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1 Doxey, Lauren"An exact portrait of the people": the need for Gender Parity in U.S. congress for legitimate governmentThough women received the right to vote in 1919 with the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, women still hold few elected positions. In the United States Congress, women make up 19.4% of the body. When groups are not represented fully, this affects the quality of the representation they recei...Women legislators; United States; attitudes2016-08
2 Burt, ZacharyThe 1968 election and the birth of the contemporary presidential nomination processThe 1968 election was a landmark election in American political history. In the summer of 1968, Vice President Hubert Humphrey was nominated by the Democratic Party. This nomination was controversial, and the Democrats' summer convention was chaotic and infamous. Humphrey gained the nomination due t...Democratic national convention - 19682012-05
3 Gomez-Alvarez, LorhenA crisis on the border: an unexpected crisis or an expected outcome?Increased immigration from the Northern Triangles countries has strained the current asylum structures. Overhauling detention and long wait times have plagued the system after the initial arrival of a large group of unaccompanied minors and then subsequently the arrival of large migrant caravans. Th...2019
4 Palomaki, KyaA world without nukes: International relations perspectivesWhat if nuclear weapons had been neither invented nor discovered? This is the question I take into consideration in this paper. This interesting scenario begs the answer parroted by bloggers and students of politics alike-without nuclear weapons, there would be nothing to stop belligerents from inva...Security, International; International relations; Nuclear weapons; World politics -- 21st century2015-05
5 Seastrand-Bachynski, Sara JayneAn act to decrease childhood obesity rates in the U.S.The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 was signed into law in order to address alarming childhood obesity rates in the U.S. In this paper, I address the importance of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and how it enhances child health by improving the food environment for children in public ...Childhood obesity - Utah2014-05
6 Shah, DiyaThe appropriation of Sacajawea by the women's suffrage movementThis project examines why Sacajawea was an attractive figure to be resurrected and appropriated during the U.S. suffrage movement, especially in the 1890s to 1920s. To understand the construction and use of Sacajawea, I analyzed about 25 newspaper articles published about Sacajawea in the 1900s and ...Sacagawea Women -- Political activity -- United States; Women -- Suffrage -- United States2015-05
7 Venugopal, NikilaBaldwin in Conversation: Love and Black Lives MatterWith rising tensions surrounding racial inequality in the United States, and the national prominence of the Black Lives Matter Movement, it is hardly surprising that the works of James Baldwin have had a revival in popular culture and literature. Throughout his writings, Baldwin has advocated for Bl...2018
8 Ruiz, LorenBeneath the dark cloak of U.S. deportation: Bureaucratic distancing tactics employed by the deportation systemU.S. deportation policy is implemented behind a dark cloak of secrecy. Distancing tactics are employed throughout the deportation process to prevent those participating within the bureaucracy from feeling empathy for those they process. Pachirat (2011) provides a three-part template of analysis for ...Deportation -- United States2015-05
9 Lopez, MauricioThe broken promise of inclusive development: the case of PeruIn recent years, Peru has been one of the fastest growing economies in the world, outpacing emerging giants of the developing world such as Brazil and Russia. From 2003 to 2011 Peru's GDP per capita almost tripled. Nevertheless, currently almost one third of the Peruvian population still lives in po...Peru - Economic conditions - Regional disparities; Inclusive development2013-05
10 Tu, Christianna L.Closing the health development gap: An analysis of health spending in Southeast AsiaFinancing health development through increased domestic resource allocation is a topic of substantial discussion for the post-2015 development agenda. Past development strategies, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), have relied on wealthy country aid commitments in order to fund inter...Medical care - Southeast Asia - Finance2015-08
11 Fronberg, ErikContextualizing emergency powers and climate crisis in liberal democraciesThis thesis develops a theoretical framework for and responds to concerns regarding the use of emergency powers to combat climate change in liberal democracies. Consensus in the scientific community maintains that the window for acting to mitigate the worst effects of climate change is rapidly narro...2022
12 Sibbernsen, ColinDigital activism: Addressing social movements in the digital ageTechnological progression in the area of information and communication technology allows for expansion of prior social movement theorizing. The ways in which social movements are organized and carried out today need to be carefully analyzed and discussed to identify new methods of organization and m...Technology - Sociological aspects2012-05
