51 - 75 of 626
Number of results to display per page
51 Stimulated emission in high-gain organic media1999-02Text
52 First observation of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin suppression2008-03Text
53 Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem. II. Finite T1984-06Text
54 Characteristics of YBaCuO magnetic shields1991-03Text
55 Exotic meson spectroscopy from the clover action at β = 5.85 and 6.15*1999-03Text
56 Heavy-light meson decay constants with N f = 32003-05Text
57 Leptonic decay constants fDs and fD in three flavor lattice QCD2005-03Text
58 Phase transition of model interacting chains1981-12Text
59 Static hybrid quarkonium potential with improved staggered quarks2003-05Text
60 SU(3) lattice gauge theory with adjoint action at nonzero temperature1995-04Text
61 Topological susceptibility with three flavors of staggered quarks2005-03Text
62 Anomalous transmission through heavily doped conducting polymer films with periodic subwavelength hole array2006Text
63 Optical studies of triplet excitations in poly(p-phenylene vinylene)1999-10Text
64 Frequency modulation method for performing adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating reference frame1970Text
65 Excitons, polarons, and laser action in poly(p-phenylene vinylene) films2003Text
66 Calibration of SQUID magnetometer for dilute alloy studies1979Text
67 Excited states in staggered meson propagators2004-03Text
68 Exotic hybrid mesons from improved Kogut-Susskind fermions2003-05Text
69 Heavy-light decay constants using clover valence quarks and three flavors of dynamical improved staggered quarks2005-03Text
70 Heavy-light decay constants: conclusions from the Wilson action1999-03Text
71 Infrared ultrafast optical probes of photoexcitations in ∏-conjugated organic semiconductors2005Text
72 Light quark spectrum with improved gauge and fermion actions1998-04Text
73 Nanoscale fluorescence microscopy using carbon nanotubes2008-07Text
74 Phase diagram of high temperature QCD with three flavors of improved staggered quarks2004-03Text
75 Quark loop effects in semileptonic form factors for heavy-light mesons2004-03Text
51 - 75 of 626