1 - 200 of 324
Number of results to display per page
1 "Ray system" of underground mining1915-02Textir_etd
2 3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomography2003Textir_uspace
3 A framework to estimate power output as a function of input vibration parameters for vibration energy harvesting2014-08Textir_etd
4 A new cone beam X-ray microtomography facility for 3D analysis of multiphase materials2001-01-01Textir_uspace
5 A predictive model of mass loss in sensitized 5xxx aluminum alloys2016-05Textir_etd
6 A process for the treatment of oxidized zinc ores1917Textir_etd
7 A proposed standard method of testing oil-shales for their crude oil yield1920Textir_etd
8 A study of advanced magnesium-based hydride and development of a metal hydride thermal battery system2015-05Textir_etd
9 Accelerated kinetics and mechanism of growth of boride layers on titanium under isothermal and cyclic diffusion2011-05Textir_etd
10 Actinide concentration monitoring and extraction from Molten Fluoride and Chloride Salts2017Textir_etd
11 Adsorption mechanisms in nonmetallic activation systems1970Textir_uspace
12 Advances in discrete element method application to grinding mills2014-01-01Textir_uspace
13 Agglomeration and magnetic deinking for office paper2000Textir_uspace
14 The agglomeration of nickel laterite ore2012-12Textir_etd
15 Air bubble and oil droplet interactions in centrifugal fields during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation2007Textir_uspace
16 Air sparged hydrocyclone for fine coal flotation1988Textir_uspace
17 Air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) technology for cyanide recovery2005Textir_uspace
18 Alternative methods to fabricate and evaluate copper zinc tin sulfide based absorber layers on transparent conducting electrodes2012-08Textir_etd
19 Alumina from coal wastes through the formation of aluminum nitride1982-12Textir_etd
20 An evaluation of anode corrosion and gas emissions during gold electrowinning2014-05Textir_etd
21 An examination of dislocations in p-type germanium wafers grown off axis by etch pit technique2014Textir_etd
22 An investigation of oxide composite anode materials for lithium ion batteries2013-08Textir_etd
23 An investigation of the mechanism of electrical conduction occurring in shock waves in water1964Textir_etd
24 Analysis of process monitoring to support safety and safeguards requirements for a spent nuclear fuel electrorefiner2017Textir_etd
25 Analysis of the surface potential developed by non-reactive ionic solids1976Textir_uspace
26 Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, and molecular dynamics simulations2006Textir_uspace
27 Anisotropic character of talc surfaces as revealed by streaming potential measurements, atomic force microscopy, molecular dynamics simulations and contact angle measurements2007Textir_uspace
28 Anisotropic surface features of selected phyllosilicates2012-08Textir_etd
29 Applications of X-ray computed tomography in particulate systems1992Textir_uspace
30 Arsenic removal from contaminated waters2005Textir_uspace
31 Ash analysis and clinker formation of Utah coals1936-05Textir_etd
32 Ash flotation of dispersed oil droplets : a model system for bituman flotation from tar sand1993-12Textir_etd
33 Asphalt ridge tar sands - flotation behavior and process design (Abstract)1980-12Textir_etd
34 Asphalt ridge tar sands: flotation behavior and process design1980-08Textir_etd
35 Atomic force microscopy investigation of interaction forces between polyethylene and asphaltene surfaces2006Textir_uspace
36 Aurodicyanide desorption from activated carbon2013-12Textir_etd
37 Axial flow reversal and its significance in air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH) flotation1995Textir_uspace
38 The behavior of arsenic trioxide in non-ferrous extractive metallurgical processing2014-01-01Textir_uspace
39 Bench scale flotation of alunite ore with oleic acid1980Textir_uspace
40 Bench scale flotation of sedimentary phosphate rock with hydroxamic acid collectors2002Textir_uspace
