approach to improve management of adverse airway and respiratory events2008Textir_uspace
21 Genetic risk factors for suicide in personality pathology: analysis of candidate gene associations and shared genomic segments2019Textir_etd
22 Pre-sleep arousal in healthy adults reporting childhood trauma: implications for the development of insomnia2014-04Textir_htoa
23 Responding to motivational challenges: College students' attributions about motivation problems2020Textir_etd
24 Walking, talking, and suppressing: the effect of executive functioning depletion on older adults' motor output2019Textir_etd
25 An interpersonal analysis of psychosocial stress and sleep2012-12Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 34