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1 Ailion, David Charles31P NMR spin-lattice relaxation: structural glass dynamics in Rb1-x(ND4)xD2PO4We performed 3 1P NMR measurements of the temperature-dependent spin-lattice relaxation time in several mixed single crystals of Rbi_x(ND4 ) xD2P04 [DRADP] having different ammonium concentration x (x =0.22, 0.44, 0.78) as well as in three pure single crystals (ND4)D2P04 [DADP], (NH4)H2P04 [ADP], an...NMR; Spin-lattice; Relaxation; Crystals; Glass; Spin-glass1993
2 Ailion, David Charles; Blinc, Robert35Cl spin-lattice relaxation in incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfoneThe 35C1 nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) spin-lattice relaxation rate in incommensurate bis(4- chlorophenyl)sulfone (BCPS) is determined by Raman processes below 60 K and by direct one-phonon processes above 60 K. The variation of the 35C1 spin-lattice relaxation rate over the incommensurate NQR...35Cl; Incommensurate bis(4-chlorophenyl)sulfone; Raman processes; NQR; Incommensurate systems1995-01
3 Ailion, David Charles79Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance lineshape and Raman-induced spin-lattice relaxation in the incommensurate phase of β- ThBr4We performed 7 9Br nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) line-shape and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements in the incommensurate (D system j8-ThBr4 over the temperature range 293-2.5 K. In addition, we extended the theory of the effects of Raman processes on amplitudon and phason spin-lattice re...Spin-lattice; NQR; Raman process; Line shape; Phason gap; Incommensurate systems1989
4 Ailion, David Charles93Nb NMR in the imcommensurate and quasi-commensurate phases of barium sodium niobateNMR spectra have been measured for the quadrupole perturbed 1/2 -1/2 transition of 9 3Nb in barium sodium niobate (BSN) between 300 and 650 K. The spectra are inhomogeneously broadened in the incommensurate (/) phase between T7 = 580 K and r c = 540 K as well as in the quasicommensurate (QC) phase ...NMR; Spectra; Barium sodium niobate; Line shapes1994
5 Wu, Yong-ShiAbsence of (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in world-sheet gauge theories: a purely cohomological proofA purely cohomological proof is given for the absence of the (1,0) supersymmetry anomaly in gauge theories on a world sheet. In particular, it is shown that generalized cohomological approaches to anomalies in supersymmetric gauge theory, either formulated in whole superconnection space or only in t...World sheet; String theory; Superfields; Superspace1989-01
6 Symko, Orest GeorgeAbsorption at radio frequencies in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3OyThe large magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics and powders decreases slowly with increasing frequency in the range 2-16 MHz. The magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption is observed below Tc in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics, powders and twinned crystals ...Copper-octahedral oxygen perovskites; Superconducting Y1Ba 2Cu3Oy; ac absorption1989
7 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAbsorption studies of charged excitations in α-sexithiopheneWe present photoexcitation studies of vacuum deposited neutral films of α,ω-substituted sexithiophene (α-6T) using photoinduced absorption (PA) and PAdetected magnetic resonance spectroscopy (PADMR). We find evidence for photoinduced polarons having spin 1/2, with two absorption bands at 0.80...alpha- sexithiophene; Charged excitations; Photoexcitation; Photoinduced absorption1996
8 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAbsorption-detected magnetic-resonance studies of photoexcitations in conjugated-polymer/C60 compositesPhotoexcitations in poly[2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy -p-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) and composites of MEH-PPV and C60 (MEH-PPV/C60) were studied by photoinduced absorption and absorptiondetected magnetic-resonance spectroscopies. We report direct evidence that the prominent triplet photoexci...Photoexcitations; Conjugated-polymer/C60 composites; Triplet photoexcitations1996-02
9 Symko, Orest GeorgeAdiabatic compressional cooling of He3By adiabatic compression of a two-phase mixture of liquid and solid He3, temperatures below 2.5 mK have been obtained. These are in the range expected for nuclear ordering in solid He3.He3; Adiabatic compressional cooling1969-03
10 Gondolo, PaoloAGAPE, a microlensing search in the direction of M31: status reportThe M31 galaxy in Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy after the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. It is a giant galaxy, roughly 2 times as large as our Milky Way, and has its own halo. As pointed by some of us [1, 2] and independantly by A. Crotts [3], M31 provides a rich field of stars to searc...AGAPE; Andromeda Gravitational Amplification Pixel Experiment; Microlensing; MACHO; Massive compact halo objects1995
11 Wu, Yong-ShiAlgebraic and geometric aspects of generalized quantum dynamicsWe briefly discuss some algebraic and geometric aspects of the generalized Poisson bracket and noncommutative phase space for generalized quantum dynamics, which are analogous to properties of the classical Poisson bracket and ordinary symplectic structure.Quantum dynamics; Jacobi identity1994-06
12 Mattis, Daniel C.; Sutherland, BillAmbiguities with the relativistic δ-function potentialIn many cases of physical interest, the 6-function potential is a very convenient approximation to more structured, and more difficult, short-ranged potentials. In relativistic theories, its use is often mandated because only a mathematical point has a relativistically invariant shape. Neverthele...Delta function; Energy states1981-09
