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1 Downes, Stephen M.Heredity and heritabilityPhilosophical discussions of heredity have focused on the sustainability of heritability analyses and more recently on the units of heredity. Here I introduce the concept of heritability and the problems associated with it. Next the units of heredity discussion is introduced. Here I consider alterna...DNA; Heredity; Heritability2004-07-15
2 Plutynski, AnyaModeling evolution in theory and practiceThis paper uses a number of examples of diverse types and functions of models in evolutionary biology to argue that the demarcation between theory and practice, or "theory model" and "data model." is often difficult to make. It is shown how both mathematical and laboratory models function as plausib...Models; Theory; Data; Evolutionary biology2001
3 Tuttle, Howard N.Ortega's vitalism in relation to aspects of Lebensphilosophie and phenomenologyJose Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955) claimed that since 1914, with the publication of his Meditations on Quixote, the basis of all his thinking had been the phenomenon of human life.' Both Ortega and his commentators have noted the similarity of his idea of human life to certain aspects of recent German...1981
4 Downes, Stephen M.Can scientific development and children's cognitive development be the same process?Assesses the value of the developmental psychology of science proposed by Alison Gopnik and Andrew Meltzoff to the understanding of scientific development. Role of distinctions between ontogeny and phylogeny when appealing to biology for theoretical support; Conception of cognition as a set of verid...Cognition; Developmental psychology; Ontogeny; Phylogeny; Science, Philosophy2001-09-11
5 Mallon, Ronald'Race': normative, not metaphysical or semanticIn recent years, there has been a flurry of work on the metaphysics of race. While it is now widely accepted that races do not share robust, biobehavioral essences, opinions differ over what, if anything, race is. Recent work has been divided between three apparently quite different answers. A varie...2006
6 Plutynski, AnyaStrategies of model building in population geneticsIn 1966, Richard Levins argued that there are different strategies in model building in population biology. In this paper, I reply to Orzack and Sober's (1993) critiques of Levins and argue that his view on modeling strategies apply also in the context of evolutionary genetics. In particular, I arg...2006
7 Thalos, Mariam G.The lens of chemistryChemistry possesses a distinctive theoretical lens?a distinctive set of theoretical concerns regarding the dynamics and transformations of a perplexing variety of organic and nonorganic substances?to which it must be faithful. Even if it is true that chemical facts bear a special (reductive) relati...2012
8 Nichols, ShaunAdaptive complexity and phenomenal consciousnessFocuses on epiphenomenalism problems in arguments about evolutionary function of phenomenal consciousness. Implications of cognitive neuropsychology evidence for the structure of phenomenal consciousness; Distinction of different kinds of epiphenominalist arguments; Provision of a developmental basi...Cognitive neuroscience; Cognizant; Exceptional2001-09-11
9 Haber, MatthewReframing the ethical issues in part-human animal research: the unbearable ontology of inexorable moral confusionResearch that involves the creation of animals with human-derived parts opens the door to potentially valuable scientific and therapeutic advances, yet invokes unsettling moral questions. Critics and champions alike stand to gain from clear identification and careful consideration of the strongest e...2012-01-01
10 Francis, LeslieJustice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract TheoryThe article focuses on the flaws of the social contract theory. It explores how hostile the social contract as a bargaining process has been thought to distance disabled people from contract-based justice. It analyzes the argument that the history of social contract theory exclude the people with di...Consensus, social sciences; Discrimination; Social contract; Social ethics; Sociology of disability2005-10
11 Thalos, Mariam G.From human nature to moral PhilosophyIn this essay I've illustrated the effects of exposing the question of the self to empirical scrutiny, showing that it leads to a partial dissolution of the manifest image. And that this, in turn, leads to seeking articulation of the relationship between moral and political Philosophy;, as to whethe...Self; Empiricism; Moral Philosophy;; Political Philosophy2002
12 Mallon, RonaldInnateness as closed process invarianceAlthough we are enthusiastic about a Darwinian approach to culture, we argue that the overview presented in the target article does not sufficiently emphasize the crucial explanatory role that psychology plays in the study of culture. We use a number of examples to illustrate the variety of ways by...2006
13 Thalos, Mariam G.SystemsDynamical-systems analysis is nowadays ubiquitous. From engineering (its point of origin and natural home) to physiology, and from psychology to ecology, it enjoys surprisingly wide application. Sometimes the analysis rings decisively false-as, for example, when adopted in certain treatments of hist...2009
14 Battin, Margaret P.Review of angels of death: exploring the euthanasia undergroundRoger Magnusson's angels of death describes the practice of extralegal assisted suicide and euthanasia by physicians, nurses, technicians, and other health care professionals who provide care to seriously ill patients and patients with AIDS who are dying. It is based on a snowball sample of 49 detai...2003
15 Thalos, Mariam G.Truth deserves to be believedScience seems generally to aim at truth. And governmental support of science is often premised on the instrumental value of truth in service of advancing our practical objectives, both as individuals and as communities, large and small. While there is some political expediency to this view, it is no...2013-01-01
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