51 - 75 of 387
Number of results to display per page
51 Correlation between surface structure and ordering in GaInP1996Textir_uspace
52 Coulomb sink: a novel Coulomb effect on coarsening of metal nanoclusters on semiconductor surfaces2004-09Textir_uspace
53 Crack front shape corrections for crack velocities in double torsion specimens1980-04-15Textir_htca
54 Creation of "quantum platelets" via strain-controlled self-organization at steps2000-12Textir_uspace
55 The creation of all-oxide two-dimensional electron gases for next generation devices2011-12Textir_etd
56 Critical epinucleation on reconstructured surfaces and first-principle calculation of homonucleation on Si(100)2005-09Textir_uspace
57 CuBO2: a p-type transparent oxide2007Textir_uspace
58 Deep electron traps in organometallic vapor phase grown AlGaAs1980Textir_uspace
59 Defect characterization of neutron and gamma irradiated gallium nitride with N-face, GA-Face, and M-Plane orientations2019Textir_etd
60 Design of Optimal Carbonaceous Material from Carbon Capture for Use in Lithium-Ion Batteries2018Textir_htoa
61 Designing Polymer Coated Carbon Nanotube Detectors for Alkane Vapors2014Textir_htoa
62 Detection of ZnS phases in CZTS thin-films by EXAFS2011-01-01Textir_uspace
63 Determination of the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier in epitaxial growth of thin films2006-11Textir_uspace
64 Determination of the infrared complex magnetoconductivity tensor in itinerant ferromagnets from Faraday and Kerr measurements2007-06Textir_uspace
65 Determining the adsorptive and catalytic properties of strained metal surfaces using adsorption-induced stress2004Textir_uspace
66 Developing a superhydrophobic, transparent coating for medical device applications2014-05Textir_htca
67 Development of glucose and pH sensitive hydrogels for microfabricated biomedical sensor arrays2010-05Textir_etd
68 Development of quantum chemistry-based polarizable potential to describe intermolecular interactions of nonionic polymers with water2011-05Textir_etd
69 Dielectric breakdown of polycrystalline alumina: a weakest-link failure analysis2013-08Textir_etd
70 Diluted II-VI oxide semiconductors with multiple band gaps2003-12Textir_uspace
71 Dislocations in GaAs17-xPx1969Textir_uspace
72 Divalent cation conductivity of beta-alumina1983-06Textir_htca
73 Doping studies of Ga0.5In0.5P organometallic vapor-phase epitaxy1986Textir_uspace
74 The effect of electrode surface topography on the structure and differential capacitance of the electric double layer capacitor2011-08Textir_etd
75 Effect of film thickness on the incorporation of Mn interstitials in Ga1-xMnxAs2005Textir_uspace
51 - 75 of 387