701 - 800 of 926
Number of results to display per page
701 Scanning capacitance microscopy on a 25 nm scale1989Textir_uspace
702 Scanning thermal profiler1986Textir_uspace
703 Scattering of plasmons at the intersection of two metallic nanotubes: implications for tunneling2008-12Textir_uspace
704 Scattering of plasmons at the intersection of two metallic nanotubes: implications for tunneling2008-12Textir_uspace
705 Scattering times and mean free path in AlCuFe quasicrystalline thin films1995-05Textir_uspace
706 Schrödinger-like equation for a nonrelativistic electron in a photon field of arbitrary intensity1998-07Textir_uspace
707 Science capabilities of the VERITAS array of 10m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray detectors2003Textir_uspace
708 Search for > 200 TeV photons from Cygnus X-3 in 1988 and 19891990-07Textir_uspace
709 Search for > 200 TeV photons from Cygnus X-3 in 1988 and 19891990-07Textir_uspace
710 Search for backward A1 and A2 production in π-p→pπ- π + π- at 8 GeV/c*1975-03Textir_uspace
711 Search for compact sources of cosmic photons above 200 TeV1992-10Textir_uspace
712 Search for compact sources of cosmic photons above 200 TeV1992-10Textir_uspace
713 Search for correlations between HiRes stereo events and active galactic nuclei2008-11Textir_uspace
714 Search for new particles at the alternating-gradient-synchrotron beam dump1979-05Textir_uspace
715 Search for TeV emission from geminga by the VERITAS observatory2008Textir_uspace
716 Search for y rays above 10^14 eV from Cygnus X-3 during the June and July 1989 radio outbursts1989-11Textir_uspace
717 Search for γ rays above 1014 eV from Cygnus X-3 during the June and July 1989 radio outbursts1989-11Textir_uspace
718 Second-order phase transition in a model random alloy1973-03Textir_uspace
719 Section on prospects for dark matter detection of the white paper on the Status and future of ground-based TeV gamma-ray astronomy2008Textir_uspace
720 Self-switching Q-damping circuit for reducing transmitter ringdown time in high power pulse NMR1970Textir_uspace
721 Semileptonic D → π/K and B → π/D decays in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD2005-03Textir_uspace
722 Semileptonic decays of D mesons in three-flavor lattice QCD2005-01Textir_uspace
723 Semileptonic decays of heavy mesons with the fat clover action2000-04Textir_uspace
724 Sensor-based distributed control scheme for mobile robots1995Textir_uspace
725 Shear force microscopy with capacitance detection for near-field scanning optical microscopy1995Textir_uspace
726 Short-range versus long-range order in a model binary alloy1971-07Textir_uspace
727 Shot noise in a diffusive ferromagnetic-paramagnetic-ferromagnetic spin valve2003-09Textir_uspace
728 Signals for hadronic modes in the quark plasma1988-01Textir_uspace
729 Simple renormalizable flavor symmetry for neutrino oscillations2012-01-01Textir_uspace
730 Simultaneous Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy of single conjugated polymer chains2007-03Textir_uspace
731 Single electron tunneling detected by electrostatic force2001Textir_uspace
732 Single electron tunneling force spectroscopy of an individual electronic state in a non-conducting surface2006Textir_uspace
733 Single electron tunneling to insulator surfaces detected by electrostatic force2002Textir_uspace
734 Single electron tunneling to insulator surfaces measured by frequency detection electrostatic force microscopy2004Textir_uspace
735 Single-electron manipulation to and from a SiO2 surface by electrostatic force microscopy2005Textir_uspace
736 Single-pion production in neutrino and antineutrino reactions1977-01Textir_uspace
737 Singlet s-wave scattering lengths of 6Li and 7Li1996-06Textir_uspace
738 Site characteristic of Southern Utah sites for astronomical observatories2008Textir_uspace
739 Size considerations in interfacing thermoacoustic coolers with electronics2002Textir_uspace
740 Slow hopping and spin dephasing of coulombically bound polaron pairs in an organic semiconductor at room temperature2012-01-01Textir_uspace
741 Small-angle impurity scattering and the spin Hall conductivity in two-dimensional semiconductor systems2006-02Textir_uspace
742 Smearing of the two-dimensional Kohn anomaly in a nonquantizing magnetic field: implications for interaction effects2007-07Textir_uspace
743 Solar neutrino limit on axions and keV-mass bosons2009-05Textir_uspace
744 Soluble extension of the Ising model1966-05Textir_uspace
745 Soluble Ising model in 2+1/N dimensions and XY model in 1+1/N dimensions1979-07Textir_uspace
746 Solution of multiple scattering by finite iteration1978-01Textir_uspace
747 Space-time approach to holonomy scattering1990-07Textir_uspace
748 Spatial Fourier transform method for evaluating SQUID gradiometers1987Textir_uspace
749 Spatial mapping of ordered and disordered domains of GaInP by near-field scanning optical microscopy and scanning capacitance microscopy1996-04-13Textir_uspace
750 Spatially mapping random lasing cavities2010Textir_uspace
