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1 Ostafin, AgnesMonitoring the synthesis and composition analysis of microsilica encapsulated acetylacetonatocarbonyl triphenylphosphinerhodium catalyst by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniquesAbstract-A novel technique to monitor the synthesis process of encapsulated acetylacetonatocarbonyl triphenylphosphinerhodium within a microsilica nanoshell has been studied using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) techniques. Nanospheres sized around 50-100 nm were obtained and ICP was used to quanti...2006
2 Liu, FengMagnetization on rough ferromagnetic surfacesUsing Ising-model Monte Carlo simulations, we show a strong dependence of surface magnetization on surface roughness. On ferromagnetic surfaces with spin-exchange coupling larger than that of the bulk, the surface magnetic ordering temperature decreases toward the bulk Curie temperature with incre...Ferromagnetic surfaces; Surface magnetization2000-11
3 Liu, FengMetal-to-semiconductor transition in squashed armchair carbon nanotubesWe investigate electronic transport properties of the squashed armchair carbon nanotubes, using tight-binding molecular dynamics and the Green's function method. We demonstrate a metal-to-semiconductor transition while squashing the nanotubes and a general mechanism for such a transition. It is the ...Squashed armchair; Carbon nanotubes; Metal-to-semiconductor transition; Electronic transport; Tight-binding molecular dynamics; Squashed nanotubes2003-04
4 Liu, FengFabricating artificial nanowells with tunable size and shape by using scanning tunneling microscopyThe authors report a method of precisely fabricating the large-scale nanocrystals with well-defined shape and size. The (111) oriented Pb islands deposited on Si(111)-7x7 substrate were investigated with a manipulation technique based on scanning tunneling microscopy. By applying a series of voltage...Artificial nanowells2006
5 Tiwari, AshutoshSynthesis and atomic-level characterization of Ni nanoparticles in Al2O3 matrixSingle domain magnetic nickel nanocrystals were embedded in alumina matrix using a pulsed-laser deposition technique. Structural characterization carried out at the atomic level using scanning transmission electron microscopy with atomic number contrast (STEM-Z) in conjunction with electron energy ...Nanophase magnetic materials; Alumina2002
6 Pugmire, Ronald J.Soot formation during coal pyrolysisSoot can be found in almost all combustion and pyrolysis systems. In a coal system, the impact of soot on coal combustion can be identified in two ways. First, soot particles suspended in the combustion flame significantly enhance radiative heat transfer near the burner due to their large surface ar...2001
7 Liu, FengMagnetism of Al-Mn quasicrystalsThe effect of symmetry and concentration of Mn on the magnetism of Al-Mn quasicrystals has been investigated through self-consistent density-functional calculations using molecular clusters and supercell band-structure schemes. A single Mn atom surrounded by 54 Al atoms in an icosahedral or a cuboct...Al-Mn quasicrystals; Self-consistent; Density-functional calculations1993-07
8 Stringfellow, Gerald B.Deep electron traps in organometallic vapor phase grown AlGaAsDeep electron traps have been studied by means of deep level transient spectrosocopy in type nominally undoped and interntionally te doped Al Ga As epitaxial layers which were grown by vapor phase epitaxy from organometallic compounds (OMVPE). Three main deep electron levels are present in undoped m...Vapor phase epitaxy; Shallow impurity identity; Optoelectronic device performance1980
9 Liu, FengMagnetization on vicinal ferromagnetic surfacesUsing Ising model Monte Carlo simulations, we show a strong dependence of surface magnetization on surface miscut angle. For ferromagnetic surfaces, when surface spin exchange coupling is larger than that of the bulk, the surface magnetic ordering temperature decreases, toward the bulk Curie tempera...Vicinal ferromagnetic surfaces; Surface magnetization; Surface miscut angle1997
10 Liu, FengNature of reactive O2 and slow CO2 evolution kinetics in CO oxidation by TiO2 supported Au clusterRecent experiments on CO oxidation reaction using seven-atom Au clusters deposited on TiO2 surface correlate CO2 formation with oxygen associated with Au clusters. We perform first principles calculations using a seven-atom Au cluster supported on a reduced TiO2 surface to explore potential candidat...Au clusters; TiO2; Kinetic evolution2006