41 Bench-scale flash reduction of iron ore concentrate2008-12Textir_etd
42 The Bessemer roasting of copper concentrates1910-04-20Textir_etd
43 Bismuth dissolution from smelter flue dust residues1976Textir_uspace
44 Brine leaching of lead-silver ores, with electrolytic precipitation1925Textir_etd
45 Bubble generation in swirl flow during air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation1996Textir_uspace
46 Capillary network model for filter cake based on pore structure analysis1996Textir_uspace
47 Characterization of beta phase growth and experimental validation of long term thermal exposure sensitization of AA5XXX alloys2013-05Textir_etd
48 Characterization of interfacial water at hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces by in situ FTIR/internal reflection spectroscopy1995Textir_uspace
49 Characterization of powder injection molded components using X-ray CT2003Textir_uspace
50 Characterization of rare earth particles from the Florida phosphate industry through dual energy radiography and x-ray tomography2014-12Textir_etd
51 Characterization of spherical alumina particles obtained by melting in a hydrogen-oxygen flame2003Textir_uspace
52 Characterization, analysis and simulation of fine coal filtration2013-08Textir_etd
53 Chemical dynamics of the transformation of organic matter to bitumen in oil-shale1905-04-06Textir_etd
54 Chemical utilization of sequestered carbon dioxide as a booster of hydrogen economy2008-01-01Textir_uspace
55 The Chemistry of ion exchange resins for gold recovery1988Textir_htca
56 Chloridizing roasting tests on gold, silver, and copper1912Textir_etd
57 Chrysocolla flotation by the formation of insoluble surface chelates1965Textir_uspace
58 Comminution and sparation of End-Of-Life photovoltaic modules2019Textir_etd
59 Comparison of process alternatives for gold recovery from cyanide leach solutions1984Textir_uspace
60 Competing fatigue mechanisms in Ni-Base superalloy Rene 88DT2011-05Textir_etd
61 Computational fluid dynamic modeling of chemically reacting gas-particle flows2013-12Textir_etd
62 Computational fluid dynamics analysis and design of flash ironmaking reactors2019Textir_etd
63 Concentration1969Textir_uspace
64 Cone beam X-ray microtomography - a new facility for three-dimensional analysis of multiphase materials2002Textir_uspace
65 Conformation of chemisorbed oleate at a calcite surface2001Textir_uspace
66 Consolidation and permeability of flocculated kaolinite sediment2017Textir_uspace
67 Consolidation and permeability of flocculated kaolinite sediments2017Textir_etd
68 Creep rupture behavior of transition weld joint between p91 steel and aisi 304 austenitic stainless steel2016Textir_etd
69 Critical review of wetting and adhesion phenomena in the preparation of polymer-mineral composites1995Textir_uspace
70 The crystal structure of minerals and intermediate metallurgical products as a guide to the improvement of ore dressing and metallurgical processes1930-12Textir_etd
71 Dependence of rates of breakage on fines content in wet ball mill grinding2014-12Textir_etd
72 Design and evaluation of a pilot-scale electro-biochemical reactor2014-12Textir_etd
73 Design and evaluation of an electrochemical bioreactor for water treatment2008-08Textir_etd
74 Design of flash ironmaking reactors with computational fluid dynamics modeling2018Textir_etd
75 Design, synthesis, and properties of titanium metal matrix composites based on Ti-B-Fe System2019Textir_etd
76 Designing novel cermet materials in the titanium-boron-iron-molybdenum system2018Textir_etd
77 Determination and modeling of residual stress in functionally graded WC-Co2014-05Textir_etd
78 Determination of Madelung constants for infinite and semi-infinite lattices by direct summation1976Textir_uspace
79 Deterministic lateral displacement method for the separation of fine and ultrafine rigid particles2016Textir_etd
80 Development and application of centrifugal flotation systems in wastewater treatment2007Textir_uspace
81 Development and kinetic analysis of cobalt gradient formation in WC-Co composites2011-08Textir_etd
