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Number of results to display per page
1 A comparison of fixation and fractal measures of eye movement when viewing pictures with affective valence2016Textir_etd
2 A Real-World Investigation of the Attentional Capture Paradigm2017Textir_htoa
3 Adherence engineering in a central line dressing change2014-05Textir_htoa
4 Adolescent perception of negative admission pressures and affective reactions in outdoor behavioral healthcare2014-04Textir_htoa
5 Adolescent sexual offending: assessing sexual interest and exploring treatment trajectories and outcome2014-05Textir_etd
6 Affect dysregulation after adversity: psychopysiological correlates of emotional under- and overmodulation in adolescents exposed to trauma2019Textir_etd
7 An experimental test of the effects of acute stress and parental bonding history on maternal sensitivity2019Textir_etd
8 Analysis of advanced methodology for the study of relationship conflict in naturalistic settings2019Textir_etd
9 Analyzing the psychophysiology of children and adolescents while they narrate anger-provoking events2024Textir_htoa
10 Anger Co-Rumination Among Same-Sex Adolescent Peers2019Textir_htoa
11 Attention problems as a predictor of type 1 diabetes adherence and metabolic control across adolescence2015Textir_etd
12 Audience Tailoring: Implications for Narrative Identity2017Textir_htoa
13 Biological sensitivity to context: an exploratory test of the hypothesized U-shaped relationship between early adversity and stress responsivity2018Textir_etd
14 Biosocial correlates of identity disturbance among suicidal youth2014-08Textir_etd
15 The body represented2019Textir_etd
16 Borderline Personality Disorder During Pregnancy, Physiology, and Correlations Between Borderline Symptoms and Newborn Neurobehavior2018Textir_htoa
17 Can More Sensitive Caregiving Buffer the Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Problem Behavior?2019Textir_htoa
18 Cardiovascular activity during routine interactions in romantic relationships2016Textir_etd
19 Cellular aging and restorative processes: Subjective sleep quality and duration moderate the association between age and telomere length in a sample of middle-aged and older adults2014-01-01Textir_uspace
20 Change in Trait Impressions of the Self and Others2018Textir_htca
21 Change in trait impressions of the self and others2018Textir_htoa
22 Circumplex Based Interpersonal Processes Contribute to Link Between Self-Regulation and Social Outcomes2020Textir_htoa
23 Cognitive workload modeling of task priority in detection and choice tasks2019Textir_etd
24 Collaboration and support in diabetes management across adulthood: the roles of of attachment and diabetes distress2018Textir_etd
25 Comparing Educational Engagement and Extracurricular Activity Participation for First-Generation Versus Continuing-Generation College Students2018Textir_htoa
26 Confirming the dissociative subtype of posttraumatic stress disorder in a sample of traumatized justice-involved youth2016Textir_etd
27 Consequences of being unable to categorize: the impact of racial ambiguity on spontaneous trait inferences2018Textir_etd
28 Context affects undergraduates' goals and engagement behaviors when learning online2015-04Textir_htoa
29 Creating false memories using real-world objects: an attempt to expand upon a classic study2023Textir_htoa
30 Daily feedback improves sun protection among patients with an elevated risk of skin cancer2016Textir_etd
31 Daily sleep quality and type 1 diabetes management in emerging adults: a dynamical systems examination2019Textir_etd
32 Deconstructing neuropsychological practice effects: contributions of learning and response to task novelty2014Textir_etd
33 The development of a lab-based paradigm to explore principles of adherence engineering in the context of hand hygiene2017Textir_etd
34 Diabetes risk, physical activity, and the physical environment2014-05Textir_htoa
35 Dialectical behavioral therapy, mindfulness, emotion regulation, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia: A preliminary investigation into the effects of mindfulness practice in a transdiagnostic clinical population2015-03Textir_htoa
36 Differences Between Mother and Peer Listeners in the Encouragement Of Perspective-Taking2020Textir_htoa
37 Direct and indirect minority stress experiences of parents with gay, lesbian, or bisexual children2017Textir_etd
38 Disaggregating the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder on academic performance in a Veteran sample2018Textir_etd
39 Dispositional mindfulness and stress resilience: self-regulatory capacity, affective stability, and presleep arousal in daily life2016Textir_etd
40 Do different types of negative events lead to distinct adaptive functioning threats?2015Textir_etd
41 DRM & driving: Creation of false memories under cognitive workload2015-04Textir_htoa
42 Dyadic examination of posttraumatic stress symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators in military couples2014-08Textir_etd
43 Dynamical systems analysis of gender-related interest development in online coursework2017Textir_etd
