101 - 200 of 404
Number of results to display per page
101 Development and validation of an automated thawing and mixing workcell2007Textir_uspace
102 Development of a sensitive polymerase chain reaction assay for group A streptococci1995-12Textir_etd
103 Development of an assay for modulating anti-acetylcholine autoantibodies using a human rhabdomyosarcoma cell line1998-12Textir_etd
104 Development of an assay for the detection of acetylcholine receptor blocking antibodies by Flow Cytometry2014-08Textir_etd
105 Development of assays for measurement of blocking and modulating autoacetylcholine receptor antibodies using rhabdomyosarcoma cells1993-12Textir_etd
106 Development of microplate immunoassay methods for the measurement of prostate specific antigen and its [alpha1antichymotrypsin complex in serum.1997-12Textir_etd
107 Diagnostic performance of phospholipid-specific assays for the evaluation of antiphospholipid syndrome2008-06-01Textir_uspace
108 Differential analysis of murine mast cells: function, differentiation, and adhesion1997-12Textir_etd
109 Differentiating monocytes into neurons2011-12Textir_etd
110 Differentiation of mycobacterium chelonae and M. abscessus using SmartCycler PCR and MGB eclipse probes2005-09-05Textir_uspace
111 Differentiation of species within mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by real-time PCR-based genomic deletion analysis2006-01-09Textir_uspace
112 Disrupted CXCR2 signaling on oligodendroglia lineage cells enhances myelin repair in a viral model of multiple sclerosis2019Textir_etd
113 Distinct roles of cellular copper and erythropoietin receptor on hematopoietic engraftment2010-02-03Textir_etd
114 DNA sequencing of the hepatits B virus for genotyping, antiviral resistance and HBSAG mutant detection.2007-12Textir_etd
115 DNA vaccination of SJL/J mice against Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus1997-08Textir_etd
116 DNMT3A and TET2 program CD4+ T cell differentiation and function during chronic viral infection2019Textir_etd
117 Do dentists prescribe narcotics excessively?1996-07-01Textir_uspace
118 Dysregulation of cytokine production with aging1997-03Textir_etd
119 Early detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin with consumer-grade testing methods2022Textir_htoa
120 Eclipse probe assay for the detection of mycoplasma pneumoniae.2005-09-11Textir_uspace
121 Effect of aging on the phenotype and function of bone marrow derived dendritic cells from BALB/c mice2002-08Textir_etd
122 Effect of incubation in vitro with triamcinolone acetonide on murine heart and skin allograft survival1973-06Textir_etd
123 Effect of prostate specific antigen (PSA) complex formation on PSA assays1994-06Textir_etd
124 Effect of T cell and alloantibody regulatory interactions on the immune responses stimulated by rat major and minor alloantigens.1972-08Textir_etd
125 Effect of temperature on the infectivity and propagation of western equine encephalitis virus1961-08Textir_etd
126 Effect of testosterone and methy-testosterone on the creatine, creatinine and guanidoacetic acid levels of plasms and urine1948-06Textir_etd
127 Effect of the RNAi pathway on HIV-1 infection and replication2007-08Textir_etd
128 Effects of calcium ions on L-type horizontal cells in the isolated turtle retina1990Textir_uspace
129 Effects of carbon monoxide on skeletal muscle.1974-06Textir_etd
130 Effects of cellular activation on lymphocyte recirculation1990-06Textir_etd
131 The effects of commonly used antibiotic medications on the efficacy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in Philadelphia Chromosome Positive Leukemia2017Textir_etd
132 Effects of hemoglobin (Hb) E and HbD traits on measurements of glycated Hb (HbA1c) by 23 methods.2008Textir_uspace
133 Effects of hemoglobin C and S traits on the results of 14 commercial glycated hemoglobin assays2008Textir_uspace
134 Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the production of epidermal-derived thymocyte activating factor/interleukin-11986-06Textir_etd