13 Comstock, MackenzieThe Dilemma of Global Justice: Assessing Why the United States Has Not Joined the International Criminal CourtThe United States has long been called the policeman of the world, intervening in international conflicts in order to promote peace and security on a global scale. With such a history, why then, has the United States not joined the International Criminal Court? A key actor in the establishment of...International criminal courts - United States2016
14 McInnis, TillieDisruptive power: A comparison of political voice for non-elites after the great depression and the recession of 2008This thesis investigates how non-elites influence policymaking in a time of large income and wealth inequality. To do this, I examine the tactics of disruptive power used by two groups following two major economic downturns in the U.S.: the industrial workers after the Great Depression in the 1930s ...Power (Social sciences); Elite (Social sciences)2015-05
15 Mortensen, MatthewDo caps on non-economic damages decrease medical malpractice insurance premiums?This paper examines whether tort reform, like caps on non-economic damages for medical malpractice claims, actually lower insurance premiums for physicians. Proponents of tort reform argue that large jury awards against physicians have driven up physician insurance premiums, and as a result, overall...Physicians' malpractice insurance - United States; Insurance premiums - United States2015-04
16 Brown, Jackson AyersThe effects and general applicability of British influence in post-colonial EswatiniIn the building of new states in Sub-Saharan Africa following the long period of British colonialism, successful democracies have been few and far between. Eswatini, the main focus of this research, began as a democracy following its independence in 1968, but soon slid into authoritarianism. Today, ...2023
17 Leibold, Katherine I.The Electability of Atheists in the United StatesAtheists are severely underrepresented in United States public offices. This underrepresentation is obvious when evaluating the religious affiliation of our elected officials in Congress in contrast to the religious affiliations of the general public. The underrepresentation of atheists in Congress ...2018
18 Gordon, Oakley BenedictElecting representative representatives: a case for modified single transferable voting in American legislative electionsAmerican government is founded upon the principle that its rulers should represent and be elected by its citizenry. To this end, America and its states elect large deliberative bodies charged with representing the people within their jurisdictions. The architects of federal and state governments, ho...American government; Voting - United States2012-05
19 Dave BuhlerEmpowering inclusivity: assessing the necessity and impact of language access plans in local governments2024
20 Barnes, RachelFirst ladies: It's not about aptitude; it's the way you're viewedWhile Presidential popularity is frequently researched and discussed, the same attention has not been paid to the study of the First Ladies and their popularity. With the constantly changing role of femininity in American society, the First Lady has become an increasingly important and visible figur...Presidents' spouses - United States - Public opinion; Public opinion - United States - History2013-05
21 Shackelford, Daniel T.The first servant of the nation : an in-depth analysis of how Jimmy Carter's religion influenced his presidencyMitt Romney's recent run to become the nation's first Mormon president has made many Americans question what role religion plays in the presidency. While some fervent Romney supporters saw him as man chosen by God for the White House, opponents saw his overt commitment to his religion as a dangerous...Carter, Jimmy, 1924 - Religion; Christianity and politics - United States - History - 20th century2013-05
22 Dean, CourtneyFood Aid or Industry Subsidy? the Power Dynamics of How the U.S. Feeds the WorldIn the 1950s the United States passed Public Law 480 and officially took up the cause of international food aid. Today, the United States is the largest provider of food assistance in the world accounting for over 50% of all aid. While other counties have stepped back or shifted their commitments t...Public law - United States - History2016-08
23 Jochim, JordanForging a truce, forcing an encounter: James Baldwin and the paradox of injuryIn States of Injury, Wendy Brown argues that emancipatory projects premised upon the "injured identity" of oppressed groups work inadvertently to solidify hierarchical social structures and generates forms of resentment that are ultimately self-defeating. As such, she urges the abandonment of injure...Baldwin, James, 1924-1987 - Criticism and interpretation; Political science - Philosophy; Power (Social science)2014-05
24 Shackelford, DavidGraduating from the Electoral College : a critique on the electoral system of AmericaOur country is founded on democracy and the will of the people, but in the 2000 election the majority of citizens in the United States voted for the losing candidate. This result, of course, only is possible through the system called the Electoral College. This paper traces the history of the Electo...Electoral college; Presidents - United States - Election2013-05