44 EEG and cognitive correlates of elementary task performance2015-05Textir_htoa
45 Eeg time-Frequency Dynamics Associated with eye Blink Suppession2017Textir_htoa
46 The Effect of a Close Friendship on the Number of suicide Attempts Executed by Adolescent Girls2017Textir_htoa
47 Effect of prolonged nature exposure on mindfulness and P300 Amplitude2020Textir_htoa
48 Effect of stress on empathic accuracy in romantic couples2016Textir_etd
49 The effect the duration and location of rest breaks have on sustained attention and reaction time2016-04Textir_htoa
50 The effects of attitude familiarity on social interactions and stress2014Textir_etd
51 The Effects of maternal resilience on newborn neurobehavioral outcomes2020Textir_htoa
52 The effects of restricted field-of-view on spatial learning while navigating: implications for strategy use and cognitive load2016Textir_etd
53 Eliciting event type: Rumination and emotional complexity2015-04Textir_htoa
54 Establishing the psychometric properties of the electroencephalogram spectral slope: a noninvasive infant neural noise2019Textir_etd
55 Event-related potential and oscillatory correlates of chronometric task performance: individual differences in anticipatory processes predict higher cognitive ability2018Textir_etd
56 Examining driver's eye-movements and cognitive workload: an exploratory study using electrooculography2014-12Textir_etd
57 Examining priority of a risk as a predictor of photorotective adherence among individuals at high familial risk for melanoma following genetic testing2018Textir_etd
58 Examining the associations between maternal intrusiveness and detachment and cognitive and language skills in 18-month-old children2023Textir_htoa
59 Examining the associations between maternal sensitivity and infant responses to the still face paradigm2021Textir_htoa
60 Examining the Combined Effects of Social Support and Maternal Prenatal Mood on Newborn Neurobehavior2018Textir_htoa
61 Examining the DBT ways of coping checklist and therapist expectancies as predictors of success in DBT gift group participants2016-04Textir_htoa
62 Examining the effects of alcohol use and post-traumatic stress disorder on deployment-related traumatic brain injuries through measurements of subcortical volume changes2024Textir_htoa
63 Examining the relation between respiratory sinus arrhythmia and depressive symptoms in emerging adults: a longitudinal study2014-12Textir_etd
64 The exchange of sexually explicit cell phone pictures (sexting) among high school students2014-05Textir_htoa
65 Executive functioning and grade point average in college students2014-12Textir_htoa
66 Exploring exercise adherence: the impact of exercise intensity and variability on affect during exercise2014-04Textir_htoa
67 Exploring the source of residual cost: lingering task-sets or situation awareness recovery2018Textir_etd
68 Expressive suppression deleteriously impacts cognitive aspects of motor output2015Textir_etd
69 Expressive suppression depletes executive functioning in older adulthood2016Textir_etd
70 False hearing and the N400: the effects of linguistic context on language perception2021Textir_htoa
71 Fetal Programming of the Infant Sympathetic Nervous System2020Textir_htoa
72 Friends in all the wrong places? gang involvement and the relevance of attachment theory2014-05Textir_htoa
73 Friends in high-tech places: the development and validation of the online social support measure2018Textir_etd
74 Gender differences in recollected consistency or change in same sex sexuality across the lifespan: Measuring linkages between flexibility in sexual attraction, behavior, and love propensity2015-12Textir_htoa
75 Gender, relationship power, and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal reactivity to couple conflict2014-08Textir_etd
76 Genetic risk factors for suicide in personality pathology: analysis of candidate gene associations and shared genomic segments2019Textir_etd
77 Guilt and shame among military personnel and veterans who have experienced military sexual trauma2016-05Textir_htoa
78 Harm from harm: extending the construct of moral injury to interpersonal transgressions among emerging adults2015-05Textir_etd
79 How engaging in mind-focused or body-focused Eastern practices affects the way people narrate challenging events2014-05Textir_htoa
80 I am a woman but not this kind of woman: bifurcation in gender identity in response to stereotype threat2014-05Textir_etd
81 Impact of trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptoms on baseline self-reported safety behaviors versus observer-rated safety behaviors during the trauma film paradigm2022Textir_htoa
82 The implications of childhood maltreatment and current life stress for pregnant women's hair cortisol concentrations2023Textir_htoa
83 Improving the dependability of research in personality and social psychology: recommendations for research and educational practice2014-01-01Textir_uspace
84 Incremental validity of the delis-kaplan executive function system (D-KEFS) and the pillbox test for predicting weekly medication management2019Textir_etd