135 Elastin gene expression in human skin fibroblasts during development and in heritable diseases1986-08Textir_etd
136 Endogenous biotin and background staining in murine cardiac tissue using the avidin-biotin immunoperaxidase technique1991-03Textir_etd
137 Enhanced T cell response as a unique feature of Lyme arthritis in TLR2-deficient mice2006-12Textir_etd
138 Evaluation of a fecal pancreatic elastase-1 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: assessment versus an established assay and implication in classifying pancreatic function2005-09-25Textir_uspace
139 Evaluation of a PCR probe capture assay for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii: incorporation of uracil N-glycosylase for contamination control2000Textir_uspace
140 Evaluation of a reductive amination derivatization strategy using aldehydes to improve sensitivity in a plasma catecholamines LC-MS/MS assay2017Textir_etd
141 Evaluation of an enzyme-linked binding protein assay for hyaluronic acid and concentrations in hepatitis C infected patients2005-07-21Textir_uspace
142 Evaluation of antithrombogenic drug combination therapy utilizing an in vitro and ex vivo stent model2001-08Textir_etd
143 Evaluation of eight assays for the detection of Campylobacter SSP in the Intermountain West2012-12Textir_etd
144 The evaluation of erythrocyte and platelet engraftment in peripheral blood following bone marrow transplants in mice1999-12Textir_etd
145 Evaluation of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis' Ability to cluster campylobacter Jejuni by Animal exposure or location2011-08Textir_etd
146 Evaluation of the Alliance HCV Quantitative Analyte Specific Reagent (ASR) Assay and Comparison to the COBAS HCV TaqMan ASR Assay.2004-05-10Textir_uspace
147 Evaluation of the COBAS HBV TaqMan Analyte Specific Regent (ASR) and COBAS HCV TaqMan ASR Assays using the Vidiera NSP sample preparation instrument.2006-05-05Textir_uspace
148 Evaluation of the COBAS HBV TaqMan Analyte Specific Regent (ASR) Assay and Comparison to the COBAS Amplicor HBV Monitor Assay.2004-05-03Textir_uspace
149 Evaluation of the Versant ? HBV DNA 3.0 Assay (bDNA)+ and comparison with the Cobastm HBV Taqman Analyte Specific Reagent Assay.2005-05-07Textir_uspace
150 Exosomal non-coding RNAs for monitoring breast cancer patients2016-08Textir_etd
151 Expanding the spectrum of autoimmunity induced with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein.2007-08Textir_etd
152 Experimental and Natural Western Equine Encephalitis virus infections in Reptiles1969Textir_etd
153 Experimental studies of latent Q fever infections1963-06Textir_etd
154 Experimental studies on bone marrow hypoplasia associated with drug administration1954-06Textir_etd
155 Experimental tularemia in wild animals.1960-08Textir_etd
156 Expression of the costimulatory molecule CD28 and cytokines by mast cells1997-08Textir_etd
157 Factor associated with Neutral SphingoMyelinase activation (FAN), a member of the beach family of proteins, regulates lysosome size2015-08Textir_etd
158 Factors affecting absolute CD4+ T-cell counts: a comparison of three mehods1996-12Textir_etd
159 Factors responsible for the differential survival of heart and skin allografts in inbred rats.1973-06Textir_etd
160 Feasibility of propagating poliovirus in non-primate tissues1956-08Textir_etd
161 Flow cytometric exploration of biomarkers in patients suffering from hypereosinophilic syndrome2007-05Textir_etd
162 The foreign body reaction1973-06Textir_etd
163 Functional analysis of 2C protein in hepatitis A virus and poliovirus genome replication,1994-03Textir_etd
164 Further studies on the use of mouse epidermal cells for the in vitro induction and detection of cell-mediated cytotoxicity1978-08Textir_etd
165 Gene therapy of cancer using an interleukin 2 transmembrane construct2002-12Textir_etd
166 Generation of independent complement receptor 1 and complement receptor 2 knockout mice and defining the role of complement receptor 1 in humoral immunity2013-12Textir_etd
167 Genetic analysis of cytosolic iron toxicity in yeast2010-02-22Textir_etd
