26 - 50 of 87
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26 Nichols, ShaunDo children think of the self as the soul?Bering's work provides new insight into the child's concept of the self. For his results indicate that children don't regard bodily identity as required for identity of self across time. Bering's methodology for investigating afterlife beliefs might also be exploited to explore the extent to which c...2006-10
27 Mallon, RonaldInnateness as closed process invarianceAlthough we are enthusiastic about a Darwinian approach to culture, we argue that the overview presented in the target article does not sufficiently emphasize the crucial explanatory role that psychology plays in the study of culture. We use a number of examples to illustrate the variety of ways by...2006
28 Nichols, ShaunNormativity and epistemic intuitionsIn this paper we propose to argue for two claims. The first is that a sizable group of epistemological projects -- a group which includes much of what has been done in epistemology in the analytic tradition -- would be seriously undermined if one or more of a cluster of empirical hypotheses about ep...Epistemology; Intuition; Empirical hypotheses2001
29 Nichols, ShaunMind's "I" and the theory of mind's "I": introspection and two concepts of selfIntrospection plays a crucial role in modern Philosophy; in two different ways. From the beginnings of modern Philosophy;, introspection has been used as a tool for philosophical exploration in a variety of thought experiments. But modern philosophers (e.g., Locke and Hume) also tried to characteri...Introspection; Self; Self-awareness; Cognition2000
30 Thalos, Mariam G.From human nature to moral PhilosophyIn this essay I've illustrated the effects of exposing the question of the self to empirical scrutiny, showing that it leads to a partial dissolution of the manifest image. And that this, in turn, leads to seeking articulation of the relationship between moral and political Philosophy;, as to whethe...Self; Empiricism; Moral Philosophy;; Political Philosophy2002
31 Battin, Margaret P.Review of angels of death: exploring the euthanasia undergroundRoger Magnusson's angels of death describes the practice of extralegal assisted suicide and euthanasia by physicians, nurses, technicians, and other health care professionals who provide care to seriously ill patients and patients with AIDS who are dying. It is based on a snowball sample of 49 detai...2003
32 Nichols, ShaunConfabulation, confidence, and introspectionCarruthers' arguments depend on a tenuous interpretation of cases from the confabulation literature. Specifically, Carruthers maintains that cases of confabulation are "subjectively indistinguishable" from cases of alleged introspection. However, in typical cases of confabulation, the self-attributi...Confabulation; Carruthers2009-04
33 Haber, MatthewCoherence, consistency, and cohesion: Clade selection in Okasha and beyondSamir Okasha argues that clade selection is an incoherent concept, because the relation that constitutes clades is such that it renders parent-offspring (reproduction) relations between clades impossible. He reasons that since clades cannot reproduce, it is not coherent to speak of natural selection...Biological classification; Cladistics; Taxonomy2005-12
34 Battin, Margaret P.Coping with methuselah the impact of molecular biology on medicine and societyThe prospect of extra-long life spawns a bloom of ethical issues, among them how to achieve intergenerational equity; how to balance health care entitlements with rising costs for the elderly; how to divide years of life between work and retirement; how to assign the responsibilities of young family...2004
35 Andreou, ChrisoulaOn natural goodness by Philippa FootIn her 1972 paper 'Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives', Philippa Foot boldly challenged the common assumption that viciousness is a form of irrationality and embraced a picture of practical rationality according to which an agent's reasons for action are grounded in nothing other th...Irrationality; Evaluation; Natural defect2005
36 Battin, Margaret P.Dying in 559 beds: efficiency, "best buys," and the ethics of standardization in national health careIn The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, the "heavy, difficult book" begun in Rome during the winter of 1903-4 and not finished until 1910 in Paris, Rilke employs a series of rapid, jolting impressions to express his pervasive concern with death and his distress about the institutional character o...1992
37 Millgram, ElijahPractical reason and the structure of actionsA wave of recent philosophical work on practical rationality is organized by the following implicit argument: Practical reasoning is figuring out what to do; to do is to act; so the forms of practical inference can be derived from the structure or features of action. Now it is not as though earlier ...Practical reasoning; Inference; Philosophy2005-08-24
