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1 A comparison of creatinine measurement by the Jaffe and enzymatic methods in an outpatient population2014-12Textir_etd
2 A correlation of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and the urinary tract to "Bacterial Allergy."1951Textir_etd
3 A hunt for bacterial genetic determinants of exprc host colonization2016Textir_etd
4 A member of the mycobiome modulates a host metabolite to increase intestinal permeability and disease2015-05Textir_etd
5 A Programming Role for Interleukin-2 in the Differentiation of Effector and Memory CD8+ T Cells, Unique From IL-15 and Independent of Stat52012-12Textir_etd
6 A transgenic zebrafish model of signaling through toll-like receptors2011-05Textir_etd
7 Activation of the apoptotic pathway in response to chemotherapy in childhood leukemia2000-05Textir_etd
8 Adequacy of capillary lead specimens1995-08Textir_etd
9 The affects of passaging strains of Mycoplasma arthritidis and Mycoplasma hominis, type 2, in the rat.1969-06Textir_etd
10 Alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone regulation of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 1-indicible biologic responses1989-06Textir_etd
11 Alteration of murine mammary tumor metastasis and growth by cytomegalovirus infection1980-06Textir_etd
12 Alternative treatment options for cryptococcal meningitis: the search for amphotericin B synergists2019Textir_etd
13 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas in conditional Pax3:Fkhr mice: cooperativity of Ink4a/ARF and Trp53 loss of function.2004-11-01Textir_uspace
14 An audit of repeat testing at an academic medical center: consistency of order patterns with recommendations and potential cost savings2018Textir_etd
15 An evaluation of mitochondrial DNA resequencing array mitochip version 2.0 in comparison with sanger sequencing2012-08Textir_etd
16 Analysis of antibody responses to streptococcal and tissue antigens in patients with acute rheumatic fever2007-05Textir_etd
17 Analysis of pilin polymerization in a uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain containing two pyelonephritis-associated (pap)gene clusters.1988-06Textir_etd
18 Analytical characteristics of ICAT-LC-MS/MS for quantitative proteomics studies2005-06-03Textir_uspace
19 Anti-tuberculosis IgG antibodies as a marker of active mycobacterium tuberculosis disease2012-01-01Textir_uspace
20 Antigen presentation function of type-1 diabetes associated HLA-DQ molecules2016-05Textir_etd
21 Antigenic properties of California encephalitis viruses1975-06Textir_etd
22 Aspects of the ingestive and cytopeptic action of phagocytes.1957-03Textir_etd
23 Aspects of the relationship between irradiation injury and mammalian host defenses.1954Textir_etd
24 Assessment of the utility of viral culture of cerebrospinal fluid2006-12-15Textir_uspace
25 Autoregulation of phage P22 scaffolding protein synthesis1984-12Textir_etd
26 Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia with retinal degeneration: clinical, neuropathologic, and genetic analysis of a large kindred.1994-08Textir_uspace
27 Bacteriologic aspects of chronic pulmonary emphysema1962-08Textir_etd
28 BALB C mice: a novel model for borrelia burgdorferi-induced lyme arthritis2017-08Textir_etd
29 Basic studies on a new sugar-tolerant yeast.1965-06Textir_etd
30 The Biochemistry and physiology of the endocytic apparatus1987-06Textir_etd
31 BRAF gene mutational analysis of the thyroid and correlation with clinicopathologic findings2005-08Textir_etd
32 Candidate locus analysis for PHACE syndrome2015-12Textir_etd
33 Cap-binding protein complex from uninfected and poliovirus- infected HeLa cells1987-12Textir_etd
34 Cap-binding protein in poliovirus-infected HeLa cells.1982-08Textir_etd
35 Carcinomatous meningitis as the presenting manifestation of gallbladder carcinoma: case report and review of the literature2004-10Textir_uspace
36 Case study approach to health science: design and implementation of an online course2001-08Textir_etd
37 Cell specific expressions of the murine CD21 gene.2001-12Textir_etd
38 Cellular immunity in tuberculosis1966-06Textir_etd
39 Certain immunological responses of wild rodents and laboratory animals following challenge with Pasteurella tularensis.1961-05Textir_etd
40 Characterization of candidate genes regulating the severity of lyme disease2001-12Textir_etd
41 Characterization of CD62L as a marker of hematopoietic differentiation in adult mice2010-12Textir_etd
42 Characterization of dendritic cells for in vitro induction of T cell tolerance2002-12Textir_etd
43 Characterization of exosomes2017Textir_uspace
44 Characterization of intronic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA22000-08Textir_etd
45 Characterization of OCA-B induction in naive CD4+ T cells2015-08Textir_etd
46 Characterization of Pactolus: transcription and function2003-05Textir_etd
47 Characterization of proteins regulating vesicular trafficking and protein sorting2004-08Textir_etd
48 Characterization of receptor redistribution and regulatory volume decrease in rabbit alveolar macrophages1987-12Textir_etd
49 Characterization of the movement of receptors and ligands through the endocytic apparatus in alveolar macrophages.1991-03Textir_etd
50 Characterization of the source and function of interleukin-10 during lyme arthritis development2011-12Textir_etd
51 Characterization of thymocyte progenitors in adult bone marrow and effects of cytokines on T cell development2006-12Textir_etd
52 Characterization of yeast genes involved in intracellular iron homeostatis1998-12Textir_etd
53 Characterizing the function of MON1A in membrane traffic and organelle maintenance in the secretory pathway2013-08Textir_etd
