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1 Ailion, David CharlesSelf-switching Q-damping circuit for reducing transmitter ringdown time in high power pulse NMRIn this paper we describe a circuit for reducing the transmitter ringdown time and thereby improving the recovery time in pulse NMR experiments. The circuit uses only solid state devices and requires no external switching. For transmitter voltages less than 0.5 V peak to peak the effective resista...Circuits; NMR experiments; Rf pulse1970
2 Lupton, John MarkMolecular thermometer based on long-lived emission from platinum octaethyl porphyrinA highly sensitive molecular thermometer based on platinum octaethyl porphyrin, which can be employed in a range of environments, is presented. The thermal activation of the emission spectrum results in a change in emission intensity by an order of magnitude over a temperature range of 45 K about ro...Molecular thermometer; Platinum octaethyl porphyrin2002
3 Gerton, JordanSinglet s-wave scattering lengths of 6Li and 7LiPhotoassociation of ultracold lithium atoms into bound vibrational levels of the A 1Σu+ excited state is used to probe the X1Σg+ ground-state interaction potential of 6Li2 and 7Li2 . It had been predicted that the s-wave photoassociation signal strength would pass through a minimum as a function...1996-06
4 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineStudies of picosecond carrier dynamics in polysilane alloys: evidence for geminate recombination in small hydrogenated amorphous silicon clustersThe ultrafast photocarrier dynamics in polysilane alloys amorphous (SiH2)n' has been studied using the picosecond photoinduced absorption (PA) technique. For excitation below the optical gap, the PA response decays exponentially and is faster at low temperatures. This is interpreted in terms of e-h ...Picosecond carrier dynamics; Polysilane alloys; Geminate recombination; a-Si:H; Amorphous silicon; Ultrafast relaxation; Photoexcited carriers1990
5 Symko, Orest GeorgeAbsorption at radio frequencies in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3OyThe large magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics and powders decreases slowly with increasing frequency in the range 2-16 MHz. The magnetic-field-dependent ac absorption is observed below Tc in superconducting Y1Ba2Cu3Oy ceramics, powders and twinned crystals ...Copper-octahedral oxygen perovskites; Superconducting Y1Ba 2Cu3Oy; ac absorption1989
6 Vardeny, Zeev ValentineMagneto-optical studies of photoexcitations in C61We have used a variety of cw optical and optically detected magnetic-resonance techniques to characterize long-lived photoexeitations in methanofullerene (C6 1) as a dispersion in polystyrene glass, at temperatures below 10 K. We identify triplet excitons with zero-field-splitting (ZFS) parameters...Photoexcitations; C61; Methanofullerene1993-12
7 Symko, Orest GeorgeExchange interactions and magnetic dimension in Cu(L-alanine)2A study of the magnetic properties of the copper (II) complex of the amino acid L-alanine [CU(Lalanine) 2] is reported. The susceptibility of a powder sample has been measured between 0.013 and 240 K. A linear-spin-chain model with antiferromagnetic exchange coupling J = -0.52 K fits well the susce...Cu(L-alanine)2; Exchange interactions; Magnetic dimension1991-01
8 Boehme, ChristophElectrical detection of coherent 31P spin quantum statesIn recent years, a variety of solid-state qubits has been realized, including quantum dots [1, 2], superconducting tunnel junctions [3, 4] and point defects [5, 6]. Due to its potential compatibility with existing microelectronics, the proposal by Kane [7, 8] based on phosphorus donors in Si has als...Spin quantum states; Qubits; Rabi flops2006-11-19
9 Kieda, David B.Observation of the shadows of the moon and sun using 100 TeV cosmic raysThe Chicago Air Shower Array (CASA) is a large ground-based scintillation detector [1-4]. It is located at the Dugway Proving Ground is west central Utah, latitude 40°N and mean atmospheric depth 870 g / c m 2. A schematic aerial view of CASA is shown in Fig. 1. Each dot represents one scintil...Chicago Air Shower Array; Scintillation detectors; Ultrahigh energy cosmic rays1994-02
10 Lupton, John MarkControl of mobility in molecular organic semiconductors by dendrimer generationConjugated dendrimers are of interest as novel materials for light-emitting diodes. They consist of a luminescent chromophore at the core with highly branched conjugated dendron sidegroups. In these materials, light emission occurs from the core and is independent of generation. The dendron branchin...Dendrimer generation; Dendron branching; Charge transport; Mobility2001-03
11 Mattis, Daniel C.Effects of orbital degeneracy on a magnetic impurity in a nonmagnetic metalWe study the Green's-function equations for a version of the two-orbital Anderson model of a magnetic impurity, in an approximation scheme that displays the logarithmic anomalies and enables the Kondo temperature Tĸ to be calculated as a function of the parameters. The nature of the solutions is ex...Orbital degeneracy; Magnetic impurities; Nonmagnetic metal; Kondo temperature; Anomalous resonances1969-02
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