201 - 225 of 831
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201 Developing and Evaluating a Resilience Curriculum for Nurse Residency Programs2017Textir_htoa
202 Development of a computer tool including interatiave video simulation for eleiciting and describing clinical nursing judgment performance.1993-06Textir_etd
203 Development of a goal-directed nursing admission history1987-12Textir_etd
204 Development of a nurse-psychiatric patient interaction inventory1966-06Textir_etd
205 The development of a scale to test nurses' attitudes about health beliefs1983-12Textir_etd
206 Development of an initial questionnaire for women's perceptions of the labor and delivery experience1987-08Textir_etd
207 Development of the theory of wisdom in action for clinical nursing2015-08Textir_etd
208 Developmental phases of the short-interaction, short-term nurse-patient relationship.1969-06Textir_etd
209 Diabetes in a Navajo community : a qualitative study of health/illness beliefs and practices1988-03Textir_etd
210 Diabetes mellitus in the Ute Indian tribe1974-06Textir_etd
211 Diabetic urine testing by hospital nursing personnel1970-06Textir_etd
212 Diagnostic sensitivity of serial heelstick blood cultures in neonatal sepsis1984-03Textir_etd
213 Diethyl ether exposure of EEG technicians using collodian.1984-08Textir_etd
214 Differences identified in a group of psychiatric nurses through use of the California psychological inventory1962-08Textir_etd
215 Differences in aspects of satisfaction for nurses who stay on or leave a job1983-12Textir_etd
216 Differences in attitudes as measured by the California F scale in a group of psychiatric nurses1962-04Textir_etd
217 Differences in stress perceived by nurse managers1987-06Textir_etd
218 Diffusion of innovations: describing the perceptions of the stages in the innovation-decision process for handwashing and alcohol hand rubs.1999-08Textir_etd
219 Dimensions of illness behavior among urban Maya.1982-03Textir_etd
220 Disaster nursing preparation.1971-06Textir_etd
221 Discharge planning practices with hospital psychiatric patients1975-12Textir_etd
222 Discharge problems of long-term hospitalized psychiatric patients1969-06Textir_etd
223 Distributive justice in obstetrical/gynecological health care : an application of Rawls and Daniels1985-06Textir_etd
224 Do reproductive-age women increase their physical activity levels during the first four weeks of the diabetes prevention program?2021Textir_htoa
225 Does mood state affect postoperative narcotic needs of acute and chronic pain patients?1999-12Textir_etd
201 - 225 of 831