1 - 25 of 47
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1 Marketing decision making and its downstream effects on consumer behavior2015-05Textir_etd
2 Changes in market structure and financial market outcomes2014-08Textir_etd
3 Information technology choices by consumers and firms2012-08Textir_etd
4 Essays in financial markets2015-08Textir_etd
5 Essays in empirical market microstructure2012-08Textir_etd
6 Evaluating determinants of sticky costs and operations based earnings prediction models using air transportation industry data and validation of verifiable detail as a source of credibility in customer retention strategy disclosure2011-08Textir_etd
7 Two empirical essays on the drivers of new product performance for fast moving consumer goods2015-05Textir_etd
8 Value relevant asset measurement and asset use: evidence from international accounting standard 412014-08Textir_etd
9 Accounting measurement and beta risk measures2012-08Textir_etd
10 Essays in supply chain management2016Textir_etd
11 Firm size, idiosyncratic risk, and shareholder gains in corporate acquisitions2016Textir_etd
12 Pollution regulation and production in imperfect markets2014-05Textir_etd
13 Reciprocal Anger, Threat, or Tracking: Using Intensity of Anger to Disentangle Three Common Responses to Angry Negotiators in Distributive and Integrative Negotiations2018Textir_etd
14 Two essays on business description content trend and the cross-section of stock returns2017-08Textir_etd
15 When cash is king: funding conditions and the value of cash holdings2014-08Textir_etd
16 Essays on the flow of distress along the supply chain2012-08Textir_etd
17 Peer influence, information quality and predictive power of stock microblogs2013-05Textir_etd
18 User opinion learning2017Textir_etd
19 Essays on investor sentiment and institutional trading momentum2016Textir_etd
20 Essays on management compensation and dividend policy2011-08Textir_etd
21 Online product fit uncertainty, product returns, and the informational role of product fit opinions2018Textir_etd
22 Limitations of concurrent sourcing and impediments to finding valuable problems to solve2019Textir_etd
23 The development and effect of banking in Utah, 1933-19451963-05Textir_etd
24 Does the future of streaming look like cable?2024Textir_htoa
25 Essays on corporate finance2013-08Textir_etd
1 - 25 of 47