301 - 400 of 404
Number of results to display per page
301 Posttranscriptional regulation of stress responses in extraintestinal pathogenic escherichia coli2019Textir_etd
302 Posttranscriptional regulation of the envelope in Escherichia coli2011-12Textir_etd
303 Preanalytic variation in plasma amino acids1999-12Textir_etd
304 Pregnancies complicated by antiphospholipid antibodies: effect of prednisone on the activated partial thromboplastin time and antiphospholipid antibody levels.1987-08Textir_etd
305 Preliminary investigations of eosinophil cationic related protein, a putative eosinophil granule protein.2005-12Textir_etd
306 Preparation and immunological properties of detoxified bacterial endotoxins1965-06Textir_etd
307 Primary interaction of poliovirus with host cells of tissue culture origin1958Textir_etd
308 Programming of immune responsiveness by end-organ metabolism of glucocorticoids.2007-08Textir_etd
309 Proinflammatory immune response and puerperal group a streptococcal sepsis2012-05Textir_etd
310 Properdin system in host resistance1959-08Textir_etd
311 Quantitative real time PCR assay for detecting BK virus in serum, plasma and urine.2005-05-02Textir_uspace
312 Quantitative real time PCR assay for detecting EBV virus in multiple sample types.2005-08-11Textir_uspace
313 Quantitative real time PCR assay for the detection of human herpes 6.2005-02-05Textir_uspace
314 Real time PCR assay for the detection of CMV using eclipse hybridization probes2004-08-11Textir_uspace
315 Real time PCR assays for the detection of viral pathogens - are they the gold standard?2003-11-11Textir_uspace
316 Real time RT-PCR assay for norovirus detection with eclipse probes and a non-competitive internal control.2005-05-03Textir_uspace
317 Regulated trafficking and spatially restricted signaling of the epidermal growth factor receptor in human mammary epithelial cells2000-05Textir_etd
318 Regulation of cyclooxygenase, prostanoids and prostanoid receptors in endothelial cells: implications in tumor angiogenesis2004-12Textir_etd
319 Regulation of ligand release and receptor signaling by the membrane-anchoring domains of epidermal growth factor receptor ligands2000-05Textir_etd
320 Regulation of Moloney murine retrovirus transcription by the ETS gene family1994-03Textir_etd
321 Regulation of pap pilin phase variation1991-06Textir_etd
322 Regulation of papBA transcription by the leucine-responsive regulatory and catabolite activator proteins.2000-08Textir_etd
323 Regulation of Salmonella typhimurium plasmid encoded fimbriae1999-08Textir_etd
324 Regulation of steroid hormone action in lymphoid organs.1996-12Textir_etd
325 Regulation of uropathogenic Escherichia coli stress response and persistence in the urinary tract2012-08Textir_etd
326 Relation of pyrogenic and emetic properties of enterobacteriaceal endotoxin and of staphylococcal enterotoxin1963-06Textir_etd
327 Relationship of the spleen to the cellular elements of the blood, and subsequent finding of a leukopenic substance in inflammatory tissue.1950Textir_etd
328 Repetitive sequences in Xenopus laevis1981-12Textir_etd
329 Replication of vesicular stomatitis virus.1979-06Textir_etd
330 Reproducing the Spanish Toxic Oil Syndrome in a murine model.2006-08Textir_etd
331 Resistance induced against parenteral and aerosol klebsiella pneumoniae infection in mice by specific and nonspecific immunization.1968-08Textir_etd
332 Respiratory tract illness surveillance in patients at a community clinic during the 2010 influenza season2012-12Textir_etd
333 Restoration of deficient P53 function in li-fraumeni syndrome fibroblasts through elephant P53 (EP53) expression2019Textir_etd
334 Retrospective fragile X study by capillary and agarose gel electrophoresis2011-05Textir_etd
335 Role for type 1 interferons in the exclusion of B cells from microphthalmic marrow2004-05Textir_etd
336 The role of ABCB10 in hemoglobinization and arginine metabolism2019Textir_etd
337 Role of exosomal mirnas in immune cell communication2017Textir_etd
338 The role of humoral factors in cellular resistance.1962-08Textir_etd
339 The role of microRNAs in promoting FLT3-ITD-induced myeloid malignancy2018Textir_etd
340 The role of mitoferrins in fatty liver disease2019Textir_etd
341 Role of MSH6 mutations in North American patients receiving clinical genetic testing for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer2007-09Textir_etd
342 Role of PapI in pyelonephritis-associated pili phase variation in Escherichia coli1997-06Textir_etd
343 Role of platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase in megakaryocytes and yeast2007-05Textir_etd
344 Role of poikilothermic animals in overwintering western equine encephalitis virus1967-06Textir_etd
345 Role of the blood coagulation system in arthritis and endotoxin induced inflammatory reactions in 6-sulfanilomidoindazole medicated rats1975-03Textir_etd
346 Role of the C62;5 and Dnak heat shock proteins in the response to nutritional deprivation and characterization of the C62;5 protein1988-12Textir_etd
347 The role of the Escherichia coli heat shock protein, grpE, in Escherichia coli growth and [1ambda] DNA replication.1988-12Textir_etd
348 Role of the laboratory in diagnosis of influenza during seasonal epidemics and potential pandemics2006Textir_uspace
349 The role of the T cell receptor in determining CD4+ differentiation and CD8+ Anti-Tumor Activity2018Textir_etd