13 Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A.Amplitude and phase modes in trans-polyacetylene: resonant Raman scattering and induced infrared activityThe resonant Raman scattering (RRS) from the three Ag modes of trans-polyacetylene and the charged-induced ir modes are analyzed with use of the amplitude- and phase-mode theories. It is shown that the observed phonon frequencies and the relative intensities of all modes obtained at various laser ex...Induced infrared activity; Ag modes; Amplitude modes; Phase modes; Trans-polyacetylene1987-07
14 Wu, Yong-ShiAnalyzing powers for ∏±-13C scattering at T∏=100 MeVMeasurements of the analyzing power for the nC(rr±,rr±) reaction at Trr = 100 MeV have been made at TRIUMF using a polarized target consisting of 99% 1 3C enriched butanol. Data were obtained for the ground and 3.68 MeV excited states at angles from 110° to 150° in 10° steps. The data are con...1992-02
15 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineAnomalous optical and ESR properties of doped polydiethynylsilanesThe optical, transport, and ESR properties of soluble conducting four-membered polydiethynylsilane heterocycles are described. The undoped one-dimensional gap is 2.0 eV in both films and solutions; no photoluminescence is observed. I2 doping induces a single absorption band at -1.05 eV in solutions...Polydiethynylsilane; Doped polydiethynylsilanes1991-09
16 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomalous skin effect in a magnetic fieldA classical and quantum mechanical derivation of cyclotron resonance in metals is given. The classical result differs slightly from that obtained by Azbel and Kaner. The quantum derivation yields the same result as the classical calculation except that in the limit of low quantum numbers or high m...Cyclotron resonance; Skin effect; Quantum transport1958-07
17 Mattis, Daniel C.Anomaly in spin-wave spectrum of magnetic metalsIt is pointed out that in the band theory of magnetism the magnons have frequencies comparable to the Fermi energy. Therefore, in the calculation of the magnon spectrum of iron, nickel, cobalt, etc., it is the time- or frequency-dependent response function of the electrons which is used, and this ...Magnetic metals1966-11
18 Wu, Yong-ShiAnyons on a torus: braid group, Aharonov-Bohm period, and numerical studyWe present a careful construction of anyons on a torus starting with the braid-group analysis. The rules of Wen, Dagotto, and Fradkin for putting anyons on a torus are reproduced with some minor improvements. The existence of noncontractible loops leads to braid-group representations characterized n...Braid group; Magnetic flux1991-05
19 Symko, Orest GeorgeApplication of SQUID magnetometer to nuclear magnetic thermometryThis paper presents an application of a SQUID magnetometer for low temperature thermometry using the magnetic properties of a nuclear paramagnet. The static magnetization of a material which obeys Curie's law provides a very sensitive means of thermometry. Also included in the device is the capabi...SQUID magnetometer; Nuclear magnetic thermometry; Low temperature thermometry1976
20 Mattis, Daniel C.Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problemThe problem of a single magnetic, Wolff-model impurity in an otherwise ideal metallic host is investigated using the nonperturbative Lanczos method. Convergence is very rapid. The many-body ground-state energy is investigated and comparisons are made with Tomonaga operator theory and other weak-coup...Lattice; Electrons; Interaction; Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals1983
21 Mattis, Daniel C.Application of tridiagonalization to the many-body problem. II. Finite TIn a previous paper of the same title, we obtained the ground-state energy of a magnetic (Wolff-model) impurity in a nonmagnetic metal. In the present Brief Report, we calculate the impurity's contribution to the density of states and heat capacity of the metal at low temperatures. Here, the Lancz...Ground-state energy; Tridiagonalization; Magnetic impurity; Nonmagnetic metals; Heat capacity1984-06
22 Ailion, David Charles; Morris, Alan H.Asymmetric spin echo sequences. a simple new method for obtaining NMR 1H spectral imagesThe nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal decay produced by reversible tissue-induced dephasing of the magnetization components in the transverse plane (reversible tissue-induced dephasing) was measured and expressed as a function of a new transverse relaxation time T'2 (T2 prime) for samples of ...Asymmetric spin echo; Signal decay; Chemical shift; Tissue characterization; Lung aeration; Fatty liver1985
23 Williams, Clayton C.Atomic force microscope-force mapping and profiling on a sub 100-Å scaleA modified version of the atomic force microscope is introduced that enables a precise measurement of the force between a tip and a sample over a tip-sample distance range of 30-150Å. As an application, the force signal is used to maintain the tip-sample spacing constant, so that profiling can be ...Attractive force; Silicon wafer1987
24 Symko, Orest GeorgeBackground signals in SQUID magnetometersSince a SQUID magnetometer is an extremely sensitive device capable of detecting minute magnetic flux changes in a sample, it will also detect unwanted signals from materials near the magnetometer. The presence of temperature dependent "background signals" limits the accuracy of measurements of ...SQUID magnetometer; Background signals1974
25 Sokolsky, PierreBackward production in π-p→pπ+π-π- at 8 GeV/c*We have studied backward baryon and meson production in π'p → pπ+pπ +π-π- at 8.0 GeV/c using a streamer chamber triggered by the detection of a fast forward proton. Our data sample (1227 events) displays prominent N*p and N*f quasi-two-body production. These states are investigated with rega...1976-01
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