11 Ostafin, AgnesNanomedicine making headway across the blood brain barrierNanotechnological advances implemented by nanomedicine have allowed significant development of imaging strategies, therapeutics and theranostics for many severe and life threatening diseases such as brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders. The Blood-Br...2012-01-01
12 Tiwari, AshutoshFabrication and characterization of Li7La3Zr 2O12 thin films for lithium ion batteryThin films of Li7La3Zr2O12 were deposited on SrTiO3 (100) and Sapphire (0001) substrates at room-temperature using a pulsed-laser-deposition technique. Detailed structural, compositional, optical, and electrochemical characterizations of the films were performed. The films deposited at room-temperat...2012-01-01
13 Scarpulla, MichaelFerromagnetic resonance investigation of magnetic anisotropy in Ga1-xMnxAs synthesized by ion implantation and pulsed laser meltingA systematic investigation of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) was carried out on Ga1−xMnxAs layers synthesized by Mn ion implantation into GaAs followed by pulsed laser melting. Angular and temperature dependences of FMR were measured on layers prepared on GaAs (001), (110), and (311) surfaces. The ...Magnetic anisotropy; Ga1−xMnxAs; Gallium manganese arsenide2009-12
14 Liu, FengStability of doubly charged transition-metal dimersThe spatial dependence of the interaction potentials in doubly charged dimers of transition-metal atoms has been calculated by use of both the tight-binding and the self-consistent-field linear combination of atomic orbitals-molecular orbitals methods. The study reveals an interesting correlation be...Doubly charged; Transition metal dimers; Spatial dependence; Interaction potentials; Metastability1987-11
15 Liu, FengCoulomb sink: a novel Coulomb effect on coarsening of metal nanoclusters on semiconductor surfacesWe propose the concept of a ‘‘Coulomb sink'' to elucidate the effect of Coulomb charging on coarsening of metal mesas grown on semiconductor surfaces.We show that a charged mesa, due to its reduced chemical potential, acts as a Coulomb sink and grows at the expense of neighboring neutral mesas. ...Coulomb sink; Coulomb effect; Metal nanoclusters; Semiconductor surface; Pb mesas2004-09
16 Bedrov, Dmitro; Smith, Grant D.Temperature dependent shear viscosity coefficient of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX ): a molecular dynamics simulation studyEquilibrium molecular dynamics methods were used in conjunction with linear response theory and a recently published potential-energy surface [J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 3570 (1999)] to compute the liquid shear viscosity and self-diffusion coefficient of the high explosive HMX (octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetran...Polymer melts; HMX; Shear viscosity coefficient; Plastic-bonded explosives2000
17 Scarpulla, MichaelPulsed and continuous wave solid phase laser annealing of electrodeposited CuInSe2 thin filmsCu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) thin film photovoltaic absorber layers are primarily synthesized by vacuum based techniques at industrial scale. In this work, we investigate non-vacuum film synthesis by electrochemical deposition coupled with pulsed laser annealing (PLA) and or continuous wave laser annealing (...2012-01-01
18 Scarpulla, MichaelNonmagnetic compensation in ferromagnetic Ga1-xMnxAs and Ga1-xMnxP synthesized by ion implantation and pulsed-laser meltingThe electronic and magnetic effects of intentional compensation with nonmagnetic donors are investigated in the ferromagnetic semiconductors Ga1−xMnxAs and Ga1−xMnxP synthesized using ion implantation and pulsed-laser melting. It is demonstrated that compensation with nonmagnetic donors and MnI ...Ferromagnetic semiconductors2008
19 Scarpulla, MichaelInvestigation of combinatorial coevaporated thin film Cu 2ZnSnS4. I. Temperature effect, crystalline phases, morphology, and photoluminescenceCu2ZnSnS4 is a promising low-cost, nontoxic, earth-abundant absorber material for thin-film solar cell applications. In this study, combinatorial coevaporation was used to synthesize individual thin-film samples spanning a wide range of compositions at low (325 C) and high (475 C) temperatures. Film...2014-01-01
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