350 Role of yFACT in transcriptional initiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae2006-12Textir_etd
351 Roles of transcription factor OCT1 and its Co-factor OCA-B in T cell memory and autoimmunity2019Textir_etd
352 SAMHD1 activity underlies Ifn responses and sex-dependent differences in macrophage infection by HIV-12018Textir_etd
353 Screening for antinuclear antibodies by enzyme immunoassay1996Textir_uspace
354 Second-tier testing for homocystinuria and for maple syrup urine disease2010Textir_etd
355 Selection of a biochemical marker for the early detection of acute myocardial infarction1991-12Textir_etd
356 Separation of mycobacterial soluble antigens1970-08Textir_etd
357 Sequence-based identification of gram negative nonfermenters using commercial 16S rDNA databases2005-08-29Textir_uspace
358 Sequencing of Exon 28 of von Willebrand Factor and Glycoprotein IB Genes to Identify Type 2B von Willebrand disease and platelet-type von Willebrand disease2010-03-17Textir_etd
359 Serologic classification of selected cases of myeloma1967-08Textir_etd
360 Serological response of mice to staphylococcal antigens1968-06Textir_etd
361 Simultaneous detection and discrimination of echinococcus granulosus and ecchinococcus multilularis using real-time polymerase chain reaction and high-resolution melting analysis2016-08Textir_etd
362 Single tube real-time RT-PCR Assay for the detection of enterovirus2004-09-11Textir_uspace
363 Species specificity of a Group B streptococcal enzyme that cleaves and inactivates C5a1992-08Textir_etd
364 Specificity characteristics of 7 commercial creatinine measurement procedures by enzymatic and jaffe method principles2012Textir_uspace
365 Specificity of mycobacterial sensitins.1966-08Textir_etd
366 Structure-function relationships of the Escherichia coli DnaJ molecular chaperone1994-08Textir_etd
367 Studies of bacterial genes whose products are involved in heat shock regulation and bacteriophage lambda DNA replication1987-12Textir_etd
368 Studies of poliovirus replication.1980-12Textir_etd
369 Studies of the E. Coli Gronb gene1982-08Textir_etd
370 Studies of vaccine adjuvants that can elicit the generation of mucosal immune responses to cutaneously delivered antigens2007-08Textir_etd
371 Studies on bacteriophage and host genes involved in morphogenesis.1982-08Textir_etd
372 Studies on rat-transplantation antigens1974-08Textir_etd
373 Studies on staphylococcus aureus with reference to coagulase activity1964-08Textir_etd
374 Studies on the cellular requirements for the in vitro generation of a cell-mediated immune response to syngeneic ultraviolet light-induced tumors.1979-08Textir_etd
375 Studies on the molecular mechanisms of lymphocyte extravasation.1984-08Textir_etd
376 Studies on the structure and metabolism of elastin and collagen1980-12Textir_etd
377 Studies on the third component of complement1981-08Textir_etd
378 The study of MHC class Ib molecules and MHC class Ib-restricted CD8 +T cell responses2012Textir_etd
379 Study of mouse brain phosphates after infection with Japanese B virus1950Textir_etd
380 Study of the antigenicity and antiseptic properties of chloroform and bromoform substituted products of otho-mata- and parachlorobenzaldenydeparachlorobenzaldenyde1940Textir_etd
381 Study of the mechanism of synthesis of Ethyl Acetate by Hansenula Anomala1952Textir_etd
382 Suppression of anti-syngeneic tumor responses by ultraviolet light-induced suppressor T lymphocytes.1978-06Textir_etd
383 Suppression of pulmonary antibacterial activity by virus infection1971-06Textir_etd
384 T cell proliferative response to mitogen derived from mycoplasma arthritidis in presence of la+ epidermal cells as an accessory cell source1988-06Textir_etd
385 T cell receptor-driven differentiation, maintenance and dynamic recall of CD4+ Memory T cells2013-12Textir_etd
386 T cell receptor-independent factors that control secondary effector CD4+ T cell function2018Textir_etd
387 Theiler's viruses with mutations in capsid protein VP1 lead to altered virus entry and pathogenesis.1997-08Textir_etd
388 Tn916[delta]e transposon mutagenesis and inactivation of group B streptococcus C5a-ASE1994-12Textir_etd
389 Transcription factor Oct1 in adult hematopoietic stress and its role with cofactor OCA-B in acute myeloid leukemia2019Textir_etd
390 The Transcription factor OCT1 in metabolism and malignancy2018Textir_etd
391 Transcription factor OCT1 regulates adult and malignant stem cells2013-12Textir_etd
392 Transcription of poliovirus RNA in vitro1986-12Textir_etd
393 Transcriptional regulation by the ACE2 and SWI5 activators in yeast1994-12Textir_etd
394 Translational control of the lambda late operon1984-12Textir_etd
395 Tumor antigen detection in human carcinoma1972-06Textir_etd
396 Type specificity and purification of the capsular antigen of a major type of Staphylococcus aureus1970-08Textir_etd
397 uAnalyze: web-based high-resolution DNA melting analysis with comparison to thermodynamic predictions2012-01-01Textir_uspace
398 Ultrasonic enhancement of antibiotic action on several species of bacteria1998Textir_uspace
399 uMELT: prediction of high-resolution melting curves and dynamic melting profiles of PCR products in a rich web application2011Textir_uspace
400 Understanding how viruses manipulate ubiquitin ligases to avoid innate immunity2015-05Textir_etd
301 - 400 of 404