25 Gates, AbigailHealth Care in the United States: Disparities and Distrust in the Black CommunityDuring the time of slavery, Black and African Americans were mistreated and abused as research subjects in medical studies. This mistreatment continued into the 20th century with the Tuskegee Syphilis study and continues today in many doctor's offices throughout America. This paper begins by looking...2020
26 Pozernick, AudreyThe house, the ghost, and the grave presentations of the racial hybrid and mixed raced phenomenologies in literature and in creative writing2024
27 Bartlett, SarahHow minority parties can increase voter mobilization and affect national elections in a two-party systemThe American electoral system inhibits minority parties from gaining sufficient power to affect national politics or elections. This claim is proved by U.S. history and the lack of minority parties holding major offices. This paper studies the religious right movement, a minority group in America, t...Elections - Research - United States; Republican Party (U.S. :1854 - ) - Religion - 21st century; Green Party (U.S); Minorities - Political activity - United States2012-05
28 Edgette, AshleyIndividual, collective, and neighborhood political capital : relationships of change, power, and love in Salt Lake CityIn this study, I examine how three Latina community leaders from the Riverbrook neighborhood of Salt Lake City enact their political capital. My three measures of political capital are perceptions of individual power, community relationships, and influence in the larger school-community setting. Mot...Community leadership - Utah - Salt Lake City; Hispanic American mothers - Utah - Salt Lake City2013-08
29 Aryaeinejad, KateiraInternational organizations, intrastate conflict, and humanitarian intervention: Determinants of successThe objective of this research project is to determine which specific organizational structures and characteristics increase the likelihood that a humanitarian intervention will occur and result in success. With that goal in mind, I develop two main hypotheses which I then test against carefully cho...Humanitarian intervention; Security, International2013-05
30 O'Brien, CullenIntimate ideological space: an analysis of personalized online environmentsThis thesis examines the ideological significance of "personalized online environments." POEs are environments on the internet that are engineered to adhere to individuals' preferences. Most influential theories of ideology - those of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, Louis Althusser, Stuart Hall and othe...2021
31 Rush, JacobThe Kantian concept of the person, rationality and Socrates' deathIn this paper, I consider Socrates' death sentence in The Apology and his choice to accept his death sentence in The Crito. I structure his choice in a Kantian manner. First, I argue that Socrates has a duty to himself, as a rational agent, to (a) act as a promisekeeping individual and (b) perform t...Socrates - Death and burial; Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1824 - Ethics2014-05
32 Erturk, Ali CemThe lead up to restriction and contemporary immigrationIn the 1840s and 1850s, a nativist viewpoint was applied to all foreigners, particularly Catholics and the Irish. From 1850-1882, it was applied to Asians who were presumed to be of a lower racial and economic order. In the 1920s, the poverty of Eastern European Jews, Italians, Hungarians, and Poles...2023
33 Kenney, DevinMonumental failure: the navajo tribe and radiotoxic wastesThe extraction of uranium has a troubled history in the Navajo Nation, a history born of lack of representation, lack of interest, and ultimately, lack of regard for human life. The United States government failed to carry out their obligation to protect the health and economic well-being of the Nav...Navajo Tribe - Government relations; Uranium mines and mining - Environmental aspects - United States; Uranium mines and mining - Waste disposal - Navajo Indian Reservation2012-05
34 Pistorius, JordanThe operational code of presidential candidate Hillary ClintonOperational code analysis provides key insight into the fundamental views that influence the decision making process. In this paper, I explain the importance of operational code in regard to understanding how important leaders think and in forecasting their behavior in future decision making roles...Clinton, Hillary Rodham; Presidential candidates - United States; Women presidential2016-05
35 Sadler, AlexandriaOrganizational structure and framing process in the Chilean University student movementThe 2011-2015 Chilean university student movement for free, public and quality education has brought education to the forefront of Chilean politics. In 2015 students continue to mobilize through student federations at each university, even as the government beings to implement free higher education....Student movements - Chile2015-05
36 Sablan, Mariana SerenaPacific islanders: students left behind or forgottenThe term "Pacific Islander" encompasses a very broad, very diverse and very small population. The unique size and composition of the Pacific Islander (PI) community in the United States leads to two major consequences for Pacific Island students: they are often not catered to in educational environm...
