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1 Firmage, Edwin B.Treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weaponsTHE NEED : On March 13, 1969, the United States Senate by a vote of 83 to 15 consented to the ratification of a treaty described as "the most important international agreement brought before the U. S. Senate since the North Atlantic Pact" and "the most important international agreement limiting nucl...Arms control; Diffusion of arms; Atomic negotiations1969-10
2 Flynn, John J.University and human values: introspectionIt is reported that Socrates, the patron saint of law professors and many other teachers, was convicted and sentenced to death by the people of Athens on a three-count indictment: for refusing to recognize the gods recognized by the state, for introducing other and new divinities, and for "corrupti...1984
3 Firmage, Edwin B.Fact-finding in the resolution of international disputes: from the Hague Peace Conference to the United NationsHere is the law, as Zeus established it for human beings; as for fish, and wild animals, and the flying birds, they feed on each other, since there is no idea of justice among them; but to men he gave justice, and she in the end is proved the best thing they have. The enduring quest of the peacema...Politics; Mediation; International politics1971
4 Firmage, Edwin B.Arms control in the 70's... and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. (Isa. 2:4.) The vision of a time of peace-a time in which man's genius and his physical resources would be devoted entirel...1971
5 Firmage, Edwin B.War power of Congress and revision of the war powers resolutionThe United States Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution to restore its constitutionally mandated control over the war- making process. By forcing the President to seek congressional approval for military activity in volatile situations, Congress hoped to avoid the abuse of the war power by the ...Control; Delegation; Self-defense1991
6 Firmage, Edwin B.Rogue presidents and the war power of congressSince World War II we have engaged in overt and covert war and acts of war, often initiated by the president without the authorization of Congress. By presidential directive we have conducted full-scale war; initiated coups; mined harbors; encouraged political assassination; aided insurrection and s...War power; Presidents; Congress1988
7 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and meansSince the advent of the atomic era, the United States has decided to wage war by covert means, intervening secretly in the election, selection and direction of governments in other countries. Our weapons are subversive propaganda, including "black" propaganda and disinformation; undermining the econ...Prados, John; Cockburn, Leslie; Treverton, Gregory; Covert wars; Central Intelligence Agency; CIA1988
8 Firmage, Edwin B.Allegiance and stewardship: holy war, just war, and the Mormon tradition in the nuclear ageThe present escalation in nuclear weapons technology between the United States and the Soviet Union has progressed beyond the point where any increase in such weaponry necessarily results in increased national security. It has become, in fact, the ultimate act of idolatry, a reliance upon technology...Nuclear weapons; Salvation; Peacemakers1983
9 Francis, LesliePoverty, age discrimination, and health careIn Euripides' play Alcestis, Alcestis' middle-aged husband, Admetus, is told by the gods that it is his turn to die next. Admetus bargains a reprieve, promising in exchange to find another soul to take his place. His friends all turn him down. So do his father and mother. Admetus rebukes his father...Alcesti, Section, Objective1985
10 Firmage, Edwin B.International law and the response of the United States to "Internal WarWith the spectre of nuclear weapons acting as a restraint upon the nations in terms of the levels and types of violence they will employ to achieve national goals, warfare since 1945 has undergone radical change. There has been no massive, overt aggression by one major power against another, altho...Warfare; International relations; Politics1967
11 Firmage, Edwin B.Ends and means in conflictA great danger of our time is our intense preoccupation with the ends we seek, so much so that we have overlooked the effect, usually and perhaps always the determinative effect, that our choice of means will have made upon the nature of those ends. This problem is made more difficult in that our vi...Weapons proliferation; Arms race; Atomic weapons1988
12 Francis, LeslieElderly immigrants: what should they expect of the social safety net?The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) terminated federal benefits to many immigrants. The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA) only partially restored these benefits to select immigrants who lawfully resided in the United States before August 22, 1996. Pr...1997
13 Firmage, Edwin B.Judicial campaign against polygamy and the enduring legal questionsFor lay people the chief virtue of our Constitution is not in its distribution of power or in its guarantees of participation in governmental processes but in the protections it affords individual liberties, not least of which is freedom of conscience. Yet ratification of the Bill of Rights did not...Polygamists; Edmunds Act; Cohabitation1987
