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1 McDaniel, SusanAdoption in Canada: A neglected area of data collection and researchFor some decades there has been in Canada, as in the United States, recurrent public interest in adoption. At various times this interest has been kindled by professional concern about unauthorized child placement and by the plight of children made homeless by war and other calamities. More recently...Canada; Adoption; Statistics1981
2 McDaniel, SusanAdoption policy in Great Britain and North AmericaThis paper has two purposes. First, to explore what existing adoption legislation may indicate about the meaning and function of adoption practices in North America and Great Britain. Second, to consider some possible policy implications revealed by clearer understanding of the social meaning of exi...Adoption law; Family; North America1984
3 McDaniel, SusanAlice in demographyland: how it looks from the other side of the looking glassThe challenges are many in reflecting on women in demography in Canada in the 1990's. On the one hand, so much is known about women in academia and the hurdles that still need to be overcome " institutionally and intellectually. So much more research exists in the area than it did only a decade ago....Women; Universities; Academic life1992
4 Smith, Ken R.Allied health manpower strategies: estimates of the potential gains from efficient task delegationThis study analyzes the potential impact of physician extenders on the productivity of primary care practices and considers the consequent implication for future health manpower requirements. A number of previous investigations have evaluated a variety of extenders in experimental settings. This stu...1973
5 McDaniel, SusanApproche sociologique feministe pour l'ettude de la fecondite.L'essor d'une perspective feministe de la fecondite provient de plusieurs endroits et se situe a des niveaux varies. Avant d'esquisser ceux qui serviront de base aux discussions de ce chapitre, une breve histoire de ce contexte parait de mise. Il y a une vingtaine d'annees, alors que les sciences...Fecundity; Feminist sociology1995
6 Smith, Ken R.Association of physical and behavioral characteristics with menstrual cycle patterns in women age 29-31 yearsWe examined the association between menstrual cycle characteristics(cycle length, variability, and bleeding length) and physical and behavioral attributes in 766 women age 29-31 years. Menstrual cycled at a were prospectively recorded as part of the Menstruation and Reproductive History Study of col...1996
7 McDaniel, SusanBecoming inventors: women who aspire to inventDespite growing awareness of women's contributions to technological advances in the past, almost nothing is known about contemporary women inventors and the challenges they face. Although greater attention has been given recently to women's contributions to technology and innovation, understanding...Inventions; Inventing; Technology1990
8 Smith, Ken R.Biased estimation in policy research: an illustrative example of ridge regression in a health system modelThe paper develops an argument for the necessity of examining individual coefficients in policy models. As a result of this need, it is posited that something other than OLS estimators should be used since they are inflated and have extremely large variances when multicollinearity is present. Furthe...Policy models; Health systems; Ridge regression1980
9 McDaniel, SusanChallenges to health promotion among older working womenThe work site, has, been a place of successful health promotion among; certain groups, most notably men in management. The potential of work site health promotion among women, particularly among' older working women, remains unexplored.. Given women's greater longevity and women's likelihood of spen...Workers; Longevity; Aging1988
10 McDaniel, SusanChallenges to mental health promotion among working women in CanadaHealth promotion efforts have concentrated on promoting physical well-being with psychological benefits perhaps most often among men. With greater proportions of women now working, the workplace provides excellent opportunities for health promotion and education for women. Given increasing recognit...Working women; Canada1993
11 McDaniel, SusanCulture of gender: socialization, spirituality and sexualityIn this presentation, I hope to take you on a journey through the social landscape which teaches us about spirituality and sexuality. Like any journey, this one will have its ups and downs and in this case both ups and downs come from the same source. That source is the recognition that what we can...1987
12 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriDeterminants of first sex by age 14 in a high-risk adolescent populationA study using data for mothers from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and their children aged 14 or older indicates that, after accounting for a wide range of demographic and socioeconomic antecedents, children are significantly more likely to become sexually active before age 14 if their m...1996
