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1 Chapman, David S.Reply to comment by T.J. Osborn and K. R. Briffa on "Mid-Latitude (30?-60?N) climatic warming inferred by combining borehole temperatures with surface air temperatures"We thank Osborn and Briffa [2002] for their comment regarding our use of the climatic reconstruction of Overpeck et al. [1997]. We [Harris and Chapman, 2001] had taken a proxy, Arctic wide summer-weighted annual temperature reconstruction [Overpeck et al., 1997], given in dimensionless sigma units (...Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
2 Chapman, David S.Air, ground, and groundwater recharge temperatures in an alpine setting, Brighton Basin, UtahNoble gases are useful tracers for constraining groundwater recharge temperature and elevation, critical in determining source areas of groundwater recharge in mountainous terrain. A monitoring network in the alpine Brighton Basin in the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah, USA, was established to ex...2012-01-01
3 Brown, Francis HaroldA summary of the geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Roosevelt Hot Springs thermal area, Utah1978
4 Fernandez, Diego P.Lowering the detection limit for arsenic: implications for a future practical quantitation limitExposure to arsenic (As) in drinking water is associated with an increased risk ol bladder, liver, kidney, ,ind skin cancers (Smith et al, 2002; NRG DIEGO P. FERNANDEZ, 2001). To mitigate these risks? the US Environmental Protection Agency AND JANET G. HERING (USEPA) revised the maximum contaminant ...Practical quantitation limit; Chlorine2007
5 Chapman, David S.Techniques, analysis, and noise in a Salt Lake Valley 4D gravity experimentRepeated high-precision gravity measurements using an automated gravimeter and analysis of time series of 1-Hz samples allowed gravity measurements to be made with an accuracy of 5 μGal or better. Nonlinear instrument drift was removed using a new empirical staircase function built from multiple ...Gravity measurements2008
6 Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N.Snow and the ground temperature record of climate changeBorehole temperature-depth profiles contain a record of surface ground temperature (SGT) changes with time and complement surface air temperature (SAT) analysis to infer climate change over multiple centuries. Ground temperatures are generally warmer than air temperatures due to solar radiation effe...Snow cover; Snow modeling; land/atmosphere interactions; Borehole climate reconstructions; Surface air temperature; Ground surface temperature; Borehole temperatures; Geothermal observations; Heat transfer2002
7 Chapman, David S.Monitoring aquifer recharge using repeated high-precision gravity measurements: a pilot study in South Weber, UtahRepeated high-precision gravity surveys were conducted over two infiltration cycles on an alluvial-fan aquifer system at the mouth of Weber Canyon in northern Utah as part of the Weber River Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Project (WRBASR). Gravity measurements collected before, during, an...Aquifer recharge; Gravity measurements; Infiltration ponds; Weber River Basin Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Project2008
8 Jewell, PaulGeology and geothermal potential North of Wells, NevadaThis report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, ...Tertiary sediments; Siltstones; Conglomerates; Lithologies; Well logs; Aquifers; Step faults1982-01-01
9 Jewell, PaulGeochemical variations in an alpine lake and watershed underlain by siliciclastic bedrock, Uinta Mountains, UtahA small watershed which includes several small lakes in the Uinta Mountains of northern Utah is underlain by monolithologic Precambrian siliciclastic rock with extremely limited buffering capacity. In spite of this, s\ stematic spatial and temporal variations in alkalinity, pH, and major elements oc...1998-01-01
10 Brown, Francis HaroldPleistocene rhyolite of the mineral mountains, Utah geothermal and archeological significance1978
11 Jewell, PaulThe geology and geothermal setting of the Magic Reservoir Area, Blaine and Camas Counties, IdahoThe Magic Reservoir area straddles the Blaine- Camas county line in south-central Idaho, along the northern boundary of the central Snake River Plain. The rocks exposed at Magic Reservoir include a 5.8- million-year-old rhyolite flow, the Pliocene Square Mountain Basalt, multiple cooling units ...1982
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