1 - 25 of 626
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1 Site characteristic of Southern Utah sites for astronomical observatories2008Text
2 Deployment of a pair of 3M telescopes in Utah2008Text
3 Mechanically stretchable and reversibly deformable liquid metal-based plasmonics2012-01-01Text
4 Universal properties of random lasers2003-01Text
5 Mapping of mobile charges on insulator surfaces with the electrostatic force microscope1993Text
6 Ratio 2Δ0/kTc in superconductivity1991-12Text
7 High Tc rf-biased SQUID1989-03Text
8 Mattis and Pan reply1988Text
9 Laser action in polydialkylfluorene films: influence of low-temperature thermal treatment1999Text
10 Quasiparticle relaxation in high-Tc superconductor1991Text
11 Tricritical point in random-field Ising model1985Text
12 Leng et al. reply1994Text
13 Quasiparticle relaxation in a high-Tc superconductor1991Text
14 Comment on "Large optical nonlinearity of semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes under resonant excitations"2006Text
15 Ground state of the Kondo model1985-06Text
16 Exciton dynamics in soluble poly(p-phenylene vinylene)1997Text
17 Microwave absorption in the superconducting and normal phases of Y-Ba-Cu-O1987-08Text
18 Quantitative assessment of pulmonary edema by nuclear magnetic resonance methods1988Text
19 Observation of shot noise in phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes2014-01-01Text
20 Comment on "Yield of singlet excitons in organic light-emitting devices: a double modulation photoluminescence-detected magnetic resonance study"2006Text
21 Comment on: New limit on lorentz-invariance- and CPT-violating neutron spin interactions using a free-spin-precession 3He- 129Xe comagnetometer2014-01-01Text
22 Wu replies2010Text
23 Magnetic shielding and relaxation characteristics of superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 tubes1989Text
24 Evidence for changing of cosmic ray composition between 10(17) and 10(18) eV from multicomponent measurements2000Text
25 Evidence for changing of cosmic ray composition between 10^17 and 10^18 eV from multicomponent measurements2000-05Text
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