51 - 75 of 84
Number of results to display per page
51 MERLOT: a faculty-focused website of educational resourcesir_uspaceText
52 Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia: A Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Mindfulness Instruction in a Complex Clinical Sampleir_uspaceText; Image
53 Mother-toddler interaction patterns associated with maternal depression.ir_uspaceText
54 Noninnatist alternatives to the negative evidence hypothesisir_uspaceText
55 Online Homework/Quiz/Exam Applet: Freely available Java software for evaluating performance onlineir_uspaceText
56 Open courseware and shared knowledge in higher educationir_uspaceText
57 Parietal lesions produce illusory conjunction errors in ratsir_uspaceText
58 Part task and variable priority training in first-year anesthesia resident education: a combined didactic and simulation-based approach to improve management of adverse airway and respiratory eventsir_uspaceText
59 Passionate friendships among adolescent sexual-minority womenir_uspaceText
60 Perceiving virtual geographic slant: action influences perceptionir_uspaceText
61 Perspectives for viewing intellectual development throughout the life courseir_uspaceText
62 Physiological measuresir_uspaceText
63 Prerequisites to Batesonian Epistemologyir_uspaceText
64 Preschool assessment of attachment: construct validity in a sample of depressed and nondepressed families.ir_uspaceText
65 Psychobiological perspectives on attachment: implications for health over the lifespanir_uspaceText
66 Psychopathy among pedophilic and non-pedophilic child molestersir_uspaceText
67 Reductions in criminality subsequent to group, individual, and family therapy in adolescent residential and day treatment settingsir_uspaceText
68 The relationship between motivation & Engagement in online lessions: the role of performance goalsir_uspaceText; Image
69 Relationships that support human developmentir_uspaceText
70 Relative status, partner dominance, depression, & self-rated healthir_uspaceText; Image
71 Research in review: the development of nurturance in young childrenir_uspaceText
72 The role of GABA-ergic interneurons in CA1 and dentate gyrus for sequence learningir_uspaceText; Image
73 Role of problem interpretations in understanding the development of everyday problem solvingir_uspaceText
74 Service-learning "rules" that encourage or discourage long-term service: implications for practice and researchir_uspaceText
75 Sex, dating, passionate friendships, and romance: intimate peer relations among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescentsir_uspaceText
51 - 75 of 84