37 Roberts, JordanParity and primacy in perspective : a second Anglophone decline or a second American century?Much of the systemic theory in international relations focuses on a single explanatory variable: the distribution of capabilities, widely understood to be synonymous with the distribution of power. Despite the significant attention given to the distribution of power, there is still fundamental disag...Balance of power - Research; International relations - Research; Great Britain - Foreign relations - 19th century; United States - Foreign relations - 21st century2013-05
38 Benfield, KaylaraPlace attachment, climate change, and threat perceptions of Utah WildernessPlace Attachment is the emotional and functional relationships that tie humans to natural environments. It has been shown to impact a person's ability to perceive threats significantly. This study compares the varying levels of Place Attachment with individual knowledge associated with the negative ...Place attachment; climate change; wilderness; Utah2022
39 Doyle, ErinPolitical polarization at the local levelMany agree the American public is polarized nationally. However, polarization can be just as invasive within local governments. Understanding if there are occurrences of polarization in local government is essential to understanding how the American public has divided. This division in party goals c...2022
40 Tonks, JacobPolitics without character: Liberal virtues and the situationist critiqueA critique of virtue ethics has recently been raised by social psychologists who believe experimental psychology has all but proved the non-existence of character. In morally compromising situations, external situational factors have the greatest influence on choice, and therefore virtue as a stable...Situation ethics; Virtue Choice (Psychology); Autonomy (Philosophy)2015-05
41 Uchida, Emily AkiyoThe Presentation of the Model Minority Myth in the US Education SystemIn the United States, Asian Americans have been dubbed the "model minority", having seemingly overcome racial barriers to achieve socio-economic success all on their own. In reality, Asian Americans still face racial discrimination on an institutional and societal level. The Students for Fair Admiss...2020
42 Jowers, KaitlinPresident Vladimir Putin and the Mask of PatriotismWith the current poor economic situation in Russia, Putin seems less keen on diversifying the economy than expanding Russia's influence worldwide. Indeed, while it would make sense in most countries to focus inward during domestic crises, Putin continually pushes Russia's resources, and focus, out, ...2016
43 Koronkowski, CharlesPrince Hall freemasonry: Forming a free African American communityBefore the foundation of the Prince Hall Freemasonic Order, the free black population in the United States was lacking a community and group identity. Rather, there existed a disjointed group of individuals kept at a perpetual distance from one another, both by societal pressures and by personal d...African American freemasonry - History2016-05
44 Freckleton, Mitchell W.Proportional representation and the electoral college: An analysis of electoral reform in the U.S. and U.K.We all know he famous Abraham Lincoln quote from the Gettysburg Address, "A government of the people by the people, for the people." However, do Americans and even British citizens feel like "the people" are in charge o f the government? With constant criticism directed at the representational democ...Proportional representation -- United States; Proportional representation -- Great Britain; Electoral reform2015-12
45 Saperstein, ElizabethPunctuated equilibrium and the Patriot Act 2001An all-encompassing theory to describe the policy-making process in modern political systems has yet to be determined. Therefore, no theory currently exists that uncontestably predicts future policy outcomes. In an attempt to describe the policy process and account for the process as one that fluctu...Patriot Act (U.S.); Punctuated equilibrium (Evolution)2014-08
46 Richardson, John R.Religious Liberty, Equal Protection, and the Utah CompromiseThe conflict between religious freedom and civil rights for LGBT Americans is often seen as a zero-sum game. Legal battles over wedding cakes and floral arrangements have garnered national attention and result in a court-sanctioned winner and loser. States and local governments across the country ha...2018
47 Gappmaier, AndreaRestorative justice: Refocusing the lens on the American criminal justice systemThe traditional punitive justice system has failed American citizens. The United States has over 25 percent of the world's prison population and when released, three in four offenders will be back in prison within five years of their release date. High costs, estranging members of society, and rac...Criminal justice, Administration of - United States2016-05
48 Jimenez, ValeriaThe Role of Nonprofit Organizations in Promoting Higher Education Among Latina/O Youth: The Case of Latinos in Action (LIA) of UtahNonprofit organizations have been at the forefront of helping newly-arrived immigrants and refugees integrate into society, advocating for marginalized communities, and ensuring that Latina/o youth are reaching for higher education. Nonprofit organizations have helped to fill in the gaps that the Un...2018
49 Ponce-Orellana, JennaSan Antonio independent school district V. rodriguez: dissecting an unprecedented supreme court decision and its implications2021
50 Morgan, ConnorSecuritizing Climate Change Examining the Impact of the National Security Frame on Utah Political ElitesThe partisan divide over climate change in the United States has led to long-term inaction in creating policies aimed at mitigating and adapting to the changing climate. This study explores one option for bridging the gap: reframing the discussion of climate change to better appeal to those who do n...2019
51 Matlock, SaraShould we resurrect the glass-steagall act?Banking regulations have been a hot topic on both sides of the aisle in every election cycle since 2010. Americans can expect the debate to continue in the upcoming midterms and again in the next presidential election. Minor changes in banking regulations may not make much of a difference in the liv...2022
