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1 Francis, LeslieEminent domain compensation in the Western states: a critique of the fair market value modelBoth the United States Constitution and the constitutions of the states of the intermountain west and the Pacific Coast prohibit the state from taking property without paying just compensation. Thus, there are two basic issues in any eminent domain case. First, has governmental interference with pro...Eminent domain; Compensation; Governmental interference; Fair Market Value2006-06-16
2 Flynn, John J.Federalism and viable state government: the history of Utah's ConstitutionThe decade of the 1960's has witnessed, thus far, a sharp upswing of interest in the state of the states. Financial crisis, political paralysis, reapportionment, and the continued trend of federal intervention in heretofore "local" affairs have forced believers in the federal idea to reexamine the s...Constitution, Law; History1966
3 Flynn, John J.Is and "ought" of vertical restraints after Monsanto Co. v. Spray-Rite Service Corp.Great hopes and great fears accompanied the Supreme Court's decision to review the Seventh Circuit's decision in Spray-Rite Service Corp. v. Monsanto Co. (2) Proponents of a neoclassical economic model of antitrust analysis, including the Reagan administration, saw Monsanto as a vehicle for bringing...1986
4 Firmage, Edwin B.Shanties, symbolic speech, and the public forum: ramshackle protection for free expressionShanties, symbolizing student opposition to South African apartheid and the demand that United States universities divest from corporations doing business in South Africa, were the sit-ins of the 1980s. Silent but graphic, shanties challenged the established order and attracted media attention. Som...Civil demonstration; Civil protest; First Amendment; Civil liberties1990
5 Firmage, Edwin B.Ernst Freund: pioneer of administrative lawErnst Freund was born in New York City on January 30, 1864, during a visit of his family to the United States from their native Germany. Much of his education took place in Germany, a fact that significantly influenced his views on administrative law. He studied successively at Dresden, Frankfort, B...Memoriam; Biography1962
6 Francis, LeslieJustice through trust: disability and the Outlier problem in Social Contract TheoryThe article focuses on the flaws of the social contract theory. It explores how hostile the social contract as a bargaining process has been thought to distance disabled people from contract-based justice. It analyzes the argument that the history of social contract theory exclude the people with di...Consensus, social sciences; Discrimination; Social contract; Social ethics; Sociology of disability2005-10
7 Firmage, Edwin B.Vladivostok and beyond: SALT I and the propects for SALT IIThe tortuously constricted boundaries within which the Vladivostok agreement can be considered as an advance toward the goal of arms reduction and stability remind us once again that technology unconstrained by law inexorably limits that arena within which we enjoy the capacity to control our own f...Arms control; SALT I; SALT II; Atomic negotiations1975
8 Flynn, John J.Standard Oil and Microsoft - intriguing parallels or limping analogies?The computer industry and the law of antitrust have been preoccupied with the struggle between the federal and several state governments and Microsoft for most of the past decade. Microsoft's use of its domination over the personal computer (PC) industry by virtue of its control of the operating sy...2002
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