82 Development of a high-temperature high-pressure process for the manufacture of diamond-tungsten-metal composites for oil and gas drilling2015Textir_etd
83 Development of a multicomponent-multisize liberation model1985Textir_uspace
84 Development of a PC, image-based, on-line particle size analyzer1993Textir_uspace
85 Development of materials for ultraviolet plasmonics2016Textir_etd
86 Development of the air-sparged hydrocyclone - a swirl-flow flotation column1988Textir_uspace
87 Dimethyl ether - a new synthetic fuel commodity and chemical building block2005Textir_uspace
88 Direct three-dimensional liberation analysis by cone beam x-ray microtomography1997Textir_uspace
89 The discrete dipole approximation with surface interaction for evanescent wave-based characterization of nanostructures on a surface with validation against experimental results2013-08Textir_etd
90 Dispersed oil impact on froth stability in flotation2001Textir_uspace
91 Distribution of multiphase fluids in porous media: comparison between lattice Boltzmann modeling and micro-x-ray tomography2008-02Textir_uspace
92 The effect of activated carbon particle size on gold cyanide adsorption and elution2007-08Textir_etd
93 The effect of current reversal on coated titanium electrodes2012-05Textir_etd
94 Effect of electrodeposition parameters on iron-nickel coatings2008-05Textir_etd
95 Effect of feed source in the hot water processing of Utah tar sand1980Textir_uspace
96 The effect of FeO activity on the material and energy flow in a novel suspension ironmaking process2011-12Textir_etd
97 Effect of hydrogen and magnetic field on the mechanical behavior of magnetostrictive iron-gallium alloys2012-05Textir_etd
98 Effect of ink types and printing processes on flotation deinking1997Textir_uspace
99 Effect of particle size on oxygen content and porosity of sintered ti-6al-4v2015Textir_etd
100 Effect of pH on pulping and flotation of mixed office wastepaper1999Textir_uspace
101 Effect of surface oxidation on interfacial water structure at the pyrite (100) surface as studied by MDS2014-01-01Textir_uspace
102 The effect of ultrafine-grain size and titanium hydride addition on mechanical properties of tungsten2018Textir_etd
103 Electro dynamic sorting of metals, alloys and scrap2016Textir_etd
104 Electrochemical concentration measurements for multianalyte mixtures in simulated electrorefiner salt2016Textir_etd
105 Electrochemical measurements in molten Salt Mixtures for nuclear applications2020Textir_etd
106 Electrochemical monitoring of corrosion processes in molten salts used for pyroprocessing spent nuclear fuel2019Textir_etd
107 Electrochemical performance of LI-MG and columnar SI anodes for high capacity LI-ion cells: experiments and modeling of charge/discharge behavior2013-12Textir_etd
108 Electrochemistry in silver catalysed ferric sulfate leaching of chalcopyrite1981Textir_uspace
109 Electrodynamic separation of metallic granules from mixed waste stream2010-05Textir_etd
110 The electrolytic recovery of lead from brine leaches1916Textir_etd
111 Energy partitioning in ballistic impact fragmentation of titanium boride2010-08Textir_etd
112 Energy-conscious production of Titania and Titanium powders from slag2014-12Textir_etd
113 Enhanced ferric sulphate leaching of copper from CuFeS2 and C particulate aggregates1984Textir_uspace
114 Equilibrium and kinetics of copper extraction from ammoniacal solutions by hydroxoximes with particular emphasis on transport phenomena1981Textir_uspace
115 Erratum to Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper ore2011-01-01Textir_uspace
116 Evaluation of a CT-based coal washability analysis system under simulated on-line conditions2002Textir_uspace
117 Evaluation of a PC image-based on-line coarse particle size analyzer1993Textir_uspace
118 Evaluation of coated titanium anodes2012-08Textir_etd
119 Evaluation of crushed ore agglomeration, liquid retention capacity, and column leaching2012-08Textir_etd
120 Evaluation of plantwide control strategies for coal preparation plants2000Textir_uspace