52 Andruski, Jordan JosephThe social contract of international politicsThe purpose of this research paper is to examine the extent to which states engage in the proposed idea of a currently forming international social contract and what effect have institutions had on this development. More specifically, the paper will examine the extent to which the development of int...Social contract; International relations2013-05
53 Hawkins, LisaThe social market: Commitment to responsibility in a changing generationAs the partisan divide in U.S. politics grows wider, actionable and proactive policy making becomes more difficult to achieve. To address growing social issues, then, a more flexible and evidence-based approach must be realized. In the last 40 years, the United States has employed varying levels of ...Public opinion; Social responsibility of business2016-05
54 Herman, ChristianSustainable asylum responsibility distribution in the European Union: A case for tradable refugee quotas as a replacement for the Dublin RegulationAchieving an optimal distribution of the state-by-state responsibility for granting asylum to refugees has been a longstanding challenge in the European Union. This challenge has been especially apparent in the last several years following the escalation of conflicts, particularly including the civi...Political refugees - Government policy - European Union countries; Refugees - Government Policy - European Union countries; Dublin Regulation2015-12
55 Woolf, KatieThere's Something About Syria: Using Foreign Military Intervention in the Syrian Civil War to Assess Predictabilityin International RelationsThis paper utilizes three strands of International Relations (IR) theory: realism, constructivism, and leadership theory to inform the actions of the United States and Russia in their intervention in the Syrian Civil War. First, a brief overview of the case is presented along with a review of the th...2020
56 Kirkegaard, MatthewTransboundary water conflict, cooperation, and regional integration: Mercosur and the La Plata BasinWater politics become diplomatic concerns when watersheds cross international borders. But how do these relationships between states change when the nature of these international borders themselves change through economic and political integration? The purpose of this study is to consider the relati...MERCOSUR (Organization); Water-supply - South America; Water-supply - Political aspects2016-05
57 Sarah F. SmallUncovering the microeconomic costs of reproductive care in the United States2024
58 Hair, MaddieUncovering the microeconomic costs of reproductive care in the United StatesAbortion is complicated. It is a highly emotional concept which requires multifaceted ethical considerations, as well as practical considerations in order to construct ethical and effective policy. The more attention-grabbing components of the issue are the ethical perspectives. However, economic im...2024
59 Li, DanikaUnderstanding State-Sponsored Violence: Tiananmen SquareThe Tiananmen Square Massacre presents an interesting puzzle to political scientists, as it contradicts traditional strategic theory that attacking one's own civilians erodes a government's base of power. The massacre defies these expectations through the ensuing decades of iron control the Communis...2018
60 Bitter, Anne MarieThe use of "Women's Safety" in Criminalization VS. Decriminalization Arguments about Prostitution in the U.S.This thesis analyzes academic discourse arguing for and against the criminalization of prostitution within the U.S. It specifically investigates how claims about women's safety are used by both sides in this debate, examining four common frameworks that shape appeals to women's safety: physical harm...2019
61 Jarvis, ThomasWelfare in the United States: its current State and future directionsPublic policy experts have proposed numerous combinations of liberal and conservative welfare policies in an attempt to capture the positive aspects of each and create a more efficient and equitable approach to welfare. In these times of economic turbulence it is paramount to understand where welfar...Political Science2012-05
62 Chan, TiffanyWhy gender matters: an empirical case study of the China-Pakistan free trade agreementChina is one of the world's largest economies that boasts expansive and ambitious economic policies and has numerous trading partners across the globe. A closer look through an economic lens shows gender inequity runs pervasive. Thus, in this paper, I ask, "How does the presence and/or absence of ge...2023
63 Chuaqui, Anna MagdalenaWhy the left loses in MexicoThis paper explores the question: Why has the largest left-of-center party in Mexico, the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), failed to win a presidential election since democratization? Through an analysis of the presidential campaigns of 200,2006, and 2012, this paper seeks to explain the fa...Partido de la Revolución Democrática (Mexico); Mexico -- Politics and government -- 2000-2016
64 Melvin, Kendahl L.Why women don't run: Addressing the gender disparity in political representation in the United StatesA record number of women were elected to Congress in the November 2014 elections, making the 114th Congress the first to boast over 100 females (McGregor, 2014). With 104 women, it seemed that the current Congress was a positive step for American political parity (Warner, 2015). However, this achiev...Women -- Political activity -- United States; Women legislators -- United States2015-08
65 Gorfinkle, ZevWolves not watchdogs: systemic and unpunished abuse in federal prisonsThis thesis investigates how systemic issues within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) enabled widespread sexual and physical abuse of inmates by staff. By comparing available prevalence estimates of both physical and sexual abuse with employee discipline data from the Bureau of Prisons Office of I...2024
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