751 Specific heats and lattice dynamics of cuprous halides1978-10Textir_uspace
752 Spectral analysis of near threshold random lasers2012Textir_uspace
753 Spectral analysis of polymer microring lasers2000Textir_uspace
754 Spectroscopic study of spin-dependent exciton formation rates in ∏-conjugated semiconductors: comparison with electroluminescence techniques2004-12Textir_uspace
755 Spin and charge structure of the surface states in topological insulators2012-01-01Textir_uspace
756 Spin and magnetic field effects in organic semiconductor devices2005Textir_uspace
757 Spin and spectral signatures of polaron pairs in π-conjugated polymers1997Textir_uspace
758 Spin and spectral signatures of polaron pairs in ∏-conjugated polymers1997-08Textir_uspace
759 Spin current and polarization in impure two-dimensional electron systems with spin-orbit coupling2004-11Textir_uspace
760 Spin dependent photoinduced absorption in a-Si:H1997Textir_uspace
761 Spin detection in quantum dots by electric currents2004-02Textir_uspace
762 Spin dynamics in organic spin valves based on La⅔Sr⅓MnO3 electrodes2007-06Textir_uspace
763 Spin dynamics of triplet photoexcitations in C60: evidence for a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect1995-07Textir_uspace
764 Spin freezing below the nearest-neighbor percolation concentration in Cd1-xMnxTe and Cd1-xMnxSe1986-05Textir_uspace
765 Spin glass behavior of Cd1-xMnxTe below the nearest-neighbor percolation limit1985Textir_uspace
766 Spin Hall edge spin polarization in a ballistic 2D electron system2007-09Textir_uspace
767 Spin-dependent delayed luminescence from nongeminate pairs of polarons in ∏-conjugated polymers2002-12Textir_uspace
768 Spin-dependent kinetics of polaron pairs in organic light-emitting diodes studied by electroluminescence detected magnetic resonance dynamics2008-11Textir_uspace
769 Spin-dependent processes at the crystalline Si-SiO2 interface at high magnetic fields2008-07Textir_uspace
770 Spin-dependent recombination - an electronic readout mechanism for solid state quantum computers2002-10Textir_uspace
771 Spin-glass behavior in dilute magnetic alloys with hcp structure1982-05Textir_uspace
772 Spin-glass transition of a dilute Ag-Mn alloy in a magnetic field1986-01Textir_uspace
773 States in the gap of doped and undoped a-Si:H studied by the photomodulation spectroscopy1987Textir_uspace
774 Static hybrid quarkonium potential with improved staggered quarks2003-05Textir_uspace
775 Static quark potential in three flavor QCD2000-07Textir_uspace
776 Static screening lengths in the gluon plasma1986-10Textir_uspace
777 Statistical distribution for generalized ideal gas of fractional-statistics particles1994-08Textir_uspace
778 Statistical mechanics of CuO2 plane in the presence of localized holes1988-10Textir_uspace
779 Statistical transfer matrix of a spin-glass ladder1999Textir_uspace
780 Status of the VERITAS observatory2008Textir_uspace
781 Steady-state distribution function in dilute electron gases1960-10Textir_uspace
782 Steady-state photomodulation spectroscopy of α-Si:H/α-SiNx:H multilayer structures1987-05Textir_uspace
783 Stellar orbit constraints on neutralino annihilation at the galactic center2006-09Textir_uspace
784 Stimulated emission depletion of triplet excitons in a phosphorescent organic laser2006Textir_uspace
785 Stimulated emission in high-gain organic media1999-02Textir_uspace
786 Strange solutions to field theories in one spatial dimension1981Textir_uspace
787 String breaking in lattice QCD1999-03Textir_uspace
788 String breaking in lattice quantum chromodynamics1998-12Textir_uspace
789 Studies of charged excitations in ∏-conjugated oligomers and polymers by optical modulation1996-08Textir_uspace
790 Studies of photoexcited states in polyacetylene and poly(parpahenylenevinylene) by absorption detected magnetic resonance: the case of neutral photoexcitations1992-02Textir_uspace
791 Studies of picosecond carrier dynamics in polysilane alloys: evidence for geminate recombination in small hydrogenated amorphous silicon clusters1990Textir_uspace
792 Studies of polymer microring lasers subject to uniaxial stress2007Textir_uspace
793 Studies of Raman scattering in novel disubstituted acetylene polymers1997Textir_uspace
794 Studies of resonant and preresonant femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing in unoriented conducting polymers1991Textir_uspace
795 Study of magneto-electroluminescence and magneto-conductance in polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells2011Textir_uspace
796 Study of utraslow atomic motions by magnetic resonance1964Textir_uspace
797 SU(3) lattice gauge theory with adjoint action at nonzero temperature1995-04Textir_uspace
798 Sub-10 nm lateral spatial resolution in scanning capacitance microscopy achieved with solid platinum probes2004Textir_uspace
799 Subaru FOCAS spectroscopic observations of high-redshift supernovae2010-01-01Textir_uspace
800 Substantial nuclear ordering in solid He31969-11Textir_uspace
701 - 800 of 926