121 Evaluation of stucco binder for agglomeration in the heap leaching of copper ore2011-01-01Textir_uspace
122 Evolution of microstructure and phases in in-situ processed Ti-TiB composites containing high volume fractions of TiB whiskers1999Textir_uspace
123 Experimental and validated modeling studies of electrolyte flow and anode slime behavior and transport in copper electrorefining2016Textir_etd
124 Experimental evaluation of a mineral exposure model for crushed copper ores2006Textir_uspace
125 The extraction of lead from its oxidized ores by leaching1916-05Textir_etd
126 Factors affecting droplet size distributions produced in dispersed phase mixers1981Textir_uspace
127 Fast flotation with an air-sparged hydrocyclone1984Textir_uspace
128 Fatigue behavior and mechanisms in powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy2016Textir_etd
129 Fine coal flotation in a centrifugal field with an air sparged hydrocyclone1982Textir_uspace
130 Fine coal washability-liberation analysis by cone-beam X-Ray microtomography1996Textir_uspace
131 First principles investigation of the Ti-B and Ti-Mo-B systems and experimental synthesis and validation of ti3B42018Textir_etd
132 Flash reduction of magnetite concentrate related to a novel flash ironmaking process2018Textir_etd
133 Flotation as applied to a partially oxidized ore, containing values of copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver1915-05Textir_etd
134 Flotation behavior of chromium and manganese minerals1986Textir_uspace
135 Flotation behavior of digested Asphalt Ridge tar sand1981Textir_uspace
136 Flotation chemistry and technology of nonsulfide minerals2007Textir_uspace
137 Flotation chemistry of nonsulfide minerals2002Textir_uspace
138 Flotation chemistry of soluble salt minerals: from ion hydration to colloid adsorption2014-01-01Textir_uspace
139 Flotation of boron minerals: discussion1994Textir_uspace
140 Flotation of halite and sylvite from carnallite with dodecyl morpholine2013-12Textir_etd
141 Flotation of jarosites1930Textir_etd
142 The flotation of marginal gibbsitic bauxite ores from Paragominas-Brazil2012-08Textir_etd
143 Flotation recovery of high-purity gibbsite concentrates from a Brazilian bauxite ore1990Textir_uspace
144 Flow phenomena and its impact on air-sparged hydrocyclone flotation of quartz1995Textir_uspace
145 Fluoride activation in oleate flotation of collophanite1987Textir_uspace
146 Formation and evaluation of protective layer over magnesium melt under various gaseous atmospheres2013-12Textir_etd
147 Fossil resin, a value-added product from western coal1992Textir_uspace
148 Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature1994Textir_uspace
149 Free and emulsified oil removal by bubble accelerated flotation (BAF)1999Textir_uspace
150 Functionalized titania nanotube arrays-based sensors for electrochemical detection of volatile organic biomarkers2016Textir_etd
151 Further considerations of magnetic deinking for wastepaper recycling mills1998Textir_uspace
152 Gold flotation from Colorado River sand with the air-sparged hydrocyclone1986Textir_uspace
153 Halloysite nanotube and other Clay Mineral composite solid polymer electrolytes for lithium batteries2018Textir_etd
154 High resolution X-ray microtomography based micro finite element analysis of mechanical properties of cellular material2013-01-01Textir_uspace
155 High-pressure, high-temperature sintering of polycrystalline cubic boron nitride with improved thermostability and mechanical properties for high temperature applications2014-08Textir_etd
156 Hollow fiber membrane technology for removal and recovery of cyanide from process solutions2008-12Textir_etd
157 The Holt-Dern roasting process as applied to the treatment of lead ores1915-05Textir_etd
158 Hot deformation behaviors of powder metallurgy Ti-6A1-4V alloy with different microstructures2018Textir_etd
159 Hydrochloric acid from salt and silica1913-06Textir_etd