14 Firmage, Edwin B.Vladivostok and beyond: SALT I and the propects for SALT IIThe tortuously constricted boundaries within which the Vladivostok agreement can be considered as an advance toward the goal of arms reduction and stability remind us once again that technology unconstrained by law inexorably limits that arena within which we enjoy the capacity to control our own f...Arms control; SALT I; SALT II; Atomic negotiations1975
15 Firmage, Edwin B.Discipleship in the nuclear eraNUCLEAR WEAPONRY HAS PRESENTED THE greatest challenge and threat to humanity and to Christian belief in world history. Some of these problems are deep but are not unique to the nuclear era: Under what conditions-if indeed any at all-may one human being justifiably take another's life? Other problems...1987
16 Firmage, Edwin B.Lane lecture: Law and beyond law: a new humanityThe Cold War is finally over, Soviet Communism has collapsed along with the Soviet-sponsored regimes in Eastern Europe. This event will likely record in history as one of the five happenings in this century having shattering importance.Cold war; Peace; Nuclear weapons; International law1992
17 Firmage, Edwin B.Law and the Indochina War: a retrospective viewThis century, from the Hague Conferences through the Vietnam War, has seen a profound change in attitudes toward the role of law as a constraint upon foreign policy. The Hague Conferences represented at once an attempt, however feeble, by men of mixed motives to emplace fledgling prophylactic lega...Foreign affairs; Dispute resolution; International disputes; Arbitration1974
18 Firmage, Edwin B.Inner-outer speaks outDuring 1965 and 1966, I worked as an assistant to Vice President Hubert Humphrey and, in addition, participated in a program that permitted 15 young men to enjoy informal suppers and extended off-the-record chats with the President in the White House, attend frequent sessions with the Vice Preside...White House Fellows; Hubert Humphrey; Vietnam1967
19 Firmage, Edwin B.Shanties, symbolic speech, and the public forum: ramshackle protection for free expressionShanties, symbolizing student opposition to South African apartheid and the demand that United States universities divest from corporations doing business in South Africa, were the sit-ins of the 1980s. Silent but graphic, shanties challenged the established order and attracted media attention. Som...Civil demonstration; Civil protest; First Amendment; Civil liberties1990
20 Firmage, Edwin B.Law of presidential impeachmentThis Article will focus upon four influences that together determine the law of presidential impeachment: English law; the Constitutional Convention and state ratifying conventions; American impeachment experience; and public policy considerations. It is the public policy considerations upon which ...Wrongdoing; Executive branch1973
21 Firmage, Edwin B.J. Reuben Clark, Jr., law and international orderPresident J. Reuben Clark, Jr., spent his professional career, spanning some twenty-seven years, as an international lawyer.1 From the time of his graduation from the Columbia Law School in 1906 and his appointment as assistant Solicitor (an assistant legal adviser in the Department of State) in the...Arbitration; Settlement; Resolution1973
22 Firmage, Edwin B.Book review: Luard, The International Regulation of Frontier DisputesThe international system, like its municipal counterparts, has developed procedures and techniques for dispute resolution. These include traditional political or diplomatic procedures such as inquiry or fact-finding, conciliation, negotiation, and mediation. Other procedures are of a juridical natur...Territorial conflicts; European boundaries; Political and diplomatic resolutions1972-09
23 Flynn, John J.Social, political and economic consequences of corporate sizeCongress has often expressed its concern for fostering the long term values of small business as the cornerstone of a viable political, social and economic system guaranteeing fundamental human freedom, maximizing economic opportunity and well-being, and providing political stability in the world's...Small business; Freedom; Congress1976
24 Firmage, Edwin B.Violence and the gospel: the teachings of the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Book of MormonA United Nations study estimates that the direct effects of an all-out nuclear exchange-the initial blasts, the consequent radiation, and the ensuing fires-would kill 1.1 billion people.1 Beyond those direct effects, indirect, radiation-related effects would create an unprecedented pandemic that wo...Warfare; War; Deliverance1986
25 Francis, LeslieConsumer expectations and access to health careAmericans-some of them at least-enjoy a remarkable range of expectations about their health care. They have come to rely on free choice of physicians, on autonomy and the doctrine of informed consent to care, on the belief that they can get the best care money can buy, on the assumption that resourc...Consumer expectations1992
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