38 Battin, Margaret P.Contributions of aestheticsThe most tempting answer to the question posed as the topic for these remarks -- "what can aesthetics contribute to a young person's ability to understand and value art?" -- is "nothing", or, at least, "embarrassingly little". Aesthetics, after all, is a field of philosophy, and hence a field dedi...1988
39 Thalos, Mariam G.Wit of knitting: a philosophical reflection on knitting things arightSeeing a pattern in a medium of yarn emerge on a pair of needles, initially from a single row of loops, and grow to become an article of clothing, is immensely satisfying. Indeed, every moment of knitting provides immediate gratification. This is perhaps why knitting, like many other occupations of ...2008
40 Andreou, ChrisoulaGetting on in a varied worldAre greed and ruthlessness contrary to reason? Is immorality a form of irrationality? Much of contemporary ethical theory is a debate between Kantians, who argue that the dictates of morality are dictates of reason, and Humeans, who argue that reason is neutral between morality and immorality. T...Kantians; Humeans; Immorality2006
41 Francis, LeslieNo disability standpoint here!: law school faculties and the invisibility problemEndeavors to increase diversity in higher education invite many questions, including concerns about consistent and categorical application of the motivating values. For example, do law schools, and especially elite law schools, do enough to promote inclusiveness in the legal profession if their eff...Diversity; Higher education; Law school faculties; Invisibility problem2008
42 Downes, Stephen M.Heredity and heritabilityPhilosophical discussions of heredity have focused on the sustainability of heritability analyses and more recently on the units of heredity. Here I introduce the concept of heritability and the problems associated with it. Next the units of heredity discussion is introduced. Here I consider alterna...DNA; Heredity; Heritability2004-07-15
43 Mallon, RonaldOdd couple: the compatibility of social construction and evolutionary psychologyExamines the significance of evolutionary psychology and social constructionism in social sciences. Role of philosophical disputes in generating universal and local emotional phenomena; Relevance of adopting different theories of meaning and reference; Competition between philosophical disputes and ...Emotions; Genetic psychology; Social Sciences, Philosophy2001-09-11
44 Millgram, ElijahWho was Nietzsche's genealogist?Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals is deservedly part of the ethical canon, but it is also enormously and insistently absent-minded. I'm going to first present, as a textual puzzle, a handful of forgetful moments in the first two essays of the Genealogy. To address the puzzle, I will take up a familiar...2007-07
45 Thalos, Mariam G.Molecule-for-molecule duplicationIs a molecule-for-molecule duplicate D of some entity always a perfect duplicate of it? And in particular: is D a being with consciousness if its original is? These questions summarize a certain diagnostic tool used by metaphysicians, and prominently used in service of a form of dualism that is supp...Molecule-for-molecule duplication; MFM2008
46 Thalos, Mariam G.Truth deserves to be believedScience seems generally to aim at truth. And governmental support of science is often premised on the instrumental value of truth in service of advancing our practical objectives, both as individuals and as communities, large and small. While there is some political expediency to this view, it is no...2013-01-01
47 Battin, Margaret P.Two cardiac arrests, one medical teamThe most painful of all medical care decisions concerns life-preserving measures which, because of limited resources, require certain individuals to be excluded in favor of others. How does one weigh the relative rights of individuals to such care? Whenever possible, decisions to withhold lifesaving...1982
48 Millgram, ElijahLiberty, the higher pleasures, and Mill's missing science of ethnic jokesThe intended contribution to his moral theory of John Stuart Mill's famous distinction between higher and lower pleasures has occasioned long-standing puzzlement on the part of his more alert interpreters. I am going to explain how the distinction was meant, among other things, to allow Mill to demo...Higher pleasures; Lower pleasures; Ethnic jokes2009
49 Downes, Stephen M.Review of Kim Sterelny, Evolution of Agency and Other EssaysReviews the book 'The Evolution of Agency and Other Essays,' by Kim Sterelny.Books; Agent; Non-fiction2002-09
50 Battin, Margaret P.What are the potential cost savings from legalizing physician-assisted suicide?Quill decisions rejecting a constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Supreme Court allowed each state to decide whether to legalize the intervention. In state legislatures rather than courtrooms, factual claims about the probable extent and implications of permitting physician-assi...Managed Care Programs; Cost of Illness; Home Care Services1998
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