160 Hydrolysis of titanic acid in hydrochloric acid solution for synthesis of tio2 powder with controlled particle size: processes, morphology, and kinetics study2017Textir_etd
161 Hydrometallurgy1972Textir_uspace
162 Hydrometallurgy of copper1914-08Textir_etd
163 Hydrometallurgy of copper1914-08Textir_etd
164 The hydrometallurgy of silver1914-08Textir_etd
165 Hydrophibic surface state of talc and how it is influenced by polysaccharide adsorption2019Textir_etd
166 Hydrophobic character of semisoluble salt minerals with oleate as collector1984Textir_uspace
167 Hydrophobicity and elemental composition of laser-printed toner films1996Textir_uspace
168 Hydroxamate vs. fatty acid flotation of iron oxide1970Textir_uspace
169 Igneous concentration of oxidized ores of zinc1916-05Textir_etd
170 Impact of mesostructure on functional properties of granular diamond composites2013-05Textir_etd
171 Impact spectra in grinding mills2007-12Textir_etd
172 Importance of bitumen viscosity in the hot-water processing of domestic tar sands1983Textir_uspace
173 Influence of surfactants on interaction forces between polyethylene surfaces in a hydrocarbon solvent2003Textir_uspace
174 Infrared spectroscopy for in-situ characterization of surface reactions1989Textir_uspace
175 Integrated modeling of mixed surfactants distribution and corrosion inhibition performance in oil pipelines2015Textir_etd
176 Interaction forces between ink particles, cellulose fibers and mineral fillers as determined by AFM1996Textir_uspace
177 Interaction forces between silica surfaces in aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene oxide)s2003Textir_uspace
178 Interaction forces between toner surfaces2000Textir_uspace
179 Internal reflection spectroscopy for FTIR analysis of carboxylate adsorption by semi-soluble salt minerals1999Textir_uspace
180 Investigation and analysis of flows in flotation cells using experimentation, computational fluid dynamics simulations, and mathematical models2017Textir_etd
181 Isolation and characterization of lost copper and molybdenum particles in the flotation tailings of kennecott copper porphyry ores2015-05Textir_etd
182 Isothermal hydrogenation kinetics of magnesium based hydride2014Textir_etd
183 Kinetic approach to ball mill scale-up for dry and wet systems1977-04-02Textir_etd
184 Kinetics of elevated temperature hydrolysis of aluminum sulfate1970Textir_etd
185 The Kinetics of the oxidation of tantalum carbide1964Textir_etd
186 Leaching of gold in acid thiourea-thiocyanate solutions using ferric sulfate as oxidant2011-01-01Textir_uspace
187 Liberation-limited grade/recovery curves for auriferous pyrite ores as determined by high resolution x-ray microtomography2012-08Textir_etd
188 Low-cost production of titanium metal powder by the Hamr Process2018Textir_etd
189 Magnetic separation for wastepaper recycle mills1997Textir_uspace
190 Magnetostriction and Ordering in Fe-16.4 AT.% Al Single Crystals2018Textir_etd
191 Magnetostriction measurements in Ni alloy single crystals at cryogenic temperatures2008-05Textir_etd
192 The manufacture of zinc oxide directly from oxidized ores1920Textir_etd
193 Material design and fundamental mechanism study for the rechargeable aprotic lithium-oxygen battery2015Textir_etd
194 Materials synthesis, characterization and first principles guided optimization for improved performance of dirac materials2019Textir_etd
195 Measurement of thermodynamic properties of rare earth chlorides in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic Salt for waste minimization from pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuel2017Textir_etd
196 Measuring and modeling the long-term sensitization behavior of al 5xxx alloys2017Textir_etd
197 Mechanical properties investigation of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V cellular structure2018Textir_etd
198 Membrane separation of cyanide species2010-03-17Textir_etd
199 Mercury control in the cyanidation of gold ores1996Textir_uspace
200 Metal ion activation in xanthate flotation of quartz1965Textir_uspace
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