168 Genetic and mechanistic analyses of type I interferon-driven lyme arthritis2017-08Textir_etd
169 Genetic control of exfoliative toxin production by phage II staphylococcus aureus1974-12Textir_etd
170 Genotyping accuracy of high-resolution DNA melting instruments2014-01-01Textir_uspace
171 Genotyping and mutation scanning using fluorescently-labeled oligonucleotides and melting analysis2003-12Textir_etd
172 Genotyping by high-resolution amplicon melting2010-01-13Textir_etd
173 Haplotype pair analysis: application to the identification of clinically significant partial gene deletions in BRCA12002-05Textir_etd
174 Hepatitis C genotyping by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography2004-01Textir_uspace
175 Heterozygote PCR product melting curve prediction2014-01-01Textir_uspace
176 High sensitivity measurement of androgens by two-dimensional-high pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry2010Textir_etd
177 High-throughput identification of small molecule interactions identifies dicycolmine/fluconazole as a synergistic therapy for fungal infections2019Textir_etd
178 Hospital acquired pressure ulcers in oncology units: Risk, prevalence, and nurse variables2015Textir_etd
179 Human lukocyte antigen (HLA) genotyping by next-generation sequencing: development of an in-house method and comparison with commercially available methods2017-08Textir_etd
180 Humananti-mouse antibody protected ELISA for the quantification of squamous cell carcinoma antigen2005-12-09Textir_uspace
181 Identification , purity, and clinical significance of coagulasenegative staphylococcus species isolated from clinical blood culture1999-12Textir_etd
182 Identification and characterization of cytokines and adhesion molecules expressed by mucosal mast cells.1996-06Textir_etd
183 Identification and characterizations of gonococci type 5: one step forward in understanding the attachment of gonococci to mucosal cells.1986-12Textir_etd
184 Identification of nonsporulating molds by sequencing internal transcribed spacer regions with Virodec software and database2006-01-09Textir_uspace
185 Identification of proteomic changes induced in anaplastic lymphoma kinase-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma in response to the heat shock protein 90 inhibitor geldanamycin2005-12Textir_etd
186 Identification of substances interfering with illicit drug testing1988-06Textir_etd
187 IgG subclasses against cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine in patients with lupus anticoagulant and recurrent pregnancy loss1989-08Textir_etd
188 Immunity to histoplasmosis induced in mice by components of Histoplasma capsulatum1968-08Textir_etd
189 Immunobiology of murine lyme disease1994-06Textir_etd
190 Immunologic aspects of ultraviolet carcinogenesis.1977-03Textir_etd
191 Immunology of allosensitization observed with left ventricular assist device implantation: can newly developed methods define precise antibody specificities?2005-05Textir_etd
192 The immunoregulatory effects of ultraviolet exposure: early events.1982-06Textir_etd
193 Improved method of isolating brucellosis organisms from blood clots utilizing the membrane filter1960-06Textir_etd
194 Improvement and validation of the heavy metal blood 4 panel assay using isocratic pump direct injection on liquid chromatography icp-ms2017Textir_etd
195 Improving peanut allergy diagnosis using specific immunoglobulin E peanut component and basophil activation testing2016-08Textir_etd
196 In vivo and in vitro growth of murine B cell lymphoma (BCL1): I; regulation of interleuk-in4 and interleuk-in5 production by murine T cells and II growth of an IL5 responsive lymphoma is not T cell dependent1991-03Textir_etd
197 Inflammatory effects of bacterial endotoxins1999-12Textir_etd
198 Inflammatory responses to Borrelia burgdorferi lipoproteins1993-12Textir_etd
199 Influence of PCR reagents on DNA polymerase extension rates measured on real-time PCR instruments2014-01-01Textir_uspace
200 Inhibition of host cell protein synthesis by poliovirus.1979-06Textir_etd
101 - 200 of 404