13 Zick, Cathleen D.Does the teaching of home economics skills have an economic payoff? The case of clothing constructionIn recent years secondary schools have begun to view their home economics programs as an increasing marginal portion of their overall curricula. Because no payments are made for goods produced at home, gauging the economic value of taking a home economics class has been difficult for students, paren...Nonmarket activities; Clothing construction; Home sewing; Valuation1986
14 McDaniel, SusanEmotional support and family contacts of older CanadiansElderly people can no longer expect to spend their senior years living with their families. This is particularly true for older women, who as widows are more and more likely to be living alone. With more seniors living on their own, emotional support from family may not be as easy to come by as i...1993
15 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
16 McDaniel, SusanEstimates of the rate of illegal abortion and the effects of eliminating therapeutic abortion, Alberta 1973-74*In the current controversy surrounding abortion, rates of illegal abortion, being difficult to ascertain, seldom inform the debate. We utilize a relatively new survey tool, the randomized response technique (RRT), to estimate rates of illegal abortion in Edmonton, Alberta. A comparison of results o...Birth; Health; RRT; Fertility1979
17 McDaniel, SusanExplaining Canadian fertility: some remaining challengesCanada is in an advantageous position to study the social context of human reproduction and childbearing. Canadian contributions to the fertility literature have thus far been impressive. In spite of the obvious solid base of fertility research in Canada, some challenges remain. Among these are cap...Economic; Canada; Research1984
18 McDaniel, SusanFeminist scholarship in sociology: transformation from within?Few revolutions, epistemological or otherwise, begin in academia. And yet, knowledge producers always play some role in revolutions of any kind, including epistemological revolutions. This paper is in the spirit of recent debates in the Canadian Journal of Sociology about the end of modern sociology...Feminist sociology; Social reality1991
19 McDaniel, SusanHealth care in an aging Canada: constraint or choice?It is often presumed that population aging will result in increased demand for health care, with older Canadians seen as a "burden" to the working population. Yet, such a presumption of direct correlation (with implied causality) belies the complex questions of societal choices in expenditures: fac...Age factors; Canada; Health care costs1994
20 McDaniel, SusanLes femmes dans un Canada en voie de vieillissement: une approche féministeLe vieillessement de la population est un des thèmes majeurs de discussion en cette fin de XXe siècle, tous les pays développés étant engagés dans le processus. Certains redoutent l'insuffisance des ressources requises pour le bien-être des personnes âgées; d'autres considèrent le vieilli...1989
21 McDaniel, SusanMedical culture and health politics: the Ontario debateThe 1986 doctors' strike in Ontario brought into stark relief many of the issues that have been latent in Canadian health politics for several decades. In this paper, an analysis from a sociological perspective is offered of the issues involved in the 1986 doctors' strike. Issues are discussed i...1988
22 McDaniel, SusanNew stork rising? Women's roles and reproductive changesAnyone who has not been living in a remote cave will know that reproduction in the past decade has been changing rather dramatically. These changes have occurred on several fronts. Writing as a sociologist, I shall emphasize the social aspects of these changes, looking first at some of the changes ...In vitro; Birth rate; Artificial insemination1989
23 McDaniel, SusanOlder women: their quest for justice and peaceMyths, misconceptions and stereotypes about women and about older people combine in ways that prevent us from noticing some promising new developments in the quest for justice and peace. A popular stereotype sees the person working toward peace and justice as youthful, and significantly, often male....Women; Peace; Justice1988
24 Smith, Ken R.Ovarian cancer mortality among immigrants in Australia and CanadaThis study examined the impact of changing environments on ovarian cancer by comparing age standardized mortality rates of numerous immigrant groups in Australia and Canada to those in the origin countries for the period 1984-1988. Mortality rates by length of residence in Australia (0-29 and 30+ y...Ovarian cancer; Immigrants; Australia; Canada; Mortality1995
25 McDaniel, SusanReconceptualizing the nuptiality/fertility relationship in Canada in a new ageFirst comes love; then comes marriage; along comes Joanie with a baby carriage. This straightforward temporal sequence so long taken for granted in North America may no longer be valid. With marriage rates declining, birth rates at an historic low, births occurring outside legal marriage, and dramat...Marriage; Family; Feminist1989
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