54 Chemical, serologic and skin test activities of polysaccharides extracted from Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidis1958-08Textir_etd
55 Chemotherapy of a herpesvirus hominis infection in newborn mice1973-08Textir_etd
56 Cis and trans-acting factors that regulate hepatitis A virus translation1992-12Textir_etd
57 Classification of mycobacteria by the aid of skin reactions1963-08Textir_etd
58 Clinical laboratory utility of Mass Cytometry2019Textir_etd
59 Cloning and characterization of an iron-uptake ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter of Bartonella henselae2001-08Textir_etd
60 Cloning of the E1M gene of human papillomavirus type 16 and production of an antibody to the E1M protein1990-06Textir_etd
61 Comparable effects of DIGIBIND and DigiFab in thirteen digoxin immunoassays2002Textir_uspace
62 Comparative studies of cellular resistance to Candida albicans infections in mice1972-06Textir_etd
63 Comparing the virulence and prevalence of shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli (STEC) O157 and non-O517 serogroups2012-05Textir_htoa
64 Comparison of 5 noncoding region primer sets in the detection of hepatitis C virus using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction1995-08Textir_etd
65 Comparison of capillary zone and immunosubtraction with agarose gel and immunofixation electrophoresis for detecting and identifying monoclonal gammopathies1999Textir_uspace
66 Comparison of five automated serum and whole blood folate assays2003Textir_uspace
67 Comparison of four enzyme immunoassays with a western blot assay for the determination of type-specific antibodies to herpes simplex virus2001Textir_uspace
68 Comparison of laboratory tests for assessing fetal maturity1998-12Textir_etd
69 Comparison of manual and automated cell counts in the diagnosis of pediatric appendicitis2016-05Textir_etd
70 Comparison of the biochemical and oxidative reactions of aureomycin-resistant and aureomycin-sensitive strains of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus1952Textir_etd
71 Comparison of the DIGENE HBV HYBRID CAPTURE II AND ROCHE COBAS Amplicor HBV Monitor Assays.2001-08-19Textir_uspace
72 Comparison of the National Genetics Institute (NGI) HCV Superquant and Roche COBAS Amplicor HCV Monitor, Version 2.0 Assays2000-04-22Textir_uspace
73 Comparison of three methods of detection for group a strep pharyngitis: Illumigene® Group A Streptococcus DNA amplification assay, OSOM® Ultra Strep A Test, and routine bacteriologic culture2014-12Textir_etd
74 Concentration and purification studies of western equine encephalitis virus.1964-06Textir_etd
75 Concentration of acid-fast bacilli with water-insoluble liquids1956-08Textir_etd
76 Consequences of MU opioid receptor agonism on tyrosine Kinase inhibitor activity in PH+ Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia2019Textir_etd
77 Continuous monitoring of the polymerase chain reaction for hepatitis B virus: detection and quantitation1997-08Textir_etd
78 Contribution of glial cells to pathology of coronavirus induced demyelination2019Textir_etd
79 The control of expression of the mouse Crry and Cr2 complement receptor genes1993-12Textir_etd
80 Convergent suppression as a mechanism for persistence of hepatitis C virus in a human in vitro system2010-12Textir_etd
81 Correlation between detection of herpes simplex virus in oral secretions by PCR and susceptibility to experimental UV radiation-induced herpes labialis.1994Textir_uspace
82 Cross platform comparison of melting curve analysis2005-11-04Textir_uspace
83 Cross-reactivity of three recombinant insulin analogs with five commercial insulin immunoassays2004Textir_uspace
84 CXCL1/CXCR2 signaling axis and disease progression in Pre-clinical animal models of multiple sclerosis2017Textir_etd
85 CXXC5 affects cell cycle of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and differentiation of myeloid cells2019Textir_etd
86 Cytokine signaling in endothelial cells1996-06Textir_etd
87 Defining stress resistance and persistence properties of uropathogenic E. Coli2013-12Textir_etd
88 Defining the interplay between bacterial pore-forming toxins and host proteases2019Textir_etd
89 Defining the multigenic basis of extraintestinal pathogenic E. Coli fitness and virulence2012-08Textir_etd
90 Defining the regulation of transitional B cell development and the expression of late transitional stage marker genes CD21 and CD23 by transcription factor networks and baff signaling2010-08Textir_etd
91 Defining the role of T cell dependent shaping of the microbiota to prevent dysbiosis and disease2017Textir_etd
92 Description and validation of a novel real-time RT-PCR enterovirus assay2008Textir_uspace
93 Design and validation of a clinical molecular assay for tropheryma whipplei2017Textir_etd
94 Detection of acetylcholine receptor modulating antibodies by Flow Cytometry2015-05Textir_etd
95 Detection of minimal residual disease in breast cancer patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue1998-12Textir_etd
96 Determination of cytokine responses using a multiplexed fluorescent microsphere immunoassay2002Textir_uspace
97 Determination of factors responsible for long-term survival of rat heart allografts1976-06Textir_etd
98 Determination of the six ApoE genotypes using an isolated probe-polymerase chain reaction technique combined with multiplexed unlabeled probes and high resolution melting analysis2006-08Textir_etd
99 Development and performance evaluation of a tandem mass spectrometry assay for 4 adrenal steroids2006Textir_uspace
100 Development and regulation of alloantibody responses following cardiac allograft transplantation.1993-12Textir_etd
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