85 Individual differences in inhibition and emotion2014-12Textir_htoa
86 Infant attachment security as a predictor of academic outcomes among children who experienced early adversity: a mediational analysis examining executive functioning and language skills during early childhood2022Textir_htoa
87 The influence of interpersonal relationships and mindfulness on sleep quality2014-05Textir_htoa
88 Intelligence and neural activation : a test of the relationship between the neural efficiency hypothesis and repetition suppression2014-05Textir_htoa
89 Interpersonal correlates of dispositional mindfulness and nonattachment2018Textir_etd
90 Interruptions in radiology: investigating the Utility of two simple interventions under differing rates of interruption prevalence2018Textir_etd
91 Intracranial electrocorticographic correlates of intrinsic brain neetworks2021Textir_htoa
92 Investigating the mediational role of meaning making in the association between moral injury and well-being2014-05Textir_htoa
93 Is an anxious support provider an effective one? Social support provider anxietly and cardiovascular function2014-12Textir_etd
94 Is children's participation in activities related to executive function development?2014-05Textir_etd
95 Is testosterone the hormone of desire? for some women, some of the time2014Textir_etd
96 It's not all about the erection: examining sexual functioning and patterns of sexual activity after radical prostatectomy2016Textir_etd
97 The LDS context: religious trauma, social safety, & LGBTQ+ health2022Textir_htoa
98 Like mother like daughter (or son): prenatal exposure to maternal stress and emotion dysregulation as predictors of newborn neurobehavior2019Textir_etd
99 Longitudinal analysis of the role of insomnia in suicide risk amongst suicide ideators and attempters2016Textir_etd
100 Marital status and distress among low-income couples transitioning to parenthood2015-04Textir_htoa
101 Maternal secure base script knowledge and maternal emotion regulation as predictors of toddler social-emotional outcomes2024Textir_htoa
102 Maternal stress and the Development of infant regulatory processes2014Textir_htoa
103 Measuring attention towards advertisement using the peripheral detection response task2016Textir_etd
104 Measuring cognition in nature: an exploratory study using electroencephalography2016Textir_etd
105 The Mediating Role of Coping Behaviors in the Realtion Between Partner Relationship Quality and Infant Stress signs2020Textir_htoa
106 Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia: A Preliminary Investigation into the Effects of Mindfulness Instruction in a Complex Clinical Sample2015-03Text; Imageir_uspace
107 Minority stress, self-regulation, and executive function: an experimental investigation of gay and lesbian adults2016Textir_etd
108 Mobility for spatial cognition and navigation: establishing construct validity and testing a novel model of individual differences in spatial cognition2018Textir_etd
109 More and less guilt-prone children's distress changes differently when they narrate harmdoings, according to some but not all indicators of distress2018Textir_etd
110 Nonrestorative sleep in healthy adults without insomnia: associations with executive functioning, fatigue, and presleep arousal2017Textir_etd
111 Not all those who wander are lost: characterizing sex differences in spatial exploration and their relationship to navigation ability2015-08Textir_etd
112 Objective cognitive functioning in self-reported habitual short sleepers not reporting daytime dysfunction: examination of impulsivity via delay discounting2018Textir_etd
113 Obsessive-compulsive symptomology in LGBTQ+ Mormons: the role of social safety2023Textir_htoa
114 On the flexibility of cognitive processing: behavioral and pupillometry indices of individual differences in attentional control2019Textir_etd
115 Openness to experience and awe: examination of dispositional tendencies, laboratory induction, and daily life experiences2016Textir_etd
116 Overcoming biases to improve search sufficiency and decision accuracy: the effects of data visualization, instructions and order2014-05Textir_etd
117 Parent responses to childhood gender nonconformity: effects of parent and child characteristics2016Textir_etd
118 Parent-adolescent communication about sex and condom use among young men who have sex with men: an examination of the theory of planned behavior2016Textir_etd
119 Parent-Child conflict, validation, and biosocial mechanisms of risk for adolescent self-inflicted injury2018Textir_etd
120 Parental self-control as a modertator of the association between family conflict and Type 1 Diabetes Management2019Textir_etd
121 Perceived supports effect on cardiovascular reactivity and health behavior as determined by relationship type2018Textir_etd
122 Perceiving action-Scaled affordances for others: the role of actors' kinematics and observers' action capabilities2019Textir_etd
123 Personality and interpersonal influences on ambulatory blood pressure in couples2014-08Textir_etd
124 Possible systems of female sexuality2015-12Textir_htoa
125 Posttraumatic overmodulation, callous traits, and offending among justice-involved youth2017Textir_etd
126 Pre-sleep arousal in healthy adults reporting childhood trauma: implications for the development of insomnia2014-04Textir_htoa
127 Psychophysiological correlates of primary and trauma-related acquired callousness in a sample of detained youth2016Textir_etd
128 Reasons for cohabitation on the outcome of relationship quality and satisfaction2015-04Textir_htoa
129 Refining betrayal trauma theory to inform models of acquired callousness among delinquent youth2014-08Textir_etd
130 The relationship between common factors and specific interventions in psychotherapy2020Textir_htoa
131 Relationship partner social behavior and patient cpap adherence: the role of autonomy support2018Textir_etd
132 Relationship power, sociodemographics, and their relative influence on sexual agreements among gay male couples2015-12Textir_etd
133 Religious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS context religious trauma effects on LGBTQ+ individuals in the LDS context2023Textir_htoa
134 Religiousness and spirituality as moderators of physiological responses to social evaluative threat2014-05Textir_etd
135 Responding to motivational challenges: College students' attributions about motivation problems2020Textir_etd
136 Rick factors and mechanisms associated with crossing over from child welfare to the juvenile justice system2019Textir_etd
137 The role of attitude familiarity in interpersonal decision making2014-08Textir_etd
138 The role of glucose and fatigue in cognitive control and sustained attention: an electroencephalographic assessment2018Textir_etd
139 The role of prior experience when learning online: its effects on engagement and interest over time2016Textir_etd
140 The role of socioeconomic status in understanding ethnic differences among remerging adults with type 1 diabetes2023Textir_htoa
141 The role of the premonitory urge in TIC control: a behavioral and neurophysiologial investigation2019Textir_etd
142 Role of the trait neuroticism in stress processes and a possible link to cardiovascular disease2014-04Textir_htoa
143 The roles of polyvictimization and discrimination in the association between neighborhood disadvantage and offending2019Textir_etd
144 Running head: Facebook: Effects on cardiovascular health and self-conscious emotion Facebook: effects on cardiovascular health and self-conscious emotion2014-05Textir_htca
145 Secure Base Script Attachment Representation and Behavior Problems in Middle Childhood2020Textir_htoa
146 Self-Injurious thoughts and behaviors interview (Sitbi), version 2.0: reliability and validity in a military and veteran sample2018Textir_etd
147 Sex differences in virtual navigation influenced by visual factors and individual differences2016Textir_etd
148 Sexual behavior, stress responsivity, and arousability: a life history approach2018Textir_etd
149 Spatial learning while navigating with severely degraded viewing: the role of attention and risk monitoring2014-12Textir_etd
150 Student domain interest and its impact on systems thinking in General Education2022Textir_htoa
151 Substance use disorder treatment limitations for women veterans experiencing homelessness2024Textir_htoa
152 Support preferences familiarity: how is it related to social support, health, and personality?2016Textir_etd
153 Testing assumptions of the fluid vulnerability theory to understand changes in suicidal ideation and behaviors in military personnel over time2019Textir_etd
154 Tonic respiratory sinus arrhythmia and trait affiliation: a test of the quadratic bagal activity-prosociality hypothesis2019Textir_etd
155 Transitioning Control: Examining the Individual Differences Between Automatic and Controlled Processes2016Textir_htoa
156 Type of clinical intervention shows differential effects on the dynamical recovery process of motivation from a suicidal state for u.s. military personnel2017Textir_etd
157 Understanding the effects of minority stress on same-sex couples: implications for downstream effects on physical and mental health2018Textir_etd
158 Validating Visual-Manual Detection Response Take Measurements in Simulated Distracted Driving2017Textir_htoa
159 Verbal learning during tic suppression in children with a chronic tic disorder2014-12Textir_etd
160 Visual-spatial biases in ensemble cognition2018Textir_etd
161 Walking, talking, and suppressing: the effect of executive functioning depletion on older adults' motor output2019Textir_etd
162 What every body is saying: the link between physiological arousal and the use of embodied language in the narration of angry memories2017Textir_etd
163 Working memory capacity and task goals modulate error-specific event-related potentials2014-08Textir_etd
164 Working memory capacity influences cognitive flexibility: understanding the control dilemma through stroop2016Textir_etd
165 Your support touches my heart: testing a mediational model of receiving social support, culture, and ambulatory blood pressure2015Textir_etd
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